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“Single” Multiple Years, Ask me Anything

GumballMachine October 14th, 2023

For most of growing up I was pressured into romance by my peers, so for around ten years I was consistently involved in romantic endeavours with multiple people. It was, however, hardly serious growing up. After one of my first serious relationships ended badly around four years ago I stopped being in relationships entirely. I did eventually try to date but it ended soon after it began and I simply stopped as I am busy doing other things with my time. So after being involved in romance most of my life I am now learning about what life is like just being with myself. I don’t like the word “single” as it doesn’t really fit what I am? It implies that something is missing, and there isn’t. Feel free to discuss and to ask any questions about my experience or anything else.

GumballMachine OP October 14th, 2023

So I guess the post is related to “anti-relationship stress.”

mytwistedsoul October 14th, 2023

@GumballMachine How about Independent? 🙂

GumballMachine OP October 14th, 2023

Yes, likely.

GumballMachine OP October 14th, 2023

Anyone want to discuss related experiences?? Or anything related???

YouWillBeAlrightIKnowIWill October 15th, 2023

I think i have somewhat related experience

been single for 3years though i found someone i really like but she said good bye to me today so my heart is left broken. That is why I’m here at 7cups now to cope.

GumballMachine OP October 17th, 2023

Aw. Well believe in your profile name :-)

selfdisciplinedPenny4408 October 17th, 2023

Yes I would be interested to discuss just thought processes and things like that that relate to being single and okay. I do feel my life is incomplete without a partner, I am not, but I feel like my life is. I am currently in a relationship that is in distress and I wonder sometimes how much of my feeling that my life is incomplete without a partner effects my decisions and a relationship as far as staying in it despite it's problems.

GumballMachine OP October 19th, 2023

Yes, we could discuss