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Question - what do you call 2 people who are more then Best Friends but are not dating?

Dragon2 February 4th, 2015

I am in this situaiton now and am curious to know what to call it...

warmheartedSky1013 February 4th, 2015

Friends with Benefits or "Friends"

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

um - well we are not friends with benefits..

Friends sounds like we have gone down - not up

giggleHoney76 February 4th, 2015

To borrow a phrase from "Anne of Green Gables", how about "Kindred Spirits"?

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

like :)

litterallybae February 4th, 2015


Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015


BubblyBrook February 4th, 2015


Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

sounds ok I guess

BubblyBrook February 4th, 2015


Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015


modestZebra2079 February 4th, 2015

In Korean dramas there is this trope, which I love and it usually that the main lead girl has the man she marries and then she has the man that is her soulmate. Her soulmate is with her and loves her no matter what--whether he is with someone, if she is with someone etc. The soulmate loves the other person so much that it transcends relationship--as long as the other person is safe and happy. Idk if that helps but I always found it a sweet concept.

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

thanks for the detailed reply

Iara February 4th, 2015

umm...I usually call them Queerplatonic partners (or queerplatonic relationships). But I guess it depends on how you feel comfortable defining your relationship :)

If you want a little more detail on what is usually called a QPP (queerplatonic partnership) this is a very good description. QPP is also mentioned in this Q&A and in this forum post

Best of luck on your relation and I hope you find a way to desribe it that you feel comfortable using :)

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

um - we are male / female - so this doesn't apply...

thanks anyway...

Iara February 4th, 2015

The queer in QPP doesn't really refer to gender but to meaning 'different from the norm" type of relationship. But no problem :) I hope you find a good word to describe it

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

I see - I was under the impression queer was related to same sex - but noted

howtolove February 4th, 2015

We treat each other like brothers and sisters.

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015


modestZebra2079 February 4th, 2015

I guess everyone here responding is trying to place a label, but nothing seems to fit.

What do you want to call it? It's unique to you so you should have an instinctual name for the relationship. When you look/think about her, what does your gut say? What do you want to call her? Also, are you happy with the status or would you like for you and your friend to become a romantic couple/date?

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

thanks for the detailed reply

um - I am not sure what to call it and thus I am here (but I understand where you are coming from)

I am happy with the status so far and am patient for her to tell me once she is ready

Fences February 4th, 2015

'Adopted' siblings?smiley

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

thanks for the reply - nice

bestApple51 February 4th, 2015

Emotionally intimate friends?

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

thanks for the reply - sounds good

nina50 February 4th, 2015

A Blessing because it takes a lifetime to make a friend and friends come far and few in between as it has been said!

Dragon2 OP February 4th, 2015

totally agree - I am blessed as it took most of my life to find a special girl like her heart

nina50 February 5th, 2015

So hold on to her with all you have in you and you will not go wrong.If she is special then you are special as well. I wish you both the best as you continue embarking on life's journey together

Dragon2 OP February 5th, 2015

I promise I will..

Dragon2 OP February 5th, 2015

someone said to me "boo thang"

bestApple51 February 5th, 2015

I get "baby girl." Please, avoiding labels much? He loves me and there is no doubt in my mind about that.

Dragon2 OP February 5th, 2015


CompassionateHeart2 February 6th, 2015

Soon to be a couple. :)

Dragon2 OP February 6th, 2015


Aerii February 7th, 2015

best friends forever or going to be couple one daysmiley

Dragon2 OP February 7th, 2015

Thank you for your reply

KindleKitten February 7th, 2015

If you are more than friends but not friends with benefits he is your chosen family. :) The only thing stronger than a friend short of a significant other is someone you allow close enough to be like family. It is wonderful that you have a person like this in your life!

Dragon2 OP February 8th, 2015

thank you for your reply - she not her btw

Dragon2 OP February 8th, 2015

*she not he

elthz11 March 7th, 2015

I'm currently in this situation! We are very close, my friends told me that we're just like a couple. I was there when he's at the lowest, and he was there when i'm at my lowest. We knew what the other thinking just by looking. And we are not even dating. I myself were not even sure, whether it's love, or just being a VERY CLOSE FRIEND.

ImTheHighwayMan May 13th, 2015

Queerplatonic relationship (QPR): an emotionally platonic relationship that has characteristics of a romantic/sexual relationship. It can be an importance/closeness stronger than the best friend norm, displaying non-sexual platonic sensual attraction (only differing from romantic sensual attraction with chaste kissing, althoughpreferringchaste kissing or no kissing does not make one?sfeelings unromantic), friends with sexual benefits, romantically pleasing someone you platonically love (QP to one and romantic to the other), or any combination of those. They may or may not have monogamy, live together, or look like a couple to the public. Romantics and Aromantics can have QPRs. The word queer originally means odd. It was later used as a slur toward gay people. Some people want to reclaim its past positive meaning. Some people may know aQPR by the term Romantic Friendship. And someuse Platonic Life Partner to mean the same thing as QPR, but i disagree. From the examples given on its wiki it's just a devoted best friend (like House and his bff James Wilson), where as a QPR has a fixation and is misinterpretable (like the first episode of the BBC series Sherlock; after that it's more so Life Partners, or JD and Terkfrom Scrubs). QPRsdidn't have a substitute name for gf/bf so someone jokingly said zucchiniand it stuck. I hate it, it's too long/needs to be too syllableslike the words its trying to replace. I like just saying QP.