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Sick To My Stomach

fearlessLemon1054 March 12th, 2016

Since my devastating breakup last month, I've been finding it incredibly difficult to eat. Every time I think about eating a meal, or actually DO make the attempt, I feel like I could vomit. I feel constantly sick to my stomach and it's affecting my health. I've lost more weight in the past month than I ever have before, not because I want to, but because the thought of eating makes me physically ill.

Has anyone else experienced this?

Any tips on feeling better or helping this sick feeling?

Naynay83 March 12th, 2016


I know that feeling all to well. I ended up going to my Dr to help me

Wealllearn March 13th, 2016

@fearlessLemon1054 I've gone through it and you're not alone. Currently I'm doing a little better and try to eat a considerable amount of protein and food when you are able to get your appetite. I find it easier to eat when you talk out your feelings to someone or cry my appetite comes back. I'm a guy and it's really painful that this break up with my high school sweetheart would affect me that much. Just don't let your body be harmed by it.

MidoM March 13th, 2016


I have this and even doctors don't know how to treat me

DiscoLemonade March 13th, 2016

@fearlessLemon1054 I went through this after a really bad break up. I lost a lot of weight especially the first month after the break-up. After awhile I slowly started being able to eat without getting/feeling sick. It just took some time but it fell inline with me coming to terms with everything that had happened. Give yourself some time to heal emotionally and your body will follow suit.

Isthatallthereis March 13th, 2016

@fearlessLemon1054 Hi, everyone in my family has this problem. When we're sad/anxious we don't eat. Because I thought this was normal, I was shocked when I was hospitalized for excessive vomiting and turns out I had a hernia in my stomach! It acts up when I'm stressed out, duh!

So I encourage you to see a doctor if you are vomiting involuntarily.

What I did is I drank a lot of Ensure since I was vomiting solid food. It's not great but gives you vitamins and protein and the basics... Pureed soups, soy milk, smoothies... Drink your food because the less you eat the more nauseous you will be. So try having a cup of pureed soup you can sort of sip on and not have to fuss about sitting and eating.

Also, when you become deficient in vitamin K specifically (from not eating enough) you will lose your appetite. Supplement or force yourself to eat only vitamin K rich foods until your appetite returns. Try not to become to anxious about not eating because anxiety snowballs and cuts your appetite. Allow yourself to grieve, take care of the basics and remember you will eventually eat again :)

rozie March 13th, 2016


rozie March 13th, 2016


rozie March 13th, 2016

So sorry to hear what you are going through@fearlessLemon1054.Sounds really tough for you. Emotional turmoil often affects us physically and its likely part of the reaction to your devastating break up.Can you be gentle with your self, and try small portions of something that appeals (little and often), and ensure that you have support... someone there for you... we all need support at times like this.