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I still have hope..?
Relationship Stress / by Wealllearn
Last post
March 22nd, 2016
...See more So my girlfriend and I were together for 3 years in November. Recently we split and it's been the hardest time of my life we didn't have the best relationship and broke up previously I had no contact for a month and she came back we got back together. We are now turning 21 this year and since high school we have been together (2012 high school sweethearts). My question is why do I still have hope she will change her mind like last time? I'm on day 6 of no contact and I feel better. But I still find myself hoping she comes back before I turn 21 in late April. I keep praying and sending positive vibes for it. Is this wrong or what do I do? She eventually wants to be friends I think but I don't think I'll ever just be able to be friends and by the way the last text we had I replied and she didn't and that's when no contact initiated.. Any input is welcome thanks.
Just as soon as things were getting better..
Relationship Stress / by Wealllearn
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March 5th, 2016
...See more I can't do it anymore guys this break up with my girlfriend of 3 years is too much that I'm having mental break downs at work and I'm only 20 I can't believe this would affect me so much.
Meeting ex girlfriend...
Relationship Stress / by Wealllearn
Last post
February 28th, 2016
...See more Hey guys just wanted to come on here and share my story and in addition to that I hope I could get some advice or hear some of your stories. Well first off let me start by saying my girlfriend and I broke up late December this all started after a date we had it was fun we both went home and that was the last time we ever saw each other since then. To my understanding I pushed her away through texting and my depression caused us to miscommunicate. Fast forward to late January I try to get her to see me and fix things but that was too late she had said it was over and that I had ended it and she wasn't going to take me back. Finally now late February she agreed to meet me this Sunday and I am very anxious as to how it will go... I'm not sure what to say or do I am still heartbroken and seems to me she's doing fine. We have not talked in about a week she blocked me off everything except email she said she would message me on Sunday after she was off work in order to meet. I also want to let you guys know last year we also broke up but no communication for a month or so led her back to me and that's how we got back together at that point I was nearly over her but I decided to give it a chance and now I'm back where I was. Important notes.. We are both turning 21 this year, we have been together since 2012 and we both have had our anxiety and depression episodes.
Tips on surviving?
Relationship Stress / by Wealllearn
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February 24th, 2016
...See more If anyone has any tips and suggestions on surviving a breakup I would lovely take the advice and if you can share with everyone. Also I had a question I am seeing my ex for the first time since we broke up any tips on how that should go? We are meeting because the last time we saw each other it was a romantic date but soon after over messages we broke up so I suggested meeting up to close all of this.
Going through a break up or have
Relationship Stress / by Wealllearn
Last post
February 24th, 2016
...See more Anyone else here going through a break up just recently? I personally am and I just want to be back with her already.
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