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hardywoo85 July 9th, 2022

Girl leaves ex

Girl gets with me 4 weeks later

Girl leaves me 4 weeks later

Because still feels for ex

She says she needs time to get over him

She tells me she's not talking to him

Tonight she messages me

Saying she's really messed up, she went to see him, she slept with him, she left as soon as it happened and told me.

She said she's realised it's not what she wants and realises she wants me

The main thing is she lied to me saying she's not messaging him but she was, she never cheated on me, she broke up with me so she was single, she can sleep with who she wants but now she wants me back but not for a long time so she can clear her head,

I want her back but don't know if I'm stupid because I've had a massive crush on her for 2 years, I really like her but not sure if I could trust her again

I need help, even though she has lied to me about what she's doing, did she really have to be honest with me because we wasn't together considering she wanted to be friends

Also I will be wondering will she leave me again one day to do the same

dukeofdearham July 9th, 2022


you are overthinking, again, still. That will only do damage.

She is not ready for anyone, least for herself.

Let her be, let her go. Let her figure out herself.

Leave her alone. Show her love by leaving her at rest. She might or might not be with you one day. It doesn't matter.

Lead your own life. Focus on you, and you only.

hardywoo85 OP July 9th, 2022

She's told me she wants to be with me one day but knows she messed up

dukeofdearham July 9th, 2022


so let her be, it's simple as that.

If you don't she won't get the space she needs. Let her be, keep distance. And be there when she is ready. Be kind, gentle and above all, be patient. Leave the door open, don't wait for her though.