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Finding it difficult to move on, to re discover happiness.

KayAsh January 22nd, 2021

I had a break up in August. Our 5 year relationship ended up in a long distance relationship after I moved to another country on insistence of my mother and then Covid followed and I was unable to return even if I wanted to. Dont want to go into details but we were a happy couple and I never thought in my wildest imagination, he would ever break up with me. His declaring that pretty much killed me, it was like rug being pulled from underneath my feet. I have become chronically depressed and I cant seem to find happiness again. I dont want to live. I think of what would happen if I jumped in front of a train.

WaffleGhost January 22nd, 2021

@KayAsh I dont want to make this about me, so please bare with me through this first part.

I'm in a similar situation right now, except I'm the guy that has sprung a breakup on my wife. I feel terrible, and every day I hate what I'm doing to her.

I've also dealt with feeling depressed for most of my life.

If my perspective is something you're interested in, I'd love to talk with you. If not, I understand.

We all have strength beyond what it seems sometimes...I hope you keep tapping into it. Best of luck.

heartbrokenclouds January 28th, 2021

Hi Waffle Ghost, would love to chat when you have the tome

WaffleGhost January 28th, 2021

@heartbrokenclouds I'm pretty unfamiliar with this site. If there's a direct message option, I'm in. Or, whatever way is easiest. Looking forward to it.

WaffleGhost January 30th, 2021


I've tried figuring out how we have a 1 on 1 conversation. Some users have a Chat button when you click their name, but you don't have one when I go to your profile.

I feel like there's an easy solution im overlooking, but im not finding 7cups very easy to navigate. Im still interested in talking if one of us can find the way.

WaffleGhost January 30th, 2021


I think my Listener account is set up. Maybe of you search for a listener?

WaffleGhost January 30th, 2021

I guess I could start proofreading....

I'm not sure.....but maybe you can find me by searching for a listener.

heartbrokenclouds January 31st, 2021

hey waffleghost i tried looking you up as a listener but couldn’t find anything. is your listener username also waffleghost?

WaffleGhost February 1st, 2021


Try WaffleGhost1 I just changed some stuff around. I did talk to support. They said one account had to be a listener and there's a setting somewhere that "blocks incoming messages from users they haven't already chatted with"

We'll make this work somehow...

WaffleGhost1 February 3rd, 2021

@heartbrokenclouds this is my listener account. Hopefully Chat is an option. But if not, maybe I'll show up in the search.

@kayash sorry we've hijacked your post. I hope you're doing well.

justsomeoneNojudgement January 22nd, 2021

Just keep on going. Even if you don't feel like eating, eat. Even if you don't feel like moving, move. And cry and let it all out. My boyfriend and I broke up too. Last December and the first two weeks was too painful. I thought I would die. But, I have to remind myself that I have people in my life who cares about me. My mom and sisters. Things will get bearable. It won't be easy, the pain will come and go. Like waves, but believe me, it will be bearable. You just have to keep going. There will be days when you just feel empty. On those days fight for you. Fight for your happiness. Look for it. Look hard. Focus on what you have.

Rokaiyyaanis February 1st, 2021

Same phase,even my ex is getting married,worst feeling ever,pray for me ppl