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Breakup trouble

drew101 December 1st, 2015

Me and my ex girlfriend were in a long distance relationship (we lived an hour away) for 7 months. Everything was going well and then 3 weeks ago she suddingly broke up with me, only stating that she had lost interest. For 7 months we made many great memories together, so when she broke up with me i was left shocked and heartbroken. Well we went 2 weeks no contact and a few days ago she messaged me saying "i miss you". So we started talking again in attempt to repair our relationship, but instead of repairing things only got worse. As we talked i started to feel like she led me on. She said that she never saw me as nothing more then a friend. Which confused me because she told me she loved me and we did things together that boyfriends/and girlfriends would do together when dating. But she said she only ever saw me as a friend and nothing more. I really thought she truly liked me as more then just a friend because everything we did together seemed to point that we were more friends.. I thought she really liked me but she never fealt the spark, so why tell me all this after 7 months of everything going perfectly. I dont know if shes telling the truth about never feeling a spark or if she did have that spark (she seemed to of had it) and something happened that led her to losing it within a blink of an eye. I feel like she led me on, i feel heartbroken, confused on what to make of this whole situation, and i just really dont know what to. I could use some help and advice in attempting to figure this out. Thank you.

sunnySouth9041 December 2nd, 2015

@drew101 I'm sorry that happened to you. I can understand how you'd feel. If she was with you and only saw Hopi as a friend the entire time, that's terrible of her. Have you tried just being honest and talking to her about it? Ask her what she meant, how she felt throughout the relationship. It's not fair to you if she did that, and it would be best to know the truth, because maybe she really did have feelings for you, you wouldn't want to be telling yourself she didn't and making yourself feel worse!

hiimanupa December 3rd, 2015

That was honestly just so terrible of her... she doesn't seem to be the type of person for you to go back to given the fact that she broke up with you out of the blue, says she didn't feel "the spark" for 7 whole months, and then SHE contacted you after 2 weeks of no contact. If it makes you feel better to do so, go ahead and ask her what she meant by the fact that she only ever saw you as a friend and why she chose to tell you this only after 7 months.

You'll find someone WAY WAY better, trust me... you totally deserve to be loved and cared for and desired.

jelloPuddington December 7th, 2015

She's one of them crazy chicks. You should be gald you aren't with her

drew101 OP December 7th, 2015

I guess i should also note, that my ex has invited me to a christmas party, buy i dont know if i should go. My family says i shouldnt bother going because she hurt me. Yes she did hurt me, she left me heartbroken, i still am. But i still miss her a little and want to see her. My brain says to move on, but my heart says to not move on. I dont know what to do

bookworm4 December 16th, 2015

@drew101~ I understand this must be very difficult and frustrating for you the uncertainty as you've been hurt... do you think it'll help if you had a 1-on-1 with one of our listeners? :)

drew101 OP December 16th, 2015

Thanks for the comment. I have talked to a few listeners on here. Most people have been very helpful. Ive been broken up for a little over a month now. Im doing much better then where i was a month ago. Although I still get days where i get down, but its going to happen, i guess. Im talking to someone new right now that im hoping to become friends with, so things are slowly getting better :) @bookworm4

bookworm4 December 17th, 2015

@drew101~ Im so glad that things are getting better for you smiley.. know that we're always here for you smiley

drew101 OP December 18th, 2015

I saw a post where my ex seemingly through me under the bus so to speak. She posted something about her wanting a guy who will spend time with her and care for her. The thought that immediately went through my head was wtf. I did care for you I did spend time with you and you through me away. I feel like I was a great boyfriend to her and she tossed me away, and shes out her saying shes looking for a great guy. Like what was I to her, nothing. I shouldn't let this bother me but it just pissed me off. Sorry about my language@bookworm4

bookworm4 December 19th, 2015

@drew101~ im sorry that you had to come across that post.. I do understand that must have been so frustrating and hurtful for you and i do understand you getting angry... it just shows i guess that you dont need people who do not appreciate you.. and you can try and move on and focus more on whats in front of you... i do understand it hurts when you give in your all and that person says stuff like that but if they cant appreciate you then maybe you need to focus on someone who does... please know we're here for you and feel free to PM any of our listeners here for a 1-on-1 :)

drew101 OP December 19th, 2015

Thanks for your post, they are very much appreciated :) @bookworm4