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I'm back. I joined 7 cups in October 2015 after the first relationship I ever was in began to fall apart. By November it had ended, and I really didn't know why. I was left confused and devastated. I came here for help and support and got it, which I am thankful for. I left the site a few months ago, because I was busy in my personal life. A year later after the events of last year I am doing much better. I am about to graduate college with my associates degree and hope to eventually transfer and get my bachelors degree. I also have a decent job that I'm enjoying. I returned to the site just to see whats new and see if anyone I met last year on the site, is still around. I'm not sure how long ill be back for.

Update Fall 2018: For the most part I'm doing great compared to the events of 2015/2016. I met my soulmate and I am soon to be kitchen manager at my job!
Recent forum posts
Single Stress
Relationship Stress / by drew101
Last post
December 21st, 2016
...See more I haven't been in a relationship in over a year, not since my ex dumped me for no reason In particular. The breakup left me heartbroken, but as time passed, I have gotten better, thankfully. But I still wish I could be in a relationship. I miss the things you do in a relationship. Dates, Dinners, that sort of thing nothing more than that. And when I see everyone around me all happy in relationships it kind of gets me. Yeah I go to college and I have a job, so most of the time I can keep my mind distracted with more important things. But when im not busy that's when I get down about being single. And its not for a lack of trying. I ether get rejected, find someone who lives to far away, or someone likes me but I don't like them back. I still haven't found that right one. And i know im still young (20 years old) and I have my whole life ahead of me, but after a while it just gets to me and the thoughts of "you're never going to find the right person" creep into my head. Does anyone have any advice they can give me, so I can stop stressing out about this. It would be appreciated.
Breakup update
Relationship Stress / by drew101
Last post
January 26th, 2016
...See more A few months ago my ex brokeup with me after 7 months of being together. The whole thing came as a shocker to me and i was devasted. My previous post was back in november of 2015. At the time of the breakup i didnt think i was ever going to get over her. We made many great memories together and when she brokeup with me i was shocked and heartbroken. To this day i dont know the exact reason why she dumped me and i still miss some of the memories we made, but life goes on. In time i have gotten better, and if your going through a breakup dont lose hope, things will slowly get better, as i myself have seen. Im hoping that a new girl will eventually walk into my life and ill be able to put the whole ex thing to rest for good Im hoping that whoever that new girl is will be 100 times better then my ex. My tips for getting better, surround yourself with family and good friends, listen to breakup music (i suggest Over you by daughty), and most importantly NEVER GIVE UP!!!
Motivatioal never give up video
Hobby Zone / by drew101
Last post
December 21st, 2015
...See more I was shown this video when I was going through a hard time myself, I want to suggest it to anyone else going through a hard time. Its very inspirational
Breakup trouble
Relationship Stress / by drew101
Last post
December 19th, 2015
...See more Me and my ex girlfriend were in a long distance relationship (we lived an hour away) for 7 months. Everything was going well and then 3 weeks ago she suddingly broke up with me, only stating that she had lost interest. For 7 months we made many great memories together, so when she broke up with me i was left shocked and heartbroken. Well we went 2 weeks no contact and a few days ago she messaged me saying "i miss you". So we started talking again in attempt to repair our relationship, but instead of repairing things only got worse. As we talked i started to feel like she led me on. She said that she never saw me as nothing more then a friend. Which confused me because she told me she loved me and we did things together that boyfriends/and girlfriends would do together when dating. But she said she only ever saw me as a friend and nothing more. I really thought she truly liked me as more then just a friend because everything we did together seemed to point that we were more friends.. I thought she really liked me but she never fealt the spark, so why tell me all this after 7 months of everything going perfectly. I dont know if shes telling the truth about never feeling a spark or if she did have that spark (she seemed to of had it) and something happened that led her to losing it within a blink of an eye. I feel like she led me on, i feel heartbroken, confused on what to make of this whole situation, and i just really dont know what to. I could use some help and advice in attempting to figure this out. Thank you.
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