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Here's a site that has some nice advice on how to get over a breakup :-)
Relationship Stress / by hiimanupa
Last post
June 3rd, 2015
...See more I'm trying to work through these. My self confidence has really suffered with this breakup and I want to feel good about myself again! Just wanted to share these tips [] since I think it provides a good balance of recognizing your feelings and moving forward.
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Found this saddening thread, and was wondering if people have suggestions for how to fix?
Site Updates / by hiimanupa
Last post
May 27th, 2015
...See more I'm very new here and am not a listener, just a member. But this [] made me super sad. Take a moment to read through that thread. I know many may argue that it's up to these members to phrase things in a manner that would make the listener comfortable, but honestly I find that to be ridiculous. These people genuinely are suffering a lot, and the last thing they need to do is wear a happy-go-lucky, "everything is OK and my problems are manageable" mask for people to listen to them -- that's victim blaming. Is there some system in place where perhaps, members can take a quiz that indicates how distressed they are, and listeners who are capable of dealing with that level of distress are recommended to them? Also, listeners could indicate how much distress they can tolerate. I'm not bashing these listeners; I understand that they're people too and many of them might have so many struggles themselves, but it's not the responsibility of these members to interpret listeners' theory of mind []. I think it's super unjust to expect that of them.  /rant. I've had such a great experience on this site and I LOVE the idea of it, and I can see that many others would agree with me. I don't want these members to go unheard, though.
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