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💕Write a HAPPY😊 story in 6 words 💕

juliak1968 February 14th, 2020

Write a happy story with 6 words



Write a happy story in 6 words..


smileyWhat story's can you come up with? 💕

I'll Start: "I found love and peace today"

juliak1968 OP April 29th, 2021


Try again dear,

"its supposed to be six words"

Thanks for playing!!

juliak1968 OP May 1st, 2021

Please pray for la la tonight

selflovebot May 1st, 2021

She graduated with first class honors!

juliak1968 OP May 4th, 2021

To high too tell a lie

barncat May 4th, 2021

Dog sleeping near the old cat.

DonovanDrexel May 6th, 2021

Arsana came to Find a Hero

Trellis May 8th, 2021

Strangers shared. "I understand." Friendship bloomed.

juliak1968 OP May 9th, 2021

I caught a large mouth bass

juliak1968 OP May 9th, 2021

What a difference a year makes

Serena5927 May 12th, 2021

She's doing well, watch her excel!

@lumieremilkyway wink

midnightsmarie May 13th, 2021


Oh my gosh, my dearest friend, Serena Red heart There is no limit to your sweetness, is there? Thank you so much! So will you, Serena! You've motivated and inspired me so much, I am heading off to study right after this! PS. I finally completed my essays and I think I like how I did! Talk super soon. I miss you *hugs tight*

Individually fully capable, together the best. - Serena and Lumie!

juliak1968 OP May 12th, 2021


Serena5927 May 13th, 2021


Yess! haha. This post is for my friend Lumie, she told me she is doing really well focusing on her studies. If she keeps it up she's going to ace her finals, I believe in her!heart

midnightsmarie May 13th, 2021


You are making me get so emotional Serena, smh Red heart Yes, I am doing to do my best and score well on my finals! I am beyond thankful to you for the continuous encouragement! You are so so amazing. I am sending you the biggest and warmest special lumie hugs. Keep going, yourself! You are doing great with your assignments!

juliak1968 OP May 15th, 2021

@Serena5927 @lumieremilkyway

We all have faith you will ace them!!laugh

juliak1968 OP May 16th, 2021

Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Happylaugh

cyanFig2561 May 16th, 2021

I made my own blouse yesterday

Eudaimonia99 May 22nd, 2021

World is amazing, so as you.

barncat May 23rd, 2021

Meeting up with friend for dinner.

juliak1968 OP May 23rd, 2021


May 24th, 2021

I love myself more than enough.

juliak1968 OP June 1st, 2021

Confusion is a delusion that decieves

oliqia June 2nd, 2021

they call her the fourth sister..

juliak1968 OP June 6th, 2021

I Play "Count to One Million" every day

LINK>> Count to One Million

juliak1968 OP June 8th, 2021

Try just tring not to try

dezi12 June 10th, 2021

The girl of kindness and hope

astronautCat20 June 15th, 2021

We are strong and capable people

NebulaInfinity June 15th, 2021

They were afar, but slept together.

(Oh the miracles of video call s)

MistyMagic June 16th, 2021

A caterpillar turned into a butterfly! Butterfly

Listening - One Step At A Time!

imlistening01 June 21st, 2021

they somehow knew, “i’ll be okay”. -S x

juliak1968 OP June 24th, 2021

Just ask when you need help

MistyMagic June 25th, 2021

@juliak1968 Oh that is a lovely one! Thanks for posting it.

Listening - One Step At A Time!

juliak1968 OP June 25th, 2021

@MistyMagic smiley

juliak1968 OP June 26th, 2021

😄 My therapist is drumming that message into my head. Apparently, i need to work on it too
Blessings, Day

thisllpass June 24th, 2021

I am stronger than I know.

MistyMagic June 25th, 2021

The sun shone on her smile Smiling with smiling eyes

Listening - One Step At A Time!

barncat June 25th, 2021

Had a good ride on Duke.

Kousheekwrites July 2nd, 2021

Staring at dark sky and stars.

integrityblues July 3rd, 2021

Napping in the late afternoon sun.

DaisyBeeBlooming July 4th, 2021

@juliak1968 " Weekends are for resting and refueling."