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Reading and writing community check-in: 27 July- 2 August

Gargi07 July 27th

Hellooooo My Reading and writing lovers!!!!!! How are you'll? How was your week??

📚🤍Reading and writing are the twin pillars of human communication and creativity. Reading opens doors to diverse worlds and perspectives, expanding our empathy and knowledge. George R.R. Martin aptly noted, "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies." Writing, meanwhile, is a profound form of self-expression. Maya Angelou captured its essence: "There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you." Research indicates that reading improves brain connectivity and enhances comprehension. Together, reading and writing deepen our understanding and connection to the world📚🤍


This week check in question:

How has a book you recently read changed your perspective or taught you something new?


@reliablebunny23 @PastaIsVeryUnderrated @Rubymaria2753 @Athena108 @moonoquq @Noor511 @unassumingEyes @versatileWhisper1571@Phoenix1234theythem @StarrySkies1236 @jesusredeemedme2425 @twerp @amiableBunny4016 @AmyGrace55555 @FormalPsycho @EnigmaticCat24 @DingoOliver @juliaistired @VioletNotes @tommy @Sheena39 @miannaisanauthor @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Rach4 @crimsonPapaya7218 @rospiz @EchoTheDragon @enigmaticOcean8813 @LovingPeacefulHeart @MxdnightFaerie


Yayyy new post!

I recently read "Atlantis" totally changed my prespective on lost cities and how people find them. I learned a lotttt of new words from it too. Its a great book, loved it.

Gargi07 OP July 27th


That's awesome to hear! "Atlantis" really does have a way of shifting how we think about lost cities, doesn't it? Plus, learning all those new words is such a bonus. I'm so glad you loved it—I'll definitely have to check it out now!

Noor511 July 27th

@Gargi07 i read recently and Arabic book ( it's kinda more politics so i won't get into details) but it helped see war victims from a completely different perspective, and made me see my country in a very beautiful way too 

Gargi07 OP July 28th


That's awesome! Books can really open our eyes to new perspectives. It’s amazing how reading about war victims can make us see things differently and appreciate our own country more. Good job nooriee 🤍

Maslow July 27th

@Gargi07 It helped me rethink my finances

Gargi07 OP July 28th


I'm glad to hear that! Rethinking finances can be a game changer. 

Maslow July 28th

@Gargi07 fr



Im reading a compilation of queer short stories that’s rlly helping shift my perspective and open my mind even more to new situations plus it’s giving me hope for actual queer love 🥰 

Gargi07 OP July 28th


That sounds amazing! Those stories must be really eye-opening and inspiring. It's great to hear they're giving you hope for real queer love. Thanks for sharing—I might have to check that out!


I recently read a kids’ book about ableism, which opened my eyes to ways people can be ableist without being aware of it.

Gargi07 OP July 28th


That sounds like a really insightful read! It's amazing how kids' books can sometimes teach us the most profound lessons. It's important to recognize those subtle ways ableism can creep in and how we can work to be more aware and inclusive. Thanks for sharing this—it’s a great reminder for all of us!

AmyGrace55555 July 28th


Not a book I read recently, but I found a bunch of old writing papers I did in elementary. It is really interesting the way you lived as a young child vs as a teen. It gives a lot of perspective knowing things differently or whatever it might be. Like for example: how much innocence you had when you wrote that short story vs how much you have now. It feels like looking at the world in two different sets of eyes. It gives a lot of perspective. 

If anyone’s mom, adult, guardian ever kept your writings from when you were younger, you should definitely go back and read that stuff. (It’s also kinda funny to see how much my grammar has improved since then lol.)
Gargi07 OP July 28th


Hey, that sounds so cool! I love how rediscovering your old writings gives you a whole new perspective on your younger self. It's always amazing to see how much we've changed and grown, right? It's like having a conversation with your past self. And yes, the grammar improvements are always hilarious to look at! I might have to dig up some of my old stuff now too. Thanks for sharing this!

sunnyTalker6138 July 28th

@Gargi07 it really helped me think about ways to survive if i get stranded anywhere.

Gargi07 OP July 28th


That's cool!!! I think that's the best way a book can help us... thankyou so sharing sunyy🤍

enigmaticOcean8813 July 30th

Please add me

nestlecrunch August 1st

@Gargi07 The first book that came to mind was Beautiful Boy by David Sheff. It was genuinely so incredible; it told the story of addiction in the perspective of family members and it just opened my eyes to what addiction really is. What we see in TV shows and media in general is that addicts are selfish and choose to live the way they do and those who continue to enable them and love them are "***". While I didn't hold all of these opinions myself, there were some subconscious opinions and ideas that I didn't even realize were inaccurate because they'd never been challenged before. I just love to read books about experiences I haven't had so I can better empathize and understand people who've gone through them. It doesn't replace going through those experiences yourself but it can at least give you an idea of what they could be feeling or thinking.

That was a really long spiel of how much I adore and appreciate this book (😭) but I really did just love my reading experience. If you're able (please read the TW!!), I highly highly recommend giving this book a try. I can confidently say that no other book has brought on the range of emotions this one has, Sheff has a gift to putting his emotions on paper, it's incredible.

Gargi07 OP August 2nd


Thank you for sharing that! "Beautiful Boy" sounds like a truly powerful and eye-opening read. I completely understand what you mean about wanting to read books that expand your understanding and empathy for experiences you haven’t personally had I also can't control myself around books. It’s amazing how a book can challenge and change our subconscious opinions. I’ll definitely add it to my reading list and be sure to check the trigger warnings. Thanks for the heartfelt recommendation!

nestlecrunch August 4th


Ahh I'm so excited to hear that!! I really hope you end up loving the book as much as I do!