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Write a sad story in 6 words...

peacefulHug92 February 9th, 2018

NB: Please make sure stories are suitable and non-offensive or they will be removed.

I know that's sad, but it's in 6 words! What story's can you come up with? 💕

Hit send, then hit a tree

calmsoulmeet February 4th, 2020


Completely relate with this .

beyondrepairs February 5th, 2020


It is not you...

Gymqueen09 February 4th, 2020

He loved her, but not anymore

niceCamp2121 February 4th, 2020

i loved, she didnt love back

calmsoulmeet February 4th, 2020

I have wasted my whole life .

feelNeglected77 February 4th, 2020







feelNeglected77 February 4th, 2020








lazyKatz February 5th, 2020

Lost on translation.... heard it before

integrityblues February 5th, 2020

Surprise maintenance means surprise cleaning today.

lazyKatz February 5th, 2020

Expect to be walked over.....nothing new

lazyKatz February 5th, 2020


Can't even manage counting to 6 without getting it wrong.

beyondrepairs February 5th, 2020

Expect to be misunderstood, nothing new...

feelNeglected77 February 5th, 2020

My manic nights steal daytime progress

integrityblues February 7th, 2020

Got depressed, then made a cake.

lazyKatz February 7th, 2020

Ate the cake then got depressed

beyondrepairs February 7th, 2020


👅🍰🎂 I can only remember the times I enjoyedeating cake and getting messy😉 don't get depressed please...😶

lazyKatz February 7th, 2020


I won't now lazies got his bone

beyondrepairs February 7th, 2020


Yeeey and yass😀😀😀😀😁😁😁

Miriam6 February 7th, 2020

Every sad story has six words.

lazyKatz February 7th, 2020


Sorry forgot what page I was on

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


We mess up the games sometimes, every one does at one point or another, a few rules we might break😉 from time to time😊 as you will become a game veteran you will do too😊

Miriam6 February 8th, 2020

@beyondrepairs im new to this stuff but will take ur word for it

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


What I meant is that at some point it is inevitable to make a mistake😶 we welcome a heads up when it happens🤗😊

Miriam6 February 8th, 2020

@beyondrepairs haha alright fingers crossed for when it does happen.

Miriam6 February 8th, 2020

@beyondrepairs i am a rule breaker anyway so it's all good 😜

JadedJackson207 February 8th, 2020

She found him hanging, soon following

Miriam6 February 8th, 2020

@JadedJackson207 romeo & juliet ...

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020

All four car tires punctured flat...

lazyKatz February 8th, 2020

Harry Potter books are vanished forever

lazyKatz February 8th, 2020


That would definitely make my daughter sad

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


And get me in even deeoer depression...

lazyKatz February 8th, 2020


Wish she was your daughter too

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


I always wanted a daughter...😔😔😔

lazyKatz February 8th, 2020


Would you like me to tell you about her?

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


Please do, I wait for you in the den...😉🤗😊

lazyKatz February 8th, 2020


Yes one day we'll seat on a bench and watch the flowers moving in the breeze

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


On our floating wolves will watch you mylady before anyone dares stepping on our deck, you will be safe...

lazyKatz February 8th, 2020


Just being with you will make me feel safe your all I want for now.

beyondrepairs February 8th, 2020


You always find ways to make me feel good...hugs..wraps blanket tighter around us...I like your smell...

lazyKatz February 8th, 2020


I love everything about you and nothing could ever change that