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Book, movie - The Firm, by John Grisham

ReadBooks7 February 28th, 2023


The Firm

by John Grisham

Would anyone be interested in picking a book, movie, or show to read or watch and then discussing themes, plot elements, characters, etc., here? I don't have a lot of free time but when I do, and to keep my brain distracted, I read and watch psychological thrillers and/or dramas. It'd be great to have discussion with people who are interested 💚

SolitaryBird March 31st, 2023


Hi! I'm on chapter 32. Have a great weekend to you and everyone!

adventurousBranch3786 March 31st, 2023

@Help127. Hi I am on chapter 28 . Looking forward to the discussion.

ReadBooks7 OP April 1st, 2023

Sounds great, thank you both so much!

ReadBooks7 OP April 1st, 2023

@SolitaryBird have a great weekend too! To you and everyone. I just finished work and I am too tired to be writing apparently, or at least, writing well 😊

ReadBooks7 OP April 3rd, 2023

Hi again everyone! I hope you have all had a relaxing weekend. I am about to begin Chapter 33. I will most likely be done within the next couple of days. As you all finish or get close, then we can decide when to begin discussions. I hope you are all enjoying!

adventurousBranch3786 April 3rd, 2023

@Help127. I finished the book over the weekend!

SolitaryBird April 3rd, 2023


I think I will finish reading the whole book this week.

adventurousBranch3786 April 3rd, 2023

@Help127. I can discuss whenever people want to.

ReadBooks7 OP April 4th, 2023

Thank you! I finished as well yesterday, so I'm ready to discuss it as well, whenever everyone else is ready 🙂

SolitaryBird April 4th, 2023


I finished reading it - I enjoyed it very much! I am ready to discuss it or wait until everyone is ready.

And thank you, @adventurousBranch3786 - I will check out that series!

ReadBooks7 OP April 5th, 2023

@SolitaryBird sounds great! Thank you 😊

adventurousBranch3786 April 4th, 2023

By the way I just finished a very suspenseful series on Netflix called Night Agent. It has a book of the same name. I would recommend it for anyone who likes suspense/ thriller.

ReadBooks7 OP April 4th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 that sounds great, thank you! Maybe we can consider that one for later discussion.

ReadBooks7 OP April 7th, 2023

Hi everyone! Now that I have finished the book, and I think that a few others have finished as well or are close, I am going to tag everyone who expressed interest in definitely reading this book (The Firm by John Grisham), and then I hope we can all choose a time to begin discussing. If I miss anyone, I apologize; I am trying not to tag people who expressed interest in other books or who expressed initial interest but then did not reply, as I do not want to bother anyone. If anyone I do tag did not get a chance to read the book, no worries; I just want to get an idea of where everyone is and when it is okay to start posting discussion questions.

@winniethepooh7256 @SolitaryBird @adventurousBranch7256 @Adeline12345 @DonaldK @ChaoticListener @BookishWendy @butterlycow @selfconfidentDime2788 @iliketoread @calmSky3414

How far are all of you who are reading, and when would you like to begin discussing?

Thank you all!😊💙💛💚😊

SolitaryBird April 7th, 2023


Hi! I finished reading the book. It would be okay for me to start discussing it next week (if it's okay with others). Otherwise, whatever is decided is fine. 🙂

ReadBooks7 OP April 8th, 2023

@SolitaryBird thank you! I hope that you enjoyed it 🙂

adventurousBranch3786 April 8th, 2023

@Help127. I finished the book and can discuss whenever it is decided to.

ReadBooks7 OP April 8th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 great, thank you! I hope you enjoyed it as well!

ReadBooks7 OP April 12th, 2023

I haven't heard from anyone else, so what do you think: should we go ahead and begin discussing? Anyone else will still be welcome to join in if they like 🙂

adventurousBranch3786 April 12th, 2023

@Help127. That’s fine with me 😊.

SolitaryBird April 12th, 2023


That's fine with me too.

ReadBooks7 OP April 12th, 2023

Thank you both. I will try to create a new post to begin the discussion within the next day or so. I am having a flare-up of depressive symptoms, so I am struggling a bit to communicate. You are also welcome to start the discussion if you have anything you want to begin discussing or a good question for us to consider. I have been trying to come up with some good discussion questions, but this does not have to be formulaic or regimented; the goal is to enjoy the discussion, so we can do it any which way. Thank you again, and I look forward to discussing!

ReadBooks7 OP April 14th, 2023

At what point did you start to suspect that something might be wrong, or at least less than perfect, at the firm?

ReadBooks7 OP April 14th, 2023

I meant to post this in a different place, so I'm going to try again 🙂

ReadBooks7 OP April 13th, 2023

I think I will start by asking, how did you like the book? What about it did you like? Is there anything that you didn't like?

SolitaryBird April 13th, 2023


Although I am not much into legal thrillers, I enjoyed the book. It is full of suspense and mysteries to solve! I liked the compelling and well-constructed plot and the themes addressed by the novel. I also liked the ending and Mitch's sense of humour.

Hi and welcome, @IELAZEMOG! Luckily, the book has been translated into other languages - I read it in another language too. 😉

ReadBooks7 OP April 14th, 2023

@SolitaryBird I definitely enjoyed Mitch's sense of humor and his overall cleverness and intelligence. The plot does make the book hard to put down, and the author has a lot of talent in constructing the plot so that it still makes sense, even though it is a bit complex. I really enjoyed reading it, and I am glad to hear that you did as well! 😊

adventurousBranch3786 April 14th, 2023

@Help127. I enjoyed the book too it had a lot of good twists and turns which I like.

ReadBooks7 OP April 14th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I love books that have twists and turns. The elements of suspense and surprise always draw me in.

ReadBooks7 OP April 14th, 2023

At what point did you start to suspect that something was wrong, or at least less than perfect, at the firm?

adventurousBranch3786 April 14th, 2023

@Help127. I had seen the movie so I already knew that something was wrong . But the book gave some hints early on with the death of the 2 lawyers in the Cayman Islands and the death of a female lawyer! I probably would have started getting suspicious at that point.

ReadBooks7 OP April 14th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 I had seen it before too, and read the book a long time ago, but I remember from my first reading of the book that I got really suspicious at the same events you mentioned. I also remember thinking, why are they paying so much extra and offering so many bonuses, but it did not click as really suspicious until later, when more information was presented. The plot is so well thought out!

SolitaryBird April 14th, 2023


When DeVasher began to appear and then Tarrance who approached Mitch. In hindsight, the death of Kozinski and Hodge (which was talked about but I didn't understand at first), all the offers made to Mitch, and the fact that the firm wanted him and Abby to have children.

ReadBooks7 OP April 15th, 2023

@SolitaryBird DeVasher and Tarrance were definitely big clues! If I remember correctly, Tarrance just kind of appeared one day while Mitch was eating lunch and completely took him off guard. That would be so unsettling.

I do wonder, should Mitch and Abby been a bit more suspicious about the firm? As they were hearing about all of the bonuses and job perks, red flags kept going off for me (such as the firm's "rules" about conduct, encouraging kids when it's not their decision, etc.), but I already knew more about the plot. I know Abby did seem a bit suspicious, but seemed to be easily mollified (I hope I'm remembering and using that word correctly. It's easier to check things from my laptop, but I'm on my mobile, which is not as easy to navigate to and from this page). It's not at all their fault what happened. They unfortunately walked right into a carefully constructed trap.

ReadBooks7 OP April 15th, 2023

Tagging @adventurousBranch3786 also

ReadBooks7 OP April 18th, 2023

Yes, I just kept thinking, don't ignore that! Question that! Why would a "quiet" firm in a relatively quiet city pay so much more than is usual?

The eyes were a great clue, and also quite scary and unsettling. That is one visual from the book that I could easily imagine.

SolitaryBird April 17th, 2023


You remember well. Mitch and Abby were not doing well financially. Money and all the various bonuses have clouded the mind. Red flags should not be ignored.

ReadBooks7 OP April 18th, 2023

@SolitaryBird my reply appeared above, lol. I'm still getting used to forum posting.

adventurousBranch3786 April 17th, 2023

@Help127. @SolitaryBird It’s true having the FBI agent show up was another clue as well as the dark creepy eyes!

ReadBooks7 OP April 18th, 2023

@adventurousBranch3786 my reply is above, as I'm still getting used to forum posting lol