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⭐Self Love Day- What Does Self Love Mean To You? ⭐

NewRomantic677 February 13th, 2016

-boops your noses-

Hello fantastic peepsicles reading this today, February the 13th, is Self Love Day! (at least in my time zone it is xD hehe, go self love!) WootWoot! And that means we're here on the forums to discuss the more deeper implications of self love, what it means to love ourselves and how we can improve on loving ourselves.

Personally I look at self love as a (seemingly never-ending) journey that just has you constantly learning things about yourself and your environment on the whole. Self love has been a hard lesson for me to learn and what I've found is that loving myself makes it easier to accept myself as well! I think my decision to start making a conscious effort to love myself more has started paying off in my personal life, as well as increasing my confidence and helping with my social life as well :) that was just my take on Self Love, and what it means to love yourself to love yourself is to have learnt a trillion lessons and to have accepted your flaws for what they are, but that's just in my books and I'd love to hear what you guys have to say!

Go ahead, and share your ideas on what self love means to you it could be anything from how you would define self love to the role/impact self love has made on your personal life :)

Have an awesome Self Love Day 2016, and an awesome day in general everyone!

PinkDahlia22 February 13th, 2016

Enooo <3 Love this post and im gonna start it off with a reply :P cause i love to Enoy :P <3

Okay, so to me i see self love as not loving everything about yourself and being egotistical, but just accepting yourself. i feel as though once you have accepted youself, you will be less tourturous to yourself and you wont put yourself down as much and as often.

Okay so for me self love is extremely difficult and i dont accept myself and i dont even care about myself. howere over time this is something i want to change, i know it is going to be difficult but i am determined <3 I want to show everyone that i am a fighter and that i can do this and i will not give into the propblems of my life and allow myself to put myself down making me worse every day! I WILL LEARN HOW TO SELF LOVE! <3

I hope i have done this right typo twinnie < love you <3 @NewRomantic677

NewRomantic677 OP February 13th, 2016

@JoyIntoDarkness that was beautiful to read, hun :) today is a little break from studies for Eno to do some event-ing, and boy do we need to catch up! I loved your response and I loved reading it, especially the point abot self love not being egotistical- its always awesome to see your name in the forums, or feed, or anywhere, #EnoyForTheWin

PinkDahlia22 February 13th, 2016


Awh thankyou so much Babe <3 Love you Dofe message me when you are about to catch up <3

Annie February 13th, 2016

Loving myself includes:

-- understanding that I'm human, a wonderfully real and flawed human being.

-- being nice to myself, praising myself lots (Ex: "You found your keys! You rock, girl!!" instead of "Why can't you learn to put the keys on the hook, idiot?")

--knowing that I'm worth the compliment you gave me ("Thank you! I really worked on it!!" instead of "Oh, um, yeah, there were a bunch of mistakes, I hope people didn't notice too much ...")

--knowing that I'm worth the time you're giving me ("Wow, thanks so much, I really appreciate it!," versus "I'm so sorry to have bothered you, I'm sure you have a lot more important things to do.")

--forgiving myself ("Yikes, I kinda messed that up ... hmmm, no worries, okay so it wasn't the best discussion I ever led, but it was good enough ... I got the job done ... Def not a big deal, girlfriend ... I can't always hit home runs, even tho I love it when I do! ... I admire you for getting out there and doing it without a lot of prep time ... Actually it was super of you to volunteer! I really admire you, self!!)

--knowing that my real self is good enough. I don't have to work to hide my real self, afraid people will discover I'm not all I seem. My real self is actually quite wonderful, I was surprised to learn.

--truly believing I'm worthy of love. Respectful love, kind love, warm love.

PinkDahlia22 February 13th, 2016


This was really nice to read Annie. The fact you have choose to tell yourself well done, instead of try harder is amazing and is so positive. I really look up to you in this respect as it is something i personally struggle with. it looks like you have some amazing methods and ways in which you self love! Keep Going!

NewRomantic677 OP February 13th, 2016

@Annie just as @JoyIntoDarkness said, this post is super amazing! I can actually totally relate to these points, especially the one about forgiving yourself (oh, and the car keys- cause I'm the type to casually lose important things xD) I really like the way you wrote the post and how you somehow managed to cover everything I associate with self love, its not even funny how accurate you were .-. Thanks a ton for the lovely post, it was awesome to read

SilentSerenityy February 13th, 2016

You basically said what self love is to me. It definitely is a journey and it's a good one to follow. It's a waste of time hating yourself and it's not conceited to love yourself either!

Sometimes we get caught up in the business of our lives, making time in our schedule for others and things we have to do, but we never arrange a time, just for us. We forget about the thing driving the machine - ourselves. If we don't look after it, nothing will ever get done! Self love is important. No-one will be closer to us than ourselves.

allisath February 13th, 2016

To me, self love is the journey towards accepting yourself for who you are- flaws AND strengths. By taking the time to love myself, I was able to learn new things about myself, and better appreciate them. By going on this journey, I opened myself up to more love- not only from myself, but from others as well.

It's not often that we are encouraged to flaunt our strength, our pride- but this is one of those times. You don't need to be humble, or fear being judged if you say that you actually like the way you look, think or feel. I encourage all others to use this day as an opportunity to embark on the journey of self love, and to start seeing just how amazing they really are.

Brianna123 February 13th, 2016

To me, self love means being able to look yourself in the mirror and call yourself beautiful. I also think it means to be confident and happy with yourself. And one day I hope to be able to do so.

smallPandaxX February 13th, 2016

To me self love means accepting yourself and all your flaws. It means embracing who you are. It's so important to get along with yourself because you are the only person you're stuck with for your whole life! Loving yourself makes life easier and I also believe if you love yourself it's easier for others to love you. :)

February 13th, 2016

It just means balance to me. Accepting the good and bad and choosing who you will be.

LBZN February 13th, 2016

Being mindful that all situations are not for me and that I can my own decisions and that's ok.

generousMaple1011 February 14th, 2016

Self love to me means:

-accepting yourself no matter what your flaws

-forgiving yourself

-not allowing people who make you upset around you

-being strong enough to enforce your boundaries

-not being afraid to be alone

-enjoying activities you do alone

-being confident in your abilities

-not be afraid to pamper yourself sometimes

-not let others define you

-staying strong in your beliefs and letting God guide you


Kayla123 February 14th, 2016

I love myself because I know that I can overcome anything by sheet will power

cyanKitten4161 February 16th, 2016


Sazlinasaji February 14th, 2016

Self love is allowing myself to do what I want to do. It much like self empowerment which means you rule your life. You don't care what people say, cause negativity comes when we overthinking about what others will say about you. I learn that people will talk about you anyway. Well, don't worry and forgive them because it makes us human. So, do it because it about you. Not them. heart

goldenGrapefruit7702 February 14th, 2016

I define self Love as accepting, embracing your God given natural abilities, skills, talent that is already engraved in your make up and loving yourself enough to sharpen and expand those skills, be full of that and share with others.

cyanKitten4161 February 16th, 2016

self love is about loving yourself nomater what you go through as long as you can come out of that situation strong and you can love yourself and be able to forgive urself

ErinBeth February 17th, 2016


Self-love to me is loving the way I am and taking care of myself while still striving to be better for me and no one else :)

bee879 February 17th, 2016

self-love is acknowledging myself for not only big tasks but small, and also when I don't have the strength and energy to do anything. because it's in that moment I know I'm more vulnerable to self-criticism. so I give myself an extra boost of love for going through those low periods. and for every time I've gotten myself out of bed no matter how much it hurt, and for every time I took even a little walk outside. I also love myself for deciding to be the boss of how I feel about myself, and not letting anyone else tell me how or who I am, tell me how I should be, or make me feel less worthy in any way. I used to believe whatever certain people said about me. but not anymore. I choose to be gentle on myself. I choose to not allow hurtful and insulting language thrown my way. I choose to be the boss of who I am and what defines me. I'm not broken. I'm not defective. I don't deserve to be treated like I'm dimwitted. I am whole. I'm not problematic. I'm human.

Countrygirl16 February 21st, 2016

When you say you love yourself people can take it as a selfish thing but really with the right meaning its not. Having self love means you accept yourself for who you are. It mean that you take care and look out for yourself including your mind, emotions, and body. It means you take care of what needs to be done and then do something you enjoy to reward yourself. It means resting when your tired or eating when your hungry. It means managing your emotions and believing in who you are and being confident. There is so much to the mean of self love but over it means that you love yourself enough to do whatever needs to be done for you or be able to stand up for what you believe in no matter what the people around you say. Be yourself and love it cause you are unique and theres no one else out there exactly like you.