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Shining with Sun

February 7th, 2022

Interviewee: @sunisshiningandsoareyou


Many of us on cups have been blessed by the sunshine of our sun! They are one of the most humble, kind and adorable creature on the 7cups Planet. They can literally be called sun of cups, given the warmth they so generously shower on us, in forums, in chatrooms, and I am sure in pms to many too!

How were your initial days on 7 cups like?

Sun: Ooof initial days, been a while hehe! My initial days were like any other new listener's I think, where I had many different kinds of chats, members, good and bad experiences etc. For a good amount of time, I didn't know the world outside PMland lol, it was astonishing and still is to see just how huge this place is and how much 7 cups has to offer to us. I'd like to address myself as a forever newbie though, it's just easier and better that way, to always leave a certain room open for exploring, learning and growing!

What change do you see in yourself as the result of your stay on cups?

Sun: I do feel like an overall better person as a result of my stay in cups. I'd say, each interaction here, everyone I've met here has left an impact, it's fascinating to learn different things from different people (sometimes even when they are not "actively" teaching stuff). To pick a specific one though, I'd say, I've never thought about self care or even used that word as much as we all use, talk about and value in 7 cups. It's a good reminder for me being here, how important self care really is and how I should continually make it a priority (or at least try to xD).

What is something you’d like to learn more about?

Sun: I'm open to learning everything that's around to learn and grasp, and maybe even, to share with others, on a later date. But something that I'd like to make as a forever favorite subject is "balance". For me, it's a diverse word with many different meanings and attachments. My focus is to learn the art of balancing between on and off cups, self care and hustle (for the lack of a better word at the moment).

What is one challenge you’ve faced and what progress have you made in conquering that challenge?

Sun: Ahhh difficult question lol, challenge is part of this learning process hehe, balance in itself is a whole different challenge, it gets difficult to sometimes establish boundaries and to implement what I know should be implemented. So something that I've been working on is better prioritizing things, establishing and affirming my boundaries (personal and those with other factors involved).

I'd say, my goal is something neither short term nor long term, it's what I see as a "continual" goal, that will always have to stay close and worked upon efficiently/ without a miss, to make my experience as fruitful and satisfying in every possible way, and it has been going alright thus far, I think! *self pats*

When not at cups, what do you like doing the most?

Sun: Good question for someone who's mostly at cups xD *remembers balance*

I am a simple sun hehe, I like to take naps, listen to music, watch something fun and lighthearted, take walks etc, anything that makes me feel good and relaxed!

What’s something you’d like to work on for the rest of your life?

Sun: Myself, in every way possible, be it physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally!

“The best project you’ll ever work on is you.”

— Sonny Franco

What are the top 5 things good for your mental well being?

Sun: That's a great question, it gave me a chance to reflect also! Okay so I feel, 5 things are:

Alone time/ me time, it helps me recharge lol

Being around loved ones

Being around people who have a certain positive vibe, they uplift me and bring the best in me

Traveling, exploring and learning new things

Musicccc, other forms of art and media and,

Special mention to Pizza :P

Sun, you care for us a lot, carry a lot of warmth for us, and this community wishes the same warmth for yourself. Keep shining!

Living with Leaders Tag-list: @rrretsuko @Smilingfuture @blindHeart12 @HealingTalk

If you want to be added to this list, let me know @fristo

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here

ScarletOwlet February 7th, 2022

This interview was a wonderful read! Thank you so much for sharing with us <3

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


Thankyou for taking the time to read, Scarlet! Sending sunshine your way! 🌞❤

emotionalTalker2260 February 7th, 2022

@Fristo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

😮 wonderful interview 😮 🤗🌞

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


*🐨🦥🤗* Emooooo 💕

emotionalTalker2260 February 7th, 2022



Moonlemon48 February 7th, 2022

@Fristo thank you for this wonderful interview!

@sunisshiningandsoareyou Amazing as usual ☀️ You have been such an awesome hoooman on cups spreading your warm beams all over the cups planet! your warmth secures cups like a nice comfy blanket! Thank you for being such a great listener and leader! It was an absolute pleasure to read your thoughts❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


Awwwww how do you manage to make people feel so special always, Moonling- "your warmth secures cups like a nice comfy blanket!" I can honestly just cry under this same blanket lol, tooo sweeet! *hugs* 🌞❤

Thankyou for being so supportive always! You are a fantabulous Moon!!

Moonlemon48 February 7th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou *hugs tight and Offers tissue*

The words are well deserved and you do deserve all the support in the world! I will give all my support always hehe! And thank you ♡♡♡

Prachi9876 February 7th, 2022


Beautiful interview! Always a great interaction with Sun!
Sun is shining and so are We!! 🤨

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


Aww thankyou, Prachi, always a delight to have you around as well. ❤🌞

blindHeart12 February 7th, 2022



I always enjoy when sun write something. They have it own way of putting thought. It first time I saw sun did not use emoji or not much use of quote.. full of creativity. Can understand it was interview. Still I love the sincerity in every answer sun gave it.

We all often fail in balancing virtual and real world.. even boundary. It fine I suppose as everything has own learning.

You are amazing person and kind soul.

I always felt a very positive and optimistic vibe from you whenever we come across .

God bless you. You grow in your life more and more. We get chance to read more and more interview of yours.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


Heartttttt *hugs* (and suji halwa for you), it is so lovely to seee you today (honestly, anyday is) and to hear such kind words, it means so so much. ❤

I just realised too lol, do I use alot of emojis haha 🙈.

Yes indeed, it's not easy to maintain a balance and have boundaries sometimes, but we all learning and growing at our pace, and that sure counts!

Many many thanks for such wonderful wishes, your name fits you hehe, you're such a SweetHeartttttt and I'm incredibly grateful to have crossed my paths here with you! Thankyouu for being ever so encouraging, kind and just one of those amazing people around here who never fail to make me smile! 🤗 Continue to shine brighter, lovely!

blindHeart12 February 7th, 2022


Awww! Suji ka halwa haha I need to make today for sure 😀

Thank you dear for heart warming word for me. ❤️❤️❤️

lovelyWaterfall2170 February 7th, 2022

@sunisshiningandsoareyou @Fristo

Thanks to both of you !! keep sharing such post ,so that we get great learning with great examples :)

Thank you :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


Many thanks, fall! Your enthusiasm shines bright, my friend! Keep it up! 🌞❤

lovelyWaterfall2170 February 7th, 2022


Thanks :) I really appreciate :) Wanting to learn much more from you :) you have always been their for me :)

Thanks :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


Aw ofcourse, always happy to support in anyway I can! 😄❤

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 7th, 2022


Thankyouuu for thinking of me for this amazing opportunity, Fristo! I appreciate your generosity and kindness towards me, makes me feel utterly grateful truly!

I'm really hoping I did justice to your wonderfully thought-out questions! It is always such a pleasure to interact with you! You are awesome and our community is blessed to have you spread your kindness, compassion and support around! ❤

Ps, I really loved the notification alert message lol xD

May everyone continue to shine always 🌞

adventurousBranch3786 February 8th, 2022

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou @Fristo Thank you for this awesome interview.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 8th, 2022


Thankyouuu, Branch! I appreciate you being an encouraging support always! ❤️

DLynn88911221 February 7th, 2022

Absolutely loved reading this!!! You all are such Sunshine's!!!!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 8th, 2022


Sweet hehe, Thankyouuu and right back atcha, Lynn! 🌞❤️

February 7th, 2022

@Fristo - Thank you for being such an amazing interviewer! The questions were absolutely amazing, and brought some really great insight! 💜

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou - Sunnnnn! You were *way* overdue for an interview, and your responses were spot on! Thank you for being such a bright contributor to 7 Cups, and I feel so fortunate to have met youuuu! Keep being you, my friend! ✨ 💕

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2022

Awh thankyou so much, Nerdyyy, it means alot to me! I feel so fortunate to meet you here and be your friend too! Anddddd I miss seeing you around lots :( I hope you're doing well, awesome frienddo! *hugss* 🤗❤


blissfulForest7074 February 7th, 2022

@Fristo and @sunisshingandsoareyou

A wonderful interview !

I felt the cheerful vibe from the phone as I read this. Wise points were spoken by 🌞 . (Can't help putting the emoji there 😁)

I liked this a lot 😊.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2022


Haha hey hey blissful, so sweet lol, I love the sun emoji and woohoo, glad you felt the vibe! Thankyouuu for replying, I appreciate you heaps! ❤🌞

hopezzy February 7th, 2022

The questions were just wow 😮 @Fristo Heres your pizza instead of claps hehe🍕

@Sunisshiningsoareyou I love you sun ☀️ Shine like you❤️ ✨

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2022


Thankyouuu for taking the time to read the interview, hopezzy, and aww that's so sweet hehe *blushes* xD lots of love and extra sunshine to youuu! 🤗❤

WhiteRoses25 February 7th, 2022

Sun you are kind and warm hearted. And since I’ve been on cups you’ve always been there in the comments as a motivator. My ray of sunshine on 7 cups. You are a rare individual that I have been fortunate to know. I’m so grateful for all you do and for always being there for so many on 7 cups and can imagine in life in general. Keep shining your rays of love.

anxietywarrior23 February 7th, 2022

i love this. Keep being amazing! @Fristo

rrretsuko February 7th, 2022

@Fristo amazing interview !! <3 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou, you deserve so much recognition and appreciation from the community for everything you do :) thank you so much for all the compassion you spread and all the days you brighten ! you have put a smile on my face so many times !

@Fristo amazing questions and thank you for being such a great interviewer ! i really enjoyed reading this and i can't wait for more :)

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2022


Hiya lovely Suko, that's so so nice to hear aww, big thankyouuu for being such a warm presence around! You make me smile everytime I see you, just like you did, right now. 🤗❤

TheAutumnWitch February 8th, 2022

@Fristo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

This was such a lovely interview to read! Thank you for posting it, Fristo, and I'm so happy for you, Sunny! (^W^) Sending congratulatory pizza your way, as with love as always~ 🍕🍕🍕♥️💛💖

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2022


Autumnnn, I so appreciate you, lovely! Thankyouuu for being so encouraging and sweet always! *noms the bestest pizza ever* sending lots of love backk! 🤗♥️

KrystalRose01 February 8th, 2022



This was genuinely so beautiful, @sun the way you word things is so incredible <3 literally so beautifully worded

I really enjoyed reading this interview, and im so glad it popped up in my notifications ☀️🌅💛

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 25th, 2022


Aww yay, I'm glad you enjoyed reading the interview, Thankyouuu so much for your kind words, Krystal, much appreciated! ❤💛

SparkyGizmo February 8th, 2022



Hi Fristo! 😊❤️ Thank you for the post, amazing interview and thoughtful interview questions!

Hi Good Day Sunshine! 😊❤️ Thank you for handing yourself over to the interview process! I loved hearing your responses and it's an opportunity for all of us to get to know one another even better as a team! I'm someone that truly enjoys your mindset. Keep rocking the house!

*high fives* 😊 and big *hugs* ❤️

ouiCherie February 8th, 2022

Great interview @Fristo lots of notable messages there!

Hugs @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🤗 warmest person I ever met & definitely a smart cookie in the jar!

Sunisshiningandsoareyou February 8th, 2022


Awww coming from you, it certainly means the world to me, Cherie! Thankyouuu for being your amazing self, my friend, you spark joy around, and hey, warm hearted you say? Well, it takes one to know one, lovely ;) . *Hugs* back 🤗💜

HealingBrokenWIngs February 8th, 2022

@Fristo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou

This was an awesome interview! I loved reading it. Thank you for such insightful answers, Sun! <3<3<3