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In Conversation with Oui

November 29th, 2021

Get to know our Academy Ambassador, Oui, and the wonderful human they are.

Interviewer: @Bubblegumwings1234

Interviewee: @ouiCherie

Bubble: In your 7 cups journey you travelled so far, took up different roles and now you are an ambassador for Academy, but what started your listener journey, I mean what was the reason you joined cups and then what motivated you to keep contributing and growing?


I found 7Cups when I was browsing to understand depression to be able to support a family member. Therefore, I took GRQ with Depression labels a lot when I started.

What motivates me:

I enjoy volunteer work, and I love learning. It's eudaimonic happiness and essential for me. 7Cups is the best option out there for the combo.

I wasn't interested in taking roles at first. I had no motivation. Then, I have to get 300,000 cheers to be able to complete the Training Page. I found motivation. I began to host LSC, LD and became RS for DS. Big hug and thanks to @tranquilbear14 @LuLuRings and @blitheEmbrace27 ๐Ÿค—

Next, I took the LDP. I learned about the goal, the value, the culture. I read 7 Cups for the Searching Soul.

That was the point where my purpose changed. I want to do more than collect cheers; because I trust and support the idea of collaborating to create a global chain of compassion. A kinder world where help and support are abundant and free. And then, there is 7 Cups Academy, 100% free learning for anyone who wants it โค๏ธIโ€™m hooked! ๐Ÿ˜€โ€ฆ huge thanks to @Hope @SoulfullyAButterfly and @anotherfrenchtoastclub and all Academy Team for the support and teamwork!

Bubble: What message do you want to share with all your fellow Listeners?


  • Switch to your member account every once in a while. It's healthy for your brain. And it will give you a better idea of what feels good and what's not. Even if youโ€™re a seasoned listener, itโ€™s good to refresh.

  • I was an RS for HL. I watched how @PoliteOcean, @DonaldDraper, and @vivelespatates (my mentor) did it. Here is my takeaway: try many, pick only a few roles that fit you best, do it, and be consistent.

Happiness is a place between too much and too little and consistency matters the most for everything in life, Big shoutouts to those 3 inspiring leaders!

Bubble: In your journey what kind of challenges have you faced? And how did you overcome them and manage a proper balance in cups and off cups life?


The growth path is never easy, but it's always worth it.

I have a long list of challenges throughout my journey. I started my journey by learning how to express empathy in text messages. I learned from scratch.

How I overcome challenges: open to learning experiences. There's always something we can learn from anything and anyone.

I like to discover people's strengths and learn from them. You can also learn from other people's weaknesses, but it's not my cup of tea. It drains me.

How I manage: I divide my daily tasks into three categories, work, personal (including self-care, prayer and time with loved ones), and 7Cups. If I check three boxes in every group, I already consider it a good day. If I fail, I'll try again tomorrow. And if I do more, how much more? No fun in too much.

Bubble: Would you like to share one of your best moments on cups as well as one of your most challenging moments, how did you react to both these moments?


Most challenging moment: hm...Putting it mildly, it's tough. If I'm sure it will bring good, I don't mind telling the story. As of now, I cannot confirm it yet ๐Ÿ˜Š

Best moment... hm..canโ€™t decide hehe... There are lots of great moments, but I remember a nice moment. I just had a long day at the office, and I went to do RS work in the DS room (if I remember correctly), and we ended up having round table jokes and a good laugh. It was fun ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bubble: What are your plans for cups and in what ways are those plans in line with your life's purpose?


At one point, maybe Iโ€™ll take off all the roles and go back to just listening. Who knows heheโ€ฆ But for now, CDM and Team Lightship first ๐Ÿ˜€because both aim to help those who need it.

Thank you for the questions and opportunity @Fristo and @Bubblegumwings1234 ๐Ÿ’œ You guys rock!

Massive shoutout to all listeners and members for continuously supporting each other and working together to make it happen! ๐Ÿ’œAnd to the Admin Team, Ambassador Team and all Leaders who continuously work for the greater good. It's impressive. โญ๏ธ

This interview is part of the Living with Leaders Interview Series. Learn about the series here
FrenchToast November 29th, 2021

@Fristo @ouiCherie it is always a delight to read Cherieโ€™s interviews. Thank you @Fristo and @Bubblegumwings1234 for hosting. Lovely read @ouiCherie, thank you for sharing. So glad you are where you are today โ™ฅ๏ธ

ouiCherie November 30th, 2021


Thank you. Would be harder without your support ๐Ÿค—

Hope November 29th, 2021

Thank you for doing the interview @Bubblegumwings1234

It is always lovely to hear from you @ouicherie! We are very grateful to have you as an academy ambassador

ouiCherie November 30th, 2021


Thank you ๐Ÿค— for the guidance, support and for trusting that I can do the tasks.

GlenM November 29th, 2021

Thank you for being such a strong leader. Lots of great insights on this post, especially on how switching to a member can help us learn how to be better listeners and your emphasis on continued collaboration. We appreciate all that you do here @ouicherie!

ouiCherie November 30th, 2021


My pleasure ๐Ÿ˜Š and I truly appreciate the thought-provoking discussions. It's super fun!

SoulfullyAButterfly November 30th, 2021

Lovely interview @Bubblegumwings1234 - @ouiCherie thank you for sharing your wonderful journey, I look forward to what more it brings. Thank you for being a shining star in the content garden! โค๏ธ

ouiCherie November 30th, 2021


My pleasure! And thank you for the many opportunities & guidance in the 7Cups Content area. It feels like I get a gift to do my hobby instead of doing works ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—

November 30th, 2021

@Fristo and @BubbleGumWings1234 Keep up the great work ๐Ÿงก

@OuiCherie 7cups is lucky to have you. You are a dedicated and sweet leader. All the best ๐Ÿค—

ouiCherie November 30th, 2021


Likewise Don! Leading Group Support sessions is not my strength, I learn by watching how you do it. It's fascinating seeing how natural you're handling it. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Butterflymona2562004 December 1st, 2021

It's amazing, you did a lot .

Thanks for sharing us your experience and I hope one day I'll be like you .

Thanks โค

ouiCherie December 2nd, 2021


Thank you Mona ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’œ and ofcourse you will and more! ๐Ÿ’ฏ

ouiCherie December 2nd, 2021


Thank you for the questions and the kind words, Bubble ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ™ your kindness and spirit are inspiring as well! ๐Ÿ’œ