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Interviewing our Leaders - Antonio7Cups Teen Leader

AnnaSilverberg May 6th

Hay everyone✨!

Today, it's time again to peek behind the curtains and see who we find! 

And lookie here! 👀

We have a Teen Leader here, @Antonio7Cups 

Now, this is our first time getting a glimpse in the Teen leader part of Cups, 
I hope you all enjoy this fantastic interview with our amazing, brilliant and 
wonderful Antonio!

Let's see what Antonio has to share in this fun interview 😀


How did you find Cups?

I found 7 Cups by searching for online volunteering options.
 At first, I was just looking for a place where I could help people,
directly or indirectly. After a lot of browsing, I found 7 Cups,
I saw what it was about, I looked for opinions about the site on other websites
 and I decided to register as a listener, and today, here I am.

What do you do on Cups?

This is a pretty broad question. At first I only listened to people who needed emotional help. After exploring the community a bit, I decided to embark on roles.

I am currently moderating the Newbie Hub community rooms, which can be wonderful at times, but challenging at other times. And from here I want to take the opportunity to send a greeting to my fellow moderators and the Community Mods for always being at the forefront.

I am also a Project Agent for the AL Outreach Team, and you may be wondering, what is that? Well, it's a role that consists of recruiting people to take our wonderful Active Listening Tests! (If you haven't done them yet, I suggest you do them) because they will be of great help to you.

I am also a Peer Supporter in the teen listener chat room, where I am dedicated to providing support to listeners who have had a difficult chat with a member and also helping to maintain a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

I collaborate with Safety Patrol, where I report profiles that do not follow the rules to administrators. I think safety and compliance at 7 Cups is very important, which is why I decided to join. For this reason, I also think that everyone who holds a minimally relevant position should belong to it, so, leaders of anything, you are also necessary in the Safety Patrol. Also add that I have felt guided at all times and have received unbeatable attention from @Rebekah, thank you Rebekah for your work.

I am also a Community Mentor for the TV & Movies Community. If you like movies, TV, shows, this is your community (so join us and our Tag List 😛) I'm working on posts to publish very soon so that everyone can participate, so give it a try to this amazing community. I want to thank @Tommy for everything, he is always there when I have needed help with this role.

Finally, I am Founder and Leader of Kahoot Sessions and I have to say that I am really enjoying this role. My goal was to bring joy and fun to the 7 Cups chat rooms with Kahoot and I currently think I'm achieving that. I take this opportunity to thank @Heather225 for allowing me to start all this and the 18 members who are part of this, and who host these sessions with all their dedication. From here I want to congratulate each of you for your wonderful work, you are the best! (Tagging all the Kahoot Sessions hosts: @Watermelonlover22 @emmaSpinsSabre2008 @Serenelove2376 @kenzolena @RaginiSharma @Antonio7Cups @snugglesnow @LewisD @CallmeSeven @yurichen @izzyy528 @rui00 @kindPalm1865 @LlamaWarrior013 @Harrypotterfanandbooknerd @ petery230 @Bubbles2025 @Alexflair @Arie3)

And everything I do in this wonderful community has reached this point!

How do you like to start your day?

The question is not how I like to start, in my case it would be more how
 I would like to start it. With the rush to go to school I always go in a hurry,
 but I would like to start it by waking up relaxed, just that.
 I think that today we downplay or are forced to downplay ourselves
 because of our routines, schedules, and obligations.


What is your most favorite weekend activity?

Without a doubt, watching a Netflix or Amazon Prime Video series at night, it is my moment of peace and happiness. Right now I'm watching House of Paper, if you like thrillers it's your series (and you'll tell me in TV and Movies Community what you think. 😛)

How important is self-care to you?

Self-care is essential for me. I have always thought that in order to do something, any activity, such as listening to 7 Cups, we must first dedicate the necessary time to ourselves and also be good with ourselves.

What motivates you?

The truth is, the only thing that motivates me now is getting good grades in school,
 and it has always been that way.
However, lately it also motivates me to progress in the gym,
 since I do a lot of sports due to health conditions.
 Sport is more necessary for me than for many people,
 it is like something obligatory and lately I am motivated by progress
and advancement in that area.


If you could be an animal, what would you be and why?

A dog. I have a dog called Macarena, and she lies on the couch all day.
 Other times she keeps us company, other times she plays with us.
 Ultimately, I want that lifestyle.

Team Coffee or Team Tea?

I have never tried coffee, I see so many people hooked on coffee
that just thinking that I could end up like this,
I don't even think about taking a sip. I do like the tea, however,
it's good, whether it's red tea, green tea... Without a doubt, team tea.

What is your greatest strength?

I think my greatest strength is my sincerity, that is, not being afraid to say what I think.
 Many times we keep things to ourselves that could make the person or
 people with whom we communicate reflect,
 and I certainly consider that a delay.

If you could do one good thing today, what would it be?

Ultimately, help someone in any way you can, no matter what it is.

What act of kindness, that you have either seen or done, is one that has stayed with you?

For example, one day I saw that a woman had fallen on the street at the
other end of my pedestrian crossing. I couldn't help because she was on
red for pedestrians, but all the other people on the sidewalk ran
to help her and even a car stopped to do so.

If you could add one thing to Cups, what would it be?

A games room, yes, you heard right!
I really liked that the tech team incorporated connect 4,
 and Imagine a chat room with those systems so that everything is possible,
 to be able to play many more games but all together?

What’s your least favorite daily task?

I think my least favorite task is undoubtedly doing homework at school.
 This is my last year of high school (it works very differently here than in other countries)
 and things are getting pretty tough, including those homework.

What’s your favorite season of the year and why?

This is a question I can't answer without being a bit sentimental.
 I would say summer, because of the school holidays,
 but each season throughout my life has such beautiful memories
throughout the 16 years of my life that it makes it
impossible for me to decide 100 percent which would be my favorite season.

Do you have a favorite hobby?

I really love computing and everything that has to do with it.
 I'm always researching new things!

What is the weirdest food combination that you like?

I don't know why,
but lately I've been adding barbecue sauce to my potato omelets.

If you could share some kind words with the community, what would those be?

7 Cups Community, you have given me values, joy, happiness.
 You have recognized my work, you have praised me,
 you have given me leadership opportunities, you have trusted me.
 You have brought wonderful moments in the chat rooms to my life,
 I have learned a lot from you, I have improved as a listener and as a person.

In short, you are great. Thank you for everything, thank you very much. ♥️

 Thank you so much for a wonderful interview Antonio!
 And thank you for all the amazing work that you do here on Cups 💙
 Thank you, reader for reading the interview, I hope you enjoyed it!

 I wish you all a wonderful rest of your day

Antonio7Cups May 6th


Thank you for your work Anna!



Brilliant interview!🌻


Hiya Antonio, it's always a pleasure to get to know someone who is part of soooo many things in the community and a cherished presence around, so thank you for sharing more about you with us.❤

Macarena's lifestyle is the newest addition to my dream bucket list also lol.😭

While the entire interview was filled with fun and insightful responses throughout, what really stood out for me the *most* is how you didn't flinch in trying to sneak in some gratitude for our fellow peers and leaders. It is awe-inspiring how "easy" you made gratitude-expression look. So so appreciated really.🙌

Keep being the wonderful hooman and exceptional team player that you are. And yes indeed, super important to be good to ourselves.❤

Antonio7Cups May 6th


Thank you very much for your words, Sunshine. I can't complain, always so kind, every single time I've interacted with you. Your presence on the forums is also greatly appreciated.



kenzolena May 6th


this interview was wholesome to read thank yu so much for making this awesome post ^^ and it was fabulous to read more about out clawsome leader @Antonio7Cups

Antonio7Cups May 6th


Ohhhhh, you're so kind Lena, also awesome! 😄

kenzolena May 7th



AsterLight2024 May 6th

Always great to learn more about the amazing leaders here <3 as a teen I am especially grateful. thank you @Antonio7Cups!!!!

Antonio7Cups May 6th


I'm glad to hear you liked it!

AnnaSilverberg OP May 6th
If any leader is interested in being interviewed, 
please message me and we'll go from there. 

WeEarth May 7th

Thank you @AnnaSilverberg for this wonderful interview ✨

So excited to see my friend Antonio7Cups 💓 Thank you my friend for this fantabulous interview 😀

Antonio7Cups May 7th


You're more than welcome! ☺️

WeEarth May 7th



VictoriaLove7 May 8th


It is a fun interview, Anna 🐋 & there are emojis to describe Antonio's answers! \(^_^)/


Congratulations, Antonio & thank you for your works as a teen leader! 👨🏻‍🏫

Antonio7Cups May 8th


You're more than welcome! :)

CoolMeCool May 8th


Fun interview & great questions!


Congratulations, Antonio!


Antonio7Cups May 8th


Thank you so much! ☺️