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Letters to strangers

Optimisticempath April 11th, 2023

Hi you💕

It's somewhat easier to write an appreciation or kindness filled reminder for someone we know or we know what we value in them or what we appreciate about them but what if you have to say something to a complete stranger, you don't know what battles they go through or anything about them but you have the power to make a positive impact on them 💕

What would you tell a complete stranger? How can you show kindness to them with only words? 😄

(Hint hint to begin thinking about where to start from 🤓 you can consider yourself to be this stranger and write something you wish someone would tell you 💕)


YourCaringConfidant April 13th, 2023

Dear Stranger,

The fact that you are here reading this note, tells me 1 of 3 things:
1. You are a person who is hurting deep inside,
2. You have a deep desire to help support others in need, or
3. You are both hurting but yet still try to find ways to help others to hurt less because you can relate.

Whichever it is, I just wanted to tell you that I am sooooo glad you are here. 7cups is better with YOU here. The world is better with YOU in it. Thank you for being here. I hope you know that you are so valuable, beautiful/handsome, and irreplaceable. There is no one like you and you are truly one of a kind.

I don't know what you have gone through in your past or are currently facing in your life now... but you are strong and you can overcome anything! 💪 There is nothing you can't face.

I am so glad we crossed paths on here. I know I don't know you but I hope to know more of you. You seem like an amazing person. I wish you all the happiness in the world. ♡

Optimisticempath OP April 17th, 2023

@YourCaringConfidant this is so beautiful🥺 you have such a sweet way with your words and I'm really sure anyone who reads this would feel all warm and seen with your kind thoughts. 💕 you're a beautiful human and one of a kind 🤗

April 17th, 2023


Dear not me,

1) you deserve to be happy

2) you may be happy about anything small or big

3) you are allowed to decide what that thing is going to be

4) you might think, that that thing is impossible

5) you should know, with enough effort and optimism, anything is possible!

Optimisticempath OP April 22nd, 2023

awwwh @DonaldDraper it goes to dear DD also 💖 you deserve to be happy about things too 🤗 thankyou thankyou for this encouraging letter 🌸

Foreigner419 April 18th, 2023


Dear friend,

Sometimes I don't have the right words to say at the right time. Sometimes it's just a nod. A grin in your direction. It is an understanding between us that you mean the world to me and those around you. You are a hero and maybe so many titles, but I don't know cause, we haven't actually met in person. Although, these things may be the case we are here together. I pray that we are here for the right reasons, and we are seeking friendship, support, and love. you have a big heart and are open to see where this leads you in life. I wish you the best this site and life has to offer you.

Optimisticempath OP April 22nd, 2023

@Foreigner419 love how heart felt and deeply caring it is 💙thanks a lot for sharing this letter ✨ hope you are well.

burningRain127 May 8th, 2023

Dear Fellow Human,

hi! I know that we don’t know each other, but I just want you to know that I’m thankful for your light. I know that we often talk about the world as a singular unit, but it’s also a network; a shape composed of eight billion irreplaceable parts. I’m so glad that you’ve stuck with it for so long, and I just want you to know that I’m here for you.

how are you doing? were you going to say that you’re “fine”? Very well, I won’t push you into revealing your every struggle. But I also want you to know that hurt is a very human thing, and that the fact that you may be struggling with something doesn’t make you a bad person. I’ve read that, statistically speaking, one in four people will struggle with a mental illness at some point in their life. There is help and there is hope.

I see you trying, keep going! I hope our paths will cross in the future; Im here if you ever need support. Best thoughts,


May 8th, 2023

@burningRain127 🤗 thank you for the beautiful message to the light in a stranger, that glows the same inside us all

Optimisticempath OP July 1st, 2023

@burningRain127 your a beautiful soul💕 love-light-light.gif

AnnaSilverberg May 8th, 2023

💕Hey there, you💕

🔆I see you🔆
I am so glad you're here.
It might have been a big step to come here, but you did.
And that's wonderful!
I am so proud of you!
Thank you for being so brave!
💮Thank you for being here💮
You might be going through a lot right now, I understand how difficult our challenges can be.
🗻We can feel like we're climbing mountains in slippers, feeling discouraged, like we're alone🗻
But I want you to know that you are not alone, we're climbing with you, slippers and all
☕️7Cups is here for you, this community stands with you and supports you. We are here for you☕️
You matter in this world, you are important no matter what and your place in this world is important.
There's only one you, and we love that!
You have a lot to give, you are an amazing, wonderful person. With a good soul.
🌟Even if you might not feel that way, your light still shines to others, and it shines bright🌟
We go through all sorts of events through our lives, experience so many things,
things that become a part of our history.
Some are good and give us joyful memories,
but others do the opposite and give us difficult memories and emotions
💎I want you to know that our past does not define us💎
It does not define who we are now or who we will be in the future.
We are us, a person with emotions and feelings, beings that deserve to be loved and cared for.
💐 And that goes for you as well 💐
I hope that when the day comes, that you'll remember this note and smile
And you will sip your drink of choice in the sun, enjoying the day, smiling on the inside and outside.
☀️ Because just as you deserve happiness, love and life ☀️
Happiness deserves you
Love deserves you
Life deserves you

💕💕 I'm sending care and kindness your way 💕💕
Reminding you that:
You are seen
You are heard
You are valid
You matter


Optimisticempath OP May 9th, 2023


I kept highlighting parts of this to requote and emphasize more on but then I realised it was the entire letter lmao 😭

This. Is. Absolutely. A m a z i n g Anna 💚💜💛 thankyou vv much for taking time to share ✨ you're such a beautiful heart.

can I also say I love the colors and emojis!!! Makes it so much more beautiful! You're really awesome and you so creative, you make pretty posts for PAT also and I'm so inspired by you 💞 %D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F-flower.gif

AnnaSilverberg May 9th, 2023

🌟 @Optimisticempath 🌟

☺️ Thank you for your wonderful, kind words ☺️

💕 I'm glad that you enjoyed the letter 💕

Healingbeams May 9th, 2023

@Optimisticempath first of all it's an awesome post!

Here i go with sharing my message to the strangers.

Dear strangers,

1) You deserves to be happy

2) Everything worthy happening takes time, just hang in there.

3) know your worth, you are more than your thoughts or the people's judgements.

4) you are not alone, we are here for you.

5) You are loved.

Optimisticempath OP July 1st, 2023

@Healingbeams thankyou 💕 these are really nice reminders!

BlueDarkAurora May 9th, 2023

Dear Stranger.. or * Dear Reader *

The world says a lot of cruel things and it can be emotionally damaging. I know how much words can hurt especially when those words come from someone we love. But that's the thing right.. their words hurt cause we gave them the power, a place in our heart and we can take it back cause We have the power to do so. Don't hold space for people who just come in to cause internal damage, don't let the damage they caused ruin the beautiful walls of your heart.

No you are not too sensitive, you are not hard to love, No you are not dramatic for having feelings, You are not being unreasonable. Those are the opinion of others, they are not the story of you. Let your words be the one that defines you and not the ones that others have told you.

Optimisticempath OP July 3rd, 2023


Those are the opinion of others, they are not the story of you.

You did it again didnt you?💕 special human you always have the righttestt things to say 🤗

BlueDarkAurora January 17th

@Optimisticempath aww so sweet ^^ <3

Jupiterbeingahuman May 9th, 2023

@Optimisticempath I first would compliment their appearance, I mean since I know nothing about them that’d be a good place to start. Then I’d ask them about their day and tell them they’re never alone and if they ever need a friend, call me!

Jupiterbeingahuman May 9th, 2023

@Jupiterbeingahuman Somthing like this

Hello Stranger,

I hope you life has been well so far if not I promise it’ll get better. You might be having the best day right now or the worst day ever or just in between. Whichever it is take deep breathes and count to ten calm yourself and get right back on your feet to the day you were having. Remember to drink water, and have fun with friends. And remember to make new ones today! I bet that person who glanced at you that one time was dying to be friends! Now get out there and be yourself! For my sake.

love forever and always Jupiter.

Optimisticempath OP July 3rd, 2023

@Jupiterbeingahuman aw complimenting people is really sweet of you and that's a vv encouraging letter 💕 you're so beautiful Jupiter!

trueconfidant123 May 11th, 2023


Hey Lovely Being,

Here are a few reminders for you~

  • You are worthy and capable of more than what you think. Never underestimate yourself.
  • Ever in doubt, be reminded that your future self is the best at handling any such issues. Your future self is all powerful.
  • Pay attention to your mental and physical well-being. Adopt healthy lifestyle practices.
  • Don't ever shy away from seeking help due to fear of being judged or labelling yourself as inferior.
  • Laughter is indeed the best medicine.

Optimisticempath OP July 1st, 2023

@trueconfidant123 v colorful and helpful reminders 💕

trueconfidant123 July 1st, 2023

