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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Paupow February 18th, 2016


Amazing poem

mairatheabbal5858 February 18th, 2016

@Paupow thankyou....glad you liked it!

Katy2665 February 15th, 2016

A day that I remember

I remember that it was cold.

That the chill of the wind bit through my coat and numbed my young hands.

This is a day that I remember.

I remember the newness of the city;

the warm hands in mine;

I remember the tall glass, staring down at me. Welcoming me to come inside.

But I did not, though now I wonder.

I wonder what was lost when we didnt venture further.

the lost memories. the lost beauty. the lost. the lost.

But at the time, I was

young, and easily distracted. As we, laughing moved on to our next location

I smiled

and moved on.

I remember that we ate at such a fine place.

That the lemonade was bitter and the sandwich was tall and it was marvelous.

I remember that we walked;

you wouldnt tell me our destination.

Uncovering the items in the back of the car, I was confused.

You smiled, you both smiled, and took me by the hands


We walked up the stairs and into the cluttered, sweet-smelling room.

I was beaming.

This is a day that I remember.

Annie February 17th, 2016

Dear @Katy2665,

This is very atmospheric and beautiful. The details of the lemonade and sandwich -- the sweet-smelling room upstair. You have us tasting and smelling them too.

CourageDearHeart February 15th, 2016

Can you feel

The quirk of my lips

Curling up blissfully

As you sweep gentle hands

Down the arch of my spine?

Can you hear the echo

Of my quickened heartbeat

Thumping readily against

Your own rib cage?

Can you feel the reverberations

Of my contented hum

As my body so seamlessly

Melts into the dips and hollows

Of your own?

Annie February 17th, 2016

@CourageDearHeart, GORGEOUS!

MusicalMelody18 February 20th, 2016

@CourageDearHeart Amazing! I was hoping you would write something soon after the beauty you left last time... it is a joy to read your work :)

CourageDearHeart February 20th, 2016


Thank you so much! Hopefully I'll have the inspiration to continue writing. I have a really terrible method of just stopping when I'm out and about, say in the grocery store, and jotting something down on my phone. Then I make it home and try to figure out what the heck I actually meant to say. I'm really glad you like them - the highest compliment someone can get is knowing that you made another person smile.

MusicalMelody18 February 20th, 2016

@CourageDearHeart Well then I am glad you stop and jot it down and I am going to wish you are out and about often ;P Really they do bring a smile, so please keep doing whatever it is and we shall look forward to reading such beauty!

February 16th, 2016

Today last year, my love, your letter arrived on my doorstep.

I missed it, but chased after it back at the post office.

Claiming something that was meant for me.

The moment, this pink envelope with cherry blossoms printed on it

A symbol of what could be and where we wanted to be

I held it close to my heart like sacred scripture

I could smell your perfume embrace me.

I protected it with my life until I got home....and carefully opened it.

My hands nervous, my breath held back.

My eyes drank in all your promises, written in ink.

Your pictures, the necklace.

Your undying love for me.

I held it close, read it again, and savored first love letter, my first valentine. Nobody ever did it but you.

That was a year ago now.

Today, it's long forgotten. Behind you, a happy memory.

A regret to mine.

I wish I never was broken.

Then maybe I never would have lost you.

And we'd have shared more valentines together.

Pursuing goals together.

Growing together.

But all I have now is memories, and illusions, and left alone picking pieces of myself

While you climb higher, soaring faster in the path you take.

Happy valentine's my darling.

I still love you and it scares me to let you go

Even when you already canceled all the things your naive heart wrote.

Healthy people can, and should not stay

with sick people for too long after all.

You have a bright future,

I understand if you can no longer wait for me.

Goodbye my love...

Thank you for everything.

Annie February 16th, 2016

@weepingartist, thank you for sharing this. I honor what you've courageously written here. One caution, however: please don't be so sure that only 1 person is ill (damaged and the reason the relationship's ending) while the other is healthy (naive and not responsible). I am convinced that going forward and/or breaking up are due to the needs, characteristics and perceptions of both people at the time. Both share it and own it, I think.

In my view, you're not at fault; neither of you is "at fault" here. You're both seeking and trying and learning. You're both wonderfully flawed and lovely human beings doing the best you can on the path of life.

And I think you're doing it beautifully.

February 17th, 2016


February 17th, 2016

@Annie sorry about the other one, i couldnt seem to write...

your words are very comforting. to be honest i really can't say goodbye...i just write it here, but in the real world i'm scared to let go. i'm afraid of the things that might transpire and i guess my ego can't handle or accept it yet that he's allowed the right to explore and meet other people and possibly like them more than he did me.

i'm scared to stop this old record....very even if it's getting all scratchy and warped from the constant replay i let it keep on playing...

Annie February 17th, 2016

@weepingartist, ohh, I've been there, playing an old recording. It's familiar.

Cheeney February 17th, 2016

A minstrel's song

Our king sat on his throne
The one he so violently made
Of blood, flesh and bones
That so many people have paid

Paid the ultimate price
Their life for a seat
About twice the king's size
He can't even touch the ground with his feet

Still he insists on sitting there
Towering high above his men
Shouting with a deep voice 'Beware!'
Of what I say and when

'You would do well not to anger me
I'll have you beheaded
And then hang you out for everyone to see
Especially that woman you wedded'

He rules with an iron fist
With no toleration for error
Sometimes he adds a little twist
And throws people in the cellar

Often I have been put there
As a punishment for my rhymes
I find it hard to care
Even though they are non existent crimes

Rather me than some poor bloke
I can easily survive there
And face the king with a silly joke
Trying to hit a sensitive snare

He'll look at me with angry eyes
Steam coming out of his ears
'Stop telling lies
Or face all of your fears'

But I am the minstrel of this city
You cannot drive me away
My rhymes will always be witty
No matter what you angrily say

I will continue singing my songs
And you will continue to hate them
But if you don't correct your wrongs
There will be serious mayhem

Annie February 17th, 2016

@Cheeney, very interesting! The poet as minstrel, an old-fashioned word and concept. This, like your other poem about a walled kingdom, harks back to an older era.

Cheeney February 18th, 2016

@Annie Thank you!laugh

unsinkablespirit312 February 17th, 2016

Bleeding Through / Scar Tissue

***Trigger Warning: Self-Harm***

i am
everything and nothing
all at once
i am lost and i am found
wandering aimlessly
inside a home i don't really know

i don't know where i am anymore

this is me
craving the rich crimson
of sunrise and sunset
a darker hue that seeps into
all the love
inside of me
making open wounds
causing scars to form
from my own touch
it's all out of focus
but only for so long

soon a blazing red will darken the sky
screaming profanities
whispering sweet lullabies
coaxing me, guiding me
pulling me closer to the edge

the voices are screaming at me
do it, you'll feel better
stop struggling
give into me now

and i give in
silently screaming

let it all rain down
reign over me
let me bleed
i will bleed
make me clean
i am bleeding

tears falling and lips quivering
it was a mistake
but i feel calm and i feel safe
and lately i don't know who i am anymore

Annie February 17th, 2016

Dear @unsinkablespirit312, wow.

I think you have captured the contradictory nature of self harm.

unsinkablespirit312 February 17th, 2016

Thank you, @Annie. They're the current emotions I'm experiencing. It's sad but I think that's the nature of self-harm. Everything seems to be in extremes. Euphoria and devastation, numbness and overwhelming pain, vulnerability and safety... I just want a happy medium.

Paupow February 18th, 2016


Andyken February 17th, 2016

I see you over there, I watch your every move

Your eyes so honest, skin so smooth

Your hair just perfect, your smile so merry

You shine so bright, even on a day so dreary

The way you catch my eye

Sometimes makes me want to sigh

I can only be so close

Cause you have thorns just like a rose

But, oh, if you could only see

How much you're fascinating me

I'd listen to your every word

I'd be your wings, if you were a bird

I'd be your cloud, if you were the rain

I'm starting to wonder if I'm going insane

But that is only because of you

And I have no idea on what to do

You're like a beautiful melody

You leave me oh-so breathlessly

You're like a marvelous piece of art

I'll keep you as a memory, close to my heart

Annie February 18th, 2016

@Andyken, I love this. You've nailed it, something universal. The feeling of being so willing to be everything for a person who's amazing and desirable. But . . . the caution . . . the uncertainty. And the yearning . . . .

Andyken February 18th, 2016

@Annie Glad you like it :D

CloudRider16 February 17th, 2016

Locked in a cage without a key
I am prisoner of my own mind
Feeling nothing but worthlessness
Trusting not even myself any more

I walked in happy and naive
But got suppressed and pushed
Pushed down until I couldn't see the sky
All I could see was anger, hatred, jealousy

So I blocked it out
Stopped trying to climb out of the pit
I had lost my love, lost my anchor, lost my life
Replaced them all with scars, regrets and nothingness

The rope is there, just above my head
But I have lost the strength to get up
And even if I did that rope is far too frayed
I am trapped in an unlocked room, an open doorway

I can't push my way through the fog

MusicalMelody18 February 18th, 2016

@CloudRider16 that was sooo beautiful

DearMySanity February 18th, 2016


Sit alone on a pile of ashes
Wonder how i got this far
I can't remember how it happened
it didn't matter after all
I was wasted and i couldn't see
I was turning round in circles
How could it be?
I didn't give my all just to end it here
In a dark alley way, alone.
I need some room to breathe
Think back before i lost my mind
So i can try and find a place to hide
Outside my mind.

Annie February 22nd, 2016

@DearMySanity, this poem really struck me, although it's hard to explain why exactly.

One part that I especially admire is the paradoxical statement about trying to "find a place to hide / Outside my mind."

Because people usually try hide inside something, these lines leapt out at me. I had an image of a person trying to claw his way outside his own skull.

The last four-syllable line is solemn, rhythmic, and a little chilling. Well done.

DearMySanity March 5th, 2016

@Annie thank you. I I wrote because at one point I realized that my mind wasn't safe, that my only true enemy was myself. I needed to escape the wreckage of my head, thus the ashes. I didn't want to hide inside the thing which was keeping me from success, from functioning properly. I would have died, scared and alone, with no one to help me.

Katy2665 February 19th, 2016

I Fell in love

I fell in love

with a boy. Who had eyes so blue

and hair so blonde.

I fell in love.

I fell in love

with a girl. She had eyes that were brown

and hair that was too.

I fell in love.

I fell in love

with a feeling. It comes to me sometimes

when Im with those Im closest to.

I fell in love.

I fell in love

with a song. It rushed over me

drowning the thoughts in my head. Taking over.

I fell in love.

I fell in love

with a poem. It was sad

and for some reason, for some reason,

I fell in love.

I fell in love with a person.

I fell in love with who she was

and what she could do.

At last.

I fell in love with me.

Annie February 19th, 2016

@Katy2665, I love that the final discovery is love of your self. BRAVO

MusicalMelody18 February 20th, 2016

@Katy2665 "At last. I fell in love with me" :) beautiful!

Cheeney February 19th, 2016


What a beautiful sight
Wonderous stars playing with my eyes
I can hold them between my fingers, yet they're much bigger in size
Oh how I love the night

A shooting star, better make a wish now
I wish this moment wouldn't have to end
In the night I find a trusted friend
If only it could last forever, sadly I don't know how

A few hours will pass and the sun will rise
Illuminating the Earth with bright light
Solemnly ending this beloved night
Leaving me to my demise

batman4485 February 21st, 2016

@Cheeney love this, simple and amazing. I could see it and feel it. ty for sharing.

Cheeney February 21st, 2016

@batman4485 Thank you for your comment, batman!smiley

2genpoet February 22nd, 2016


wonderful I usually find rhyme poem contrived but this is not trite at all


3rd line too long try to shorten it

perhaps I hold them between my fingers, despite their size

Demise? i prefer you live on - perhaps on of 2 ways to go

Leaving me to ponder my own demise

Leaving me to mourn its demise

if you dont like comments please tell me

Cheeney February 22nd, 2016

@2genpoet Thank you!

I agree that the 3rd line could be shorter, but I kinda like it how it is.
The ending is open to interpretation. Personally I wrote it like that because I like the solitude of the night. When the sun rises people wake up, get ready for another day, slowly flooding the Earth. During night time it's nice and quiet.
I appreciate your comment and tipssmiley​​​​​​​

2genpoet February 22nd, 2016


i am glad you are able to take my suggestions in the spirit they were given

no criticism meant

MusicalMelody18 February 20th, 2016

What is night but the absence of the day
As I sit by your bedside tonight
I hold a scarf out to the falling stars
To bring a little starshine your way

There can be no rainbows without a storm
As I watch over you tonight
My spirit collects leprechaun gold
To bring a few blessings your way

What is music but words stringed to a tune
As I keep guard for you tonight
I gather melodies of yore
To cast a little solace your way

There can be no life without living
As I am with you, now, tonight
I promise every struggle has meaning
You hold your own magic deep inside...

Cheeney February 20th, 2016

@heartfulMusic18 I love this!