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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

lonelydeviantsoul July 22nd, 2015

Thank you Annie. It actually is a song I wrote a few years ago. I don't know much about writing though. I just write what I feel in a way that can be interpreted by the reader. :)

I appreciate the compliment.

Austria July 22nd, 2015

Where are you?

With the sunrise come my sorrows,

My back is cold but the sunshine blinds my face,

My happiness is bent and wobbles as I flee,

If yet the winter has left me then where is my summer?

I swim in a lukewarm pool and my hands tremble,

and a fear I cannot face has gripped my mind,

all the pieces have spilled and I do not know if I can hold them together,

Where was I?

Annie July 29th, 2015

@Austria, This poems has many fascinating images, the sunrise blinding the face but leaving the back cold, the idea of happiness being bent and wobbling. At first we have images of hot and cold, bright and dark, winter and summer -- and then we shift to pieces that have spilled. I think the shift in imagery works -- I like the last 2 lines very much.


Austria July 29th, 2015

Thank you for saying that, it means a lot to me.

Sherly July 22nd, 2015

You taught me to be silent

when I'm about to shout

You showed me your goodness

when everyone else are cruel

You gave me wisdom

when I don't know what to do

...Who am I? For you to love me like this

...a love that I can never outgive

...the only love I would ask to stay

...for in your eyes I am truly loved

You have brought me to light

when everything turns to dark

You have given me life

when I was about to die

And still by now, I can't grasp

this love you have for me

Yes, it is your love that makes me say 'I lurve you!'

Annie July 29th, 2015

Dear @Sherly, Thanks for sharing your poem! I have to admit it confused me a bit. Is it meant to be a good thing for the beloved to teach us to be silent when we want to shout? I think maybe the poet intends that it is good, but there was confusion at the outset for me.

And this part, wow, I absolutely LOVE it:

'Who am I? For you to love me like this/ ...a love that I can never outgive/ ...the only love I would ask to stay/ ...for in your eyes I am truly loved/ You have brought me to light/ when everything turns to dark/ You have given me life/ when I was about to die/ And still by now, I can't grasp/ this love you have for me."

It is so eloquent and lovely! Gorgeous.

In the final line, the shift to cute slang ("lurve") changes the tone substantially at the end in a way that was somewhat dissonant, but clearly intended I think.

Very interesting work!

Sherly August 2nd, 2015

Hi @Annie you are good in your observation. Thank your for interacting with the poetry.

I would 'lurve' to see your poems too. Thanks so much!

NewRomantic677 July 22nd, 2015

What?!?! @Annie this is inappropriate to me

LostVegas333 July 22nd, 2015

My goddess with eyes of hazel sits upon the shore.

The ocean of sorrow in moonlight crashes silent in its roar.

For so contained are her demons deep that the world may never see.

A restless tear from ashen face falls heavy as she weeps.

For her heart never changed at all behind her wall of sadness.

Her false smile inspires awe a facade of forlorn gladness.

She speaks in riddles partly true so no being shall get near.

She wrestles with her feelings true ensnared within her fear.

Can you feel my heart?

If it loves you can you care?

Can you see my shattered soul if I lay it bare?

Can you see my pain?

My mistakes can you forgive?

Can you hear my screams?

Can our love ever live?

In pain my angel still she dwells,

substituting love again for lust.

Clipping her wings since the moment she fell,

denouncing ever trust.

Tortured she burns inside her own hell,

until she turns to dust.

Unsteady rhythms just barely beating

her heart covered in rust.

Evermore my goddess stands

gazing into the past she'll stay.

A tragedy her greatest crash

transfixed her pain can never fade.

In her heart the battle rages

until the end of all her days.

Deep inside she hides her love

forever locked away.

Can you feel my heart?

If it loves you can you care?

Can you see my shattered soul if I lay it bare?

Can you see my pain?

My mistakes can you forgive?

Can you hear my screams?

Can our love ever live?

Annie July 29th, 2015

@LostVegas333, Wow, very powerful! I liked the inverted sentences. (For example, "my mistakes can you forgive.) I felt they added interest and added to the rhythm.


Firepenguin711 July 22nd, 2015

The cyan blue ocean reflected the orange and pink sunset. The ripples of the ocean broke the reflection into a million little pieces of bright orange and pink. The beams of the sun turned the sand into a light flamingo pink. The trees cast long shadows across the ground. A small fish jumped out of the water and into the pink light and back into the cyan blue water. The sun finished setting and now it was my favorite time of day that I called the blue time. Its the time right after the sun sets when the moon is starting to come up, making the world a deep blue, almost like it was underwater.

Annie August 2nd, 2015

@FirePenguin711 -- What GORGEOUS use of colors!!

KnighTerrAin July 22nd, 2015

My only escape is going where they would not have the guts to follow me

KnighTerrAin July 22nd, 2015

What if we could all put our problems in a pile for all to see, and instead of choosing our own to take back, we could just leave them there start a fire and walk away together

KnighTerrAin July 22nd, 2015

As time goes on it seems to speed up the present, the future seems shorter and faster to pass, and the past becomes this pile we start to throw memories in for us to dig through once in a while. It gets messy and unsorted and we lose track of where everything went or where it was placed or where it fits in with everything else

KnighTerrAin July 23rd, 2015

I put my hope in a bottle and threw it into the sea. In hopes it could find someone more deserving than me

NewRomantic677 July 23rd, 2015

I actually fangirled over this one, I love poetry, its SUCH an amazing outlet for me, I'd love to see more of your work cause I've read all of your poems on this thread

KnighTerrAin July 23rd, 2015

But darling, then it read you

Jessica797 July 23rd, 2015

Tears of a rose

When I saw the wonder of your eyes
It was the only world I yearn to wonder
As if dawn rose within them
The shade of russet and golds
Fading into one
Often I saw the smile in them gleam
But other times too I saw them weep
Yet always compelling me
That gripped me by my soul
Willingly tumble downwards into those dark pools
And be lost within them for eternity
Never to know such the wonder of you
Nor to own this ache
This longing to be
One I know so well
But still know more is to be explored
Concealing the three words I keep
That I wish to be told
In all my days
Never did I think
Such as you could exist
A nature of such wonderful potions
So pure, so kind
Inspiring beyond the reach of anything else
With a heart that beats of purest form
Though broken once before
Lush dark hair that reminds me
Of a warm safe place whereas a child I'd hide
From the raging storms
That now cloud your sight
Liquid peals slip
Gently down
The masculine beauty that is your own
Past a mouth, oh that mouth
I long to caress
To twine these arms about you
Never to let go
To never to repeat
Past wounds
For you see
You are such a nimble thief
Whom steals my breath
With my heart
To spend such lengthily hours
Yet to pine for so more
Sadly though
Divided are we
By a sheet of glass
And worlds apart
The ocean waves
But if I close my lids
You are right beside me
And in my heart
You will steadfast be.

By Gemma Louise

Annie July 24th, 2015

@Jessica797, another moving poem, eloquent. Thank you for sharing it! heart

Jessica797 July 24th, 2015

@Annie Thank you, I had lost my passion for writing for a while, but I think I'm getting it back now. Your kinds words really means quite a lot to me.😊

KnighTerrAin July 23rd, 2015

I can't think of something write of my own so Keaton Henson

NewRomantic677 July 23rd, 2015

Some People Write Poetry

some people write poetry

they command the words

some people write poetry

but i don't have the nerve

of course it used to speak to my soul

id rewrite again and again

but i've sat here for ages

and ripped out some pages

and words became words

and the words became faded

and perhaps poetry requires some nerve

but ill just keep writing

i'm only a girl.

one in 7 billion

wont change the world

ill get my words out

and leave in whirl

of waiting

and watching

and wishing and more

some people write poetry; I just think.

Annie July 24th, 2015

Dear @newromantic677,

I like this poem. The tone is interesting. There's definitely some irony -- including the statement that the speaker is not going to write poems!

I found these lines particularly charming:

"and perhaps poetry requires some nerve/ but ill just keep writing

i'm only a girl. / one in 7 billion / wont change the world

ill get my words out / and leave in whirl

of waiting / and watching / and wishing and more ..."

NewRomantic677 July 27th, 2015

Thanks @Annie :) I was debating over whether or not this one actually, but I thought meh why not. Glad you liked it

KnighTerrAin July 23rd, 2015

I have stalkers, born from my home town, spread with the Internet. Escape is only to think and I couldn't think of it. They work. They say they wouldn't. But they ---- work. They put a life's work into my life just to make sure I strife.

So they can watch my eternal flame burn and hand me blame. Turning tainting yearning baiting. I'm not complacent but I can't be violent. It's all that would stop them. Yet I just watch as the top spins and clot till my blood thins.

Leave my life and sit inside. They don't go away because I'm still online. I can't say their names because then I would try. So here I am. Have me. Watch me for eternity.

---- YOU I hand you my life here I quit. Quit this city. This country. These people. Their chances.

In only hopes they'd feel half the pain I'm scarred with. Filthy retched -----s to put it softly. they spent my whole life trying to cop me. Turned me into things I child should never be. I guess I did bleed complacently. I gave my life to save them. As if I stayed out there I would divide them into pieces and pry them open to close again. Reassemble and dismember. But yet. When I feel like that I called the police in attempt to cell and jail me for that. A feeling. They said I'd have to commit a crime. And for a moment I looked them in the eye and they say I was tempted.questioning what would be enough and what would be too much.

But alas they drove me to a hospital. Ever so. ----- fitting. As if all they could see was a bleeding pile of violence covered in deceit. My life is now composed of stalkers. As if I try to live I will either feed them or eat them. But here in solidarity we all get what we want. They can pointlessly stalk me and I can sit here and slump. They can laugh at my unraveling and I can save them from what I'm unraveling into.

As once the bandages are lost, the mask comes off. The animal doesn't stop. Once it is seen. And in light the bloody rage gleams. Beaming and teeming. Burning bright star of going to far. I can only halt it my halting my hand into a wall to be broken. Stopped like a train crash when I piled it behind a cup and into a wall mash.

But I don't have the tendons to keep that referendum. If I make it as me. Myself. The one who spends 7 hours on cups. Then maybe I'll live. If not possibly the military. Just let the beast devour me and send it to the ones who deserve to see. What it truly is capable of. Put on a ------ cape and gloves and animal bearing armour. Under the flak jacket and bulletproof plates. In the corner of me shoulder they'd see the depiction burdened with leviathan snakes. And an angel in the center. Dressed like a spartan with a gun to help pardon. Myself of what they've inflicted. Send my shell to hell in war as to not be conflicted.

Free of their tricks and parted to pick from. I can aim. I can strike a projectile. So I could maim and fight like a textile. Become an inhuman contusion. Let my anger be my salvation. Drag it through war and see it drag me through more. Drag me to shore. Then me. Myself. Without the demons wealth of raging unbreakable health. Could just lie down and ------ die on that island in peace and without need of help

expletives deleted by forum mentor Annie
majesticSapphire July 23rd, 2015

She'd learnt to keep a shallow mind,
So people didn't have to swim,
And it led them all to think they knew,
The thoughts she held within,
But below the wading pool she'd made,
Was a world left unexplored,
An ocean of her feelings,
Hidden under the pool's floor,
The waters turned to blackness,
Where not even she had dared to go,
Stretching from behind her eyes,
To the ends of all her toes,
She didn't want to dive right down,
And find what lay hidden there,
Because she knew with all deep water,
Came a deadly lack of air,
But she didn't foresee the lonely boy,
Who found a crack in her cement,
Broke free of her wading pool,
And into the darkness he went,
He told her not to fear her thoughts,
As he took her by the hand,
And swum with her to places,
That their lungs could not withstand,
In their new-found love they both forgot,
The importance of their breath,
And interwoven in the world they'd found,
They both drowned in its depths.

KnighTerrAin July 23rd, 2015

Holy f. That reminds me of someone I've met. Things like this make me think of people who,when I wonder under a blue sky all I think of is holding them in a star glazed night. The metaphors in your words though! I love the idea of breaking the pool. Have you ever read that article about the underground aquafers they found beneath the oceans? Turns out our planet could be more than 70% water. And they could be an equal or more amount of life in those oceans beneath the sea. Things we've never seen. Things that evolved in a world that's basically not our earth. From complete darkness to waters close to lava. And there a whole evolution within it

TheWhisperedRoar15 July 23rd, 2015


Annie July 24th, 2015

I agree: WOW

Annie July 24th, 2015

I LOVE these lines!

She'd learnt to keep a shallow mind,
So people didn't have to swim,
And it led them all to think they knew,
The thoughts she held within,
But below the wading pool she'd made,
Was a world left unexplored,
An ocean of her feelings . . .


NewRomantic677 July 27th, 2015

I love this. So.Much.

KnighTerrAin July 23rd, 2015

Depression is a puddle,

for some it is wider and some it is deeper.

Some it is practically a pool and some an ocean.

And so on.

Even after you step out you will still be wet.

And the air will feel colder;

but it's better than going back

Annie July 27th, 2015

@KnighTerrAin, An incredibly apt extended metaphor! Well Done!! heart

lonelydeviantsoul July 23rd, 2015

No Better by G (1998)

I heard a guy sing a song

He said, "this is a fact.

Every time you take one step forward

You go two steps back".

He forgot to mention

Winners don't give in

Every time I get knocked down

I get up and try again

You can take all my money

Take away my house

But you can't take my freedom of speech

These words out of my mouth

I call it how I see it

But sometimes you've just got to believe it

I believe too many people are living in fear


Do you really think someone is better than you?

They'll have you believe it but it ain't true

In the eyes of the lord a sin is a sin

It really don't matter which one it is

Scared to be noticed

For the flaws they have

Scared someone might stop and stare

Point their finger and laugh

Let's get in the open

We're pretty much all the same

There's no point in living our lives in shame

Try something different

Come, shake my hand

Don't fear my tattoos or my haircut

Try to understand

These are just things I like

It doesn't tell you who I am

Try to get to know me

Try to give a damn

Annie July 24th, 2015

@lonelydeviantsoul -- GREAT SONG!!

lonelydeviantsoul July 24th, 2015

Thank you so much Annie. I appreciate that. :)

lonesomepoetheart July 24th, 2015

I'm a candle eager for the match.
I weep wax.
I'm made of small scents of love and happiness,
and when I burn,
oh the aroma shakes loose from my bones.

I'm a candle in the cold.
A candle forgotten in a rotting box in a black basement in a dying house in the wilderness.
A flame will never find me, save a wildfire to burn this
house down.

I want a match to alight on my tongue.
I want to taste the flame as it ignites
and I want the pain to burn me away until I can burn no more.

But again. I'm cold.
I'm a waste of wax rotting in the darkness that I just can't burn away.

NewRomantic677 July 24th, 2015

I really love this poem. Alot. I'd love to see more of your work :)

lonesomepoetheart July 25th, 2015

You really like it that much? I'd be glad to post more