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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

Monarda May 24th, 2015

Thanks, I appreciate it!

Dreamz May 29th, 2015

Great poem! It reminds me of summer :)

Monarda June 12th, 2015

Thank you @Dreamz:)

Smilewhenitrains87 May 23rd, 2015

Well Thanks for the wild ride I'm just not your thing. You're dissatisfied Left me bleeding on the side of the road. Oh no Promises you made filled with the lies you told It's never gonna be the same Now I found out who you are Left me bound and gagged Still living with all these scars Forever didn't mean a thinG Was I just misled? Another casuality Drowned in these tears I shed. I said Give me your heart so I can stop crying As I ache inside Im slowly dieng (can't breathe) It'll be okay (but I need) I can learn to live with All your mistakes (Your heart) Pain. That's what I feel. You left me here alone. And the hurt is real Because I'm suffocating on my own, Oh no Promises you made filled with the lies you told It's never gonna be the same Now I found out who you are Left me bound and gagged Still living with all these scars Forever didn't mean a thinG Was I just misled? Another casuality Drowned in these tears I shed. I said Give me your heart so I can stop crying As I ache inside Im slowly dieng (can't breathe) It'll be okay (but I need) I can learn to live with All your mistakes. (Your heart) This was actually a song I wrote a long time ago but I think it works as poetry too

Smilewhenitrains87 May 23rd, 2015

Okay I put paragraphs but it didn't include them for some reason.

Annie May 23rd, 2015

@smilewhenitrains87, as I read this poem, it got better and better, with more sophisticated style/approach. Iespecially love the parenthetical phrases--that just knocked me out.heart

Smilewhenitrains87 May 23rd, 2015

You're really sweet Thank you. I wrote that after a breakup drove me to attempt suicide. But don't worry. That was over 5 years ago. I got help and I'm okay now. It took a long time for me to realize I don't need anyone to feel whole. happiness has to come from within yourself.

Annie May 23rd, 2015

Dear@smilewhenitrains87, that is an amazing story. When I hear someone tell about the journey from despair to happiness, it iswonderfully heartwarming and inspiring. I am so impressed. Congratulations. heart

I am wondering. If you are willing to share it, I would be interested to know. Did the process of writing the poem help you cope with the pain?

The intensity of the emotions plainly helped you write a powerful poem. But did the process of pouring the emotions into print help you survive the pain of the breakup?

Smilewhenitrains87 May 23rd, 2015

I don't really want to share it was a really long time ago and I don't want to go back to that place. But Thank you

Annie May 25th, 2015

Dear @SmileWhenItRains87, I respect your decision absolutely. Manytimes it is preferable to let things lie quietly and not rake them up unnecessarily. heart Again I appreciate that you shared the poem. It's powerful.

Deafblond25 May 24th, 2015

I make everyone happy as I can

Cos I don't want to see them being sad

I try to make them laugh with my bad jokes

If I can make someone smile then I feel happy inside

being happy is important feeling to have

Annie May 25th, 2015

Dear @DeafBlond25, there is a lot of truth in your poem.

It reminds me of the work that the listeners do here at 7 Cups--trying to help people feel better.heart

Dreamz May 29th, 2015

Yes. This is an amazing poem!

Amy1160 May 24th, 2015

It's hard to live, In the shadow of guilt. How can i be brave While building my grave, Is there time while you smile, See me through, To my soul and pray, The tinted dark don't, Become black or gray. It's hard to breath, With the stone instead of heart. The life has change, Form bad to worse, Changing ; Ohhhhh ; Changing my ways ; For whom ; I don't know ; I don't want, How to be me. Than how can i change, Change my heart to red. It's really brave for coming so far, It's hard to live, In the shadow of guilt, With heart turning into shades of grey.....

Annie May 25th, 2015

@Amy1160, Love this. The images relating to colors really work for me. Iespecially the idea of seeing when a person is wearing the tinted glasses, expressed elliptically. And repeated with subsequent references to black and grey. And the concept of building a grave -- and breathing with stone instead of theheart. Strong.There seems to be a series of truncated, somewhat chaotic, expressions toward the end, which appear to reflect the poet's confusion and emotion.So much here, and more with each reading.heart

mckpunka May 25th, 2015



all i want to be able to do right now is tell my story

i think it would help me start to heal


but that?s hard to do

because I don?t even understand it myself

and i?ve never been all that good with expressing my feelings

i always preferred to etch them into my skin instead

because that way,

they were real

but i never had to utter them aloud

they were always too dark, too unfathomable

to be put into words


and now they?re permanent.

even if i wanted to forget them

(god, do i want to forget them)

i never can

and neither can the world when they?re on display

like this


i spent my childhood with a hole in my chest

a hole i never noticed

(that is, i knew it was there but

i guess i just assumed that this was life,

that everyone else had one too)

and so i assumed my position -

a damsel who clutched her distress

like a security blanket laced with poison

until it started to choke me



that?s how old i was the moment

i first began to self-destruct -

just a little scratch to quiet

the voices

telling little me how


she was

the funny thing is

it always felt normal

like this was what i was built for

like i was meant for the darkness


if you spend enough years

being told

(subliminally or otherwise)

by your head

your family

that asshole at school

your first boyfriend


all the wickedness of the media

that your body is wrong

thatyouare wrong

you start to believe it

and you take it upon yourself

(being the perfectionist that you are)

to correct yourself

and you relish the compliments

as you shrink

and it becomes harder to walk up the stairs


they told me

sit down, shut up, close your eyes

and pray

man loves woman

you?re a sinner


and i listened.

the day i realized

what they?d done to me

i lost me

i still don?t know if i?ve found her yet


there were mornings

and afternoons

and evenings

when i forgot how to speak

and i flirted with the prospect of

not existing


the walls i?d built to prevent discovery

began to cave in

and my 2 am crimson screams

were never heard

(i?d hidden them well beneath my shiny exterior

and sleeves i clutched so tight

my knuckles went white)



my arms and thighs

are a roadmap i don?t quite know how to read

maybe i never will


?better? seems so distant

but i don?t want to stay here


this darkness is so easy, so


but it?s been my home for too long

it?s time i put up a fight

Annie May 25th, 2015

Dear @mckpunka,

WOW. I was enthralled from the beginning. The lines "i've never been all that good with expressing my feelings,i always preferred to etch them into my skin instead" made my breath catch. And the line about the damsel clutching her distress, wonderful! So many compelling lines. The whole thing packs a powerful punch. Just wow.heart

inventiveHouse2965 April 29th, 2018

@mckpunka much of what you posted here gave words to things i could not voice. Another reason to share your poetry... to help others put words to their own pain... this helps us HEAL. and THAT is important. Thank you for being brave enough to share this.

funnyOwl1380 May 25th, 2015

I made this last night at 3.

we can dance on the rings of Saturn, and burn hotter than the sun. we were together forever, before the universe had even begun.

Annie May 26th, 2015

@funnyowl1380, I adore, ADORE the first two lines! The concept of dancing on the rings of Saturn is WONDERFUL--and the marked rhythm of these lines--and continuing the extended metaphor of planets/sun: spectacular!! heart

FallenAngel14 May 26th, 2015

I sit alone
All by myself
And I know that I brought this on myself
I built a wall
To shield myself
From everyone that would leave
Thought no one really wanted me
So when they tried to leave
I opened up the door for them
And locked it when they left
I chased no one
No one
That was my big mistake
And now I've finally figured out
That I was all to blame
Maybe if I went after them
Maybe they would have stayed

BraveSpirit May 26th, 2015

@fallenangel, This made my heart ache.That is how it feels, to let someone go and then close up and lock the door. Wonderful poem.

defygravityXD May 26th, 2015

to all the broken dreams and wasted years

to night after night sleeping on a pillow full of tears

to arguments that no one won

and family vacations that weren't all that fun

to expectations that couldn't be met

to unjust rules intended to protect

to all the time wasted while living at home

to parents by whom I'll probably be disowned

so long, farewell, good riddance

BraveSpirit May 26th, 2015

@defygravityXD, this hits me hard . . . . the arguments no one wins, the vacations that aren't fun, the expectations that can never be met . . . . I know we weren't the only kids to experience this, but to read it here. ~ Strong feelings.

inventiveHouse2965 April 29th, 2018

@defygravityXD that sounds like living with a narcissist. but i could be wrong. well-worded with depth.

defygravityXD May 26th, 2015


on my name-tag are written five letters

all in lowercase, no vowels

is this a word?

does it define me?

people tell me it holds meaning

they use big words

i don't understand

they push and prod me into a corner

where a herd of other people stand

wearing masks, all alike

every name-tag holds the same five letters

a mask pushed over my face

istand for hours

unable to see, to speak

as the world whirls around me

without me

then darkness


the mask pulled off

My corner glows with color

illuminating the dark that was thrust upon it

no one speaks



quietly beautiful

I see value

I forget the five letters

independentTriangle9280 May 27th, 2015

Beautiful work! Hopeful story. It is always good to read an lgbtq story with a happy ending. Back in the day, that was pretty rare. We live in better times!

Annie May 27th, 2015

Dear @DefyGravityXD, I agree completely -- beautiful work. I love the strong but gentle voice in this poem, the breath-holding suspense as we follow the poet's journey, and I gottalove how the sunrise breaks forth at the end. Lovely . . . .heart

Twokindears May 27th, 2015

Grey clouds above my head

Teardrops in my heart

Unclaimed melodies

I must make a brand new start

Annie May 27th, 2015

Dear @TwoKindEars, I love this! It has a haikuesque feeling --spare language, brief butstrong natural images, and the departure line winging off in a new direction.heart

Twokindears May 27th, 2015

Thanks Annie! You are very perceptive! You are correct in everything you sensed

helpfulPlace9028 May 28th, 2015

At first you didn't know

If it was right to feel this way

But the weeks turned into months

And still this numbness didn't sway

At first it was a solution

To feel once again

But then you felt to much

And the skin couldn't mend

At first you went away

Into an almost tomb

With white halls and bare walls

and a silence that boomed

But you came back stronger than ever

You picked yourself up at your worst

I know you can get better

Even if it didn't seem so at first

Blagfar May 28th, 2015

That wasbeautiful I'll try and write something in a few myself but dam, that was nice.

st1603 June 1st, 2015

Thank You :D

Annie June 1st, 2015

Dear @helpfulPlace9028, I LOVE the theme!! The ending made me smile sooo much . . . .smiley


IloveHumanity June 4th, 2015
Just beautiful and true.
Blagfar May 28th, 2015

like a rat in a maze
I whittle and raze
till not a man is left
till all is theft and my life is forfeit
For I shant forget
That I can't, it was given
Of a man smitten
With a woman Wiccan
They gave birth to a villain
and gave me my place
Lost without a trace
filled with all the reminders
of old middle school binders
with horrible memories of hardships endured
memories of relationships I've abhorred
The lasting sorrow
till tomorrow
passing onward ever endured

wildrosehorses May 28th, 2015

This is a slam poem I wrote earlier this year about my past experiences with friends, titled lies. Please give constructive feedback. I love you. Why do you feed my desperate soul these lies? I see you huddled in a corner with your "so called friends." I know that as soon as you lose interest in them you'll mercilessly move on without a second thought. Most of them will not care, knowing it was all a farce, however, there will always be that one naive person who thought what they had was real but people will make fun of them and call them a fool when really she is anything but that... All because she believed in the friendship they shared. Heart torn out and ripped into shreds so miniscule that not even the most tender of hands or capable fingers can put it back together again. Betrayal fresh in her heart she seeks a new path; one of secrecy and caution. Even years later, the memories linger piercing her soul like a cats claw when it buries itself into the trees flesh, using it as a scratching post. These clawed memories are dragging her down the drain like quick sand. All she's looking for is acceptance in this cruel world of hate and misery. What used to be understanding gazes, turn into judgemental glares. Trusted figures turn into gargantuan monsters of rage. Towering over her cowering form crouched on the floor, they scream words like arrows repeatedly stabbing her. Laughter echoes around as they find her helplessly sprawled out on the floor in a puddle of her own blood. Wounds encircle her limp body, yet, even as she cries out for help, not a single being comes to her aid. She bleeds their words of torment desperatly searching for something solid to grab onto in this sea of turmoil. They remain ignorant and are blind to what they're doing to this once beautiful girl who is now covered in the scars of her past but must keep trudging up the steep road full of potholes despite the injuries that limit her not only mentally but physically as well. She is trapped, in her own cage of protection but the metal bars are burning her and its too late for escape. Unspoken words hang off her dry lips: a plea of help. Begging to be spoken not daring to be said, she suffers in silence as the world spins but to her everything is frozen. Time doesn't seem to pass, its always the same but on the inside she's wasting away, crumbling to dust. Whatever was left of that girl has now been blown by the wind.

Annie June 2nd, 2015

Dear @WildRoseHorses,

Slam poetry is so interesting, and I lovethis one.

Given that slam poetry is performance poetry, I ordinarily find it isn't experienced best in print, which lacks the poet's vocal tone, pauses, pitch variations, volume variations, and (in some cases) anguished appeals to the audience.

But this poem has LOTS of power in print. The overall impact is wrenching ? I can only imagine what it?s like when you read it to a live audience!

For me, the strongest elements of the poem are the narrative elements rather than the metaphorical elements. What I mean is, I was impressed by the poet's ability to choose compelling moments within a string of events, and by the poet?s eye for the piercing detail to illustrate each moment. I was impressed by the poet's ability to perceive and select human feelings, actions and reactions to tell the story effectively.

With regard to imagery --the image of a heart torn out and ripped to shreds is not new, but the idea that the pieces are so tiny that not even the most tender hands and competent fingers can put the shreds back together? That image worked for me because it suggested that the person doing the shredding was extraordinarily thorough and energetic (and callous) in his or her destructive actions, and it further suggesteda level of injuryso devastating that love from others would not heal it, thus disabling the victim from responding to tender love in the future.

The severity of the damage is further portrayed by the reaction of self-protection: "Betrayal fresh in her heart she seeks a new path; one of secrecy and caution." That reaction rang soooo true to me!

There were other apt details that lent power, I felt. Although the idea that a merciless person would leave friends behind is fairly routine, the comment that most of them wouldn?t care anyway because they already knew it was a farce from the start -- that comment portrayed a group of cynical, world-weary young people ? chilling, in contrast to the trustful, warm, nae poet. Effective contrast, I thought.

In your intro to your poem, you requested constructive feedback, so I'll give some additional feedback, for whatever it?s worth --or not.smiley There were a few things that caused me some slight confusion or double-takes until I could re-read and figure things out. For example, the line ?I see you huddled in a corner? initially brought to mind a person hunched over, alone, isolated or in pain ? but then it turned out that the huddle was like a tight team huddle excluding others. I don?t know if anyone else had a similar double-take moment. Also, the line about how they couldn?t ?put it back together again? had (for me) an unintended echo of Humpty Dumpty.In addition, the word ?encircle? gives me a sense of something external to the body ? a belt encircling a waist, for example. So the idea of the wounds encircling her body caused me to stall and re-read several times to get the intended sense of it.

There were other things that I found comment-worthy, but I?ve said more than enough! (Old teachers leave the classroom but the passion for literature and budding writers doesn?t leave!blushPlease feel to send me a private message is you?d like to chat further about writing.)

Last, I think my favorite line was this one: ?Why do you feed my desperate soul these lies?? The idea of a ?hungry heart? goes back to Beowulf at least (and further, for all I know) and into contemporary music as well. But the marked rhythm of this line, together with the soul as desperate, had a strong impact.

Overall, this poem conveys a whirlwind of disillusionment and damagewith realintensity. Amazinglypowerful writingfrom such a young poet!Thank you for sharing it with us.heart

wildrosehorses June 14th, 2015

@Annie thanks so much!!! I really appreciate you taking the time to write this and I will use the feedback to improve what you said. I'm so happy that you enjoy my poem. Thanks again! :-)