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slayteralmighty January 16th, 2015

Hello there everyone!

If you're reading this it means that you probably are quite fond of poetry and writing it to. This is a thread to post all and any poetry that you may have, be it happy, sad, angry or just silly. All styles are welcome (free verse, couplets, slam) and it would be great to have at least one poem up a day for all of us to enjoy together!!smiley

May 15th, 2017

The worst thing


is to have a crush

on someone that listens to you.

Like falling inlove for angels

and fictional characters.

You both know each other deeply

yet wouldn't recognize each other on the street.

Oh what to do

what to do

what to do

NataliaNectarine May 23rd, 2017

Our hands - bridges
Time - flowing beneath
I'm holding you
My frail body
- an anchor
For us there is no death
I'm holding you
My bones - growing into yours
You are my home
My motherland
Your face - my ikona
Your name - my prayer
That's why
I'm holding you
The way wheat holds the land
The way the horizon holds the sky
I'm holding you

Annie July 16th, 2017

Dear @NataliaNectarine, this intrigues me. There is a power to it ... and a sense of mystery.

Val1126 May 25th, 2017

Have You Ever

Have you ever had the feeling

Where you can't win?

Anything, or any battle

So life becomes grim

Have you ever had the feeling

Where you just choke?

On words you want to say

But never spoke?

Have you ever felt so lost?

You don't know where you began

Feeling like you've lost everything

And don't have a plan

Have you ever felt misunderstood

Where you just want yourself?

Never felt more alone

Thinking you have no wealth

Have you ever felt forgotten

Like no one in the world cares

Like the world's burdens are given

For only you to bear

Have you ever?

Have you ever?

To these words

I can never say never

But maybe, I don't have to stay this way forever

Demi2345 May 28th, 2017

@Val1126 wow this is really nice val

Val1126 May 28th, 2017

@Demi2345 I appreciate your kind words.

hyacinthw May 25th, 2017

recently i've learned

i am not perfect

i am flawed

i am splintered around the edges

rough in places that haven't always been rough

part fire and brimstone, part human.

so human

and it's scary to be real

but it's fear that you need, fear that that reminds you

of the soul in your chest

and recently i've learned

i am not perfect

and it's scary

but it's human.

Limerence13 May 25th, 2017

I wrote this for my English class and it was meant to have the tone of the original

I felt a funeral in my brain

I felt a funeral in my brain

when my phone dinged no more.

My screaming, begging and crying was not enough

Just like I wasn't enough for them

I felt a funeral in my brain

When their mother was at my door

Sobbing about how her baby was gone

Sobbing about how she was not enough

I felt a funeral in my brain

As I felt the sting on my thighs

My blood pouring out

As his did on that night

I felt a funeral in my brain

As the darkness encompasses me

In the night, his hoodie became his arms

As there I lay, pondering about how someone so humane could do something so untenable

I felt a funeral in my brain

Until the actual funeral came

His broken brother couldn't produce any more tears

Considering the oceans he had already made

The funeral came to an end

Along with my life

I was elated I finally decided to end all my strife.

SilentInsanity June 18th, 2017

I can see the way she looks at him with a tinge of hate, must be jealousy

She sees him and she thinks of me and what I must have that she doesn't

What makes me worthy of loving, while she isn't

I laugh in glee as I shove our love in her crying face

She tells me that I must be happy with myself because I have ruined everything

I remind her that she wasn't as lucky as I, for I have always been better

I am the best lover and the best woman of hate

I have our fathers strength and our mothers submission

I can be whatever he wants, so he will never be bored of me

The thought is so great that I can't believe that he is mine

Someone like me can't possibly deserve someone like him

Because nothing makes me feel the way he can make me feel

When he squeezes me so tight I can't breathe through his love

Or when he looks at me so deeply that I struggle to even stand

Sister thinks that she can take part in the love that we have for each other

But she doesn't know him like I do, hasn't seen him like I have

I see into him and he sees into me because we have no secrets

He is there for me in the middle of the night when I wake up screaming

He is there when I stand in the middle of a crowd and see nothing but darkness

She talks to me every once in awhile and I can tell she wishes to keep us apart

I scream and cry and tell her to leave us alone, I don't want to hear it

But I end up hearing parts of it anyhow, because he cannot keep her out

She speaks in tongues that I cannot comprehend because she must be insane

She crying and yelling most of the time anyway so she has to be

To tell me that I need to get help is pretty ridiculous because I have all I need

I have a shoulder to cry on and a body to hold and that's perfect for me

Last time, she asked me what I am so scared of, why I refuse to let him go

And I laugh at her stupidity because he is the best thing that has ever happened to me

He held me when I was broken and when I could I longer go on with life

He promised me that if I would be his, then I would no longer worry about anything

He traded me my life for my body, which I was happy to give to him

I don't care about how it looks because he takes care of it for me

He tells me what I have to do to it to make everything better and he is never wrong

He knows exactly what I need, without me having to say a word

What was it she said to me the last time that she came to see me?

Oh yes, it was a tale of a girl who fell so deep into misery that she begun to unravel

She cut down to the bone in the name of love because she could no longer stand life

She broke down into pieces and went insane until the only thing holding her together

Was the very thing that broke her in the first place, the darkness inside her

What a silly story from my sister, I'm sure she only said it because the blood was too much for her

She always was such a weak one, which is why she left me in this ugly place to rot

It's okay though, because I always will have the darkness around me to keep me happy

She will never be able to take him away because he has crawled inside of me for safety

benlynchpx June 18th, 2017


Time flows in a filled shell, shifting between

Lots of events, some which are not seen

In life alone. Quotes come when evil strikes,

Breaths are exhaled from treacherous spikes

Of calamity. Some of these events

Need Guardians, because we just need to vent

Out the madness and frustration when hurt

By irreplaceable times. I will word

Thy quotes from long ago and always be

By your side when times are tough. Let us see

The future at its finest; bear with what

It has in store! We have made this a must

Have for generations; it is time for

The Guardians to know the peoples

ladyfiaragc June 21st, 2017

No one can fight the demons in your head but you. But I'm so tired of fighting. My shield is broken, sword cracked. I lay dying in a bed that was build to hold me up but only brings me down.
No one will notice, no one cares the voices say. You're not worth even the tears you're drowning in they scream at me. Eventually you start to believe them. I drop my sword and it shatters on the floor, shield falling to the ground with it.
Come get me shadows, I've been ready for so long. It was merely human nature holding me here. I scream at them to take me, but the shadows stay put. You have to take the step towards us, merely the first step, then we'll take you with us. I'm screaming at my feet to move forward but they won't budge. I guess I haven't lost yet, but I sure as fuck haven't won.

(no title, just came out of me while I was yelling at the universe to make the bad thoughts go away)

June 22nd, 2017

Sometimes I worry

Nights like ones similar at the moment

Where I'd remain sitting alone.

It dawns on me that I've always sat alone

in a tiny room

infront of a tiny window

looking into something real virtually.

Would Tinder solve my problems?
Meeting random strangers who swipe for a quick fix

I've tried going out.

But nothing much happens.

Often surrounded by minors

And no possible partners of legal age.

Learning things I've loved,

healing my inner, frustrated, child:

violin and writing comics.

Are my ambitious just too childish?

What would mature people choose?

My friends are all slowly falling in love

or have loved and failed.

But at least it's not

within the confines of JUST

chatboxes and video calls.

It was real, and it bore fruit.

A fatherless daughter

A clueless mother

All the same, an experience that brought life.

But what about me?

They say I breathe life

in a somewhat ordinary day

with pictures

but that's all they are


Annie June 23rd, 2017

Dear @weepingartist -- love this

June 23rd, 2017

thanks always @Annie! although sorry i ended up posting it three times...please just delete the others, i think the website was lagging last night...haha!

Annie July 16th, 2017

@weepingartist, duplicates deleted!

June 23rd, 2017

Meaningless days

Days like today

Afternoons so quiet

I can't think of something better to do

Even of chores are waiting for me too

Something else

What else?

Life is ordinary

Yet they say it's extraordinary

Where is my share of the pie?

Will I even have a taste of that pie?

Or I slept through it

from the fog that's covered me in years?

Did I miss my chance to experience the fire

That burns within every creative soul?

Have I been so used to the heat

that I no longer get off my seat?

Will I just stay here

being ordinary?

Metal40 July 2nd, 2017

Missy & Johnny Elder

Missy looks to the broken mountains, their jagged walls alien and foreboding.
With her eyes closed she imagines the two of them staying here, living out the remainder of their lives.
She knows however with the rising of the Sun it's time to be off, their destiny lay beyond the distant ascent.
How they were to set things right, Missy didn't know, the dreams were rarely wrong though...
Johnny Elder sits at the table, poring over the maps that were now comically outdated
His deeply-lined face smudged with the dust of the past, the worries of the present.
"Where will her visions lead us?" he thinks to himself as he tries to stop his hands from shaking.
Gathering his composure, he braces himself for the journey, and steels his will against the guilt that threatens to overwhelm him...
Entering their modest cabin, Missy beckons to her comrade in arms, her tether to reality, the shield against the chaos.
Gathering up the maps Johnny Elder rises from his chair, both creaking with age
"Where to my dear", Johnny Elder poses the question even as he knows the answer.
"Beyond the broken mountains, where our search begins" answers Missy with a sadness in her voice.
Stepping outside, both travelers shoulder their laden packs and step onto the broken pavement.
These unwitting creators of the new age will save those who'll never know their sacrifices.
All they have are each other- for this altered world can provide nothing else.

LostButNotMissing July 4th, 2017


I can see it's not home

The aching arms, absurdity.

I can see it's eyes

Watching on through floors.

Wasted parts and broken bones

Can you feel, my lack?

They will get to see

A better me.

Watched by angry guests

We are bound, and warned.

Mixed ideas, virtues

Unprotected by threats.

Language spoke in noise

by the mating guests....

They will never see

A better me.

Went and waste these dreams

I know that you were right.

Cut out and replaced

as the speed of a sigh.

I never wanted much

but we got, too close.

There will never be

a better me.

Annie March 24th, 2018

Dear @LostButNotMissing,

I LOVE these lines!

Anapestic meter—nice!

Cut out and replaced

at the speed of a sigh.

And I hope youll forgive me if I suggest that the life can get better, we can heal, we really can recover and thrive.

July 7th, 2017

seven cups has a bad habit of cutting you off

you're writing a poem while waiting for a listener

and then when it does find you one,

it just closes the damn window to bring you to the chat room.

it's not very smart.

now my train of thought is lost

and i still feel like an idiot

for liking someone

that i shouldn't even like in the first place.

July 10th, 2017

I hope I'll be forgiven

for having feelings

to someone who listens to me

Sometimes I'm afraid

it's just a repeat

of the pattern I've woven.

Loving a stranger

I never met

but fully knows a lot about me.

Annie July 12th, 2017


WOW. As always, I'm moved by your honesty, and your ability to express feelings so beautifully

July 14th, 2017

@Annie thank you always <3

ladyfiaragc July 13th, 2017

From feelings on June 21st.

No one can fight the demons in your head but you. But I'm so tired of fighting. My shield is broken, sword cracked. I lay dying in a bed that was build to hold me up but only brings me down.
No one will notice, no one cares the voices say. You're not worth even the tears you're drowning in they scream at me. Eventually you start to believe them. I drop my sword and it shatters on the floor, shield falling to the ground with it.
Come get me shadows, I've been ready for so long. It was merely human nature holding me here. I scream at them to take me, but the shadows stay put. You have to take the step towards us, merely the first step, then we'll take you with us. I'm screaming at my feet to move forward but they won't budge. I guess I haven't lost yet, but I sure as f*ck haven't won.

ladyfiaragc July 13th, 2017

@ladyfiaragc Tried to delete this after realizing it's a duplicate but can't... Sorry about the double.

gentleLion6218 July 17th, 2017


hold me

remind me

what it feels like

to be unbroken

July 20th, 2017

Bouts of loneliness

Sometimes I'm so tempted

to message my ex


Hoping he'd share with me the happiness

I always hope my friends or family

would have for me.

Sometimes I'm uncertain

of the people close to me.

If they truly love me

Or they just like me around

to feel fortunate about themselves

like they're smarter or better than me

when I feel down.

I honestly feel barely valued

by people who claim to be my closest friends.

Whenever I try to give my concern

nobody listens.

But they can scold me the same way,

expecting me to think they know better.


I always feel alone.

I'm not sure if it's real

Or just my anxiety.

But there are often days that I

really think

nobody cares

and nobody really listens.

While they all talk about their shallow lovelifes

but never respond to mine.

I wish to distance myself further.

Maybe find new friends

or none at all.

Just go with the flow

and learn to keep people an arm's length away.

Since the moment I invest

all I get is disappointment.

July 20th, 2017

I wonder if this explains

what the majority of people think and feel

and why

to migrate in to virtual lives.

Choosing to be closer to someone they barely know.

With this barrier of computers and wires and networks.

It's full of commitment but at the same time not.

An illusion.

Science fiction.

Real and unreal

at the same time.

Would I end up falling in this virtual world

and stay?

Or be brave, and keep on trying

to invest

on people with real faces

in real time

in real life.

With real pain

and real joy

but mostly still

the loneliness.

wutheringdandelion July 21st, 2017

you're travelling with my heart.

there is a rope tied around it,

while you're driving through the streets

dragging it along wherever you go.

it's bleeding and homesick,

but all you do is drive faster

further away from my body

and I can barely breathe.


give me my heart back.

(wrote this a while ago)

benlynchpx July 24th, 2017

As the Times Progress

When all of us are here on earth to live,

Time sparks the reason why we must give

Such a daunting gift of enchantment to

The person who is you, and to all who

Lost in an area in their life, gained

One found will to thrive, withstand, and attain

What there is to be on the throne of grand

Enlightenment. People from all the lands

Came here for that one goal. What will be here

As one may hold back dripping, wet, soft tears

From what they face? It is I to let you

Believe, as you can do it. When they threw

Away my belongings, I just felt like

There is nothing left. Then I found the psychs

Of my mind alter into a new breath,

A new form of myself after my death

From yesterday gave me a birth today

In this dimension. Let us know that faith,

As I walk in earth to live, and I bring

More than spirits to all. May you have wings

To fly as much as I want your soul to.

Most importantly, you are the best you.


Oath to the Covenant

Beyond our beliefs, amidst all there

Is to see, one reason why there are fairs

And lots of grass in the sky glues in my

Mind, that reason I call deity cries

In my life. When dark prevails and all

Is lost in the realm I cannot see, calls

Are made towards this destiny I proclaim

To be softened, but rough. Nothing is gained

By facing easy levels, the hard is

Where you learn and gain a grand sense from his

Word. Your life is dear, my precious, kind friend,

And I will let you know that, even when

We break apart. There is still a time to

Make that oath, and spread awareness from fruits

That have been revived, your soul is as ripe

As those fruits. Let us know our way, rights

From wrongs shall be known in the end. I will

Be there for you, and let you know that thrill

That you might have lost in the earth. Always

Keep these words to heart, and you will have praise.



Somber glances towards my mind distribute

The will to proceed as the world roots

For mankind to progress. I see my stance

As many times of now gave me a trance,

But those were visions that gave me a will

In these days I live. I see that, when thrills

Are inside of me, I feel better. I

Embrace the deep, known sense of my soul. Cried

Out to no one but Larry, my life is

Prominent, as my will to breathe, thrive his

Name, and be growing as one large name, Ben

Is the name I have, the soul that I am…



Nature has its fine art, seen as last place

In the fine entities the earth has graced,

Established in the part we breathe, this life

Made me see more than the beings of right

Now, those that are in front of me. To all

That is there, Lo behold this gift of walls

That earth has tore down, and built for the times

Of tomorrow. My tranquility climbs

As the process of earth

benlynchpx July 26th, 2017

Power Stimulates Through a Processed Soul

In the beginning, there was light versus

Darkness, and all of mankind was shaped, thus

We have the known power to create such

Humane and prosperous ideals, touched

By no one yet in this realm, resided

In theories and pieces of collided

But lost encounters. We will find the way

Back to what makes up group up for sensed craves,

Those craves we see as the kinds we lack for

Human itself. I see that in the pores

Of my skin, the person I am. Your soul

Has the power to do such a thing, holes

Are made for such a reason. I opened

Up to crave humanity from the lens

I no longer have to see… There is still

A time, a chance to let this feeling fill

Inside of you, as I am doing that

For all sake of what enters inside of

Me, whether it is from you, or above…

July 29th, 2017

My counsellor warned me about this.

Being self-aware of your battle-worn self

the tired, bruised and weary

but hopeful true self

that lies within me;

being aware of her

and her existence.

My counsellor warned me.

How nobody would understand,

how in my case, maybe compared to most people

I am aware of what and why I feel so alone.

Sometimes I wonder if I kept myself in the dark

was a better option

than this knowledge

of how utterly lonely the journey of life is.

I'm trying to collect as much as I could

of things that would keep me balanced

or afloat

so I don't sink in the dark muck of my depression again.

Things, good things, to recall.

Joy triggers to remind me.

Motivate me.

But it can only go so far.

It's still an uphill battle.


Living alone.

Trying to be happy alone.

So I don't relive my codependent tendencies.

It works sometimes.

But there are a string of days...weeks

where I can't function properly

because of the guilt

that everybody's supporting me

and still feeling this way.

Alone. So alone.

When will it be enough?

Why can't I just find joy in the work of my hands?

Music. Challenges. Art. Lots of improvements.

Why do I resent that I am not enough?

Why do I loathe that there's still room for improvement?

Why do I deny myself the joy that I am not perfect?

Will I ever come down and appreciate my humanity?

Will I ever stop beating myself up for things

and just find joy

in the work that I do?

July 31st, 2017

trigger warning: self harm, violence, anger

there are days i feel

so much anger

that i wish

i could split myself into two people

and have one of myself

destroy the other completely.

like a goddamn death match.

i wanna see my own face crushed by my own fists

and lick my own blood off my knuckles

and feel satisfaction that i did something right for the world

July 31st, 2017

that i did something right for the world

by destroying me*

Annie August 1st, 2017

@weepingartist, this makes my heart ache. I like the world with you in it.

stacy46 July 31st, 2017

Angry bird in the sky

My, O my,

Bring me peace when you land,

On my heart, the angry meets

The others on the road to defeat.

I look away, and there you are...

The bird of Peace on my arm!

Annie March 25th, 2018

@stacy46, I like this poem! It appears simple at first, but theres a lot going on with the sounds and rhythms. Cool.

stacy46 March 28th, 2018

@Annie Thank you. Poetry helps me "deal" with my mental illnesses.

July 31st, 2017

trigger warning: suicide, depression, anger, violence, death

i'm back again.

anger surfacing

like a sleeping volcano ready to wake

dreaming dreams

of plans

going out my best friend's window

no grills, or safety measure

just an open ledge

ready for flight

11 floors

i saw myself

say goodbye.

dreaming dreams.

hurting myself

telling everybody

how weak they are


all of them

shoving down my throat

this mantra

of "moving on"

or for forgiveness that nobody cared to ask from me.

but i am demanded to seek constantly.

forgive others

as i have been forgiven


if i was forgiven i'll never feel this torment

if i was forgiven i won't even need to feel this way

if i was forgiven i won't suffer these things in my mind anymore

but no.

i have to forgive

people who are not sorry

while i keep apologizing


kneeling to the ground

fixing myself

adjusting myself

to weak people


i want to leave this place.


i want to hurt them all as they have hurt me


i cannot so i will inflict it upon myself


may bring peace to all

especially me.

Annie August 1st, 2017


Very powerful, compelling. Wrenching.