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Attachment Issues - A Poem

Hopeful0001 July 12th, 2022

I wrote this poem after experiencing some heartbreak from this one guy I am currently talking to.. I expect to feel more heartbreak but I can't walk away from him.

‘Didnt wear my seatbelt

Fell so hard

So fast

Wanted to enjoy myself

Ended up in a pit of misery.

Feels like a crushing rock

Holding me down under

Air bubbles lessening

It’s like I’ve lost the ability to breathe

To see the light

The rug got pulled from under me.

I’m falling

And there’s no where to grab.

Got too close to something real

How silly of me to think it was for me.

How silly of me to let myself believe

That I deserve security and closeness.

Wanted so badly to be connected

I doomed it from the start.

I knew I’d mess up

So I sabotaged myself.

So now I’m drowning in my tears

Wishing I could breathe.

How silly of me to think

Green flags were for me.


Have me twisted

Heart pangs

Blood down my wrists.

Pain clouding

Breathing labored

Feelings crushed

Doubts intensified.

Questions in the air.

Did I mean anything?

Or was I just another body

To add to your count?

Felt so safe

Now i feel tossed

Like yesterday’s garbage.

You say you’re not leaving

But you don’t show yourself.

All I have is heartbreak

And I did this to myself.

I got close to you

Let myself be hurt.

Opened myself to pain.

I don’t know how to exist

How to pretend you never happened.

Misery in my soul

All I know is sadness.

How lame of me

To think I’m allowed happiness.

It was fun

While it lasted.

I let myself be fooled

Thinking someone could love

All of me.

Should have known

Mother knows best.

No one can love

A broken stitch like me.

MistyMagic July 13th, 2022

@HopefulSprings That is very powerful writing, I can feel your emotions there. I hope that things work out for you. I can see that writing is a good outlet at this time. Have you written any more?

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Hopeful0001 OP July 13th, 2022

@MistyMagic yeah I have one more. I’ll share later. He broke up with me last night

MistyMagic July 13th, 2022

@HopefulSprings I'm so sorry to hear that :(

Listening - One Step At A Time!

Hopeful0001 OP July 13th, 2022


All I can do is breathe

I can’t feel anything

But the pain.

Knives pinched in my insides.

Bleeding on the inside

Yet walking like nothing is happening.

No one can see how bad

These feelings are.

Never good enough

Never deserving of

Sweet touches.

Sinking and drowning

Tears of pain



I laid my heart out,

Wore it on my sleeve.

You said I was an awesome person

You made me feel like I was worth something.

Now I’m falling.

Gave you my heart

And it is bruised.

There was nothing

I could have done to stop this


You would have found a way out.

I’m never good enough.

Always going to be alone.

You made me feel

Happiness and like

I could be at peace.

Just as easy

Ripped away

And all that’s left is

This intense feeling of no self-worth.

I lost myself in you

I don’t know how to be happy

Without your validation

And your companion.

How much of us

Was me?

Did you mean any of what you told me?

Was it just a ploy to be a good guy?

I’m trapped with all these doubts

Feelings and

I can’t get answers.

Of course, you tell me what I want to hear.

I’m broken,

Lost and sinking.

I’ll never risk love again.

MistyMagic July 13th, 2022

@HopefulSprings Wow, I am so sad at your situation, I know from my own experiences how painful lost love can be, it really crushes and your poem captures that and flung me right back to those times. I hope that you gain strength from those powerful words, you really do have a talent for picking exactly the right word to engulf a feeling. I wonder what you might do when along the way you are feeling other emotions and can share a poem with us.

There is that wonderful words that says. . . but it may be too soon for you to feel that, I really hope you do risk love againand never stop taking that risk.


Listening - One Step At A Time!

Hopeful0001 OP July 13th, 2022


thank you ! Well I got asked out on a date for tomorrow by a cute engineer so I’m trying not to get my hopes up

cloudySummer July 13th, 2022

Is this a listener that this poem is about?

Hopeful0001 OP July 13th, 2022

@cloudySummer no it’s about my ex

MistyMagic July 14th, 2022

@HopefulSprings Good Luck! Hope it goes well!

Listening - One Step At A Time!

EnchantingNerd July 14th, 2022

Hey, hope you're doing well...

Those are beautiful lines. Every line felt like a pang of pain to me, cuz I felt the same. The same crushing feeling. You described it very beautifully.

Hope you come out stronger dear... You're not alone, we all are with you🤍

Hopeful0001 OP July 20th, 2022


thank you x