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Steph and Blue's Place

BlueMangocat5071 March 15th

This is a place for Blue and steph to talk.


steph8402 May 6th

yes hehe it’s very interesting. and i totally get that. i feel the same way about myself graduating. it’s a very different life haha.

how’s school been?

BlueMangocat5071 OP May 11th


Schools been good. In Band we started this fun assignment where I get to take a band I like and put a bunch of there song into a medley 

steph8402 May 12th

oooh that sounds super super cool!!!!

BlueMangocat5071 OP May 29th


Hi steph. I haven't been online in a while but I took sometime on the bus ride home from school today. How are you doing? I'm going to be completely honest I'm not doing good. I feel like my friends are forgetting about me. It's harder and harder to be able to talk in conversations with them. One of them I can talk to when it's just us 2 but otherwise I feel like nobody else cares about me anymore. I wasn't at school one day and I came back and it was still like I wasn't there. I feel like at lunch if I just sit there nobody would even notice I'm there. I've also barely had any time to just stop and take a break. I literally lye to my parents saying I have homework just so I can chill for a while. If I'm not doing something my parents always tell me something I have to go and do. Thanks for letting me rant a bit.

steph8402 June 1st

hi blue it has been a second i’m sorry that’s been happening. and don’t apologize i’m still here (:

i feel like parents are hard to please sometimes unfortunately butttt you’re doing a great job. friends sometimes suck but hopefully it can get better and you can talk to that one friend openly about things. usually friends come and go and maybe it’s a sign to find new and cool people! i’m not sure. but i’m sorry you are feeling that way. i’m here if want to talk. giving you a big big hug. i hope you’re doing a little better 🤍

BlueMangocat5071 OP June 2nd


Thank you!!! Gives move hugs to steph. Your so great!

steph8402 June 2nd

of course blue!!!

steph8402 July 2nd

@BlueMangocat5071 hey blue how are you? it’s been a hot sec. hope your summer is going great (:

BlueMangocat5071 OP July 10th


I'm ok. I have been so busy. This is the first time i've been on cups in like 3 weeks. I just got back from visting family.  I have a swim meat this weekend. What have you been doing. The past two days Ive been stuck in a car driving home but finally I'm home!

steph8402 July 11th

oh that’s super fun! i’m wishing you tons and tons of luck!!! just working a ton and getting ready for college not much tbh. but it sounds like you’ve been keeping busy which is fun. i’m glad you’re doing good(:

BlueMangocat5071 OP July 16th


I just got a friend from my text saying she didn't want to be friends anymore because of things I was doing that I didn't realize I was doing. We've been friends since 3rd grade im in 8th grade now. She asked me to not try to fix it but how am I supposed to do that when all I can't stop doing is crying.

steph8402 July 17th

@BlueMangocat5071 i’m sorry blue are you doing ok? i know it’s hard and i know it’s hard to believe but it will get better and if she didn’t want to try and fix it she isn’t a good friend either. i’m so sorry those hurts so much i know how it feels. lots of hugs for you if wanted. i’m here for you

BlueMangocat5071 OP July 31st


Thanks. I want school to start. It's like life is just testing me this summer. Everything bad seems to keep happening. I'm so glad your my friend.

steph8402 August 4th

@BlueMangocat5071 i’m glad we’re friends too. i’m sorry summer sometimes is rough for sure. but i hope you start school soon and it’ll get better (:

BlueMangocat5071 OP August 20th


School for me starts this wendsday. We just brought my sister to college the other day. I'm doing a little better

steph8402 August 27th

glad you are doing better:) yayy school! hope it goes well and it keeps you busy. hugs!


BlueMangocat5071 OP September 2nd


I have been so busy. I'm in middle school but taking a couple of high school classes and there is so much homework. I really like my teachers this year though I'm still mostly to intimidated by them to actually be able to talk to them. How have you been doing?

steph8402 Monday


hi! i’ve been crazy busy with college. but i love it. i have so much freedom to be me it’s like i can breathe which is awesome(: i’m glad you’re doing great. teachers can be so intimidating for sure buttttt they help so much so try and talk and ask questions when you need help. so proud of you!!! keep going and take breaks when you need to.