Soul, Bunny and Ni’s Space
@mytwistedsoul @amiableBunny4016
I realised the three of us talk a lot across forums and diary spaces. 💙 And over some time our friendship has grown. I honestly love seeing you both around forum-land and thought if your both comfy with it, we can have a forum space to chat (?) idk. Just a forum to send hugs and talk and be there for each other. if okay.
if either of you feel not so comfy with this space, that completely okie. 💙 i can ask a forum mod to nom it for us. 💜 sending big hugs if okay and lots of love.
(this forum space is for @lovemymoonflowers, @mytwistedsoul and @amiablebunny4016 only. 💙 please don’t post here unless your one of those hoomans. thank you)
@amiableBunny4016 *hugs Bunny* 💙 hi 😊
How is everybody doing today?
how are you?
@amiableBunny4016 I'm eh tbh
How are you?
@LoveMyMoonflowers Is there something going on with you two? There's a coolness here I don't quite understand 😞
im fine. hbu? /nfta 💙
@LoveMyMoonflowers Eh - been better - been worse
I had to Google nfta lol - realizing it wasn't it probably wasn't Nigerian Frontier Transportation Authority 😂
*hugs if okie* 💜 oof. :’) i hope things get better in your world 💙 but Moon and Bunny are here to listen if you need to talk 💜
hehe it means not forced to answer. it’s a tone tag 💙 google is silly sometimes 🤭🤭 that’s ok though
she is on self care...........
can someone remove me from here? let this be Ni and Souls space.
@amiableBunny4016 wait - what? Why? I'm sorry if I did or said something I shouldn't have
bro, im good okay? i didnt say it was anyone's fault.
this is still soul and ni and bunnys space :')
y'all just chill. okay? im just fine. im just removing myself from places. its none of your faults.
your not leaving cups…. are you…..? :')
it doesnt matter. if i decide to leave, i will leave with no words.
Everything I want to say wants to come out wrong 😞
*sits with soul* what makes you say that soul friend?
@LoveMyMoonflowers @mytwistedsoul
Ni, i saw your post about leaving cups. 💛 we will miss you lots. are we keeping or deleting this forum? perhaps keep it for future if you come back? or do you want it vanished?
i’m not sure if i’m coming back or not, Bunny.
Well I will leave it up to you since you created this forum. You can leave it here, or you can delete it <3 but we will always welcome you back if you ever decide to come back, with open hands. You are one of the best things that ever happend to me Ni. Thank you. For everything. Thank you Ni. *hugs if okay*
me and soul will always be here for you <3