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I've aged up.

ilxraurel01 April 3rd, 2023

Hey, @Tobedoctor and @Keith22534

I've aged up. I didn't realize it was going to be on first april. I'm sorry i am not able to talk on the teen chat anymore, but we can here. I hope both of you are okay.

i hope we all can chat here, if its okay with both of you.

ilxraurel01 OP July 10th, 2023


thank youuu! im going to do a 5-year integrated bscmsc course in psych with specialization. how's ur studies?

EnigmaticCat24 July 8th, 2023
Ilaaa i watched the All the bright places filmm! It must be bit different from book but that was amazing. I was crying during the whole film. The end was pretty sad tho.

ilxraurel01 OP July 10th, 2023


yeah i watched both the movie and read the book, it's pretty sad, both. the book made be cry more. it's really good. it does give a perspective on bpd, so yeah.. hm.

Keith22534 July 10th, 2023


i wanted to read the book but my tbr has like 100 books. Lmao.

I am going to read Shatter Me with my friend. I got High expectations for Aaron Warner even though, I know Adam exists.

EnigmaticCat24 July 13th, 2023


The next day it was all over school, and I was officially Theodore Freak. One year later, I grew out of my clothes because, it turns out, growing fourteen inches in a summer is easy. It’s growing out of a label that’s hard.

EnigmaticCat24 July 30th, 2023

Helloo @ilxraurel01 @Keith22534 ! How are you both doing friends? 💙

Keith22534 August 3rd, 2023


Hi hi. I’ve got tons of hw, lol and I am reading many books at a time, lmao. How are you doing?

EnigmaticCat24 August 4th, 2023


Oh noo hww☹️. I hope you'll be able to complete them, good luckk! Smh apparently you have book addiction like me XD. What are youu readingg 😮? I'm kinda upset bc of exams but other than that I'm ok. Thank you for asking 💙

Keith22534 August 6th, 2023


i’m reading fourth wing and these violent delights by Chloe Gong right now. Two books at the same time, lol. Wbu?

EnigmaticCat24 August 6th, 2023


2 books at a time XD you're genius keithhh 😎. I haven't read those books, since you have a good taste i should add them to my reading list hehe. I have finished reading girl in pieces, perks of being a wall power ( not at the same time) and currently reading it's kind of a funny story, well all are based on mental health stuff and bit triggering but super great 💙.

Keith22534 August 7th, 2023


I read The perks of being a wallflower too. Is Girl in Pieces any good?

ilxraurel01 OP August 6th, 2023


heyy im so sorry i havent replied. im really sorry. college started and i really love the classes but it's hard making friends and im trying. home situation is like, idk, im just not saying anything. and i shifted, so i've been super busy with the new house, ( shifted with family :( ) yeah, thats about me..

how are you, tobe? how's your studies? hope you're not stressing yourself much. love ya so much and miss you.

*hugs, also it's friendship day here, so happy friendship day tobe and @Keith22534


Keith22534 August 6th, 2023


It’s ok. Moving to a new place is hard. But you can do it, Didi!
Happy friendship day to you too!

ilxraurel01 OP August 19th, 2023


thankie keith sorry i just saw this now :0

EnigmaticCat24 August 6th, 2023


Aww it's okk ilaa! I'm really happy to know you're liking the classes 💙. It's understandable to find difficulty in making friendship at a new place but you'll do great! I'm so soo proud of you for trying!!! Your future friends are lucky to have you ilaa. I'm sorry to hear home situation is not well, i hope it becomes better 💙. Shifting and adjusting to new environment can be difficult, how are you finding new place friend?

Tobee is doing ok and trying to study seriously XD. Let's say I'm not pressuring much... Thank you for your concern friend. 💙 Andd happy friendship dayy for you too *sending hugs and love

ilxraurel01 OP August 7th, 2023


Im glad you're okay. and good! hope that does give back some good to you *hugs so tight<33* it's okay its just too quiet, i feel lonely, but idk, im just letting things go as it is. thank you for your positive statements <3

EnigmaticCat24 August 7th, 2023


Aww I'm sorry to hear it's lonely and quiet there ilaa *hugss super tight* But you're not alonee I'm here for youu and keithh, your other cups buddies. i know it's not same as real life but we loves you tons ilaa💙 ( i would love that kind of quiet place tbh XD) how is your neighbors, are they any friendly?

ilxraurel01 OP August 7th, 2023


thats good, all the hardwork will pay off im sure. it's just really quiet and im lonely. just taking things as it is..

*hugs tighttt*

EnigmaticCat24 August 7th, 2023


Girl in pieces is one of my favorite book noww it's super great but it has *lots* of triggering stufff like sh, drug addiction, suicide, depression and more soo i won't recommend you to read it *yet* i know you must be curious but... Be careful!

Keith22534 August 8th, 2023


ohh, ok. its ok. I may read it, maybe. thanks

ilxraurel01 OP October 7th, 2023


i want to read it too but when im better

EnigmaticCat24 August 15th, 2023


I'm doing ok ilaa! School sucks tho. How are you doing friend? 💙

ilxraurel01 OP August 16th, 2023


doing okie tooo.. college is amazing and horrible at the same time.. it's goin on. *hugs and strength to you <3*

Keith22534 August 16th, 2023


ohh, I get the feeling. My exams are coming up so, well, less time to read or sleep or do anything I like. I feel you.

Take care. You can do it. *hugs*

ilxraurel01 OP August 19th, 2023


youuu too take care keith. you'll do well goodluck<3

EnigmaticCat24 August 21st, 2023


Good luck with exams keithh! You gonna ace itt💙. But you're important than exams soo please take care of yourself, do eat and sleep well. Don't be so hard on yourself...

EnigmaticCat24 August 21st, 2023


I hear you ilaa! I hope things get better for you and horrible part will get vanished..., glad to hear college is amazing! Did I told my bro also went to campus 😮? ( that's not even relevant tho) he don't have classes at weekend and Fridays. Wby? And what are you doing at free times, drawing? 💙

ilxraurel01 OP August 23rd, 2023


thank you tobe <3 i hope so too, im doing okayish as of now.. ohh? hope he is enjoying it! and yes im drawing... a little i guess? i love the academics im doing just making friends is hard..

EnigmaticCat24 September 10th, 2023


Hi ilaa. I'm extremely sorry for late reply. Ya he's enjoying i guess. I'm happy to hear you love academic 💙. You'll defo meet good friends ila, you're so good so you deserve good friends.

Keith22534 August 23rd, 2023

Thanks! @Tobedoctor and @ilxraurel01

take care of your self too!

EnigmaticCat24 September 10th, 2023

@ilxraurel01 @Keith22534

How are you both doing lately btw?

Keith22534 September 10th, 2023

@Tobedoctor @ilxraurel01

my exams are going on. And well, yeah. I’ve been reading a lot of Rina Kent lately 😶‍🌫️ that’s it. And I’m going on a school trip after exams!

what about you guys?

EnigmaticCat24 September 12th, 2023


Reading while exams going on... That's exactly what I do too often but i hope you can manage both unlike me XD💙 haven't heard about Rena kent . Good luck with your exams and wow that's cool you're going a trip! Where are you going ?(ok i don't know much places in India)

Keith22534 September 13th, 2023


yes, lol. and i got my first beta read opportunity! we're going to a western state of India. I'll tell you when I return. we're going on 22nd september.

EnigmaticCat24 September 15th, 2023


Yayy congratulations for getting opportunity for beta reading! Have a safe journey and enjoy friend 💙. Looking forward to hear your experience 😄

Keith22534 September 13th, 2023

@ilxraurel01 @Tobedoctor,

we're going on 22nd september.

Didi, your new pfp is so cool!

ilxraurel01 OP October 8th, 2023


Thank you Keith! <3 :) 
Hope you enjoyed your trip <3

EnigmaticCat24 October 4th, 2023


Haven't heard back from you from long time friend☹️.... I hope you're ok?

ilxraurel01 OP October 8th, 2023


Sorry tobe, it's been so long..

i've been caught up with these tests and assignments in college, it's wrecking my head but not that bad. College has been okay and not okay like middle.. it's okie lol.. 

I got a best friend.. it feels enough..

i'm fine.. going to therapy in college.. it's kinda helping

yeah.. how are you tobe? @Keith22534

EnigmaticCat24 October 15th, 2023


Ahh i hear you have lots of college stuff to do, it's ok if it takes long time to reply. I was just worried 💙. I hope you'll be able to get things done on time good luck! Please take care of yourself too while doing work! 

Yayyy that's great to hear you got a bff! Is he/she being nice with you? And that's good to hear college therapy is helping friend! I'm sure you'll be able to have a bright future soonish, I'm proud of you 💙