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I've aged up.

ilxraurel01 April 3rd, 2023

Hey, @Tobedoctor and @Keith22534

I've aged up. I didn't realize it was going to be on first april. I'm sorry i am not able to talk on the teen chat anymore, but we can here. I hope both of you are okay.

i hope we all can chat here, if its okay with both of you.

Keith22534 April 3rd, 2023


Oh no! I will miss you so so so much but we can talk in forums. You birthday was on 21 or 23 April right?

EnigmaticCat24 June 5th, 2023


Hi ila! Hope you are doing ok. How is adult side?

ilxraurel01 OP June 5th, 2023


hey <3 thanks for checking on me. its kinda lonely. i rarely go to the group chats. the listeners here are a lot. but ive made friends from my listeners, its okay. i hope you age up soon so we can talk. also all the things i was worried about is better. i got into a college and i passed my exams.

EnigmaticCat24 June 5th, 2023


Congratulations ilaa! I'm so proud of youu. *hugs if ok. I'll be here for you, at least we can talk like this i guess. 💙

Keith22534 June 6th, 2023


yay, i'm so happy for you! I hadnt realised that you werent on teeny side after your birthday. Take care of yourself. And we love you.

ilxraurel01 OP June 11th, 2023


thank you cutie. its ok. you too take care. love you too a whole lots. hope ur ok

yay, i'm so happy for you! I hadnt realised that you werent on teeny side after your birthday. Take care of yourself. And we love you.

ilxraurel01 OP June 11th, 2023


sorry the thing got copy pasted idk how

EnigmaticCat24 June 11th, 2023


Hi ila! How is it going? Hope you're ok 💙

ilxraurel01 OP June 11th, 2023


im not doing okay. cancelling a second sitting of a dentist appointment. not really doing ok. i can't really tell anyone. just hurting a lot. some 7cups issues. some home issues. mentally tired. just trying to put my blues into painting

EnigmaticCat24 June 15th, 2023


I'm sorry ila i didn't saw your post before. I'm sorry to hear it's not going well ☹️. Hope it'll get better soon 💙

ilxraurel01 OP June 18th, 2023

@Tobedoctor @Keith22534

im doing okay i guess. not the worst, not the best. how are you both doing? how's the teenie side? i want to know <3 i care about you both <3 my college starts 17th july and im really nervous, i hope i get through this new phase. there is so much to do but all i want to do is relax and paint or make jewellery. yeah.

EnigmaticCat24 June 21st, 2023


Hi ilaa! Glad you are doing ok. I'm doing ok too 😛. Thank you soo much for caringg! Haven't visited member side much these days. But i literally live in TL and so far it's great and chaotic XD. How is adult side ila? Did you found new friends there or any support from listeners? Feeling nervous when going to college for the first time is understandable. But you got this ilaa! You'll do great! I believe in youu! Yess painting and making jewelry is soo funn! But you gotta go to college and chase your dreams friend! You're awesome! 💙

ilxraurel01 OP June 25th, 2023


im sorry, i dont feel okay. ill reply to every part of your message soon. im sorry.

Keith22534 June 18th, 2023


oh no. I hope everything gets better

ilxraurel01 OP June 18th, 2023


im hoping keith 😔

GoldenNest2727 June 18th, 2023


We're glad to have you on the adult side! I wish you tons of luck with your schooling. It's both exciting and stressful times, isn't it? The thrill of a new adventure, without knowing how it will end, can be a bit like that. We're here to support you on the adult side, though. You won't be going it alone.

ilxraurel01 OP June 19th, 2023


heyy! thank you for being so supportive. i appreciate it.

EnigmaticCat24 July 2nd, 2023


You are soo kind! Thank youuu! 💙

EnigmaticCat24 July 2nd, 2023


How is it going ilaa? 💙

ilxraurel01 OP July 2nd, 2023


hey, i've been.. tired. been sleeping so much these days. couldnt do paint/poems so im reading now. im so frustrated. my college starts july 17 and my family and my sis-in-law's family are going as well. im just so upset. i dont want to go. and after we come back from the trip college starts the next day. plus im shifting houses near that time. i just dont know what to do. college is getting on my nerves, idk if i can do this. yeah. im just tired mostly. sorry for the long rant.

@Keith22534 and @tobedoctor

how are you both doing? how's life?

EnigmaticCat24 July 3rd, 2023


No need to say sorry ilaa! You can rant here friend 💙. Feeling tired sounds hard... And having to go college when you don't want is frustrating indeed. What makes you feel like college is getting on your nerves friend? And i hope reading helps you, what is the book you're currently reading? 17 July is kinda close, i hope it all goes well for you 💙.

ilxraurel01 OP July 4th, 2023


i dont know, i just want everything to be perfect, at least for my first day of college. i just finished "all the bright places." might start painting. i finished 2/3 books so im tired again. thank you for that image <3 i hope ur okay too. xoxo take care

EnigmaticCat24 July 5th, 2023


I hope everything will go perfect too ilaa.💙 Is there anything you excited about college? Painting is really good, you're very talented after all! Yaa continuous stress makes us feel tired. I'm hoping you feel better soon. Just try to take good care of yourself oki? We lovess you lot! 💙 Your book is about mental health struggle right? I gotta add it to my to read books XD.

The world breaks everyone, and afterward, many are strong at the broken places.

—Ernest Hemingway

ilxraurel01 OP July 5th, 2023


yeahh, many are strong at broken places. yes tobeee it's about mental struggles, mostly bpd and triggering stuff. it's okay though. love you both too! you take care of yourself too. im just excited to study and get good grades 😳🫣

Keith22534 July 5th, 2023


i have to read All the Bright Places

ilxraurel01 OP July 5th, 2023


hope it gives u strength and hope when u do :)

Keith22534 July 3rd, 2023


its ok, didi! We’re here. What book? And hop you have fun

my left is going h*ll. School starts 6july and I…studying is hard. I’ve been reading a lot of books recently, particularly romance. Don’t worry, I read YA. Just pressure has increased

ilxraurel01 OP July 4th, 2023


its ok, didi! We’re here. What book? And hop you have fun

my left is going h*ll. School starts 6july and I…studying is hard. I’ve been reading a lot of books recently, particularly romance. Don’t worry, I read YA. Just pressure has increased

aww, dont worry. you'll do well. just understand the concepts, everything else apne aap aajayega. dont worry. i've been reading a lot of romance too!!! *hugs* hope school goes well. you'll be okay. everything will. studying was hard for me too.. but try your best. the book i just finished is "all the bright places" take care, okay? xoxo

ilxraurel01 OP July 4th, 2023



so sorry, idk why this thing keeps glitching and the thing gets copy pasted. sorry.

EnigmaticCat24 July 5th, 2023


Hope school will go ok for you k pop professor. You'll do great in studies! Good luck 🍀. Is that studies makes you feel pressured? I just want to say don't be soo hard on yourself Keith. Be kind to yourself too like you do for others. We love you tons friend. Just take care of, yourself. 💙 And you both read romance, I'm still reading children novels lol

Keith22534 July 5th, 2023


Take care of yourself too and your birthday is coming, if I remember correctly.

EnigmaticCat24 July 5th, 2023


Will try to take care Keith. Yeah it's coming but it's nothing important anyway. I don't like that day at all tbh. Thanks for remembering it tho💙

ilxraurel01 OP July 24th, 2023


Dang, its your birthday today, hope the day went well!! have amazing year, and i wish loads of happiness will come your way. We always are here for you, like youve been. Youve got this.. love ya! 💕


EnigmaticCat24 July 25th, 2023


Thank youu ilaa 🥺💙. I love youu too friend, thanks for everything! 💙

ilxraurel01 OP July 26th, 2023


all love <3

ilxraurel01 OP August 15th, 2023

@Tobedoctor and @keith22534 ..

how are you both?

ilxraurel01 OP July 5th, 2023


which children novelss?

and when is your birthday???

EnigmaticCat24 July 5th, 2023


Rick Riordan's books like percy Jackson and all hehe. It's 24th this month, just a useless day yk.

ilxraurel01 OP July 10th, 2023


oh i hope the day goes well, even if you dont like the idea of a birthday. *hoping ill remember and be able to wish you!!* ohh keep the childhood alive xD percy jakson is captivating to many.

EnigmaticCat24 July 5th, 2023


Good luck with studying and getting good grades ilaa! You got this 💙. What are you studying btw? 💙