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A place for Vase and Berry

exuberantBlackberry9105 November 5th, 2023

Hi @bestVase7265 This is a place where we can chat with each other. Thank you so much for supporting me, Vase. I'm very grateful and I'm happy to continue our previous conversion here. 😊

bestVase7265 November 13th

You aren't alone. I know that it feels that way. I am sending strength across the oceans. Don't look at the giant pile. Don't pay attention to your parents' emotions. They are irrelevant. Your parents' words and actions can only hurt if you make a decision that they will hurt you or that you will be angered by them. Lots of deep breathing when you get angry. 

Focus just on the academic work and the fact that you can do it in little parts. Remember that you are strong and not lazy or weak because you are surviving despite your brain telling you otherwise. 

Focus on writing in that good stuff. Focus on the nice shampoo or a friendly remark at school. One day at a time. 

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 13th

@bestVase7265 so it's all my fault i decide to feel hurt and angry. and deep breathing doesnt help.

i went to sleep at 4 am last night by the way and woke up at 6:30 am. i completed most of my physics notebook and the class didnt even happen because this stupid school decided to take us for a field trip without any prior information. i'd have skipped school today if i had known about it.

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bestVase7265 November 14th

Of course it isn't all your fault. Your parents are being jerks and aren't supporting you when then should be.

You have a right to be angry. But your anger is destroying you, not them. So you figure out ways to manage it. You don't let them and their words win. You can come out on top here by not letting them impact you.

It is very hard and it is a learning process. But you have already started by posting the positive moments too.

Each little moment where you are going to get angry (like the sudden field trip that you could not control today) is a moment where you can decide who is in control. If you have to suddenly go on an unexpected trip, find the up side to it. Maybe it is getting out of the classroom or some clouds you get to see in the sky. Yes, you can still get frustrated for the change in plans, but find mini good things.

Trust me. My life has been horrible lately. Finding any good has been very, very hard. But I keep searching. Five minutes of peace is more important than the rest of the day being miserable. Today for me was getting a chance to sing tonight and not making too many mistakes. If I focus on the fact that I had help a student who was in emotional distress, had to fear a new storm out in the Gulf of Mexico that could hit us again, had no air conditioning today then had to enter an ice box, then had to hear about how my job might be eliminated due to budget cuts, then being forced to leave a meeting while the regular faculty talked, then having to figure out why a student thought they were going to get more credits for a course than they were going, then had to hear more things about a coming federal government disaster with Trump....the list goes on.  I CANNOT focus on any of that and survive. Bottom line is that I had a few good moments. @exuberantBlackberry9105

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 15th

@bestVase7265 i honestly feel more hurt than angry. yeah i know the anger destroys me and not them, but i cant really help it.

by the way, the sudden field trip thing didn't really anger me. i just didn't like it and i don't like to see our school doing such stuff. but i didn't exactly get angry, though i wish is skipped school that day. actually when i was staying up late, i knew that the submission wont happen. whenever i stay up late finishing something, i get some late night good luck and the teacher doesn't take it or the class doesn't happen. and if i go to bed on time, i don't get that luck and fall in trouble. so i purposefully stayed up late because i believe in that late night luck (weird, i know but i sometimes have some weird beliefs). i probably shouldn't have stayed up that late, but the reason i did was because i thought the class would happen and the teacher would just forget about the submission (our physics teacher is very forgetful, she forgets that it's her class and never shows up in class. we students have to go to the staff room to literally remind her that she has a class.) and if the class were to happen, i'd need my most recent work complete so that i don't fall behind even more. so yeah. and the class didn't happen.

oh my god, that list you just have me, it's so long. you have so much going on and you're still managing to live through it while also helping me? how do you do it all? ooh you sing? getting a chance to sing sound nice hehe.

by the way, do your good moments bring you some real, actual peace? like 5 mins of peace? i could have a lot of good moments, like good things happening to me or around me, but they never bring me peace, whatever that is. i'm always stressed and cant relax and am definitely not feeling any peace.

i saw a message from monday that i haven't responded to that i feel like i need to respond to so here i am now. it's here. i hate to say it but i cried a lot when i read it for the first time. it hurt to hear.

i believe i have given her enough chances to do better. she never took any of them. i'm done with giving her chances and taking such big risks while letting myself be vulnerable in front of her.

why do you keep telling me she loves me? i don't think she does and i don't think that's my brain lying. if she loved me, why would she say all the things she has told me? why would she tell me that i will only learn a lesson when she dies? why would she tell me that she can't take my behavior anymore and is gonna run away or k!ll herself? why would she say that i deserve 100 time the pain i cause her and that my selfishness is gonna make me suffer all my life just like it did for my father? i really don't want you hear you say that she loves me after all this. she wouldn't hurt me like this if she really loved me.

did you just say "But you never tell her what you want."? why'd you say that? you don't know how how many times i have told her what i want. she never listens. i might never have told her that i need to hear that she loves me, but i've told her so many other things.

she knows that i like it when she makes me a card for my birthday, i told it to her before my 11th, 12th, and 13th birthdays, so she knows it well. those three years she made me something because i asked her to. in the 13th birthday card, she wrote some really complicated fancy stuff that she didn't even follow through, so i was very disappointed. i then chose to not ask for a card for my 14th birthday, and i didn't get one. so really, it confirms that she was only doing it because she had to, not because she wanted to make me happy by giving me what she knows i like. this year i am definitely not asking for anything at all. no way. i'm not asking for things to only be yelled at for wanting such weird things. i am stupid but not that stupid.

i have told her countless times, "if you want to hug me, hug me nice and tight, don't just loosely hug me like that". she still hardly ever hugs me tightly.

you tell i need to be brave and take a chance to tell her. but i'm a coward and there's no way i'm taking any more chances. the mistakes my mother will make in misunderstanding me can and will be worse than what i have now. if my mother yells at me for wanting things and calls me selfish it'll make me even more miserable.

you think both my parents really want to help?! what makes you think my father wants to help? he clearly does not. he's been so rude and harsh and the other day he even told me, "only your mother will give you all that love and care. nobody else ever will." in other words, he just told me on my face that he doesn't love me and never will and according to him, nobody will ever love me.

also, when did my mother look up things like depression online? she never did. she never really looked it up, it just popped up on her youtube home page as far as i know.

she has trouble controlling her anger and i picked up that trait from her? or did i pick it up from my father? my father's anger issues are a lot worse actually. and i do know that i have a lot of trouble controlling my anger, but i don't think it's as bad as it is for my parents. my anger naturally goes away after a while, useless someone or something reminds me of it. and it goes away even quicker if i can occupy my mind with something else.

i never give them the opportunity to see the real me, i know that. and it is because they would hate the real me. the real me doesn't meet their expectations at all. they don't need to see the real me. whenever i let them see something close to the real me, they are always disappointed. they don't like the real version of me. i need to fake everything for them to not be ultra mad at me. today when we went out i was feeling really down and pretty irritable and i was unable to hide it and look fine. then my mother yelled at me about it and told me that i need to be cheerful and have a smile on my face when i go out because otherwise i cause a disaster everywhere. and do you even know how tiring it is to try to look okay all the time? and it's not like i just need to act cheerful and smile when i'm outside, i need to act all the time except when i'm in my room alone. i just cant be real.

yeah i do push my mother away and i don't think that needs to change. what else am i supposed to do then i'm crying and the only thing she will do is ask me why i'm crying? i don't need a reason to cry and even if i do, she doesn't need to know the reason. 

random thought: i hate my father. i wish he was never born. then i wouldn't have to be here. i sometimes just wish my father died. the world would be a better place without people like him. he is a very unwanted presence who hurts others and brings their moods down. other than myself, how many people feel that way about me?

you remember my previous bench partner? almost everyone bullies him. my friend calls him stupid and useless. she even went to the extent of saying "the definition of useless is him". other than myself, how many people feel that way about me?

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bestVase7265 November 16th

Ok, I will do my best to answer both your messages here, but if I run out of time I will stop in the middle.

I can understand your frustration over staying up late to finish something that wasn't due. That is tough. But work convincing your brain to flip it to something like "At least I don't have to worry about doing it later. I am caught up on something for at least a day." 

I know flipping big stuff that is really bothersome is extra, extra hard. So focus on training your brain for the little stuff like the physics assignment. Trust me, it helps.

You ask how I can talk to you with so much crap going on in my own life. It is the mental training that I am talking about. You do some of it in that other feed. It is all a skill you grow really slowly. It has taken me years.

Singing is one of my coping mechanisms. I can't meditate well either but I can breathe with other people. It helps me focus away from my pain. I am a high soprano and have sung since I was about 12. 

If you want I can share more of the bad stuff that I deal with to show you that you aren't alone in having rough things happen daily. But I don't usually focus on them enough to need to write them down. 

Yes, I can get 5 minutes of peace but that is also a mental skill I have worked hard to develop. Part of it is recognizing that it happened. Actually that might be the hardest part. My brain instantly attaches itself to the time before or after that was bad. I have to tell myself - hey that was okay for those passing moments and those moments matter. Then I begin to grow those moments into longer moments. For instance, I was feeling pretty awful about my workload for the weekend (and being frustrated with my sons for planning a possible trip without us after turning down a trip with us) when I started my walk tonight with my husband. But I forced myself to see the moon on the water as we walked and talked. When I got home things weren't perfect as I returned to planning out food shopping, but the walk made me feel briefly better. So I acknowledged that. Thus tonight I am a bit better than a few hours ago.

I know that I wrote on Monday was painful. It was an effort to put you back in control. That is always hard and it does cause tears. I am not trying to ever cause you pain. I just want to make you more resilient. 

Your mom can say all of that stuff that you listed and still love you. She is a very flawed human being who was hurt deeply in childhood. It means that she doesn't know how to say things that are loving very well at all. But love is different than just mean words or kind words. It is also actions which she thinks she is doing okay. She doesn't physically attack you like she was physically attacked. She offers you food and helps you with homework. Is that all love is? Absolutely not. You deserve lots of kind words and thoughts too. But she can't figure out how to give them. That is how flawed she is.

Okay, I will answer the final bit tomorrow. 

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 16th

i had a long weekend. friday, saturday and sunday. there's so much i wanted to get done during this time, but two days are over already and there's only so much i can do in one day. i don't know what to do now. when will i finally get all my work done? i wanted to get it done this weekend but it wont happen anymore. what can i do now?

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 17th

i feel like since october started, time is just flying away and i don't know where it's going.

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bestVase7265 November 19th

That is my life view right now - where is life going by so fast that I can't even come close to getting my stuff done? But I just keep moving forward and avoid looking down at the pile too long. We are both doing the best that we can. @exuberantBlackberry9105

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bestVase7265 November 17th

Ok, I am going to try to finish the old message before looking at the more recent one. 

I need you try to imagine something for me that is a little tough. Your mom grows and changes each day in the same way that you do. Yes, she has a horrible past (and you do too) but each day is a new one where both of you can make different decisions than the day before. When you focus just on the past you get stuck. 

See if you can avoid saying the word "always" with your mom. She can change and she does change. For instance, you caught her looking up the words "self harm" on her computer. She has some awareness of what is going on that she didn't have last year at this time. Does she always change in good ways? Of course not. She can get worse too. But she will become less hateful in your eyes (and you will be in less pain - this is always my goal) if you grant her some opportunities to at least try to grow.

What happened with the birthday card is a prime instance of you not giving her a chance of doing any better. We all get disappointed sometimes. I have been very disappointed with my sons lately for considering planning a trip without me after rejecting a family trip that I had planned. They made a mistake where they weren't thinking. Should I then say "no more trips" or cut them off for a while? Absolutely not. Then not only do we grow farther apart but my own life gets fewer trips. So I forgive, give them a hint that I was a bit hurt, and then move forward.

If you had told your mom that you were disappointed by her not following through on the card or just let her try to make another one and hope that it might be better when you were 14, you probably would have been happier. Your mom would have been happier too. My guess is that she actually liked making the card and was hurt when you didn't ask for one. She just didn't want to admit that to you. You have no proof that she was "relieved". You just confirmed what was in your own head rather than looking for other possibilities. 

Again, I only got through about a paragraph of yours before I need to stop for tonight.

I will try to finish again tomorrow. 

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 17th

i think i need to vent but i dont know what to say anymore. today morning when i woke up i felt quite good even with 6 hrs of sleep. i went to the bathroom to do my things, and while i was in there my mother asked me to hurry up. then when i came out into my room and was in here with the door closed but not locked, she opened up the door to tell me to hurry up. that annoyed me and apparently i didn't reply in a good tone and she says i showed her my anger. 

so she just came right in my room and yelled at me so much. then she asked me to go drink my water and hurry up. i mean, it's sunday morning, why all this hurry? why cant i just do things the way i want and go slow? at first i was just annoyed but now i was very angry and extremely hurt.

anyway, after a little while, i forgot the anger and was trying and dealing with the pain. then she came in again to scold me and threaten me. "what happens to you in the morning? why are you always so angry first thing in the morning? you are not doing what i taught you to do at night. you are not doing EFT." whatever on earth her eft is, i dont even know what it stands for and i dunno how it's supposed to work, of course i'm not doing it. i will never do it if my mother asks me like that to do it because she makes me develop hatred towards it. but i lied and said that i am doing it.

the she said "then you're not doing it properly. you cant just do something for the sake of it, you need to do it properly for it to work. and if you were to do it properly, you wouldn't wake up in such anger. you are going to sleep in such anger and waking up in it. you either fix your anger or i go away. you have to choose either one. i cant take your anger like this every morning."

i would honestly choose the latter. i think anger and irritability is a symptom of depression, so i cant really do much about it. i mean, i can try to push it away and still talk very nicely and sweetly so that my mother doesnt hate me. but you know how tiring that is? i am already tired. i cant do it.

if my mother would leave me and just go, i know she has nowher to really go and survive so she'll have to d!e for it, and that would mean i'm alone with complete freedom to k!ll myself. i cant live without her but really, i neithet need nor want to live. so that would be perfect. but i know she's just threatening me. she wont really go.

right now i can hear her crying in the kitchen about how horrible a person i am, just like my father. and how i cause her so much pain. everything would be so much better when i d!e.

a little while ago when i thought things had calmed down i asked her with help for my maths project and she's telling me "you're asking me now at the last moment? you couldn't tell me yesterday or the day before? today is sunday and now i will only come if i have time. you expect me to remember all this? it would be possible if i didn't need permission to enter your room. like this, dont expect me to remember." why did she even need to say all that? as if she even asks for permission to enter. she just calls my name and enters, i don't get to say no. and the thing is, i actually forgot about the maths project myself i remebered it last night at 2 am. and submission is on 25th so i have time so i dont see a big problem that i forgot. what the heck is wrong with her?

oh and my anger had mostly gone away now and that *** just stormed into my room without a word. i heard her angry footsteps so i knew she was coming, but yeah. i am angry now again. i had forgotten it and she reminded me. she herself is still angry. my own anger has calmed down but hers hasnt and she keeps reminding me again and again.

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 17th

by the way last night i was not angry by any chance when i went to bed. i actually felt quite calm and not stressed and overwhelmed. and i was fine when i woke up too. and somehow i feel pretty good right now, i just watched some youtube and i feel good and i'm not stressed. yay!

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 17th

i'm sorry i'm venting so much here and giving you so much to read when you have so much going on already. you don't need to read or respond to me.

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 17th

"she's just like her father. she doesn't ever think of anyone but herself. animals like these don't deserve to be in the human world. no, even in a jungle you need to cooperate with others to live there, these animals don't deserve to be in the living world." that is what i just heard my mother say. i'm the animal there by the way. you think anything can stop me now? i don't think so. this is it. i'm thinking of some time next month.

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bestVase7265 November 19th

Yes, your mom definitely got overly angry big time and that was very, very hard to combat. I could tell how hard in your message that you were trying.

She is taking a single response from you (and a fairly minor one first thing in the morning when many people are a little grumpy) and then rehashing it over and over again. That is not on you. I guess my only response might be (after it had gone on a while) would be a question - who has yelled more and gotten more upset this morning - me or you? Otherwise you stay as calm as you can.

Remember how I said that your anger sometimes eats you alive? You can clearly watch that happen with your own mother. That horrible nasty talk is eating a hole through her soul. But that is her soul, not yours. You aren't in control of what happens to her soul. She just wants to feel sorry for herself.

Just try to stay out of her way when she gets like that. I'd even try to do the math on your own and risk a bad grade so you don't have to deal with her when she is angry. She will calm down eventually. @exuberantBlackberry9105

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bestVase7265 November 18th

Ok, I am determined to finish that earlier message first tonight. Then I will go and do other people and if I have time I will come back to look at your other messages.

First, your mom may not be a hugger especially if she was physically abused as a child. For her physical touch may remind her of her own abuse.

I know what I am suggesting is scary and you risk getting hurt. I can make absolutely no promises that either of your parents will react well. I wish that I could because that is what you deserve. But they are flawed and damaged. You are the one who can break that pattern. Keep remembering that you are the one who decides how their words will impact you.

Yes, your dad suggesting that only your mom loved you was extremely harsh. That is very hurtful. But your dad suffers mental illness of his own. It doesn't excuse it but it may explain it. My guess is that is was some ill-fated attempt to protect your mom's feelings from your anger. He wasn't thinking about his own feelings at all. 

Whichever of your parents taught you anger (it can just as easily be both), your messages here don't really show you calming down quickly. Instead I watch from the outside as your anger turns on yourself. That's what is hardest. You become angry at the beautiful person that you are. You listen to their words of anger, get frustrated, and actually believe them. Words spoken in anger are almost always complete lies. They are designed to just hurt the other person. It means that the angry person has forgotten temporarily how to love. It doesn't mean that they don't love.

I know how hard it is to show the real you. But the real you is more than just your depression and mental illness. Let's keep working on figuring out how to show them that.

Ok, I have come to the end of that original message. If I have time I will come back to answer your two most recent things. If not, I will try to get to them both tomorrow. 

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 18th

my mother has calmed down a bit today but she's still mad at me for talking to her rudely. she says me yelling last morning ruined her entire day and that it was totally unacceptable behaviour because i was angry for no reason.

she might be right that i have no real reason to be angry, but then i'm struggling so much, hurting so much, have so much going on in my head... i cant always control my behaviour on top of all this. i'm tired. i'm so tired.

and my mother just sarcastically called me a good daughter. it hurts. it hurts so much. when will i finally get the gift of death or do i need to give that gift to myself?

i'm tired of everything. i'm tired of trying to feel better. of trying to do my homework. of trying to live. i cant do this anymore.

i hate maths i just hate it, why does maths even exist?

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 18th

just about 2 hours ago i was feeling fine and now i'm so down and crying. and i'm really missing the past. i remember a really good cups friend who disappeared in april. i miss them. so much. it's been 218 days since i last heard from them. never found anyone exactly like them, i miss them so much.

exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 18th

i'm so sleep deprived. i've been going to bed so late everyday recently. i have so much homework to do and also a maths project to submit next monday. it's 12:06 am right now and i'm crying my eyes out. how do i get all this done? help.

i cant start right after i get home from school because my mother wants to sit and teach me something every day during that time. by the time she's done, all my energy and motivation gets drained out and i just spend time on cups. and then feel horrible about not doing anything and crying.

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 18th

12:48 am and i'm still crying.

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 18th

i havent cried so much in a long time. and it's not even bringing me any relief

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bestVase7265 November 19th

I can tell how tired you are. I am sorry. You are completely undeserving of the anger that your mom is throwing at you. The level of "respect" she is asking of you is unreasonable. 

All you need to be strong enough now to do is keep it from destroying you. That is what you have control over. You can rationally say (not out loud) that she is a raving lunatic and that whatever she says about you is wrong. It is just designed to damage you because she is hurt. You don't need to be hurt too.

I know you are tired but she doesn't deserve to win this battle at all. You hurting yourself would do nothing to change her. What would bring you peace? Continuing to try to walk away. Write down the good things each day. Give her no victories over your thoughts or your mood. You have started doing this. Keep up that solid effort. @exuberantBlackberry9105

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 19th

oh my posts are all over the place here. i read your messages and it helped. i'm sorry though, i don't think i have the energy to reply right now. my mind is a complete mess.

i'm tired. i'm tired of trying to feel better. tired of trying to look okay. tired of trying to "stay strong", whatever that means. tired of fighting. tired of living. and i know that you know i'm tired but i don't think you understand just how tired i am.

my sleep has been a mess. i've not been sleeping any more than 4-6 hours at night lately. it's exhausting. i don't know how i'm still somehow functioning, i'm really pushing my body's limits. i don't know how much longer i can do this.

i feel like i'm no more the person i used to be. i used to like the nights but lately the later and later at night that it gets, the more and more depressed i feel. i don't know what to do now. like the times when i'm in too much pain to even sleep, like last night.

i'm thinking... everything and everyone will be fine when i'm gone. some people might even be happy. but no one will miss me. but i just realised, my friend in school has decided that she will only be friends with me and no one else is school. whenever someone tries talking to her, she's always uninterested in talking, she wants me and nobody else. so when i die, she will be left alone, she will feel lonely, she will feel like she has no one to talk to, she will feel left out, she will want me.

but i really don't care about her. i don't even like talking to her, but i do it because i'm selfish and i need someone to send me notes when i skip school, which is very often. especially after how she hurt me, i really don't care about her. i just don't. i don't care if she struggles with loneliness when i die. because she is the one who stopped talking to me and ignored me and taught me what it's like to feel felt alone and left out, what it's like to feel lonely, like i have no one to talk to. SHE taught me all of it, it's her fault she did that. and when she realised that nobody by me gives her the attention she craves, she came back to me and never even apologised. so why should i care about her?

anyway that's about my friend, and about my mother, she is sick today and has been in bed since lunch time. meaning we literally haven't talked at all. my father's away for a while. so no absolutely no talking at home. back in school, i was so sleepy that i barely talked at all with my friend, like i told her i'm unwell when i'm really just exhausted and sleep deprived, but of course i cant admit that. during breakfast at school, someone from another class stood in front of our table and talked so i just sat quietly. so basically i have not talked to anyone today and i'm a quiet person who can go hours without talking and not be bothered but today it bothers me. i don't like the silence in here. normally i like some amount of silence but it feels like too much now. hence me saying i feel like i'm no more the person i used to be. and i don't like it.

i've cried a bit today, and i don't understand why, but it's not making me feel better or bringing any relief. what the heck is wrong with me? please tell my why even crying isn't helping anymore.

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 19th

i pulled so much last night. it's been so hard to cover up today. my brows were growing and looking good and not they're gone again. especially my left one.

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bestVase7265 November 20th

I know that this is really hard to believe, but I know exactly how tired you are. Always remember that I have been in your spot. I have thought things I couldn't control and I went through that cycle for several years. I am not quite that bad at the moment, but I am not well either. Every night I am attempting sleep with a giant tension headache and then I wake up at 4 and spend the morning with enough depression that it is hard to get going. I force myself too and eventually get a few good hours in the middle of the day, but it is tough. However, having recovered before I know that I can get to a better spot eventually. I just have no idea when. So I wade through the morass until then.

And you are right that you aren't the person that you used to be, but you can become better than her. I know I don't want to be the old me anymore. I like the new me better. It just took a while to find the new version. You will find your new version too.

You are absolutely right that your school friend will miss you horribly. Actually lots of other people will too, but they are often hard to see in the haze of pain. I just kept focusing on those people who I knew would be hurt in some way and I kept on living. Know that it isn't just your school friend. It is me and others on Cups too at a bare minimum.

I think the quiet is always hard because it gives us too much time to think. You should feel some relief though that your mom isn't talking. She can't say anything cruel then. My guess is all of her drama over the weekend wore her out and she is trying emotionally to come to terms with it. She will get physically ill when it is really something mental just like you do. @exuberantBlackberry9105

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 20th

i hate maths. why on earth does it have to be so hard and complicated and messy? the stuff we're learning dont even have any practical usage.

even if i understand it, i dont know how to solve these stupid qurstions. my mother said she cant help me today, yelled, and stormed off.

i used to find geometry relatively easy earlier but now this quadrilaterals chapter is really hard. we gotta use concepts from previous chapters like triangles and lines and angles. and i am not yet fully clear with that stuff. so how do i apply those concepts now?

i dont even know where to start now. i am totally lost. my only option at present is to copy answers from the internet without letting my mother know because she told me to write whatever comes to my mind but my mind is blank about all this nonsense.

i so hate maths. why does maths even exist?!

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 20th

and why cant we for once get a maths teacher who actually teaches well? like every year, either the teacher isn't knowledge enough. this year the teacher has knowledge and dedication but also has unrealistic expectations from us and is a perfectionist. he only cares about the kids who do maths well and doesn't understand the struggles of students who are weak in maths. i believe a good teacher should think about and try to undersand all their students and not just the ones who are good at the subject... and i understand about perfectionism, i struggle with that too but to be told by a teacher that you need to aim for perfection doesnt help. and also how he wants everything properly in the notebook. makes my own perfectionism worse.

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bestVase7265 November 21st

Ok, a quick response to just the maths one.

I dislike maths too, but I know that I eventually managed to survive it. A lot of people who end up teaching maths aren't necessarily passionate about it and that creates challenges. The way you describe your maths teacher sounds a little like how you describe your mom teaching you maths. She is quite good at it but can't quite understand when someone doesn't understand immediately. Then she gets frustrated. But that isn't your fault. Just keep doing your best.


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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 21st

@bestVase7265 i'd say a lot of people who end up teaching (maths) arent necessarily passionate about it and that creates challenges. it holds true for all subjects for school level teaching at least in my country. very very very few people actually ever want to teach, especially in schools. who would ever want to do it when it's so much work and stress and so little money? almost nobody does. of course there will be some expectations but very very few.

most of our teachers have landed here because something went seriously wrong in their lives and they couldn't pursue what they wanted to, but still need money so they need to work. and being a good teacher requires a lot of knowledge, patience, presence of mind, hard work, etc etc but being a bad teacher literally requires nothing.

most of our teachers are fed up and frustrated with their jobs and are tired of this. and they don't even hesitate to express their frustration in front of us kids. some of them, look like they're just waiting for the day when they can finally stop teaching.

oh yeah our maths teacher is similar to my mother in not understanding why someone wouldn't understand something. but my mother understands a little more than he does and she does know i'm weak in maths.

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exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 20th

i'm looking over your messages from yesterday and saying a bit i guess. i probably wont be responding in a proper or organised way, my mind is a mess and i have a horrible headache right now.

oh so time is flying for you to. how're you managing? how do you make life slow down a bit? my sense of time right now... i don't even know. like 2 months ago was 20th september and i had my half yearly exams going on, it was the night before my science exam i remember. it does feel far away but not exactly 2 months away. 2 months from today will be 20th january 2025. i will have finished my winter holidays by then, will have given my unit tests by then and will have celebrated my birthday by then. at it all feels so far away. like 2 whole months. and october and november so far has just flown away. where did it even go? november just started yesterday lol. 

"She is taking a single response from you (and a fairly minor one first thing in the morning when many people are a little grumpy) and then rehashing it over and over again. That is not on you. I guess my only response might be (after it had gone on a while) would be a question - who has yelled more and gotten more upset this morning - me or you? Otherwise you stay as calm as you can." yeah i don't get why she had to get that mad over a little thing i said. i guess i need to start thinking thrice before i say something. not sure what you meant by the question thing though.

"Just try to stay out of her way when she gets like that. I'd even try to do the math on your own and risk a bad grade so you don't have to deal with her when she is angry." i try but i cant really always stay out of her way. and i cant do maths on my own. like either i need her or i need google, especially with the awful stuff we're learning in maths right now. and if i ask her to not come to teach me, she will get even madder and yell more that i'm not taking my studies seriously. then look at my exam marks and blah blah blah... it's better that i let her teach me in the anger, and silently listen to the shouting and try to be as nice as i can even when she's not nice. then when she's gone i can try to deal with the pain and hurt in whatever ways i can.

oh and your message from sunday. my mother grows and changes every day? no way. she doesn't truly ever change her behaviour it's just a pattern. and no, my mother never looked up self harm on her computer. it just came up on her home page or something and she watched it. she doesn't have a computer by the way. like this laptop i'm using is technically hers too but it stays with me in my room. though my she almost has three phones lol. one of them is like 4 years old but the other two are fully functioning.

i don't think i need to give her any opportunities to try. she can find them and figure it out if she really wants. i don't think the birthday card thing was about me not giving her a chance. i just thought she would know it after 3 years of me telling her. and i never told her not to make anything. i just didn't tell her i like cards for the fourth time. she could have still made one if she wanted to. but she didn't want to, because if she did, she'd have found time for it. surely me not asking for one couldn't have hurt her. no way.

you say maybe my mother doesn't like hugs. but she used to like them when i was younger. so it was fine before but you mean to say it reminds her of her own abuse now? like she used to hug me a lot when i was little, she would carry me in her arms every morning. when i was younger, we sometimes slept hugging each other. that one is obviously not possible now, we sleep in separate rooms. and i absolutely do not expect her to pick me up in her arms, like she's getting older and i'm not as lightweight as i used to be. 38 kgs is light but not that light so i don't expect it from her. but she can still hug, right? what changed?

oh my father that day didn't just tell me that only my mother loves me. he told me that no one else but her will ever love me. yeah his mental illness and rude, threatening nature can explain it. and no, it was not at all some ill fated attempt to protect her feelings from my anger. it was my father trying to imply that my mother pampers me too much, and how it shouldn't be that way and how i don't deserve the times when she treats me well. my father loves to put things in a twisted way but i've gotten to know him really well while little, and i know what he really means.

"your messages here don't really show you calming down quickly. Instead I watch from the outside as your anger turns on yourself." actually... you're right. i only realised it now. i calm down from the anger towards others but turn in inwards. meaning i can be nice to the person i was angry at because i seemingly calmed down quickly and i want to be nice to that person and not hurt them more, but i'm still mad at myself and hurting myself.

my parents don't need to see the real me. i'm better off pretending. i don't like them finding out things about me and knowing my secrets. being mysterious to them, and also my teachers, classmates, school friend, etc is good... comforting, almost.

"The level of "respect" she is asking of you is unreasonable." are yu sure? like i know it kinda is, like if she wants me to talk to her well, why doesn't she talk to me well? she should speak properly if she wants me to do the same. but that's not how it is. i dunno if it's just about my culture but yeah, adults can talk to children however they want to but children always have to treat adults well and give them respect, and always listen to adults.

my mother was telling me today that i should at least talk to her well in front of the maid or my father. i gotta do it in front of the maid because she spreads around stories and apparently maids take advantage of families with internal family issues. and i need to talk well in front of my father because if i treat her badly in front of him, he will use it to treat her even worse. so if i need to be so careful all the time, why don't i just stop talking permanently?

i cant stay strong anymore i'm too tired and weak for it. "You can rationally say (not out loud) that she is a raving lunatic and that whatever she says about you is wrong." hmm sure though.

"What would bring you peace? Continuing to try to walk away." no. only dying will being me peace. "i just need peace and i can't find it in this world anymore" – random youtube video i watched two days ago.

oh no, things seem pretty bad for you. wake up at 4? like because you cant sleep? sorry about the headaches. they really suck. 

i don't this this type of me. i want to be the old me again. i want to be a baby again.

okay okay it's my school friend and you who will miss me. i'm not sure who else. the others i know on cups have all been pretty busy lately, we haven't talked much and the connection feels lost. they might miss me, but surely not that much.

and... i wrote so much again. no need to read or reply unless you want to. and if you do want to, please take your time.

7 replies
bestVase7265 November 21st

How do I manage time flying? I use every spare minute that I can find and I don't look down at the pile of work. It has to get done in some form eventually and I know that I can't do any more than I am doing.

My point with the question thing: she got mad because you woke up grumpy, but then you recovered and she continued to be angry the rest of the day and into the next day. Who had better control of themselves? You did. She asking you to wake up happy when she can't really do that herself. She actually has less control than you do. It would be interesting to see her response if you pointed that out to her. (Not that I'd really do that because it comes with a good bit of risk of her exploding again). 

You aren't going to be perfect in how you respond to her. You can't be. Especially if it is early morning. So give yourself room to make an error. Then if she gets angry just stay out of her way as much as you can. I know that isn't easy because she keeps invading your space. But let her be there for just a minute and yell (without you really listening) and then she will go away. The calmer you stay the faster she leaves.

I know that I keep hoping for your mom to be better than she is right now. I get why you think she will never grow. But we all do grow sometimes. I am going to hold onto hope that your mom does simply because you deserve someone kinder. But I recognize that I am holding a hope that you can't hold right now. That is okay too.

There is a solid chance that your mom could hug you when you were younger but struggles now because she is currently reliving some of her own trauma. Remember that I said she grows? She doesn't necessarily always grow in good ways. Sometimes you end up reliving something when you aren't expecting it and she could be doing that right now. It may be part of why she is so angry. But none of it is your fault, even if she is blaming you for it. She can also recover and suddenly be more loving and caring again. (not that she will do this immediately)

But keep working on not letting your anger eat you up inside. You are always in control of just you. Once you realize that then you gain power over anything nasty that they can say.

I hope that someday you can show the real you to someone. That's because you have a "special real you" inside and I long to see someone appreciating it.

It is important to show some respect to elders, but when they abuse you emotionally then they don't deserve that same amount of respect. Yes, you can talk pretty nice to them, but you can't switch on and off emotions at will. That isn't respect. That is terrorizing you and not letting you be you. 

You really can walk away by turning off the voices. You are already training yourself to do that here. Your messages on the other thread are fabulous. Death won't do that for you and it is much less certain than you think. I know you are tired, but you are surviving. The world always has peaceful spots. Keep looking for them.


6 replies
exuberantBlackberry9105 OP November 21st

@bestVase7265 hmm you use every minute you can find? how do you even do that? why am i so lazy wasting away countless minutes? by the way are you still managing to find time to sleep or relax or anything?

aww i'm not sure what to say but i think this message of yours sounded really understanding and sweet. thank you. ❤️❤️

5 replies
bestVase7265 November 22nd

Note that I have never called you lazy and I never will. You are dealing with depression which makes the whole world slower. It feels like laziness, but it isn't. You need more time to rest.

I push myself very, very hard even when I don't want to. That means often my healing is slower. We are all on different versions of the same journey.

Did I want to teach today? Absolutely not. I spent multiple hours staring at the papers I was grading and then back outside again because the depression was thick. I really dislike grading. At one point, I even thought about asking someone to take over my class since students were just writing paper drafts. But I didn't. I forced myself to walk up the stairs and to class. It helped. Once I was there I found that I could teach. That teaching adrenaline then carried into the rest of the day. Because my depression is worse right now that is how my days go. It will probably be like that until late December.

Am I resting at all? Every so often briefly. But I have to do the same thing that you are doing with the positivity moments - recognizing that they are happening. I got home in the early afternoon and took a few brief breaks while grading to watch a little Netflix for the first time this week. Then I walked around the lake once which was good. Then it was on to an early dinner and then a quick practice before a concert performance with about 70 other singers. It went well, but I am tired tonight. I am hoping that my medication will actually help me sleep tonight rather than waking me at 4 am again. But we will see. @exuberantBlackberry9105

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