A place for Vase and Berry
Hi @bestVase7265 This is a place where we can chat with each other. Thank you so much for supporting me, Vase. I'm very grateful and I'm happy to continue our previous conversion here. 😊
Listen, I know that you may not trust me entirely on my belief that you are wonderful person with lots to offer the world. I get it. Depression does great damage to your self esteem. Trust me though that your grammar is actually quite good. I grade college essays as my job. I know poor grammar when I see it and grade it accordingly. You are better than most of my students who have grown up doing only English and who are about 5 years older than you. They don't care nearly as much as you do about what you are saying. You are quite talented and you have no need to question or wonder about it. Some day I will pass you a paragraph of an essay. You would be shocked.
So I do think that your English language ability is a talent. Photography may be a talent too. What you might want to do with that one is start to watch some YouTube videos about taking pictures. It is much more than "point and shoot". You also could look at some photography exhibits online. Maybe someone who photographs plants and flowers. It will be relaxing no matter what. You also might end up liking working with plants themselves a bit. Again, explore some YouTube videos, etc. when you get some spare moments (I know how rare they are) to just learn a bit more about plants. You are building up a list of things that you like so I wouldn't necessarily expect you to recognize a huge number of talents yet.Â
Yes, the beginning and the end of the semester are hard with the end being harder than the beginning. I am right now entering our final month or so and it is brutal. But you are adding in moving which will make things more stressful. I totally agree that your mom is going to be harder to deal with until you get settled. Keep reminding yourself that she is exhausted and you are exhausted too. The more grace that you can grant both of you the easier that things will be.
It is always hard to live in the present. That is why I try to think about some moment each day where I really connect with the world. It helps to train my brain to do that.Â
I am certain that your fear of dogs will continue. The key is to calm your heart a bit so that they can't sense that fear as much. I personally am not a fan of snakes. I had a student bring a really small one to class today in a small, open jar. I couldn't quite tell what it was until I got closer. People just kept looking in and saying, "How cute." Ugh. That was NOT a moment from today when I want to remember connecting to the world. But I very calmly said that as long as they didn't take the snake out and wrap it around their neck or hands (I had a student about 3 years ago do that) that I was okay.
Work on thinking of school as a safer place to be you than home. It will help it go faster and be a little more enjoyable.
So if many people are equally lacking in confidence and fake, then maybe you are doing better than you think. When you remember the fact that everyone is struggling then you realize you are part of a group. You also begin to see that your being kind to someone else who looks like they are feeling unconfident helps both you and them. You share kindness which makes you feel better and their struggle get seen by someone. Sometimes it is just "I saw how rough that teacher was to you today. I am sorry." Keep it really simple.Â
It is lovely that you were able to go out and get some new wardrobes. I love that you will have some place that is yours for your things. It is a nice way of imagining the future apartment. It is also great to get some time alone as well. So there are good things to this move already.
The "what do you want to become" question is going to become a really regular one, I am afraid. It is just a dream question right now though. Just use your imagination entirely. Do you think that your parents would want you in a business doing math somewhere? Would you want to be working with science or plants or photography? Don't put a whole bunch of weight on it. I love that your parents aren't actually pushing a career onto you right now. You are much luckier in that regard than some of the other people that I talk to on Cups and elsewhere. It may be that your mom will become more focused on a certain career later, but you are blessed that she is only thinking about certain subjects right now. It can actually be worse. The key with careers is being really flexible about where you want to end up. So keep it in a "dream" mode right now. All of your answers sound great.
So sorry for the extra homework and sorting stuff, but I am glad that you were able to laugh some over memories with your parents. That will probably happen more often as you get ready to move and you discover more old things that you have forgotten about.Â
You will figure out the bicycling when it happens. Focus on the present for now.Â
You are also going to be alive in a year. It is painful, but you are making it along just fine.Â
@bestVase7265Â hmm i see. hehe i agree that depression does great damage to self esteem. but i feel like more than that, my mother's hurtful words and some bad teachers do more damage. my own mind may be telling me bad stuff but i sometimes manage to convince myself otherwise. but when someone does or says something bad, it kinda confirms my beliefs about myself. for example, if i feel like a burden, i will normally try to convince myself that i am not and try to find reasons to not think of myself as a burden. but if my mother sometime calls me bad stuff, it feels like it only confirms my beliefs about myself.
i feel like i am not following basic 1st grade grammar rules like capitalisation, so i must have bad grammar. and my 8th grade english teacher only confirmed that. yes, her own english was absolutely terrible in my opinion (unless there is anything called "parts of speeches", "three advices" and so on), and also she taught none of the grammar topics that were supposed to be taught (and yes, we got questions in the exam related to stuff that she didnt teach). but she also decucted a lot of marks in the grammar section, confirming my grammar isn't good. not i'm just trying to tell myself that it was because she was an awful teacher. honestly, in 8th grade, i had o manage english grammar completely on my own based on what i had learnt in 7th. thank goodness we had an amazing english teacher in 7th grade. i really miss her english classes. i have paid her occasional visits since, but not too often, sadly. i do plan on visiting her tomorrow to wish her a happy (bengali) new year, because she is bengali and so am i.
speaking of her, i really do like her and believe that she's the best teacher i have ever had. i also had a nice teacher who i really liked back in 4th grade, but i havent been able to visit her at all because it is very weird to visit someone in the staff room. the 7th grade english teacher is also the coordinator of grade 6-8, so she has her own little office where she stays when she doesnt have a class or something. i really like her, but she does do some things that confuse me. so on the last day of school in 7th grade, i went to her to say goodbye etc etc and then she told me that she's always there and that i can go to her anytime i wanted her help. so in 8th grade dealing with an awful english teacher, i did go to her for help a couple of times, but most of the time she kinda dismissed me. she'd tell me to come another day because she thought i'd miss the bus otherwise. so i was never really able to get any doubts cleared from her and had to do it from the internet instead. then on 8th grade report card day i decided to pay her a visit to say goodbye, because moving on to 9th, we'd have a different coordinator. and then once again she told me that we're on the same floor, just the other side of the building an that i could come around anytime i wanted. but really, i wonder why she says that. and that she also told me that 9th is harder than 10th and that she's not trying to scare me but telling me to stay focused and stay on track. otherwise she thinks i am deligent enough to manage everything well by myself. now i wonder what makes her say that because i really cannot manage everything well right now and i am not able to stay on track. there is so much going on here and moving is such a headache plus i'm still feeling lazy, tired and depressed all the time that i just can't stay focused and sta on track. i'm falling behind on everything.
anyway, i digress, hehe. let's come back to what we were talking about. hmm so i think my grammar might be relatively better than many of your students. but that doesnt necessarily make my grammar great. (like i may have told you about fine arts options. literally the whole 9th grade wanted to go in conputer grapics which was one among 7 options. and there are only 20 conputers in the school, so even if they make 2 people use one computer, they can only select a max of 40 kids. so they had to give us a test and they select accordingly. we got to know the results today and all those of us who got selected got told "don't think you're some great person just because you got selected. you didnt get selected because you did well, yiu got selected because the others did terribly. none of you did great.") anyway, my grammar is nothing compared to yours. you always use correct capitalisation and punctuation and i am careless about it because this is an informal convo hehe and as you know, i'm too lazy and dont care about correct punctuation etc as long as i think what i'm saying seems to sense to me.
by the way, just out of curiosity, i think you teach history, right, so does grammer affect grades in history? because for us, english grammar only truly matters in the english exam or any english project or something. in other subjects, it makes no difference. i could use terrible english and gramman and spelling (as long as it isnt an important subject related spelling) and still get marks. the only time that it does matter is if the teacher of that subject is also an english teacher. like our 7th grade geography teacher was also an english teacher (not our english teacher though) and she deducted marks for general spelling and grammatical errors, so we had to be real careful. and by the way, a paragraph from an essay might not shock me as much as you think it will.
Yes, your depression is very much impacted by your mother or certain teachers saying things that confirm the already nasty voices that you have going. You have quite a bit to work through, but you are doing it. You are starting to realize that in many ways they are wrong. That makes their voices have less of an impact. That is what you are aiming for.Â
I bet that your 7th grade English teacher still thinks highly of you and is still quite worthy of having in your corner and going to for advice sometimes. Always remember when you approach a teacher that sometimes they have just finished up with some other student that is taking their emotional energy at that moment. That is why they can seem abrupt or disinterested momentarily. It most certainly isn't you.
I noticed that you also mentioned an early liking for your history/English teacher this year if I am not mistaken. Those may actually be subjects that you also like more. Remember to continue to watch out for things that you are happier doing than other things.
You are right in feeling a little overwhelmed right now. You are still trying to figure out how to manage all of your new subjects and you are simultaneously getting ready to move. That would exhaust anyone. You are not being lazy. You are just searching for a bit of downtime in order to manage everything else.Â
Yes, English grammar is very critical for my subject because it involves lots of essays where students need to convince me of something. It is hard to convince someone of anything without some solid grammar. It is also true in the business world. If you write a plan for a new business and everything is misspelled or not capitalized correctly then people aren't going to want to support your new business. So keep at it and keep learning. You have a good foundation.
So did I understand correctly that you got selected for the computer graphics class? If so, that is great. I can see that being something you might have more interest in. There are also lots of very respectable careers in that area. Teachers actually have it backwards - you should feel good about yourself if you got selected. Only a few people did so and that matters. If a large number did bad on the test then the test was hard.Â
I hope that you had a good day of Saturday classes. I will be driving to visit my parents tomorrow so that should be good.Â
@bestVase7265 i'm sorry i couldn't come on here yesterday. i was really exhausted after school and came and slept. after i woke up in the evening, my mother made me clean the shelf kinda things under my table. i was feeling really unwell but i still had to do it. and eww it was so gross. i had all kinds of waste in there, chalk powder, wheat flour, waste paper and what not. it was so dirty that i cleaned it all evening but i'm still not done so i need to do the rest today. anyway, i'm trying to get to you first today and then i need to do the cleaning work and my homework.
english language ability is a talent? how come? umm yeah maybe photography is more than point and shoot, maybe i need to hold the phone properly and steadily at a proper distance and maybe i need to adjust the brightness or focus sometimes and maybe i need to fine the right time and lighting to take photos in. and maybe i need a little patience especially when my photos are turning out bad. but that's all i need, that's quite basic and there's nothing special that i need. umm yeah i can watch youtube videos about it and i have watched videos about photography because and i usually get bored by those. and it's usually roo much information to remember too so i forget it by the time i actually go to take photos.
i hear you about the beginning and end of a semester being hard. for me, it's mostly just the beginning of the academic year and the end of it. our academic year is divided into two terms (1st term from april-oct and 2nd term from oct-march). yes, the beginning of the 1st term is hard because everything is new and unpredictable and you need to get to know new teacher and so on, and end of the 1st term is fairly hard because of stressful exams, but the beginning of the 2nd term is just fine, there's nothing new and we're more or less used to things. the one time that is really hard is the end of the 2nd term that is the end of the school year, because it's quite an emotional thing being done with the year and also we have exams.
and yes, moving makes everything more stressful. to tell you honestly, it's keeping me really busy as i have to help my mother and sort through my things and i also have to do homework and find time for cups because i love being on here. lol, yeah, i am so exhausted and so is my mother. she's yelling loads but i think i'm dealing with it fine. me looking forward to having my own room and stuff makes the problems and yelling seem worth it.
you know what, i am not a fan on of snakes either. i have never had any bad incidents with them or anything but they still scare me. honestly the only time i saw a snake other than in a zoo was once during a trip with my parents in 2021. and i was so scared. i'm sorry you had to deal with someone bringing a snake in class the other day. i really wonder why someone would do that though. is it even allowed? hehe i dont think snakes are cute. anyway, i'm glad you could deal with that calmly.
mmm sadly i dont believe school is any safer than home. there are too many bad things that can happen in school and it doesnt feel safe.
when it comes to being kind to someone, i think i can do it by helping someone out if i can, but saying something like "I saw how rough that teacher was to you today. I am sorry." would be a bit too much and i'm worried people might take it the wrong way. i am also someone who doesn't talk to people much unless it's absolutely necessary and just silently observes everything around me. the only person i talk to much is my so-called friend. so it'd be really weird if i ever did talk to anyone like that or talk to them about anything other than something important to be discussed like a project. and people could also take it the wrong way, as i said before. so just being quiet and not saying anything unless necessary just feels safer, unless i am with my so-called friend of the time.
haha i really look forward to having my own wardrobe and own room. i probably will also have more freedom. for example, my mother told me that just until we move, i should be going to bed early so that she can get some sleep and doesnt get sick. she told me that after moving there, i can go to bed when i want, and that she'll go to bed when she's done with her work and that she won't wait for me. in a way. that's a good thing because it also means that she will have nothing to if i sleep after school too. but then i also know that i shouldn't be going to bed too late. so i think i need to make myself a timetable that i can stick too. okay, so know that i'm a night person and on school days i need to get up at 6. i will be sleeping a bit after school too after we move there. so by when do you think should i try to go to bed before a school day? what about before a non school day? like if i wanted i could be staying up till 1 am on any day and my mother won't say anything, but then i dont think that would be good for my body.
and i also realized having my own room might also help me study better. i've told you how my mother sometimes comes in and disturbs me during my study or break time and then it messes up everything. if i'd have my own room though she would have no reason to unexpectedly come and sit in my room. she could still be coming in lots of times to check in on me but she might not sit for much. i'd probably also be able to strech around more during my breaks if i'd have a room to myself.
i dont get the point of imagining what i am going to become when i grow up from now on. but yeah, lets not think about it too much and let it be in dream mode. i am definitely extremely lucky that my parents arent pushing a career onto me at least not right now. my mother might do that in the future, you never know, but i'm glas she's not saying anything now. and also about my father, although he did tell me about what he wanted me to become, he later also told me not to take it too seriously or worry about it. he says that every parent has some kind of a dream at the back of their minds, but it doesnt necessarily have to come true and i dont have to stress about it. i'm feeling super lucky about this hehe!
some of the old things i have done are good to laugh about but surely not everything. i am definitely discovering lots of old things that i have forgotten about, and some of them i honestly wish i wouldnt have to discover, like the yucky gross mess in the shelf under my study table. it disgusts me to clean that. luckily though i've been able to combletely clean out that shelf, throw half the stuff away and neatly pack up what i do want to keep. while i was cleaning it, i also discovered some papers and stuff i had written things on when i was 12. back then one day i had drawn out how i would place everything if i had my own room some time. now that i am getting my own room, i know i can't place things like that. we're really going to think about it and have to work it out. because the room although isnt too small, its weirdly shaped and the switch boards are also in really weird places so it's gonna be tricky to properly place all my things in it, my study table, wardrobe, bed, bookshelf and a small table. we cant really plan it from now, we need to go there on the 20th with all our things and see what fits where.
hmm i wonder why you think i will be alive in a year? like yeah, the idea of having my own room and stuff makes a little more hopeful and i dont have that extreme a desire to die just yet, but i dont exactly want to live either....
i need to go now. will will get to your other message another day. i might not be able to come on here much this week though.
Ok, for the photos try looking at some famous photographers and the photos that they take. Look at museum exhibitions. Then you will begin to see even more than you might in youtube videos. But this is all something for later when you aren't so busy.
Sorry about the cleaning but it is understandable since you are getting ready to move. It is very chaotic but it sounds like you are handling it beautifully. It is awesome that your mom isn't getting to you quite as much. You are learning to deal with her a little better. Yes, there will be horrible days still but she is losing her complete control over your mental state. That will make your life easier. Thinking about how the new apartment will be better is great.
I have moved forward from the snakes. No, students aren't allowed to bring pets to class, but they are allowed to have them in their dorm rooms. Students on my campus love their pets a great deal so I guess she thought it was okay. It really was okay overall because the snake was just going to sit there in the little jar curled up asleep. A moving snake I would have forbidden.
School is naturally going to also be chaotic and unknown. But one of the key things to pick up as you get older is slowly learning to take those little risks that school asks of you. Remember how your mom wants to control every moment? You can't. There is no way to be safe at all times and taking any little risks actually helps you prepare for the bigger ones that really are dangerous. Being quiet is good. Having just a friend or so is also okay. But consider reaching out to at least one more person. I am not suggesting massive change here. Just little change. Maybe talk one more time than you thought you would when you are planning out a project.
I think that your new sleep schedule will evolve once you have your new space. It is going to take a bit though. The excitement and exhaustion of the move are going to throw you off for a while. I think that 10 pm (22:00) is a good bedtime on a school night. That way you attempt to get 8 hours of sleep and you will be rested for classes. My guess is that your mom will find a way to be annoyed and control things if you start sleeping too late and oversleep or are overly tired in the morning.
Your mom will definitely come in more than you expect, but it should be better in terms of studying. But it will also be easier to procrastinate so you will have to watch yourself.
You are very lucky to have parents who aren't pushing certain careers yet. There are other teenagers who I counsel who are in very, very bad shape because what they want for their future and what their parents want is so different.
You will have fun finding new spots for things. Cleaning is yucky but it is also sometimes neat what you come across.
You are finding your way towards more stable mental health and a better vision for the future. I know sometimes it doesn't feel like it, but I can see it.
Anything special in terms of good moments today? One of my favorites was reading about a medieval castle that a bunch of students took over in 1949, locked the one guard in a closet and then started pelting the police with rotten fruit. They didn't like the new beer tax. It was just funny to image such a silly protest when the castle had been used centuries before for actual battles. @exuberantBlackberry9105
@bestVase7265 hello there. lemme get back to you now hehe. this will be a really long post hehe.
(responding to your message starting "Yes, your depression is very much impacted by your mother or certain teachers saying things that confirm the already nasty voices that you have going.")
i agree that it has a huge impact. hmm yes, i am trying to realise that they are wrong but sometimes it's hard.
and you know something about the 8th grade english teacher, my so-called friend and i saw her in the corridor in the lunch break the other day when we were going to the washroom and my so-called friend is like "come let's go talk to her" and i couldnt say no so i went and my "friend" says "ma'am why did you go to 6th grade now?" and the teacher responsed "oh principal ma'am changes those things every few years. we don't teach the same grade for a long time. and teaching the little ones is a challenge, you know. god, they're always out of their place. i dont have the kind of control there as i had teaching 8th grade". lol, i'd say it serves her right. she probably found it easy to contol a class of 8th graders because they tend to be more careful with teacher they find weird. 6th graders will always be their cute naughty selves. now up to her how she'll deal with them. good luck to the 6th graders with such a terrible teacher and i hope they dont have to deal when her when she's mad.
well, i think the 7th grade english teacher thinks a bit too highly of me. i might not really go to her for advice but i will to wish her a happy whatever. well, i get that it might just be she's tired after a long day because i normally go to her during dispersal, so she's tired of teaching and all the other things she has to manage like since she's a coordinator, she has to meet other teachers often and also deal with any student from grade 6-8 who maybe got into a fight or something she has to sort it out and scold the student and deal with everything. and from the looks of it, it seemed to me that most of the other teachers did not cooperate with her making things hard for her.
yeah anyway, i did like the english and history teacher this year at first. and i will say that i think they are quite nice as people. the history teacher is also teaching fairly well. the english teacher, not so much. she's quite sweet and her english is amazing and she had a beautiful voice. but she's not teaching that well, unfortunately. but she is surely better than last year's teacher.
anyway, speaking of teachers, i have to say the maths teacher is teaching well. i may not really like him much, but he sure is teaching well and so far everything thats being taught makes sense to me. he also makes us laugh sometimes with weird little jokes like if his chalk fell off and landed somewhere next to a maths textbook, he's like "see, chalk also wants to learn maths!" he does give a ton of homework, but i feel like its not just giving homework thoughtlessly. he mostly gives a lot of practice questions and that's probably a good thing. it is a lot of practice, so my mother feels it is enough for me if i just do the homework and she isn't making me do anything extra.
hmm yeah, i guess you're right that so much going on would exhaust anyone. lol, i really need some rest. but might not get much of it this week.
ah i see. so grammar actually does matter in subjects other than english too. i find it interesting that your students need to convince you of things in history. because so far what has been drilled into our brains is that history is something that just needs a ton of memorisation and no real understanding. i cant really memorise stuff like that and i want to actually know about why stuff happened in the past, but before 9th grade, we've always got history teachers who go by the "just memorise it" thing and i feel like our history textbooks are also kinda written in that way. so we dont really get to understand anything. there is obviously a huge difference between school level history and uni level history, but just saying that actually convincing would need a lot of real understanding and knowledge.Â
anyway, i get that good grammar and spellings matter in school related or business related stuff. but it doesn't make much of a difference in our convos, right? what i mean to ask is, do you mind incorrect capitalisation and misspellings? you know i dont reread my messages before and i am also quite lazy and careless while typing, so i dont capitalise stuff and also make tons of spelling errors (in many cases, it is just a typo and i know the correct spelling and in some cases i dont really know the correct spelling, lol) and because i dont reread my messages, those errors get sent through. does any of this make it more difficult for you to read or understand what i'm saying?
yes, you understood correctly that i did get selected for computer graphics. but no, i dont really have much interest in it. maybe to some extent i do because like photo or video editing, but it's not really much of an interest. and know that in this class they said they're going to teach coding related to graphics and that really doesnt interest me. the reason i am still taking it is because it is better that the other options. just so you know, the other options were indian music, western music, indian dance, western dance, art and carft, and creative writing.
and i dont want to take music because i dont like the music teachers (they taught us last year), i dont want to take dance because not only do i dislike the teacher (the teacher for indian dance is also our yoga teacher) but dance is also extremely tiring and energy consuming, i dont want to take art and craft because i took it in 7th grade and they forced us to take it in 8th too and i totally regretted my decision because the teacher was just so terrible, she got all her stress and anger out on us, made us do what is her work, have tons of homework and also made all kinda of threats all the time.
and i dont want to take creative writing because i've lost all my creativity at this point and i am worried they'll give us homework to write stories and poems and whatever and i would hate to do that. i may normally have fair enough writing skills like for paragraph writing, letter writing, notice writing, diary entry (only for exam topics, i never really write a personal diary because it feels like too much to write and i would rather share it with people on cups than write in a book) etc. so computer graphics seemed like the only option for me. god knows what i'd have done if i didn't get selected here.
hey, why would teacher have it backwards? doesnt make sense. i dont think i should feel good about being selected. actually 40 people got selected out of about 60 people who gave the test, so majority got selected, because 40 is the max number of students they can take inside the computer lab with one computer being shared by 2 students (we have only 20 computers in the school). i guess yeah the test was hard though. they asked us weird questions like what does jpeg stand for etc etc.
oh and no, i definitely did not have a good day at school on saturday. it was extremely tiring and mostly just timepass. i wish i had skipped school on saturday. anyway, how did visting you parents go?
(responding to your message starting "Ok, for the photos try looking at some famous photographers and the photos that they take.")
hmm yeah. sounds like something i could do during my summer holidays hehe.
cleaning and stuff surely is chaotic and sadly i'm not handling it as well as i would have wanted to. my studies and homework are really all a mess. and i am quite falling behind too. today has been a very unexpected holiday so maybe it'll help got on track a little. and today being a holiday is the only reason i am able to message you today, otherwise i may not have been able to talk to you for this whole week.
and yeah, not letting my mother control how i feel is hard and its not going very well. on some days she doesnt have much control, and in others she is totally controling my emotions. it sucks that i let someone else control my emotions.
glad you've moved on from the snakes hehe. also glad that it was overall okay because the snake was sleeping. i'm curious though, with your students living their pets so dearly, do they bring other kinds of pets to class too? like pets that dont sit in a little jar?
hmm what kinda risks do you want me to take at school? i'm also curious about why you think being quiet is good?
as for friends, i understand why you want me to reach out to at least one more person. but how do i possibly do that? talking to someone one more time when planning out a project? that's real hard. becasue most people during a group activity are least bothered and leave things for the last minute. so i literally have to run behind them and make them do something so i dont need to do all the work. they have zero interest in talking to be because i'm that "borning studious person" you know. also, what would i do talking to someone who already has so many friends? i dont want to be part of any groups, and the reality is, most people have groups of friends already and dont need me. also, i'm normally the quiet observer all the time. i observe people and get to know what they are like. and i dont really see anyone who's without too many friends and who seems good to talk to. so this means i never really reach out to anyone. if they come talk to me, well and good, but i dont go and talk to people myself, and i never have. all the "friends" in school i have ever had have come into my life themselves.
speaking of friends, what actually is friendship? what does a real friend, not just a "so-called friend" mean? and by the way, there's a reason i call this person who talks to me a lot in school only a so-called friend. it's an extremely long story behind it, lemme know if you want to hear it. long story short, it's because i am unable to think of her as a friend because of something horrible she did to me. normally when talking about her i call her by her name and dont call her a friend, but i dont want to give away the name here just in case so i call her a so-called friend, because she calls me her friend and naturally she is supposed to be my friend then.
anyway, yeah i agree yhe excitement and exhaustion are will throw me off for a while. hopefully not for too long though. i just really hope it doesnt take too long for us to get settled there.
i totally get why you say that 10 pm is a good bedtime for school nights, it makes complete sense. but it's not something that's possible for me. you see, we dont have a fixed dinner time in here. my mother could call me for dinner anytime between 8:30 pm and 10 pm. and i also dont eat very quickly. if it's rotis, it takes me 15-30 mins to finish dinner and if it's rice, i take much longer, 30-60 mins in fact. so it's not uncommon for me to finish dinner at 10:15 pm, so how could i possibly try to go to bed at 10 pm? 11 pm seems the best possible alternative concidering this, and my father too goes to bed at around 11 pm.
and also if dinner time wasn't a problem, i am a night owl and that's a problem, lol. i like nights, it is the best time of the day for me because it's usually cooler and dark. and quiet. and right now, the earliest i ever go to bed is 11:30 pm. other than just loving nights, i usually also feel more awake after dinner than any other time of the day. and even on days when i go to bed early, i almost never fall asleep before 12:15 am and just lay in bed awake and that's borning when i could have been up and doing something nice like cupsing.
so what do you think would work for me? and yes, your guess i right, my mother will get annoyed if i go to bed too late because then it will be harder for her to get me out of bed in the morning. well, i am always tired in the morning, i never ever wake up fresh, but if i am too tired, she will be annoyed. so yeah, i dont want to be going to bed too late. 12:30 is the max because i'm quite used to be on 5 hrs 30 mins of sleep. also, i wanna ask, when do you think i should go to bed when i don't have school the next day? i know people say that we should go to bed and get up at the same time, but then i must get up at 6 for school and i would hate to get up at 6 on a non school day. would you say 11:45 pm to 7:45 am would be fine on non school days?
by the way, i know you wake up at 6 am normally and go to bed at 10 pm, would you mind if i asked you how you manage to go to bed by 10 (like do you have dinner earlier or something?) also, do you go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 6 am even on weekends? also, are you a morning person, a night person or something in between? your bedtime doesnt seem to say that you're a night person, but i'm just asking in case you do prefer nights but are trying to prioritize your sleep and thus go to bed early. by the way, i am asking all this just out of curiosity. you seriously dont have to answer something you dont feel like answering, okay? no pressure to tell me at all, you're allowed to keep things to yourself.
anyway, let's come back to what we were talking about before. i agree that she'd probably come in a lot more than i would like. thanks for helping me consider that too hehe. because i dont really want to hope for things to be great only for them to turn out terrible. i realise that i shouldnt get my hopes too high. disappointment is not something i want to be dealing with at this point.
hmm i wonder, why do you think having my own room would make it easier to procrastinate?
yeah i totally agree that i am super duper lucky that my parents aren't pushing anything just yet hehe.
well today has been a weird day. we were supposed to have school today you know. and then at 6:52 am when i was getting ready, the class teacher emailed all parents saying thatvwe dont have school today due to road bockages, and that was quite a moment, both good and bad. good because i have been very tired and sleepy and not having school has been nice.bad because if the school would have told us earlier, i could have slept till later in the morning. otherwise today has been a very hot and sweaty day even staying at home. i am continuously sweating and it sucks. i'd say my good moment was laughing over something i had written when i was in 3rd grade. also, it just started raining right now and it's nice, but i really hope it reains heavily enough to cool things down a bit, makes a little more hopeful that i might be able to survive tomorrow's heat. the heat is just awful. i hate summers like anything. and the house has been a literal mess today. and the floor is so dusty. i slept for an hour today evening so i think i had a little good moment when i woke up because i felt a teeny tiny bit better (even though i was drenched in sweat) and the floor was cleaner when i woke up. and i also had ice cream and it made the heat a bit easier to deal with. oh yeah, and while i was sorting through stuff, i found a nice saree and i tried wearing it over my pajamas, lol. kinda fun to be honest because it's been ages since i last touched a saree. lol and wearing it over my pajamas and tucking the saree into the pajama pant is really weird and funny.
your good moment sounds really interesting. i googled it and it sure is funny, lol!
by the way, there is something i want to talk about, the person who has been made to sit next to me in school. so far, i had been sitting with my so-called friend. yesterday, our class teacher was assigned places to many people and changed many people's places. i am still sitting on the same spot, but my so-called friend is no longer sitting next to me. instead, someone else who is known for bad behaviour and gets into trouble a lot. he also goes by the same bus as i do. he also has a lot of anger issues, the other day he got angry and threw a book and it hit someone. now everyone knows that he gets angry easily, so they deliberately do things to make him angry and bully him a lot. and some things he does makes him get bullied even more. like he makes weird sounds in the middle of the class, like meowing sounds and stuff and now everyone calls him "an animal", "the most dangerous dog breed in the world" and whatnot. literally everyone shows him hate and nobody wants him in our class. and he also constantly complains about everyone else. like the other day he said his pen went missing and he told the teacher that nobody is giving him one to write with. someone offered him a pen and pen and told him to return it when he's done writing, and he said "no, then leave it", so he's expecting that someone will give him a pen to keep and then he complains that nobody is helping him. my so-called friend really hates him. and the problem is, i have to sit with him on the 1st bench of the second row, and my so called friend sits on the 1st bench of the third row, so to her it feels like this boy is coming between the two of us so we cant talk freely. i really have to say that everybody has a problem with this person i have to sit next to.
so now i am confused as to how i should deal with him. my mother told me to stay away from him as much as possible because of his anger issues. my so-called friend hasn't given me any advice on dealing with him, but she is constantly conplaining about this change of where we are sitting, she doesn't like the person she is sitting with either. anyway, back to how i should deal with the person next to me, so far i've been alright with him. he asked me for an eraser, i gave him. he asked to copy something from my geography notebook, i gave him. yet he conplains about "what kind of a person am i sitting with?! there are other things to do than study. 9th grade is not the time to study". okay, fine, whether or not he studies properly is up to him, i am not telling him anything at all about that. ive never even uttered a word to him without him asking me something. so i dont get what problem he has. also i'm worried that if i treat him like any other person, the whole class will think of me as stupid. so should i not give him my attention when he's asking for something and ignore him and stuff? but that will make him angry about me too and that's not going to help. and i also realise that when someone is hated by everyone, they might not see it at first but it can turn out to make a big difference is one person is a bit better to them. yes, i do dislike him to a great extent but doesnt mean i have to be ignorant, or does it? i do think i have better tolerance for annoying people than most people do, but for how long do i be tolerant without one day being fed up especially if he still complains about me and talks to me rudely?
i really dont know what to do. sorry if these last two paras make no sense because my thoughts are all over the place and i am extremely confused and dont know how to write it down properly....
oh, and i'm so sorry i needed to send this in three posts. forums has been giving me an error message for some reason so i tried to split up the message and see what's wrong.
I am also having trouble posting so I am going to try multiple emails.
So why do you keep calling your friend "so-called"? I am pretty sure she is just a friend. It may be that you don't think that you deserve friends or that this friend has said something wrong at some point. Do remember that you deserve friends. Also remember that friends make horrible mistakes sometimes with one another. No relationship is perfect and no one is very good at being friends. You will have problems with anyone because we are all selfish sometimes. But friendship works best when we forgive those bad moments and just move forward. You are the one who makes the choice to forgive and you feel better about you and less bitter when you do so.
It is good that teachers move around and it is nice that you have some that you like this year. None are going to be perfect (kind of like those friendships), but as much as you can focus on the ones that you do get along with. I am glad in particular that maths feels more smooth at the moment. It is great that your mom isn't making you do extra.
You have correctly identified the great divide between school level history and uni level history. That is probably true no matter where you are. History is much more interesting than the lower level classes make it out to be. I am actually not all that good with dates myself. I know what happened first and what happened next but I sometimes get years wrong. But today for instance, my class spent an hour and a half talking about how Frederick Law Olmsted, an American landscape architect from the late 1800s, understood what a park was. We were talking about how parks were an invented idea that doesn't come about until you have factories. Our theme right now is "nature is invented." We end up talking a lot about why we think the way we do a great deal.
You are communicating with me just fine. Don't worry about grammar.
Focusing on the graphics part of the computer graphics is fine. Some part of the classes may be boring, but I have a feeling that you have a good eye for graphics that will help you enjoy some of it. I was very much suggesting the photo exhibit stuff as a summer fun thing rather than right now.. You have a lot on your plate.
You are going to feel a bit behind in the next few weeks and your mom is also going to be more tense and yell more. But you are making it through day by day. And the fact that your mom's words aren't impacting you every day is a triumph. Glad that you got a little unexpected time off.Â
Visiting my parents went fine. My mother is having challenges with her eyesight so I ended up having to call and push some doctors this week to do some surgery for her that she needs to have done now rather than two months from now like the doctor suggested. I was able to convince him yesterday which made me and my mother happier.
No, students aren't allowed to bring any other kinds of pets to class. This is the first time that I ever had a student bring one. They do have tons of cats and dogs though that you regularly see walking around campus with their owners on leashes.
The risk that I am talking about is just making another friend. It may indeed be that the friend falls in your lap. My point is letting them fall there. Don't cut off the people who are the least bit friendly. I can guarantee you that 1/3 to 1/2 of your classmates feel at some point like they don't have friends, are too quiet, and are lonely and miserable. I looked up an interesting statistic or two: 14% of teens have suffered a period of depression in the last 12 months, 10-14% are suffering with an episode right now, and girls are twice as likely to suffer as boys. So if the current number in your classroom is 1 in 10 then there are definitely people in your class who could use your support. When you support others, then you start to feel better yourself because you realize that you aren't alone.
This all connects nicely to the problem of your new problem seat mate. My guess is that the teachers placed him there because they thought you might be a calming influence. That puts lots of pressure on you that is going to be hard. When someone is as bullied as he has been, he is going to lash out and get angry at practically everything. Your mom is probably right in having you ignore him as best as possible. But you still do need to be kind enough to do things like offering an eraser when he asks However, if he ever gets physically violent with you, request a seat transfer immediately. Violence is a line that he cannot be allowed to cross. Use the violence (if it happens) as the reason to ask for the change. Teachers know that they are asking a great deal of you to be patient with him. After a while, things may need to change, but for right now hope for the best and go moment by moment. You have handled things great thus far.
11 sounds like a fine bedtime based upon your schedule, but I recognize the night owl issue. Midnight is doable, but later on school nights is not as good. Only 6 hours of sleep a night can impact your ability to get through the depression and retain the things that you are studying. 11:45 or later on non-school nights sounds fine, but the bigger the gap between non school nights and school nights the more trouble you will have getting to sleep on school nights. Does that make sense?
Yes, my dinner time is 6 pm so going to bed at 10 pm is doable. I also adore sleep to be honest. It keeps me sane.
That does sound like a nice (but hot) day. I am glad that you found the 3rd grade piece, you got dressed in the sari with pyjamas, and had ice cream. My special moment today was an unexpected visit from my second son. He attends the school where I teach but he lives on campus. So I go home at night but he stays on campus. Thus, I do not see him often because he has his own life. Today he popped into my office as I was working to show me a very pretty bird, a bright red Scarlet Tanager, that he spotted outside in the trees. He is very passionate about bird watching at the moment so it was nice to see his enthusiasm.
@bestVase7265 hey there. apologies of my late response. there's been a lot going on lately. there has been complete chaos at home since friday, and it has been a really very hectic few days. i am going to get to your messages now. before i do, i need to vent a bit about everything that's happened in the past few days because it has been unusual and stressful, and i hope i can do that here because i dont know who to go to right now. this might be a really long post hehe.
friday evening my mother was try to pack things as much as she could, and i needed to help her lots, and that kept me extremely busy. i ended up going to bed at 1 am, and she didnt go to bed at all that night.
saturday morning she woke me up at 6:50 am and i had to quickly get everything done. and ever since the movers and packers came, everything was a mess. they were packing our stuff in such a careless and hurried way. i really hated seeing them do that. either ways, it was a very chaotic day and we came to this new place along with the trucks in the evening. they got all the stuff out of the trucks and we then needed to eat something but couldn't cook because the gas stove needed to be unpacked as assembled. my father got some outside food and we ate that. i was just so exhausted by the end of the day and wanted to go to bed so badly, but it took a while because we needed to get out the pillows and pillowcases and matress and blanket (i know it's summer, but i cant sleep without one, so i use a very thin blanket, bedsheet really). finally went to bed at 12:40 am. i was so tired, but i slept incredibly well so i felt less tired in the morning.
i woke up myself at 8:05 am yesterday (that's odd because i almost never wake up myself in the morning, my mother has to wake me up. the only time i do wake up myself is in the middle of the night.) but then i still decided to go back to sleep because what would i do getting out of bed when the whole house is a mess? and i didnt even hear my parents up, so getting out of bed would have been pointless and i slept on. woke up again at 10:34 i guess and got out of bed. turned out, my father had got out of bed yesterday at 8:40 am and my mother at 9 something. we all were really tired, lol.
either ways, no breakfast yesterday and then lunch at 4:30 pm. yes, yes, 4:30 pm. we had been doing everything late yesterday, including dinner starting at 11 pm. it was a very busy day to be honest. i needed to focus more on cleaning things and trying to make my room comfy and it was very tiring. i was so tired, yet i couldnt sleep well, so i am still tired today. i went to bed really very late last night (1 am) and woke up at 8 something, so it should be 7 hrs of sleep, but i didnt really get that because it took me a long time to fall asleep and i kept waking up a lot at night. by the way, i skipped school today. and as i type this, i am incredibly sleepy and tired and my brain is not working properly so it's like i dont know what to type so this is taking me really long. sorry if this post is confusing and makes no sense, it's because i am sleepy and dont know what i am saying. and i just feel like summers, especially summer afternoons are meant to be boring and sleepy.... ugh i want to sleep right now but my mother won't let me because she says i got up late today (8 am is late in her opinion). funny i need her permission to sleep even though i now have my own room.
i guess that's enough for now, feeling a little lighter typing that all out. now let me get to your messages.
okay, so me calling my friend "so-called" doesnt have anything to do with me feeling that i dont deserve friends. yes, sometimes i do feel like i dont deserve any, but i try to remind myself that i do deserve friends. it does have a bit to do with her saying something wrong at some point, but actually it's not about what she's said, it's about what she did. i will start the story from the very beginning so that it makes sense.
you see, she has been a classmate of mine since 6th grade, and she still is a classmate. back in 6th grade it was online school because of the covid thing, and i would see her during classes and i would absolutely hate her. because she loved to flatter teachers and always went to extreme lengths to impress them. she could answer any question the teacher asked and she followed every kind of instruction that teachers would yell at the rest of the class saying "if she can do it, why can't ya'll do it?" and blah blah blah. so obviously i hated her and most people probably did. but given that everything was online, we never talked or anything.Â
in 7th, we just started offline school again and and she was the one who came to me and talked to me, and i felt really annoyed by her, because i remember the first thing she told me was "you are bengali, right" and i said yes so she's like "so you must eat a lot of fish". and i find that incredibly annoying because while it is true that fish is loved by many, in fact, most bengalis, it is not loved by all bengalis. and it is incredibly hard to explain that to someone who already believes all bengalis love fish. she also irrited me a great deal by demanding that i teach her bengali. like that is practically impossible given that i myself do not knoe the language well. yes, it is my mother tongue, and i speak it quite well as someone living outside bengal, but i do not know it well enough to teach it to somebody. but anyways, even though she annoyed me a lot, i tried to put up with her.
before our first set of exams in 7th grade (unit test 1 in july), she told me that if i needed help with something i could message her. that was pretty good timing because i needed a lot at that point because the day before the exam, i got extremely sick and missed the first four exams, and gave the last three. (we had 7 subjects then). eventually i got used to dealing with her and found her less annoying and i also stuck around with her because she had helped me then. she always came to sit with me during breakfast and lunch in school and we talked a lot. things were good between us from about july 2022 up until jan 2023. in february, things took a turn for the worse. until then, she literally never talked to anyone but me in school in front of me, but now she started taking to others too and often ignored what i was saying. until this, whenever i missed school she would message to ask why and would also offer to share that day's work. and i did the same for her. but in february, she kinda stopped that, and when i messaged to ask for help, she would respond very late, which was very unusual for her. she eventually stopped talking to me much in school too, she would still sit with me, but talk to others around, or just sit quietly. i assumed there was something going on in her life so i stayed patient and tried to act normal even though i felt hurt. but she never got better. our "friendship" was really falling apart. and my hate for her came back again a lot more intensely. i noticed she would note down the marks of everyone who got good marks in our class after every exam and compare them, and i hated that more than anything else. i realised she was keeping track of not only my marks but also that of 10 other "competitors" of her. she not treated me not as a friend, but as a competitor in marks. and i absolutely hate that. by the end of 7th grade in april 2023, our "friendship" had little left of it.
our 7th grade class teacher, however, though i was a really quiet girl and had only one friend who was the one i have been discussing now. when it was time for the class teachers to shuffle students to determine their division in 8th grade, she put both me and my so called friend in the same division so that i dont lose a friend. that is what the teacher told me. so yeah, we were both in 7B in 7th grade and came to 8D in 8th grade because of the class teacher. as we started 8th grade in june 2023, after a month of summer holidays, my "friend" was still weird with me. she sat with me yet ignored me and sat quietly and paid more attention to the people around.
once in july 2023, i was absent for two consecutive days because i was unwell and i decided to message her asking for what was done in school and she told me that she too was absent, when she was absent for only one day and could have helped me with the previous day's work. also, i noticed that ever since she got some prizes in i belive july 2023, for highest marks in social studies, science and marathi and for general proficiency, she seems to have a lot of ego, and completely ignored me and stopped sitting with me slowly. that made me feel so awful. i told my mother about it and talked to people on cups about it but nothing ever helped. so now i was completely alone sitting alone in school during breaks. that was when i first started feeling so lonely, and to this day that feeling has not gone away. just so you know, i had never felt lonely before that, whenever i had to sit alone, i considered it a privilege because i could sit quietly and eat, but now it hurt to sit alone. i did try to make friends with some other but no one had the time for me. my benchmate back then was quite nice and i tried making friends with her and even asked her for help when i missed school and she did help me. but she had other friends and although she was nice to me, she didnt really talk much. also, in dec 2023 when our places were changed and i got a different benchmate, the previous one who was nice stopped talking to me. during my long period of absence from school that month, i did bother her by asking for help because i had no one else, but since then we havent talked.
anyway, coming back to the previous so called friend i was discussing, one fine day in jan 2024 she decided to message me asking for help. she even wished me on my birthday and every since she is trying to talk to me more. i will never know for sure, but i believe that she stopped talking because she wanted to find someone better who gave her the attention she wanted, but found no one, and decided to come back to me. because she in general is incredibly hated by most because of the teacher's pet and "boring studious student" and people pleaser she is, and because of her ego. but i still choose to talk to her even though i dislike her because i need someone who can just help me with the days work when i decide to skip school, and possibly sit with me during breaks. but again, i dislike her, and feel unable to forgive her for the way she's made me feel. but i just be with her for selfish reasons. makes me feel really awful and selfish, but i cant help it. yeah, so anyway, thats i really long story, and that's why i dont think she's a real friend and just a "so-called friend". by the way, know that for a very long time, i tried to talk to her even after she stopped talking, and i tried to be nice to her and i was willing to forgive her. but she still ignored me to the point i cant possibly truly forgive her anymore. she really has made a horrible mistake, just like you said friends sometimes make horrible mistakes with one another. and she has never even apologised for it, just so you know. i know i should probably still just forvive her and move on, but i cant.
yeah, maths is going smoothly in me understanding stuff, but not so smoothly about doing homework. i have tons to do and dont feel like doing it. it's rather be here on cups you know, i havent been able to be on cups much lately. i have homework to do from about a week ago, lol. maybe i should go do a bit now. so i'll stop typing and go do a bit, even though i dont want to.
aww "the great divide between school level history and uni level history". vase, that's a beautiful phrase, sounds really nice. you are probably right that history is more interesting than it seems to be in let's say 9th grade. i wonder why they keep it like this and make us kids associate the word 'history' with the words 'boring' and 'unimportant' early on. like if they make us hate the subject now, how many people might actually stick around with a 'boring' and 'unimportant' subject in higher education to actually learn the not-so-boring parts of it and discover that it isnt so boring and that history class isnt a sleeping class?
well, at least you know what happened first and what happened next! i mess up that too a lot of times because our textbook is written is such a messy way. one minute they are talking about 1947 and suddenly they are talking about 1930 so it gets all messed up in my mind. i usually have a rough idea most of the time but definitely not always. we're lucky that in exams we dont get asked what happened in what year, because i've heard that untill a few years ago, those kinda questions used to be asked. anyway, woah, that sounds like an interesting history class about parks. i wish history was that interesting for us too, but nah that's not happening.
anyway, its getting really late today, so i will try and get to the rest of your messages some other day. sorry if today i have been going on and on about some few things.
I am going to have to try to answer this one in parts because I don't have the edit function and couldn't open up a second window.
First of all, everything with the move sounds pretty much exactly like all moves go. They are tremendously stressful and exhausting, especially the first few days. I can imagine that you need tons of extra rest and needed that extra day off from school.
You are going to find a new routine and speed of things soon. It just takes quite a bit of patience. You are there in the new place and that is a victory.
Remember your mom likes control so she too is going to be feeling quite stressed with everything out of place. She she is going to pick up on the little things that she can control like the time that she can get you up in the morning. @exuberantBlackberry9105
Ok, so your friend sounds like someone who is more interested in grades that she gets and the competition of school than you. That can hurt a great deal. I am sorry for that. I can imagine that her treatment of you has made you feel lonely.Â
She also has some stereotypes about Bengalis that are untrue. So she thinks in quite simplistic ways about things. You have done a good job in being patient with her. You don't have to do much more than be the minimally friendly that you are being. You have judged her character well. If she at some point apologizes or recognizes that her behavior towards you was wrong that would change the equation. But she sounds like she is just really insecure and was taught that using people is the best way to get ahead.Â
You will get caught up on maths. With the moving getting back on Cups helps you feel like things are normal again. But now you can return to maths and start getting things done so the pile doesn't feel too big.Â
I so wish that history wasn't a sleeping class in younger grades. It is here too. But they are basically teaching you outlines rather than the funky details that mess up the outlines. Having the outlines is good but the complications are where the good stories are. So keep looking for those complications to make the subject more interesting. If you are only messing up between 1947 and 1930, you are doing well. My students regularly are off by several decades. Tomorrow we will be talking about what things are actually work and what things are actually play (in terms of the environment) in my one class and we will be talking about LGBTQ history in the other. It should be a good day.
Did you have any special moments where you were able to focus on your senses for a bit today? I think that mine might have been seeing how well a few of our flowers were growing in the backyard.Â
I do like how you talked about your other benchmate. I realize that she isn't your benchmate now at all and that she has lots of other friends. But it sounds like that friendship could develop further at some later point.@exuberantBlackberry9105
@bestVase7265 hi hi. i'll try to get back to as much as i can today. i just dont know why but i feel horrible today though. i've been feeling really uncomfy and stressed for some unknown reason. i slept a bit after school and got up just about an hour ago but i still feel the same way. today had been a really bad day for some reason i dunno why. i want to cry but i cant. ugh. and the thing is nothing particularly bad has happened yet i still feel awful. anyway, i'll try to get to your messages. this might be a long post.
(responding to the rest of your first message from friday)
oh i must say last friday's computer graphics class was extremely boring. the teacher was talking about data, data science and social media and social media reputation. i dont understand how that is related in computer graphics class. and also, i thought that the school strongly disapproved of its students using social media (i know youtube counts as social media, but they are mostly talking about the other things than youtube), so i wonder why they are telling us to use it carefully not to spoil our reputation and blah blah blah. by the way, i believe the school disapproves of it because back when we were in 7th grade, the principal once came to our class and she asked everyone who has an inst...am account to stand up and she scolded, actually yelled at, all those students so much even listed down the names of all those who stood up and gosh some kids ended up crying so much after the scolding. i was lucky that i didnt use social media (i watched youtube but that was it). i'm in a way quite lucky that i still dont use social media because i dont think it is useful at all (youtube can be useful though). but then with the teacher talking so much about social media, specifically face...k and inst...am, it's like i have no idea what is being discussed and the teacher is assuming everyone uses social media and knows it well, when i am an excaption, so it is incredibly boring. anyway let it be, it's just 1 class a week luckily so i'll have to manage even if it is boring.
as for my mother's words and their impact on me, sadly they are affecting me more in the past few days. probably because i am already not feeling good lately or whatever.
(responding to your message starting "Visiting my parents went fine.")
i am glad your recent visit to your parents went well. sorry to hear about your mother's eyesight problems though. it sounds nice that you were able to talk to and convince the doctor. i hope your mother's surgery goes well/went well. how is she doing otherwise?
i get what risk you are talking about. dont worry, i never intentionally cut off people who are a bit friendly towards me. i can totally agree that majority of my classmates have at some point felt lonely. at some point, right? but the problem is, most people (surely not all people) also forget what it feels like to be lonely when they themselves no longer feel that way. most people (again not all people) tend to understand things like loneliness, sadness, etc only as long as they feel that way, and once they are in a better position, they forget what it was like to be miserable. i think this same thing applies to many other feelings and problems. so only few of all those who have dealt with loneliness actually would understand it now. i am sure that there must be a few others who also feel lonely right now, but it is impossible for me to know who those people are because you can have friends and still be lonely. plus loneliness is not something we talk about a lot.
"14% of teens have suffered a period of depression in the last 12 months, 10-14% are suffering with an episode right now, and girls are twice as likely to suffer as boys." thats some interesting statistics. i kinda wonder about how this info has been obtained, but either ways if it is accurate and if i understand correctly, about 5 students in our class of 40 have suffered a period of depression in the past year and 4-5 are suffering right now. but i cannot figure out who those people are in order to support them, and i dont think i am good at supporting people too.
speaking of it being impossible to figure out who these people are, i also gotta say, with how casually my classmates use the the words like depression and suicide, it can be hard to know how many people are actually serious about it. and i have a feeling that those who are serious about it never talk about it openly. many people sadly dont understand it well. many people think that just sitting quietly and without some happy expression on your face means depression. i often hear convos in let's say pe class that go like: "are you playing today?" "yes" "oh, then you are you sitting in depression?" when someone was just sitting down quietly for a while, because most people love pe class and get very excited about it. and people also tend to use the words saddness and depression interchangeably. you know i often hear things like "if this question comes in the exam i'm going to commit su!c!de" and i wonder if that person is actually serious or it it just a casual phrase?
anyway, let it be, let's continue with what we were talking about. i agree that the teacher might have thought that i will have a calming influence on him and thus placed him next to me. it is funny how people see me as a mostly calm person when i really am not calm at all. i do often feel very strong emotions, but usually manage to look fine on the outside even if i am fuming on the inside. and my mind is almost always racing and i'm nervous often but since i am not overly fidgity or something and sit still i seem calm i guess.
yeah, he does get angry at practically everything and he also reacts very quickly without much thought. so people tend to bother him and bully him more. and then he complains saying that the whole world bullies him, which is not true. yes, he definitely does get bullied a lot, and many others who dont say anything on his face say stuff like "he deserves to d!e" when he's not listening, and many teachers also target him and blame him for everything, but surely not everyone does that.
i do ignore him as much as i can. i dont talk to him much, but i do help him if he asks for it. i dont pay much attention to the stuff he says. like the other day, he's telling me "why do you talk to this friend of yours? she is mad! if you stay with her, you will become mad too!" and i just pretended i didnt hear what he said.
but i gotta say him sitting next to me makes me feel very tensed and stressed because i need to extremely careful about everything i say and do because with him a small action can escalate to a huge argument and i dont want to be involved in one with him. umm i dont think he will get physically violent with me though. he could get violent with other boys and not get in major trouble but if he gets physically violent with a girl then it is major trouble so he should be careful. and with things like throwing a book or something in anger, he probably wont throw it at me unless i instigate him, which i wont, but if he throws it randomly in the air and it hits me, i might still be able to complain about it, but i dunno about requesting a seat transfer for that. teachers dont like such requests.
i know teachers expect a lot of patience from me. the other day too my so-called friend said "oh god, sitting with him needs a lot of patience". i'm quite worried i might not have that much patience. i might overall be a patient person, but am i really that patient? i dunno.
umm yeah, i agree about the bedtime. i think 11:30 pm should be fine. it is going to take me some time to make myself a proper timetable and try to stick to it, because i have been going to bed really late for the past few days. on friday i went to bed at 1 am. saturday around 12:40 am. sunday around 12:50 am and yesterday around 1 am plus it took me a while to fall asleep because my mind had so much going on in it. i also woke up at 5:40 am then went back to sleep and my mother got me up at 5:55 am today morning. gosh i cant believe i got through school today on so little sleep. i did sleep after school though for about 1 hr 40 mins.
i agree that so little sleep can impact my ability to deal with depression. maybe not so much about retaining what i study because i still manage to remember most of what i hear in class somehow. but it does affect how much i actually hear in class. some days i am so incredibly sleepy that i struggle to keep my eyes open and i obviously dont understand whatever is being taught. i might hear it but since i am unable to listen, i later have zero recollection of what i heard.
and i feel like 12 am should be fine when i dont have school the next day. yes, it does make sense that the bigger the gap between school nights and non-school nights the more problematic it will be for me to fall asleep on school nights. but i am usually also more physically tired on days i have had school, so i usually fall asleep quicker unless something is really worrying me. the only day when it is going to be a problem is sunday night because i dont have school on sunday so i am not that physically tired but i need to go to bed at 11:30 because i have school on monday. maybe i can get the physical tiredness some other way maybe?
ooh i see. 6 pm being dinner time sounds quite interesting. for me, 6 pm is more like evening snacks time and i am usually not hungry enough for too much at that time. i assume you also have lunch early to be able to be hungry enough for dinner at 6? by the way, i know that a lot of people who have dinner early on eat some light snack kinda thing before bed. do you eat something like that too? again, this is just out of curiosity, you neednt answer anything you dont want to. sorry if i am being nosy.
i think you had a really nice good moment the other day. its interesting that your son goes to the uni where you teach but you come home in the evening and he doesnt. i'm guessing it's a bit far away from home and he needs to save travel time. ooh, a bright red scarlet tanager, i have never heard the name before and i googled it and it looks like such a cute little bird in the pictures i saw online. it must have looked even better in real life.
(responding to your message starting "First of all, everything with the move sounds pretty much exactly like all moves go.")
this is only my second time moving that i remember (we have moved a couple time before that but it was when i was a baby and i dont know what it was like then) and i will say this time has been more stressful than the previous one on jan 2021. speaking of skipping school yesterday, i do think that's a valid reason to miss school, what do you say? but when i asked my so-called friend for yesterday's work and she asked me why i was absent, and i told her that i was tired from shifting, i got a weird attitude from her. maybe i should i just said that i was unwell or something? i have also noticed that she has been behaving weirdly with me.
lol. yep, being in a new place is a victory. this place is very different and will take time to get used to here. it is an awfully peaceful environment here and i must say i am not used to such silence to it feels really eerie.
yeah, i do agree about my mother. today moring she woke me up at 5:50 and i was quite mad because i thought i needed to get up at 5:45 to have enough time to get ready. haha i was so stressed and panicked this morning because i didnt want to be late. the bus attendant had told me that the bus comes at 7 am in this new place. and also because of some changes in school timings, the bus was supposed to arrive 5 mins earlier than that, so 6:55 i believe. so i was in such a hurry and i yelled so much this morning because i had gone mad. i was also supposed to get some of my remaining maths homework done in the morning and not being able to do it because i was sleepy and "because my mother woke me up 5 mins later than i wanter her to" made me crazy, lol. what a morning! and the bus ended up coming at 7:08 just so you know.
(responding to your message starting "First of all, everything with the move sounds pretty much exactly like all moves go.")
hmm maybe she is interested in me to some extent but she is a bit too focused on competition. i also really do wonder, does me scoring well make her feel better that she is friends with a good student, or does me scoring not so well makr her feel better because that proves that she is better than me? i can only wonder.
i know she hates some people for scoring better than her. in 8th grade, someone else from our class got "the highest overall marks" when she wanted to get it, and she ended up telling me "if i had the options, i would kill (name of person who got the award)". so how do i know that she secretly doesnt feel the same way about me for science or whatever else? i really dont trust her. i also feel like she could leave me all of a sudden at any point she wants.
umm i must go now, i will get to the rest tomorrow hopefully.
@bestVase7265 hey. sorry i posted thrice yesterday, cups was giving me some error message so i tried splitting up what i had typed into three posts and it worked. cups gets really annoying sometimes.
either ways, i'm going to get to the rest of your message that i could not get to yesterday.
umm yeah, about she having stereotypes about bengalis, it's not totally her fault. these certain stereotypes, like the fish one, are very commonly believed. another one is that all bengalis love sweets and that bengalis cannot be thin. literally everyone believes that. i remember having even doctors ask me how i can be a bengali and not like fish and how i am so thin. like i am not that thin anymore so people dont point it out much lately but earlier i would hear that almost every day. so i am used to hearing those. and really every time i go to my grandparents place people ask me if i eat or not. tired of hearing that but again, used to it.
yeah, right, i dont want to be too friendly or nice to her. just some basic friendliness. and i dont want to share with her some personal details with her either but i must say she is very nosy and asks me a lot of questions i wish i could not answer but i feel like i have no other option. (thats why when i ask you a nosy question i always say that you dont need to tell me something you dont want to.) i dont really like talking to her much, also she is not treating me well for the past two days. i'm really starting to hate her again. and no, she never apologises for her actions.
i wonder why you say that i have judged her character well though? what does it mean to judge someone's character well?Â
speaking of her, today she did and said some things that make me uncomfortable. first off, she is constantly talking about our 8th grade maths teacher (who i happen to dislike but she loves that teacher) and the way he dresses and that he wears the same clothes again and again and listening to that annoys me to no end. so i asked her as politely as i could, "why do you keep noting how this teacher dresses?" and she said that she likes to judge people by the way they dress. wow! so now i am worrying about what she thinks of me. like as students we are all dressed in uniforms but there are still things like how neat our uniforms are and so on. makes me very dislike her a lot because i never pay attention to how someone dresses or if they repeat the same clothes twice a week, because how does it matter? not everyone has the money or willingness to buy lots of clothes so as to not repeat any.
she also questioned me about what i want to take after 10th grade. and i gave her an i-dont-know expression and she did not like it, she is like "how can you be so indecisive in 9th grade?" so i just said "probably science or arts" but really, why do i need to think about it now? i can think about it after 10th grade, right? she might love science and want to take science and engineering or whatever and could have decided that from now but why do i need to decide too? i don't understand why in 9th grade everyone is like "will you take science, commerce or arts?"
hmm i guess i'm talking about her too much at this point so lets move on to the next thing. so for maths right now, i must say things are not going as smoothly anymore. because i was absent on monday i missed some important topic and i don't understand it. maybe my mother will be able to help me there, i dunno. i have been able to catch up on homework because we got a bunch of free periods yesterday because half the class had gone for some dance practice and the teachers didnt want to teach. but i still need to complete 1 homework question from friday and monday's missed work. luckily the teacher left us without homework for today because it was his birthday, lol.
i agree about the history thing, they are trying to teach the outline. we mostly already have learnt about the basic outline of indian history but now we have french revolution and stuff and it's weird because all of a sudden we are hearing about the history of some other place.
umm we dont really get much of questions related to years and dates in exams but we do get those questions for revision and i mess up more than just a few years. and while we never get asked for specific dates in exams we can get asked about around when something happened and once we were asked when kathak started to be considered as a classical dance form in india and i had no idea what to write because i hadnt read the chapter well and i was off by a whole hundred something years, so yeah, i too mess up.
sounds nice, so how did they day go with teaching all that? hmm lgbtq+ history, most people forget that it even has history, lol.
mmm yeah the other benchmate in 8th grade. we sat together from june - dec 2023 and that is a really long time to be honest. and i did quite like sitting with her, she was quite cheerful and friendly. but then when our places got changed she completely drifted away. she is still in my class this year, but she never talks to me and it is as if we have never known each other. not even a little hello or hi or a smile.
did i have any special moments today where i was able to focus on my senses for a bit? i dont think so. i have had an incredibly awful day and i have really been in a lot of pain and have been crying a lot today. nothing good seems to be happening today. and i feel horrible. i am glad you had a nice moment though the other day.
i hope you dont mind me talking about my day and last night. so i tried to go to bed early last night but i got carried away with cups and it was about 12:48 am when i went to bed. just so you know, we finished dinner at 11:15 pm because we decided to have ice cream and that took a while. either way, know that i had a very bad day yesterday too and i felt horrible and i cried in bed for a while and struggled to fall asleep. plus it was really hot in my room and i was sweating a lot. but i would have fallen asleep at some point probably. but i woke up in the middle of the night multiple times. the first time i did, i thought it was morning and i needed to get up so i got up and went to the window and saw it was dark, then checked the time and it was some 3:40 am. went back to bed and it took me a while to fall asleep but i eventually did, and then again awake at some 4:16 am. "slept" for barely a minute and woke up startled at 4:17 am. then slept for a bit i guess then woke up thinking i heard some banging on my door. i didnt understand what was going on at first and then i got it and i thought it was my mother so i asked what had happened, but she hadnt heard me. i eventually figured out i had forgotten to unlock the door at night, so i got up to check if my mother was outside and she wasnt. i went to her room and she was in bed. so i got very confused about what just happened and decided to come back to bed and lay there frightened about what was happening. and it was only 5:38 am, and i had told my mother to wake me up at 5:45 am. either ways i quickly fell asleep within seconds only to be woken up by my alarm at 5:45. i dismissed it and continued to sleep (weirdly, that is what i do almost always. i never press snooze, and this always results in the alarm being almost useless.) about 8 mins later at 5:53 my mother was there to wake me up. she asked me about the door and i told her what had happened. she told that it was indeed she who was banging my door but she when back to bed because she realised that it would be impossible to wake me up if the door was locked, so i would be missing school, but then decided to give it one more try and the door was unlocked this time.
god, thats such a weird thing to happen. you see, last night my mother advised me that i keep the door wide open when i am sleeping so that there is good air circulation and the room cools down and i feel less hot and sweat less, because i have been complaining a lot about feeling hot at night because the fan is positioned away from my bed, which is in one corner of the room. either ways, i initially thought i'd follow her instructions but later decided not to because it would feel weird sleeping with a wide open door. but then i forgot to unlock it and that caused all that morning drama.
if you are curious about why she couldn't just open the door from the outside, it's because have an aldrop system here, not your usual doorknob. so if i lock it from the inside, it is impossible to open from the outside without breaking down the door. if someone locks it from the outside we cant open it from the inside. and if i keep it closed but not locked, just a push can open it, and sometimes the wind gives a good enough push you know.
now my mother didnt scold me too much about it, she did tell me not to do it again. but my father went on to threaten that if it happens just once more, he is going to remove the aldrop altogether so i just cant lock the door. i hope it is just a threat he will not really follow through, but if he does, believe me, i am going to make his life h3ll.
either ways, getting out of bed at about 5:55 am this morning, i was really sleepy and slow and happened to be late for the bus. luckily though i reached when the bus just arrived so it was fine. school in general though has not been nice today. and my so called friend has been quite annoying today like i said before, and she also made me feel incredibly embarassed by asking me what degree my mother has, and i didnt know for sure so it was very embarassing. lunch was a bit of an akward silence today, i had this person sitting in front of me and she sat with me yesterday too but i guess she was tired today so she didn't talk much and i was in a very bad mood feeling awful so i was quiet too and it was weird. singing happy birthday for our class teacher who is our maths teacher was funny though. everyone was literally screaming the song like anything.
coming home today i felt horrible and cried a lot. i was lying on the floor crying for a while and then showered which was maybe a good moment but i was crying in the shower too. and after that i went to sleep but since i did not tell my mother before i went to sleep she woke me up by yelling and told me to never sleep during the day without informing her. ugh. yeah, and then i had to eat a disgusting watermelon that didnt look or taste like one, it was yellow brownish something and very dry. eww. i had it with ice cream but really it made the ice cream disgusting as well.
and then for the rest of the evening i am supposed to be doing homework but i am just cupsing because i have been feeling so awfully down and hopeless and seriously dont want to do homework or study. do feel slightly better now after writing down all this hehe. but i feel kinda sick. my stomach has been hurting sometimes and i feel incredibly tired and sleepy and a bit dizzy and my legs are hurting from yesterday's pe class. quite makes sense with how terribly i am treating my body lately by not sleeping. i need to try to go to bed by 12 today. i know i decided 11:30 for school nights but i wont be able to sleep then because for the past 5 days i have been going to bed after 12:30 am so i will try to slowly get it to 11:30.
by the way, i know i now have my own room but my room isnt nearly as nice as i would have wanted. right now my mother has put a lot of mess in here which she says she'll clean tomorrow and it isn't even my stuff. other than the heat is a real big problem. we live on the 2nd floor so technically there should be the 3rd floor bedroom above my room but the apprtments are weirdly constructed so there is the 3rd floor balcony above my room so this is basically like being on the top floor with all the heat of the sun coming on the roof and heating up the room like anything. makes me feel so very awful. also, my bathroom is very dirty at the moment because my mother has not given me anything to clean it and she's not giving me anything until tomorrow so it is not nice in there. plus i havent been getting time to make my bed before school and since i sleep after school i have literally not made my bed properly in 2 days and my mother wont do it for me which makes sense. but because of all this everything is a mess right now. my wardrobe is a mess to and i need to clean it. and i told you about the bed being in once corner and the fan being in the other side of the room. i asked my parents for the cooler today because they dont need it (the other bedroom and th living room is a lot cooler) so hopefully i will sleep better with it. but it is very noisy so i dunno what will happen to be honest. i really realy hope i sleep better tonight because i am not at all well rested and am sleep deprived and exhausted. i wont we able to function anymore on so little sleep everyday.
I am going to try to answer all of this in one giant post, but I only have a half hour so we will see how far I get.
You are going to be uncomfortable and weirdly stressed for a bit yet because moving your home is quite emotional. With all the other stuff that you were feeling beforehand that can be quite overwhelming.Â
The school is going to disapprove of social media and your teacher was probably just trying to warn you of the dangers of learning about computer stuff in general. It can be addictive and there are many teens in the U.S. who are quite addicted to it. It is even a problem in my classroom. Hopefully after the initial warning the class will become more interesting.
My mom had more eye surgery on Monday. She is still really tired and in quite a bit of pain. I am hoping that the healing will continue and she will feel better tomorrow. I think that she is just really tired at the end of the day when she talks on the phone to me.
You are right that people often forget when they are not lonely how awful it feels to be lonely. You are also right that it can be tough to tell. Perhaps you can do a bit of a thought experiment the next time that you are feeling lonely at school though. Just look around at other people and try to figure out who might be lonely at that moment. You don't have to talk to them or anything. Just look. It will remind you that others aren't as happy as they look at first glance. When you realize that it can make your own pain feel a little less.
You are also right that people talk way to casually about depression and suicide. But sometimes those who are talking casually are also the ones who actually are in pain. They just don't know how to say it. It is quite an uncomfortable thing to talk about.Â
Ok, so I think that the main one that I have to answer is your final one so I am going to focus on it.
What I meant by "being a good judge of character" is I agree that not entirely trusting your friend sounds like a decent idea from how you describe her. She could always turn into someone who is nicer and less competitive, but it may take her a while to get there. So maintain a bit of distance but recognize that there is a chance that she could improve someday. If she says that she judges someone by how they dress you could say "I don't". That kind of shows her that she might be on the wrong path.
Your other friend might end up in your circle again. You can never be sure what will happen next with any friendship.
You absolutely don't need to know what you are going to study next. That is what the next year or so is all about - slowly but surely watching and figuring it out. You aren't supposed to know now. Those that think they do often make mistakes because they aren't always focused on what they like best but rather on what they think might impress other people. You are being more careful and that is good.
Hopefully you have been able to get caught up a little on the maths stuff. It is always a challenge when you miss a day but in this case it was good that you did with all the move stuff going on. You will figure it out, I am sure.
The French Revolution was actually my original area of expertise. I wrote a 300+ page paper on it and defended it a while back. But I don't teach it anymore really. Yesterday was teaching about how nature and shopping are connected to one another in one class and the history of beaches in the other class. @exuberantBlackberry9105
Ok, now hopefully the last bit of your last message.
I am sorry that your day was bad enough that you couldn't come up with any moments of peace in it. I am not surprised because you are still dealing with all of the stress and exhaustion of moving. That plays with your mind and your body for several weeks afterwards as you adjust to all that newness. Not sleeping is to be expected. That part of things should get better soon. The crying should also get better soon as well. Give yourself time and patience.
I would try to keep the air circulation going as much as possible. It is hard to sleep when it gets too hot. You will figure out things just fine in terms of balancing the privacy and the need for air.
Tell me more about the person who was awkward near you at lunch. Maybe that might be a person to just say hello to. It doesn't need to be any more than that. Sometimes friendships start with awkward pauses. It could be that she is very shy.
You will figure out the cleaning end of things. The days after a move are always chaotic with lots of things out of place. Be patient with your mother too on this front.
So try to come up with something that was good with today. Mine was stopping to look at some butterflies on a bush. @exuberantBlackberry9105
Now to the challenge of your new seat mate. Above all, you are doing a great job in managing a difficult situation. Ignoring him is best. It will probably keep him calmer. Remember that he is stressed and angry too. He doesn't want to be bullied again so he constantly has his guard up. Then the bullying becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because he overreacts to everything. You under-reacting is much better. Just be patient a day at a time. Keep seeing how it goes. If it becomes worse, then we can figure out a new way to handle things.
You are going to work out the sleep schedule over the next few weeks. Give yourself some time for things to slow down. If you are only going between 11:30 pm and midnight then I don't think that you will have too much of a challenge going back and forth between the two different times. It is only when the weekend versus school day gap is an hour or longer that you would have a challenge.
Yes, my basic eating times are usually 6:30 am, 11 am and 6 pm. I do snack some during the day but I try not to eat after dinner too much. I think that might help me sleep better but I am not sure.
It looks like next year both of my younger sons will be going to my uni. The youngest one is finishing up his regular schooling this week before a month of testing. Then in August he will start at my school with him sleeping at the school and me going home. My middle one is going to spend next semester studying abroad. So then I won't see him from August until December. My oldest son also went to my uni but he graduated several years ago. He now lives fairly close by and visits maybe once a week for an hour or so. He got to hear the president of the US give a speech in person yesterday so that was quite exciting.
Okay, I am going to stop at the halfway point of that third message. I may or may not have time to answer tomorrow because I try to do some other people too every other day. I usually get about a half hour a day to do this. So be back soon.
@bestVase7265 hey there. getting back to your messages now hehe. yes, i definitely agree that moving is emotional. it has been a quite stressful week to tell you honestly and i have been struggling a lot. but today has been a bit better. i had school today and that was terrible, but since coming home i have worked to make my room feel a little better, i mean neater and a little cleaner, and it's helped be feel a little more relaxed you know. being in a tidier environment does help with the stress a bit.
umm well the computer graphics teacher is just trying to tell us to be careful online, she isn't really discouraging social media or something. probably because she knows that most students already use social media a lot and trying to discourage them at this point wont work. just curious, how is social media a problem in your classroom? well, as for the class getting more interesting after the initial warning, it doesn't seem to ba happening. we had it yesterday and it was very boring. and then the teacher told us to sit on the computers, two people on one computer, and open excel and collect and organise some data and i was sitting all alone, felt incredible lonely, and just got really bored. the teacher told us to chose one of five topics and google stuff about it (for example, types of animals or cars etc) and set some 8 columns and make a table. i just did nothing to be honest.
i hear you about your mom. how's she feeling more recently? i really hope she is doing better and that the recovery goes well.
yeah, people do forget, and it's not just with feeling lonely, it can be about just any struggle, i think. i like your idea about the thought experiment though. i tried it yesterday when i was feeling awfully alone and left out in the computer graphics class, and i wasn't able to see anyone who seemed lonely though. literally everyone was sitting in pairs with a friend or something and where having a nice time just chit chatting with each other.
i think it makes sense that the ones who are talking about depression casually are the ones actually in pain and they just want to talk about it in a casual funny way. because surely it is an uncomfortable topic to talk about.
hmm yeah, you are right about my benchmate. trying to be patient with him. and you know, he is actually in my bus too. and he talked a lot in the bus to one 6th grader, and causes a lot of drama and stuff, and the other day he happened to be sitting in the seat behind me in the bus attendant told me being quietest person in the bus, that i shouldn't sit around this "mad person" because it will "make me mad". and i didn't pay much attention to her because i didn't really have any other place to sit then. but later on my benchmate came to me and started defending himself telling me that i should not listen to her because she is apparently mad and she doesn't know him well and that she just blabbers anything that comes to her mind. and really, i ignored him. i am not listening to the bus attendant, and he doesn't really need to defend himself, and that's not going to make me listen to him either. i totally understand why he is so defensive, but come on, i am going to listen to neither regardless of how he defends himself. anyway, let it be.
yes, just hoping i am able to get my sleep on a schedule, lol. but i have just three more days of school before my summer holidays from 2nd may to 6th June. maybe for these three day i can make anything just work and I'll sort things out later. i will have lots of stuff to sort out during these holidays. because after this i am really going to have to start to take studying more seriously. also, it will be a long time till our next set of holidays (in october) so i need to make the best of these ones.
either ways, speaking of sleep, i need to go to sleep now as it's getting late and i am also very tired. i will respond to the rest tomorrow, or will try at least. maybe i wont be able to because i have quite some maths and history homework to do for monday and some chemistry for tuesday.Â
Be back soon, probably Monday or Tuesday night. My son's play is tonight and tomorrow night and I am getting back too late to read or respond. But I will be back as soon as I can. @exuberantBlackberry9105
@bestVase7265 (continuing my message here)
oh i see about your eating times. it makes sense that if you have lunch at 11 am you could have dinner at 6 pm. my eating times are in general a lot later than yours. on school days, i have breakfast at 9:30 in school (i cant have breakfast at home because eating before 7 am is impossible for me. eating too early makes me feel sick), lunch at 12:20 pm and dinner anywhere between 8:30 and 10 pm, sometimes even later. on non-school days, it is usually breakfast anywhere between 9 am to 10 am, lunch anywhere between 1 and 3 pm, and dinner anywhere between 8:30 and 10 pm as usual. and i do eat something in between too.
hmm it's interesting that all your sons will have been to where you teach. i guess your youngest one is in 12th right now, i really hope his exams go well because 12th grade exam results affect a lot of things, right? or maybe they don't because you already know he will come to the uni where you teach so maybe the final results don't affect that and it's the rest of the things that count? ah i see, so your middle one will be away for quite a long time. i think you'll probably be missing him a lot. maybe you wont see your youngest one very often too if he's not coming home with you. i'm guessing your home and uni are not very close so it'd be a lot of travelling time for him to come home every day? but maybe you would see him sometimes at uni, right? hmm anyway, it sound nice that your oldest son lives rather close by and visits you regularly. is you don't mind asking, what does he do now that he is done with all his studies?
oh you don't need to worry about not coming to this thread very day, i don't need or expect that. i know you have other people to talk to and i know things to do for depression support community too. i know you have tons to do and you don't need to have time for my posts every day. also, i must say, with just half an hour a day, that is very very impressive. i know i give you a super long read way too often and i am sorry, you can always take as many days to reply as you need.
yeah, i now get it about about the judgement of my friend's character. i just cant trust her at this point to be honest. yeah, she sure could turn nicer some day but based on what i have observed, her being nice for a while only last so long and it's probably because of selfish reasons. maybe some day she will turn genuinely nicer but i dunno about that. for the competitiveness though, i don't think that's gonna change. we are in 9th grade now and this is quite a competitive time. people in general will probably try to compete a lot now in 9th and 10th grade. and competition is quite a thing in our school. maybe she will change but as you said, it will take time and wont happen very soon. and to be honest if she changed after 10th it wouldnt matter to me much unless we happen to go to the same school or something.
about the one 8th grade benchmate i was friends with, it is possible that we start talking again but very very unlikely. she has lots of friends already.
i agree that i don't need to know and have what i'm going to study in 11th figured out right now. there's just a lot of pressure to have it figured out. i agree that the ones who think the have it figured out could focus on what impresses others instead of being focused on what they like. my 'friend' is one who definitely feels she has everything decided. she says that she 'hates lanuages' and loves science and maths so she will definitely take science in 11th and study engineering and she has also gone to the point of deciding where she wants to work. to me, it makes no sense. circumstances change. she just cant totally decide all that now as a 9th grader. and i think she could even be making up some of the stuff just to impress others. it doesn't impress me to be honest because she seems to tell me that it's not good to not have it figured out and i feel like she is trying to make me feel bad. and i really have nothing figured out, you know.
hehe i do hope I'll understand the missed maths stuff because i still haven't understood it. maybe my mother can help me with it during the summer holidays. i have most of my notebook complete though, just two questions left which i will finish soon. but i am sure the teacher will give us tons of maths homework for the holidays and maybe give us lots of worksheets and practice stuff.
i will stop here for today since it is getting late. i will get to the rest tomorrow.
@bestVase7265Â (continuing my message here)
hey there, i sadly couldnt come on here yesterday, i had had quite a tiring day and has some stuff to do. i've had a boring and tiring day today as well, but since i am skipping school tomorrow (because there will be no studying happening), i'm able to sit down and reply hehe.
ooh i see, so you're a master of the french revolution. 300 pages is really really very long hehe!
i surely have been pretty stressed and exhausted from moving plus studies you know. but yeah, i am sleeping better with the cooler. have not been able to get a lot of sleep lately, but i have been getting better quality sleep with the cooler, because i don't sweat as much at night with that. as for air circulation, it is not being at all helpful in my room. i told you my room gets hot because the roof gets heating like anything in the afternoons and heats up the whole room. my room had a whole different kinda hot feeling, unlike any other place at home. air circulation isn't helping at all is cooling down my room, sadly. even the room being more airy isn't helping with the heat.
as for the one why sat in front of me during lunch in the canteen the other day, she's been sitting in front of or next to me every day that i have had lunch in the canteen. i ate there today too, and she sat in front of me. i just meant to say that on that particular day, she was quiet, maybe she was tired and not in the mood to talk, or maybe she didn't have much to talk about. on all the other days, she has been extremely talkative. i would in no way say she is shy, she always comes to me and starts talking and keeps on talking and talking, and my job is just to sit and listen. and to be honest, i don't really like her. she was telling me about how she loved out 8th grade hindi teacher, who i absolutely hate. now i think it is okay for her to love that teacher, but then she goes on to say "i just don't understand why so many people hate her. she is really very nice. and all the lectures she gives are actually all for our good." and i disagree, and sadly in general i am not a fan of people who talk like that and are not even interesting in trying to understand why some people think differently. you know my so-called friend really likes that teacher too and i just somehow have to deal with it... anyway, another think about her is that on saturday during club activity (she, my so-called friend, and i am in the same club) the teacher told my "friend" to write some feedback about the session, and type it out on one of the computers in the school. both me, and the girl who talks to me in the canteen, knowing my "friend" a bit went and sat next to my "friend" to help her if she needed it, since we had nothing else to do. and this, I'll call her my "canteen friend", was constantly trying to tell my "friend" what all to write and she even tried to type stuff sometimes, and i could totally tell that my "friend" wasn't liking it, she didn't even ask for help and the "canteen friend" was trying to seem very helpful by literally telling my "friend" everything of what to write. i mean, the teacher has tond my "friend" to write her own feedback, not the "canteen friend's" feedback, so that kinda makes me dislike her a lot.
i have been pretty patient with my mother about the cleaning and stuff. the house does feel cleaner now than a few days ago. i think my mother too is quite stressed with cleaning because she only has time to clean till 5th may. she's not gonna be home from 6th-12th may, she'll be at what was my grandparents place because she has to sort out bank matters with my uncle. yes, i will be home with my father during that time and it will be hard for us too but hopefully it will also be nice.
today has been a tiring day and school and my body is hurting a lot, especially after pe class, but today was the last day of actual school before our summer break. we do have school tomorrow but there wont be any studying happening, only a special assembly (which i have no interest in because i already saw the run-through practice today), so i'm skipping school tomorrow. so, today i have not had to do any homework and stuff after school because we have time to do all the things i do need to do. i was mostly busy cleaning up my room a bit, and it being cleaner and neater does feel good. i think my good moment was after doing the cleaning, finally sitting down with the laptop in a relaxed way to come on cups. since i told my mother i'd organise my photos and stuff and not study or anything, i didn't have to worry and what'd happen if my parents came in and stuff. so i can just sit or lie on the bed and type which is nice and feels good when you're tired. what was your good moment? also, how did your son's play go? were you able to manage everything else like sleeping enough, even with coming home late?
Ok, I am finally back. I will try to get to everything tonight but I may have to break it up because the messages get too long.
I am glad that the moving is starting to feel a little better. Once you feel more organized then things will settle down emotionally too.
My students have computers in the classroom so they are regularly using social media rather than being part of discussion. It is an increasing challenge but overall this semester is probably a little better. I make them turn in their cell phones as a promise that they won't use social media during lessons. Creating Excel sheets can be boring at the beginning but Excel is useful especially to do mathematical functions. It is how I record all of my grades.
My mom was finally able to order new glasses today so I am hoping that things will be better soon when they arrive in a few weeks. Not being able to see is hard for her.
You won't always spot lonely people, especially in a computer room where everyone else is paired and they are working together. But keep trying. I guarantee there are some. There are always some in my classes too. Just keep trying to turn off the comments of your benchmate like you are. The less you feed the drama the better. You are doing a solid job of that at the moment.
It is lovely that you are able to get a holiday soon. That will really help you get settled and ready to jump into the longer part of the semester. We have a week and a half left until our exam period so things are pretty intense right now and will remain so through most of May. Ok I am going to end the first part of my message here so things don't get too long.