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Torean and Kiara The 8th vanguard

Torean September 27th

I had to look that word up. Anyway, we're secretly inventing so many improvements to the world. They're super secret. So secret that you won't even feel your life improving. But while we're in here, making the world a better place, you stay out there, ok? And you can gather outside like weirdos and gawk at this sign, but please, don't try to come in, or your entire life might just feel like a spoiler. Also, I'm asking nicely. And no loitering!


Resistance, by Jennifer A. Nielsen. You really should read it. It’s a novel about resistance fighters during the Holocaust <3

Torean OP Wednesday

That actually does sound really good.


Look it up :)

Torean OP Thursday

Will do. I want to read more about what it was like in Poland during the Holocaust. I know some of my family was still in Poland at the time


Do some research <3

Torean OP Thursday

It's on my to-do for sure

Your baby has to wear a 14-day heart monitor…

Torean OP Tuesday

For why!

Because my heart’s been racing at random times, along with other symptoms such as weakness and shakiness and such…

Torean OP Wednesday

Makes sense. I'ttll be ok, it's good that you finally have it getting looked into


I hope so. I just wanna know that I’m not dying XD

Torean OP Thursday

It'll be ok. 😉 Good to get it checked out though, lemme know how it goes


Blargh I am ded. XD

Torean OP Thursday

Blargg. Cross between blah and argh. One time I said out loud Blargg, blarggens, blarggentis, blarggenturum. My friend called me out, asking if I just conjugated Blargg 😂


Are you ok XD

Torean OP Friday

Lol, in general? Because that was me being me in general 😂

This is why I love you. <3

Torean OP Friday

Heheh, likewise, you put up with me ❤️😁

jesusredeemedme2425 16 hours ago

Not EVEN hehe. I ADORE you <3 Im sorry i haven’t been showing it the past few days. System overload and overwhelm… I even struggle to respond to texts. That’s not me…

Torean OP 8 hours ago

I'm glad I didnt do anything to upset ya ❤️❤️ I adore you too 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 7 hours ago

Were you worried? Sorry :(

Torean OP 6 hours ago

Heh, not too bad, but there's always a part of me that assumes things are my fault. 😅

jesusredeemedme2425 2 hours ago

Babbyyyyy no… You could never <3 <3 <3

Torean OP 2 hours ago

I'm glad for that ❤️❤️☺️

You would be proud of me… I found a MASSIVE spider yesterday. I picked it up and set it free <3

Torean OP Tuesday

Aww, spiders shall be more kind to you now!

I hope so hehe. I’m the animal rescuer and splinter remover and injury bandage at work <3

Torean OP Wednesday

What animals have you done that for?


I’ve rescued spiders, lizards, a dragonfly…

Torean OP Thursday

Aww, I wanna rescue a lizard. ❤️ Did you keep any of them?


Keep an eye out then lol

Nah, but I showed them off to people lol

Torean OP Thursday

Lol, I rescued a snake once. He was tiny. I named him Catullus


Awww! Where did the name come from? <3

Torean OP Thursday

Latin poet I happened to be reading about in my class at the time. No special reason really 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 16 hours ago

See? You’re smart and awesome <3

Torean OP 8 hours ago

Aww shucks 😁❤️

I’ve been kinda dissociative today…

Torean OP Tuesday

Whatcha mean?

Staring off… Aware but not focused…