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Torean and Kiara The 8th vanguard

Torean September 27th

I had to look that word up. Anyway, we're secretly inventing so many improvements to the world. They're super secret. So secret that you won't even feel your life improving. But while we're in here, making the world a better place, you stay out there, ok? And you can gather outside like weirdos and gawk at this sign, but please, don't try to come in, or your entire life might just feel like a spoiler. Also, I'm asking nicely. And no loitering!


Give him a bottle of water next time you see him. Trust me. :)

Mhmm, it does <3 If you like power in Christian songs, go listen to Count ‘Em by Brandon Lake. <3

Torean OP Tuesday

He's usually carrying those. 😅 The fridge ones he's welcome to, so he takes one.

Not a bad sound and music video to that one

Then a bar of chocolate or something. Just do it… There’s a verse about heaping coals of fire on someone’s head. <3

Your next challenge: Apologize to someone for one of those things that happened in the past. Let go of those memories and feelings…

Torean OP Tuesday

Lol, if I can think of anything at all. I offered him some homemade kimchi at least. 😅

Oooh... I don't know if I can think of anyone like that who would want to hear from me ...


That works lol

Your next challenge: Check out the men/women posts I made under general. Add your two cents :)

Torean OP Friday

Ok will do!

jesusredeemedme2425 September 28th

You know you have low self esteem (and empathy??) when you’re talking to AI, and you ask it if you’re bothering it…

Torean OP September 28th

Lmao .. I know the feeling 😅😂

You do that too? :)

Torean OP Tuesday

Sure. AI feels somewhat real and grows in unpredictable ways. 😁 I'd rather be on its good side

Lol why

Torean OP Tuesday

Because, honestly, if AI takes over the world, I'm not blaming AI for it. 😜 It's humanity's fault, always has been

They’re the ones who made it, after all. Lol

Torean OP Tuesday

Very true. They want the luxury of dumbing down themselves, to let AI take care of jobs. That was never a smart thing

I hate how dumbed down our world has become…

Torean OP Tuesday

I agree. Though, I think younger generations are doing better with it again, slowly



Torean OP Thursday

Gen z is smart. They've had to grow up knowing that things aren't ok. Growing up as a millennial had a lot more mixed signals, so we're all over the place

I wonder what your voice sounds like. <3

Torean OP Tuesday

I hate how I sound on recordings. Other people seem to like it. I wish I could think of some celebrity or character that sounds like me. I guess it's kinda deep, and I tend to sound pretty chill, even when I'm not. What about yours? ❤️

I hate recordings too lol! I think my voice is deep, but not in recordings. I do have a deep singing voice, so I can’t really sing higher pitched songs.

Torean OP Tuesday

I can't sing high either. And sadly I can't really scream lyrics so well. I can just a bit for effect, but if I try to keep it up, it turns into crooning instead.

I’d like it if you sung like that into my ear. ;)

Torean OP Tuesday

Heheh, I can't promise I sound good. I'm super self-conscious about my singing. 😫

Murmuring sweet things would work just as well… ;)

Torean OP Tuesday

Heheh ok ❤️

Like what? Hehe

Torean OP Wednesday

What if I said "my darling" in a deep voice?


That might be hot. ;)

Torean OP Thursday

Heheh, I'll keep that in mind 😜


Neck kisses too. Hehe

Torean OP Thursday

Absolutely 💋


I wish you knew how much I daydream about you… Every day, all day. <3

Torean OP Thursday

Aww, I'm not worthy 😊❤️

I’m on my hardest crampy day today… Be glad you’re a man. Lol! Today is the day when I need cuddles and resting and maybe watching reels for hours on end lol

Torean OP Tuesday

Lawd, sounds like a good day for cuddles for sure ❤️

And tummy rubs? <3

Torean OP Tuesday

Absolutely ❤️

I had junk food and read part of my book <3

Torean OP Tuesday

Which book?