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Torean and Kiara: The 6th Revelation

Torean August 28th

Seriously, Don't. Read. This. Thread. Nothing will be revealed to you, and you wouldn't comprehend it anyway. Every series needs a title with "revelation" or "revelations" and its always the worst one. So, there you go, it'll be super boring too. But the two of us are in for the long haul, so don't worry about us, we'll make it.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

Ok, you got a point lol. But shared values don’t make them able to coexist.

Torean OP September 4th

Whatcha mean?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Jesus and Satan are polar opposites… lol

Torean OP September 5th

Maybe, but most Satanists don't actually worship Satan either. It's more a religion about countering the hypocrisy of Christianity and not being afraid to rebel when things seem countereffective, stuff like that. So combined, it could be like Christianity for the non-conventional and audacious.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

But not. Lol

Torean OP September 6th

Maybe not exactly. I believe even satanists have a voice worth listening to though. Y'know, depending on how extreme... So not always 😅

jesusredeemedme2425 September 7th

I listen to everyone, as much as I can <3 I had a Muslim coworker tell me a couple days ago about why women wear hijabs, and why men don’t cover up. I’ve also had a Satanist friend, as well as agnostic and atheist. I love learning from other people. You don’t have to agree with people to have a very stimulating and fun and educational conversation with them <3

Torean OP September 8th

Very much agreed. I have friends from so many walks of life. Everyone's got a piece of the puzzle.



jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

Will I ever be free? Of the fear?

Torean OP August 31st

I really hope so. Maybe anything that makes you feel more capable would be worthy to pursue. That would be one way to free yourself. ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st


Torean OP September 1st

Is there anything you do that you feel like you're getting better at? Or making progress as a person?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

Pfft. No.

Torean OP September 1st

Well, if anything does give you that feeling, totally embrace it. ❤️ I think that's one thing that could help rid the fear

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

I’m struggling to survive rn.

Torean OP September 1st

That's fair. I wish I could give you hugs ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd

I did read my Bible today. Which gave me a tiny motivation boost. Temporarily…


Torean OP September 2nd

*hugsss* maybe you just need more tiny bible boosts more often?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

Maybe :)

You gonna read with me? That makes me happy :)

Torean OP September 3rd

Heheh, I'm glad that makes you happy on both parts. 😊❤️ And sure, I could use a refresher on some stuff and someone safe to talk about it with

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

Awww I’m safe?? <3

I didn’t read today… I’ll let you know when I do. Btw, if it seems like I’m reading very out of order, it’s because I’m working on a “read the Bible in 3 years” plan on YouVersion. I was already partway through lol

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

Ok. Now I did hehe…

I read Psalm 25. I think it’s cool that every line starts with a letter from the Hebrew alphabet, in chronological order. <3

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

Also, this morning, I read Leviticus 8 <3

Day 4 of my Bible reading streak! <3

Torean OP September 4th

Nicely done, I read those too. 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

I’m curious… How come you’re reading the Bible with me, if you don’t believe? I’m very thankful you are… It’s keeping me on track <3

Torean OP September 5th

Because I can. 😁 I don't know. Maybe you're leading me to things I should revisit for one reason or another. Plus, getting your thoughts on these is a fun and productive kind of conversation

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

Maybe God is showing you Himself through this. <3

I like that <3

I just read Proverbs 6. I feel like there’s a LOT of deep conversation fodder in there for us <3

Torean OP September 6th

Maybe so. ❤️❤️❤️😊

Oh my goodness, we're getting into the dramatic ones that make me inwardly laugh every other sentence for how they're worded. Deep conversation fodder... Well, I know I'm guilty of a lot of things in that one. Sort of. Gray areas. I don't want to be like that, and won't let it define me anymore. The shame? Oh lawd, I have plenty... It does indeed stay.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 7th

Imma need some deeper context on that first sentence lol

What are you guilty of?

The shame is sometimes the hardest.

Torean OP September 7th

I mean, I mentioned it all somewhere else in here. I've blurred the lines. I'm guilty of different kinds of adultery, maybe nothing too bad except the cheating I've talked about. But I dunno, I've crossed lines I never thought I would. All I wanted in my teen years is one person to love, and to always have faith. Neither could happen for me. This world is messed up, and girls have complicated me so much. I seemed to attract people that wanted to feed off of breaking my innocence and good intentions.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 7th

I don’t know what being faithful is anymore.

Torean OP September 8th

I think truly caring how someone feels has a lot to do with it. Honesty is another part.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 8th

I don’t think I’m capable anymore.

Torean OP September 8th

Why not?


All I know how to do is seduce men.

Torean OP Saturday

You know plenty more. Besides, seducing men doesn't take much, so you that leaves room for plenty else. 😁


No I don’t…

Like what?

Torean OP Saturday

Like literally anything you know 😜