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Torean and Kiara: The 6th Revelation

Torean August 28th

Seriously, Don't. Read. This. Thread. Nothing will be revealed to you, and you wouldn't comprehend it anyway. Every series needs a title with "revelation" or "revelations" and its always the worst one. So, there you go, it'll be super boring too. But the two of us are in for the long haul, so don't worry about us, we'll make it.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

You said you’ve done some stuff XD

Sooooo Velveeta???? Hehe

Torean OP September 4th

Lol, sadder than Velveeta sadly. Done some stuff?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Nothing is sadder than Velveeta. Except maybe knockoff kids’ cereal.

Think about it XD

Torean OP September 5th

Lol, hey don't knock the knockoffs, some are good. And yeah, Velveeta is pretty much honestly at the bottom of the totem pole

Uhhhh... From this discussion? 😂 I don't taste butts. That was never a thing. 😅

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Velveeta is sadness incarnate. Lol

Heh, some people be into that XD

Torean OP September 5th

Lol, really is.

They can be into that. I don't have a lot of limits, but that's definitely one. 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

I have a grossness limit XD

Torean OP September 6th

That's healthy 😂

Torean OP August 30th

Oh, and natto is this Japanese fermented beans thing. I don't like it. ð¤®

jesusredeemedme2425 August 29th

Have you ever been to a young adult Bible study?

Torean OP August 29th

Yeah, I used to go all the time with my friend. It was pretty nice, but the adults running it used to push conservative agenda a lot, and I don't think that's appropriate for a Bible study.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 30th

Conservative agenda? Wym?

Torean OP August 30th

They were constantly trying to get kids up in arms about abortion or God not being included more in schools or Marilyn Manson possibly being THE antichrist. It just got really old. Also, I don't agree with their position on any of those things...

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

Can’t argue with the first two… But Marilyn Manson??? XD

Torean OP August 31st

I feel like Marilyn Manson had a lot of relevance at one point. He just didn't turn out to be a good person, and his music has gone way downhill too.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

Wasn’t that decades ago tho?

Torean OP August 31st

Heh, pretty much. It doesn't ruin his better stuff for me, but I don't listen to him very much anymore either way.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

I wouldn’t even recognize his stuff lol

Torean OP September 1st

Some of it's actually really good. His first album "Portrait of an American Family" was a strong start. Touched on a lot of levels of hypocrisy.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

Nice 💜

Torean OP September 1st

I don't listen to my music enough anymore, I keep listening to stuff I've never heard before. It's good, but I have to strike a balance

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

I need to listen to more new stuff <3

Torean OP September 1st

Yeah, absolutely. I only have a thousand things to recommend, depending on what you want to branch out to. 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd

Christian. ;) Try me. Hehe

Torean OP September 2nd

Heheh, that category is one of my weaknesses. Let's see. Check out Control by Saul Williams. That one is outta left field, but it mentions God a lot.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd

Outta left field? Is it a Christian song?

Torean OP September 2nd

Yes? Ish? He has a song called PG which is like that too. Look up the lyrics and decide for yourself if either speak to you

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

Control Freak? That’s what comes up when I typed it in.

”The truth is God is change”? Hard pass. Lol

Torean OP September 3rd

Lol, oh... It came up as control for me, but it totally is that.

Again, Christian songs aren't exactly my forte. 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

How bout country?

Torean OP September 4th

Gah, you got me at my other weak point. "The Man Comes Around" by Johnny Cash?

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

Ew. I meant GOOD country. ;)

Torean OP September 4th

What's good country to you? O_o

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Luke Bryan. Alan Jackson. Alabama.

Torean OP September 5th

Ooohhh, got any song recommendation from them. I don't know any of them

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

That’s My Kind of Night. Chasing’ That Neon Rainbow. I’m In a Hurry (And Don’t Know Why).

I’ll wait. ;)

Torean OP September 5th

Mkay, listened to all three. "That's My Kind of Night" is pretty good. 😁 Did not care for the others at all really.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

I can see that. If you didn’t grow up with 90s country, it might be an acquired taste lol

Go listen to “The Prodigal Son Suite” by Keith Green. It’s a long one but soooo deep <3

Torean OP September 6th

Lol, I grew up with it constantly around, in most places. I never got into it. 😂 I feel like there's too much twang, and I feel like not a lot of country artists have much to say.

That really is long and deep. It definitely wasn't a country-sounding song. I dunno, I felt like it sounded good, and had a good message, but there was a depressing side to the message too.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

It’s basically “my dog died and my girl left me and look at my big truck” XD

Lol, it’s not country, it’s Christian. One of my mom’s faves… I believe he died in a plane crash :(

Why depressing?