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Torean and Kiara: The 6th Revelation

Torean August 28th

Seriously, Don't. Read. This. Thread. Nothing will be revealed to you, and you wouldn't comprehend it anyway. Every series needs a title with "revelation" or "revelations" and its always the worst one. So, there you go, it'll be super boring too. But the two of us are in for the long haul, so don't worry about us, we'll make it.

Torean OP September 6th

Lol, those are very common themes.

Ah, poor guy. Sorry to hear. The song was pretty good.

Depressing because of theres kind of a hidden theme against being open or making yourself out in the world. Like, you'll always fall for the oldest sins in the book and it will leave you broken and desperate, which isn't often that true. Some people are genuinely uplifted. The ending is nice for the father taking him back and everything, but I feel like going back to roots where we weren't and won't be happy still has a lot of inherent issues. I dunno, I read too much into things. 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

I Miss Me More reminds me of my stepdad and exes…

You should try more of his songs <3

No… It’s an allegory of running away from God. We can run and far as we want… But God will always wait with open arms. It doesn’t matter how how you mess up, the choices you make, the sins you do… He will ALWAYS take you back. <3

Torean OP September 8th

Curious, I might try to do that soon.

I get that it was about running away from God and that he always welcomes you back. That part was clear. I just read other things into it. Like, he really wasn't happy before, so what becomes of that? I mean, I can accept the standpoint that going back is the right thing to do, whether or not I agree with it. I just think I know too many people going back to things that don't make them happy, just out of pressure.


Did you?

I think it was more of a “I wanna go party and do stuff I shouldn’t” thing. He slept around and stuff.

Torean OP Saturday

Not yet.

Well, sure, he did those things, but I think the bigger point is that he wasn't happy before. It's totally cool to come back to things that made us unhappy with a new perspective and maybe even try to make it work better, but we shouldn't do it out of familiarity.

I think you’re overanalyzing this one lol

Torean OP Monday

Lol, am I? Probably yeah. 😅

Just think of the redemption arc. How his father waited for him and took him back, no matter what bad and crazy things he’d done… That’s what God does for us. <3

Torean OP Monday

Ok ..vI'll focus on that. ❤️.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 29th

What would your ideal day look like?

Torean OP August 29th

My ideal day would be waking up fully-rested before sunrise, having a breakfast with coffee and waffles, and going on a beautiful hike somewhere new and interesting at sunrise. Probably ending that with a swim. Then going to a sushi lunch with friends, and the rest of the day being cool and overcast, hanging out to do fun stuff like an arcade or laser tag. Getting some time to recover and play video games and get my daily stuff done, and then going out for drinks and a nice dinner followed by a good movie. 😁 What about you?

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

Probably hanging out with my friends for hours, eating good food, laughing a lot…

I miss that. Things are changing…

Would any of that include me in it?

Torean OP August 31st

That's true, times like that get few and far between. It used to be every week...

It definitely could ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

We’re old now…

How? ;)

Torean OP September 1st

Lol, yeahhhh... 😅

I'd love to share many things with you ❤️❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

You especially. ;)

Like??? <3

Torean OP September 1st

Heheh. Like, delicious foods, or drinks... Or a blanket and cuddles...

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

Mostly cuddles <3

You'd share your food and drinks with me? Even after COVID?

Torean OP September 1st

Sure? I've had COVID, I've been vaccinated after that a few times, and... I think I'll be ok. Monkeypox could be an issue though in the future...

Cuddles sound really good. ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd

I think I need the latest booster, but aside from that, I’m fully vaxxed and boosted. :) I was anti-vax until COVID lol! Did I ever tell you about my encounter with an anti-vax friend?

Dont they call it mpox now? Did someone get offended by the name?? Lol

How good? ;) What do you daydream about?

Torean OP September 2nd

Yeah, I still need one more. Lol, you haven't told me, what happened?

Mpox or monkeypox, it sounds like someone is just making up horrible things to unleash on the world at that point. Like "monkeypox woo-ooo-ooo-ooo-ooo" *does spooky hands*

Like, really good. I do daydream about happy things like that. Mostly angry things...

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

He called me a sheep.

You sound like an anti-vaxxer now lol

Angry things?? About me???? :(

Torean OP September 3rd

People who use that word are worse than blind followers in some ways...

Lol, I'm not an anti-vaxxer at all. I used to work at a research clinic. My opinion is that vaccines would be way safer than most medications or catching the actual illness. If they have a medication (not vaccine) to treat covid anytime soon, I would be more leery of that. I just feel like the name "monkeypox" seems like a thinly veiled absurdity.

Not angry things about you. ❤️ I try to imagine running into people from my past sometimes... Or, really, I try not to, but they're like .. invasive daydreams. They always turn out angry at some point. It's hard to avoid for long. I think it's less about "forgiveness" and more that it's a less-abstract outlet for general anger.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

They’re extremely judgmental and full of hatred.

I believe the thing about autism, especially because my autistic traits only showed up immediately after I got mine when I was little. I know a lot of people don’t agree and that’s ok <3 But now I’m the first to get my vaccines!! I knew someone whose mom died of COVID… :(

That’s why I don’t take medicine for my mental illness… I’m afraid of the side effects.

Why did they name it after monkeys anyway?

Do you have OCD? That might explain the invasive thoughts and daydreams…

I tend to daydream about catastrophic events, and being able to be romantic with a guy because of them. Idk if that even makes sense how I described it… Is that weird?

Torean OP September 5th

I don't know about the autism thing, is that supposedly certain vaccines? My cousin lost his ability to walk from COVID. But either way, it seemed like a good idea for me. I was given a bonus at work, my mom would stop worrying about me being unvaccinated, and I wouldn't be prevented from doing stuff later. Total win win win.

I'm afraid of side effects too. And I've taken a lot of meds, they've all given me side effects.

I think monkeys get it too? Maybe that's not right though.

I do have OCD, not sure, but you might be right about it being a strong factor.

Heheh, I like your daydreams. 😁 It's my kind of weird.

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

Yeah, vaccines cause autism, according to some people. There’s a MASSIVE heated debate about this.I don’t claim to know either way, but given the proof in my own life, I lean that direction.

He lost his ability to walk from COVID??? Wow… That’s so sad :’(

The first time I had COVID, it felt like I was swallowing glass. After my vaccines and such and I got it again, almost nada.

Do you still take meds?

Idk. Someone just doesn’t like monkeys XD

I have a lot of intrusive thoughts due to my OCD. Even dumb stuff like repeating words and phrases in my head… Quite annoying lol

Yeah? :) How come? :)

Torean OP September 6th

I dunno. I don't buy into it, but I've mostly left it alone. There's a lot of anti-vaxxers where I'm from, and most of them are the kind to just hear and believe what they want to and talk over everyone else. It seems to me that they're far from proving causation, but certain factors might make it happen like in your case. It's always different from person to person.

Yeah, it made his own body attack his spine basically. It really is sad. He used to be so full of life. He's trying to be now, but I don't blame him for not being able to get there.

Geez, that sounds rough. It was like a regular cold/flu type thing for me, but I couldn't smell anything, and I could still taste, but certain things like ketchup tasted really bad.

I only take a low dose anxiety med. I think it makes it hard for me to lose weight on it though.

Lol, who wouldn't like monkeys?

I know what you mean about that stuff repeating in your head. Happens to me a lot too. I never really thought about anyone else having to deal with that honestly.

Heheh, just the way you described them made a lot of sense to me, they sound fun

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

Yeah. I’m not 100% sure either way, so I don’t fight people on it XD

Is that the same person you mentioned? Your cousin I think?

Why ketchup??? Lol

Does it help? I’ve been toying with the idea of meds.. Not sure yet.

Monkey haters XD

Its like mental Tourette’s XD

Drama can cause the best relationships <3

Torean OP September 6th

Lol, pretty much same, and I was talking about my cousin yeah

Ketchup or any sauces or any sodas. Something about the stuff in them

I dunno if I could recommend meds, it's up to you and your doctor. I have so many bad experiences with them.

Heh, it really is like mental tourettes and it's pretty constantly something with mine.

Drama can cause the best relationships? 😁 I like that

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

How’s he doing? And for that matter, how’s your friend and his kids?

Weird. HFCS, maybe???

You don’t have to recommend anything lol… I’m just curious about your personal experiences <3

My brain is crazy sometimes. My fever dreams are weird… Like, not even dreams. Lol

I mean… true? Our trauma drew us closer together, right? <3

Torean OP September 8th

He's doing ok I think. I'ma have to talk to him again sometime soon.

I had a lot of bad experiences on meds. Usually they have some info to go on as to which ones might work, but you can always expect dosage adjustments and follow-up visits.

Lol, what dreams do you mean?

That is very true actually. ❤️


Talk to him tomorrow. Send me updates. <3

Sounds fun…

Like, when I’m really sick, I’m practically hallucinating while attempting to sleep. It’s weird. Fevers attack my body…

Torean OP Saturday

Yeah, fever dreams are weird like that. I wonder if I was sick yesterday. I might have had that last night

Did talk to him, his parents are inviting everyone for a BBQ next weekend


Yay! Seems like he’s healing up well <3

Torean OP Monday

Yeah. I'm looking forward to seeing them. ❤️ I hope they're ok

Are you still worried?

Torean OP Monday

Just a bit. It can't be easy.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 30th

I’m sorry, baby… I’m not ignoring you. I went to bed after 1am last night… Car’s in the shop today. A little thrown off today…

Torean OP August 30th

It's all good, are you ok? You weren't in an accident or anything were you?

jesusredeemedme2425 August 30th

Yesssss it disfigured my face. I’m super ugly now…

Nah lol… The AC stopped working right lol