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Torean and Kiara: The 6th Revelation

Torean August 28th

Seriously, Don't. Read. This. Thread. Nothing will be revealed to you, and you wouldn't comprehend it anyway. Every series needs a title with "revelation" or "revelations" and its always the worst one. So, there you go, it'll be super boring too. But the two of us are in for the long haul, so don't worry about us, we'll make it.

Torean OP September 1st

See, you get it. 😁 And by "it" I mean most things

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

I want… you.

Torean OP September 1st

Hmm ❤️❤️❤️ I like the sound of that..

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd

What do you want?

Torean OP September 2nd

I want to make you happy ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 2nd


Torean OP September 2nd

Just any way that I can honestly. ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

Gonna need some deets. ;)

Torean OP September 3rd

Hmm, first I want my words to make you smile . ❤️

jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

Which words? ;)

Torean OP September 3rd

Herbity Derbity


You make me happy 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

You legit made me laugh and smile <3

Torean OP September 4th

Bwahaha, it worked. 😁❤️ I'm super glad

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th


Torean OP September 4th

Poop *tcha tcha, tcha tcha* poop *tcha tcha, tcha tcha*. Poop *tcha tcha, tcha tcha* Poo-OOO-ooo-OOO-oop!

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Is THAT your poop song??? Hehe

Torean OP September 5th

Lol, it is. I made it up when I was 11. 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 September 5th

Have you looked up The Poop Song on YT????

Torean OP September 5th

Now I did .. nice lol

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

Hehe. I’m broadening your horizons. ;)

Torean OP September 6th

I feel broader now 😊

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

Hehe dooooo youuuuu??? ;)

Torean OP September 6th

I'm super broad now, like a... Broadside of a ship. 😁

jesusredeemedme2425 September 6th

Wha? XD

Torean OP September 8th

Lol, it was the first thing I thought of

jesusredeemedme2425 August 29th

What’s one food you refuse to eat?

Torean OP August 29th

I really hate canned pineapple. I don't want to try to like natto anymore. I outright refuse chewy candy, I don't like it. Caramel is a maybe.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 30th

Why, to all? And what’s natto??

Torean OP August 30th

Canned pineapple is vile. 😂 I don't like chewy candy since I had to get a crown in a tooth. As for natto... Uhh... It smells really, really bad. And it tastes like sad cheese. What about you?

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

What did canned pineapple ever do to you??? XD

Is natto that stuff that you see in the videos?

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

Also… sad cheese XD

Torean OP August 31st

I had to stay with friends once, and I didn't have much money for my own food, so I had to eat their leftovers which was pineapple pizza from little Caesars half the time. It was so gross. I couldn't take it anymore after a while.

Lol, I don't know what videos. It might be. It comes in these little containers. I dunno, it's not my thing. And never touch it, it makes your hands smell like butt forever.

jesusredeemedme2425 August 31st

Yeah, you told me that. Just… take off the pineapple?? Hehe

Hehe butt ;)

Torean OP September 1st

Lol, it's not enough to take it off.

And I'm not kidding about the butt smell of natto 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 September 1st

So picky. XD


jesusredeemedme2425 September 3rd

Does it TASTE like butt????

Torean OP September 3rd

Excellent question, more like sad cheese. 😂. But it'll leave you with a bad taste in your mouth... That might be more butt-esque

jesusredeemedme2425 September 4th

What does butt taste like… And how do you know??? *squints suspiciously at you* hehe

What IS sad cheese???? XD

Torean OP September 4th

Lol, I don't. But the smell though... ð¤¢

Sad cheese is a cheese that could be cheesier, could be tastier, but it has no motivation and it's past its prime