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Pine, Torean, Tiny, and Kiara’s Spot

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jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Why do you need one??? Lol

I absolutely do. <3

Torean July 19th

Lol, I don't, but the attraction factor could be nice.

Likewise. 😉

PineTreeTree July 19th

@jesusredeemedme2425 this conversation is headed for the toilet eventually 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Oh look who else is awake. Hehe

Torean isn’t. Please proceed to write weird random stuff about him he can read when he wakes up hehe

PineTreeTree July 19th

@jesusredeemedme2425 I should be in bed I’m so tired and it’s so late but TGIF

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Late here too. Tired but eh lol

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@PineTreeTree I headed the toilet not long ago. Why do everyone look at what creation they just made in the toilet before flushing??🤔🤔

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Because we’re checking if we’re sick. Or we’re just weird XD

Also, corn doesn’t digest. So it comes out whole in your poop. Lol

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@jesusredeemedme2425 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Have you ever eaten corn then looked at your poop???

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@jesusredeemedme2425 😂😂😂😂😂😂 ewwww! This convo. Is gross 😝 no I've never eaten corn

Torean July 19th

One time I saw a poop that someone left... It was so big that I swear it has its own vein. 🤭

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Ewwwwwww O.O

Tinywhisper11 July 20th

@Torean ewwwwww! To much information😝😝😝😂😂😂😂😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Yet. Hehe

You always talk about gross stuff XD

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

What should we say about Torean while he’s asleep???

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@jesusredeemedme2425 do you think torean would make a cute little fairy in a pink dress.. Or a elf with big ears????

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Nahhhh to the first one, yes to the second hehe

A sparkly elf who can throw fire!!!

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@jesusredeemedme2425 I don't think torean is safe playing with fire😱😱😱😱 he probably needs supervision to use kids scissors

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Oh he must be related to me. I cut myself more in cardboard than with my actual knife *rolls eyes*

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@jesusredeemedme2425 awww your like two little toddlers

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

We really are. <3

Torean July 19th

Lmao. 😂😂😂😂😂 Let me clear up this speculation.

Yeah, I'd be more like an elf. Honestly I'd probably be like Elfo the elf from Disenchantment. 😂

Yes, you can totally trust me with fire. I'm very responsible with it, but also very effective and entertaining. 😁😁😁

No, I cannot be trusted with children's scissors, even with supervision. 😂.

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@Torean 😂😂😂😂😂😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Never heard of him or the movie lol

Uh huh sureeeee *cough* pyro *cough* ;)

I figured as much. ;)

Torean July 19th

It's a show, made by the same creator as the Simpsons and Futurama. Honestly, I feel like all three shows are pretty evenly good.

Lol, I am kind of a pyro. It was really fun burning those prom photos. 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Ugh. Torean has lost brownie points with me for watching those XD

Was she that bad of a person???? Lol

Torean July 19th

Lol, whaaat? You can knock the Simpsons and I don't mind, you haven't seen Disenchantment, but Futurama is awesome! 😜

Lol, she wasn't, it's just complicated. It was really cathartic to do that. And I didn't burn all of them. I left a couple.

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

Futurama and its minions are all dirty and rude…

Torean July 19th

Lol, no. I mean, unless we're imitating Bender. 😁 And I *do* love setting things on fire. I set a building on fire from the inside once. (I didn't commit arson, it was in one of my dad's re-enactments. I could have died. The smoke got so thick and hot, and the torch I was holding was so heavy and hot too.)

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

You just like setting things on fire. Admit it. ;)

Torean July 19th

I had a weird dream last night.

First I worked at some kind of retail store, and I kept getting in trouble for not helping customers, but when I did help them, I got in trouble for not staying to guard my post.

Next, I jumped off a cliff.

Next, the town I landed in had roads of purple bricks, had an old style to it with gas lamps, and there were these huge mechanical beasts roaming around. I was trying to avoid those, and this big huge dude that kinda looked like Thor, was going around smashing the machine creatures up. He was flying at them at sonic speed, and doing these spinning fist moves, and he kept doing these gutteral battle cries of "OHHHHHH! OHHHHHHH!" We'll get back to him.

Then I ended up at a water park, and I was wandering around, feeling sad that I had no one to go to lunch with. There were no machine creatures there, but I still heard the guy fighting something, doing his gutteral "OHHHHHH! OHHHHHHH!" We'll get back to him again.

Then I went to a restroom, started using a urinal, and there was no urinal next to me, but a guy came up next to me, pulled open a drawer next to me, and started peeing in it, saying, and I quote,"Guess we can work on this one together", and I was like... "....uh... Guess so..."

Then, when I left the restroom, I'm still hearing the "OHHHHH! OHHHHHHH!" And I saw the guy fighting and using crazy moves again, but not on mechanical beasts, it was just random dudes in their swim trunks, and one got smashed against a brick wall and slid down, and I was like "is he dead? Dude, calm down."

Tinywhisper11 July 19th

@Torean 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 what is wrong with your brain😮😮😮😮😮 do you think dreams mean something??

Torean July 19th

Oooh, who knows. 😂 Ive been laughing about that dream all morning though. I think it means that working retail sucks, and some people are really weird and excessive. Also, there was a lot of emphasis on the "being sad that I had no one to go to lunch with part". I was feeling really emotional and lonely in the dream, and I was just wandering this huge nonsensical water park, hearing that gutteral OHHHHHH! OHHHHHHH! the entire time. 😂

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th


Torean July 19th

😂😂😂😂😂 I still can't get that battle cry out of my head

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th


jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

His dreams means he had too many pork rinds right before bed. ;)

Torean July 19th

Lmao, I had a bunch of chips with a yuzu hot sauce, so maybe that. That sauce is really addictive.

jesusredeemedme2425 OP July 19th

A what hot sauce???