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Growth Path Playlist: Community Discussion & Feedback

User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 March 10th, 2021

Hey, everyone! The Growth Path Playlist is in full swing! There's roughly 25+ paths community members have made that you can try out right now! We have plenty more in the making by the subcommuniites, and if you have access (see list of badges and application form in this FAQ) you can make your own on any topic you'd like! Alternately, you can join in the conversations over broader categories and help us pool together ideas for playlist paths!

Now that the Playlist has been out a while, I’d like to get your feedback:

1. How has creating playlists been going for you?
2. On a scale of 1-10, how easy as it been (1 = easiest, 10 = hard)
3. Are they any obstacles you’re facing?
4. How can we better equip and empower you?

Those who have used the paths:
1. How are you enjoying them?
2. Do you find them helpful or unhelpful?

3. Do you have any favorites?
4. Have you felt better after taking any?
5. What would you like to see more of in these paths?

We want you to get the most out of this feature, so please reply below!

User Profile: KatePersephone
KatePersephone March 10th, 2021


1. How has creating playlists been going for you?

Honestly, it's been going pretty well! I still haven't created many paths, but I'm working on it!
2. On a scale of 1-10, how easy as it been (1 = easiest, 10 = hard)

I'd say about a 6, it's not too hard to create a path, the hard thing is what to put in the steps.
3. Are they any obstacles you’re facing?

The only obstactle I face is not knowing what other steps to add to my path.
4. How can we better equip and empower you?

Honestly, it's mostly about my motivation and finding accurate information, so I believe I'm good for now!

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User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly March 11th, 2021

@KateDoskocilova Hi there, you are more than welcome to start a thread regarding your growth path here - the best part of this feature is community collaboration and I would love to help offer some ideas and I am sure other people may have thoughts too!

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User Profile: KatePersephone
KatePersephone March 10th, 2021


1. How are you enjoying them?

I find them pretty nice and I do enjoy them, as each one is unique!
2. Do you find them helpful or unhelpful?

to be honest, i do find them helpful, as now people will be able to choose a path closer to their issues and that could help them with some struggles, too!

3. Do you have any favorites?

Not really, they're all amazing!
4. Have you felt better after taking any?

5. What would you like to see more of in these paths?

I don't really have anything specific I'd like to see in these paths, every person is making a unique path and that's what matters most.

User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 10th, 2021


Regarding your questions...

1. How has creating playlists been going for you?

I only started 2 days ago when I got the badge.

I only made one play list so far and that playlist is still a work-in-progress because...

I am creating my own Steps and that is the challenge because the CKEditor is not WYSIWYG for me (and I am using the latest version of Chrome and Windows 10).

So I think something needs to be fixed with the New Step CKEditor.

The problem with the New Step CKEditor for me is... what I see in the editor looks good but then when I save the Step and pre-view it, it is a complete mess (text is where it shouldn't be and is jumbled). So I had to remove all formatting and make the content as simple as possible so it doesn't get jumbled up after being saved. I tried with another New Step and same problem.

Also, there is no documentation for the CKEditor.

Also, in the New Step Editor... the "Description" setting always get erased and is empty when I view the Step later.

Also, in the New Step Editor... the "Show Feedback" check box is always checked regardless of me unchecking it (perhaps by design?).

Also, in the New Step Editor, sometimes when I go back to edit the New Step, everything is completely blank, which is very scary. So to get it to appear... I exit the Step editor and I edit another Step and exit and then go back to the Step that appeared blank and then it's okay. It's very strange behavior and doesn't happen all the time, only occasionally.

2. On a scale of 1-10, how easy as it been (1 = easiest, 10 = hard)

Path Step Editor 10=hard (almost impossible)

Path Creation = 1 = easy for me so far

3. Are they any obstacles you’re facing?

see 1 above please

4. How can we better equip and empower you?

A) Fix the CKEditor so it is really WYSIWYG please,

or get RarelyCharley to figure out how to enable a better alternate editor like InlineEditor please,

or provide End-User documentation for me for the CKEditor if it's just a training issue for me please.

B) Enable a way to "mark" the Path as "Work In Progress" so people can see it's in development and not ready yet please,

or provide a "naming convention" if you want us to say (work in progress) in the name please,

C) Provide a "naming convention" for Paths and Steps if you have any concerns about Custom Path or New Step names in general please.

D) Provide a "naming convention" for Tags in the Custom Path creator if you have any concerns please.

E) Provide a "Select Categories" category for
"Healthy Habits" and
"Healthy Living" please.

Thanks everyone for all your support. Please forgive any typos above.

User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 10th, 2021


Please please please... consider also creating a "Very Simple Healthy Habit" database so people can load just very simple tiny or mini healthy habits that actually worked for them long term and became automatic real habits.

That would be so helpful for everyone, especially if Members could mark what actually worked for them long term and became automatic.

Then the most effective very simple healthy habits would bubble up to the top of the list as most effective habit ideas and easiest to put in place and make stick.

The key thing is, the healthy habits people mark as "effective" have to be ones they really use and they should say if the healthy habit actually became "automatic" over time and stuck.

The voting shouldn't be just because people like the idea without even trying it and getting it to become a real automatic healthy habit.

Thanks for your consideration of this request. Please forgive any typos above.

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User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 11th, 2021



If you build it...

they will come!!!

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User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 11th, 2021


Also please please please consider creating a database of simple healthy "environment changes" people made that enabled them to live healthier lives much easier for them.

For example...

Place a cup of water at the desk to make staying healthy hydrated easier.

Place dental floss right next to the toothbrush to make flossing easier

Move healthy food to front of the refrigerator to encourage it being picked.

Get smaller plates to reduce portions typically eaten and get feeling of being fuller

Tiny simple environment changes can make a huge difference in healthy living and better well-being mentally too.

The database should be filled with things people actually did and found make a real difference in their lives, not just ideas that sound good.

Thanks for your consideration of this idea. Please forgive any typos above.

1 reply
User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 11th, 2021



If you build it...

they will come!!!

Simple easy effective ideas that...
really work for people...
and are very easy to find quickly...
are in very big demand.

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User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo March 11th, 2021

1. How has creating playlists been going for you?

Some snags, but ok.
2. On a scale of 1-10, how easy as it been (1 = easiest, 10 = hard)

6 - I can figure out the very basics well, but the how to do specifics isn't that easy, and some of it has been bugs so it's difficult to know when I', just doing things wrong.

I thought it would use the same stuff as the forums plus maybe some extras, but even something like adding a picture is different. It is nice I can upload though

3. Are they any obstacles you’re facing?

Understanding how it all works. Editting wasn't working for a while and I haven't tested it all out yet ie. if I edit a step does it automatically update for the growth path?

4. How can we better equip and empower you?

I was surprised we didn't have access to the steps that 7cups created for the My Growth Path and the other personalized ones. It would also be nice to clone a step so we can edit it. Ie. someone had madea breathing one for anxiety, I wanted to use it but change some of the text, I had to start from scratch though.

I also hope to hear from others about things they would like incorporated, sharing videos, etc.

2 replies
User Profile: AffyAvo
AffyAvo March 11th, 2021

@AffyAvo Oh, I also wonder about moderation. It appears we now know who makes paths and steps, that wasn't obvious before. What about comments? If we do notice something inappropriate what do we do?

User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly March 11th, 2021

@AffyAvo Hi, yes if you edit your steps and then overall "Save" your path, the edits will be reflected and you will not need to re-add steps. As for moderation, future updates will perhaps have ways to flag things.

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March 11th, 2021


1. How has creating playlists been going for you?
It's fun and useful. Loving it so far. I have made a growth path named '7cups' that I have been using and liking it.

2. On a scale of 1-10, how easy as it been (1 = easiest, 10 = hard)

3. Are they any obstacles you’re facing?
Sometimes, while dragging, the page disappears and we have to restart from the beginning.
The name of the paths are not visible while selecting community paths. Only icons are visible. So, can be confusing as many paths have same icons.

4. How can we better equip and empower you?
Adding auto-save progress feature
Including name label
Some of the exercises include typing an input. If we could an option to get a list of those inputs, we could have a sheet of responses over time. Will help in reflection of things. And then the growth path could also be used as a mini journal of sorts.

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User Profile: SoulfullyAButterfly
SoulfullyAButterfly March 11th, 2021

@DonaldDraper I find that having the steps part just show my steps helps with the dragging and scrolling.

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User Profile: pamharley003
pamharley003 March 11th, 2021


I am building my teams ( 35+ and over ) grow path as we speak . It is fun doing it and hope both Members and Listeners will appreciate it

I did one for myself but have not used it or the others , but I do plan on looking at each one.

User Profile: Yukihiko
Yukihiko March 14th, 2021

1. How has creating playlists been going for you?

Very fun! I've always wanted to make one my own ever since I used it on 7 Cups.
2. On a scale of 1-10, how easy as it been (1 = easiest, 10 = hard)

7 for me.
3. Are they any obstacles you’re facing?

When I update my steps, it stays the same! It's been like this for days and I really don't want to redo my steps CryingAnd I've been wondering what does the feedback input does? And where does it go? How do I put an input box for the users to type in, and where can I or the user see them?

4. How can we better equip and empower you?

How do we receive and give feedback on the growth paths Astonished? That would be really helpful to know about the users thoughts on my growth paths!

Emie || "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."

2 replies
User Profile: Heather225
Heather225 OP March 15th, 2021


When I update my steps, it stays the same! It's been like this for days and I really don't want to redo my steps And I've been wondering what does the feedback input does? And where does it go? How do I put an input box for the users to type in, and where can I or the user see them?
1. are edits to your steps still not processing?
2. "show feedback input" is for the box that users can type into. it shows up under the step itself. all you need to do is check the box.

How do we receive and give feedback on the growth paths? That would be really helpful to know about the users thoughts on my growth paths!
- right now users can leave you feedback for individual steps with a comment. you can view your comments when you preview your path. if you want feedback for your path overall, you can always share a link to it in this subforum and ask for feedback!

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User Profile: Yukihiko
Yukihiko March 16th, 2021
Thanks for your reply!
I tried it again just now, and I noticed that the ones that are not changing are the feedback input checkbox and the description (it vanishes). The HTML editor seems to be doing okay.

Emie || "If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain."

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User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 17th, 2021


Dear H... here is my problem... that is completely stopping me from creating growth path new steps...

When I create a new step... and then save and preview it...
the preview isn't being rendered properly by the 7Cups New Step Preview Button code...

For example... it looks jumbled like this...

When it should look like this like when it would if it was actually selected as and run as a growth path...

I asked someone here who knows about HTML... and they said that...

"The problem seems to be that the step is displayed inside a DIV element with the row class, and the row class is set to flex. This means the headings and paragraphs inside the row don't break the way they should....

don't know what the flex was intended to achieve, but whatever it was, it went wrong... "

So it seems my initial guess that it was a CKEditor problem was wrong... and instead...
it's actually a 7Cups Growth Path New Step Preview Button code problem.

So H... please please please... get someone to fix the simple HTML coding problem above so I can preview the new steps I create when I click the New Step Preview Button. Then I will be able to make you new growth paths.

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User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 17th, 2021


Dear H...

Here is the link to the new step shown above that won't render properly...

User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation March 18th, 2021


Dear H...

I decided that the best way to truly preview my newly created New Step is to

1) Go to My Paths

2) Select My Path that has the New Step I want to Preview.

3) Select "Return to the Growth Path"

4) View the New Step on my main page.

That is a lot of extra work... so it will slow me down... and make me less productive.

If possible...
please fix the New Step Preview Button so it actually launches the Growth Path tool like just above (step 4) so it shows the New Step where it would actually run. That would be the true way to test the results quickly rather than in a preview simulation window. Thank you.

User Profile: 7motivation
7motivation April 17th, 2021


Dear H... and team,

I am happy to see that

7Cups fixed

the growth path PREVIEW

rendering problem

I mentioned above.

The picture below shows how the problem I mentioned above is now fixed by 7Cups.

Yay!!! smiley

Thanks team, and thanks also for fixing the problem with public, private, and unlisted paths.

Your improvements have helped me be more productive.

So far I have 16 growth paths built and ready.

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