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Being Thankful and Going Crazy at the same time. I cannot grasp the disciplines.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle January 3rd

I'm starting this thread in the first week of 2025. Three years of struggle has put me in a spot of advantage. But now that I'm in that spot of advantage, I can't seem to take advantage of the time to make it more beneficial. 

I think it's because I don't have a strong support group (other than here on 7-cups). And also, being 65 is slowing me down a bit when I still need to be going full steam.

The biggest deterrent to me is my brain going 9000 miles an hour about all the things that I wanna do and wanna get done. I simply exhaust myself. I have done so many things in the past three years to stay on track and push past obstacles and hardships that it's getting monotonous to keep trying and I wish I had the money that I could just stop and relax. But I can't, not even close! I may deserve a break but I am not entitled to a break. Bummer, right? 

I have no choice but go strategically crazy for 2025.
If I do it right, I may set myself up with some residual income.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP Wednesday

Days #1 and #2 of Week 8 went well. I earn money for two days and I also maintained a good portion of my CBCS.

Week 8 of 2025 My goal for week #8 is to maintain a consistent income and excell past my basic CBC's to accomplish extra achievements.

Day 3 of Week 8 of 2025 
Today is a snow day so there is no employment. 4:20AM DO CBC CHORES! 
Reminders: Info to customer #1. Call health Dept. (local and regional).

Current CBC chores to complete. Dog beds, Dishes and Fridge.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP Wednesday

Day 3 of Week 8 of 2025 - continued

"Today is a snow day so there is no employment. 4:20AM DO CBC CHORES! 
Reminders: Info to customer #1. Call health Dept. (local and regional).

Current CBC chores to complete. Dog beds, Dishes and Fridge."


10:00AM: Current CBC chores to complete. Dog beds, Dishes and Fridge.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP 2 days ago

Day 4 of Week 8 of 2025 

Yesterday was a complete bust! Today must be better.

538am - CBC's - Sort kitchen

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP 2 days ago

Day 4 of Week 8 of 2025 - continued

Yesterday was a complete bust! Today must be better.

538am - CBC's - Sort kitchen - done - 715am - Morning tasks 

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP 2 days ago

Day 4 of Week 8 of 2025 - continued

Yesterday was a complete bust! Today must be better.

538am - CBC's - Sort kitchen - done - 715am - Morning tasks - done - 1121am - CBC's - Sort kitchen again - Make bed - Sort bathroom - Vacuum bedroom  

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP 2 days ago

Day 4 of Week 8 of 2025 - continued

Yesterday was a complete bust! Today must be better.

538am - CBC's - Sort kitchen - done - 715am - Morning tasks - done - 1121am - CBC's - Sort kitchen again - Make bed - Sort bathroom - done - 345pm (Vacuum bedroom-not done) 

3:45PM - Work outdoors to clear snow, Feed & play with dogs, Prepare equipment for tomorrows job.