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Being Thankful and Going Crazy at the same time. I cannot grasp the disciplines.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle January 3rd

I'm starting this thread in the first week of 2025. Three years of struggle has put me in a spot of advantage. But now that I'm in that spot of advantage, I can't seem to take advantage of the time to make it more beneficial. 

I think it's because I don't have a strong support group (other than here on 7-cups). And also, being 65 is slowing me down a bit when I still need to be going full steam.

The biggest deterrent to me is my brain going 9000 miles an hour about all the things that I wanna do and wanna get done. I simply exhaust myself. I have done so many things in the past three years to stay on track and push past obstacles and hardships that it's getting monotonous to keep trying and I wish I had the money that I could just stop and relax. But I can't, not even close! I may deserve a break but I am not entitled to a break. Bummer, right? 

I have no choice but go strategically crazy for 2025.
If I do it right, I may set myself up with some residual income.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP January 29th

Day 3 of Week 5 of 2025 

A CONTINUATION OF YESTERDAY'S "TWO" PRIORITIES. Work on dumptruck tires and do receipts along with other important paperwork.

632am: Physical therapies and morning tasks

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP January 31st

Yesterday, Day 4, I worked a paying gig all day!

Day 5 of Week 5 of 2025 

Today I did paperwork ALL DAY and finised all of my financials.

I am goining to try to do more though..... as late as it is!

3:30PM: Do my (ignored) morning tasks and feed dogs.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP January 31st

Day 5 of Week 5 of 2025 (Continued)

3:30pm chores done!

4:40pm: Repair septic system and Assemble the table in the shop.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP February 1st

Day 6 of Week 5 of 2025 

Physical therapies

Do Core Balance Chores

Prepare for todays job and tomorrows job

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP February 1st

Day 6 of Week 5 of 2025 (Continued) 

9:15am: Service tractor.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP February 2nd

Day 7 of Week 5 of 2025 

 A day to reflect some of the things I got done this week. 

But also, not to drop the ball and continue pushing in a forward direction. But today I hope to do it in a much more relaxed, acceptance type of mood. 

I should be able to do this by reflecting on the things I did well this week.

I worked hard to fix my dump truck and even though the work itself was a fail, it sent me in a good direction for future improvement. 

I did have a couple of (low) paying gigs but they were significant enough to really help out with the bills.

 I also have enough work lined up for next week continue earning some money.

I did get my septic system working again.

I also did a pretty good job maintaining my core balance chores in physical therapy but I still need to try to do better in these areas.

The biggie for the week was completing all my financial paperwork. That was a huge relief.

I did all these things well last week and I am going to try to go through the day to prepare for next week by getting as much in order as i can today,  to start Monday fresh. The big difference for today ismthat, I'm going to try to do it with a relaxed frame of mind. A form of acceptance throughout day, remembering, I did pretty well the past week.

I did sleep an extra 3 hours this morning without even trying. That felt really good. I will start the day cooking a 9# shoulder in the oven to cook all day!

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP February 2nd

Day 7 of Week 5 of 2025 (Continued) 

11:55am: Work on rear wheels on dump truck.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP February 2nd

Day 7 of Week 5 of 2025 (Continued) 

4:06pm: Find sheetrock tools and screws for tomorrow.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP February 3rd

Day 7 of Week 5 of 2025 (Continued) 

7:45pm: Unload and sort truck for tomorrow.

User Profile: IsayUncle
IsayUncle OP February 4th

Day 2 of Week 6 of 2025 

Physical therapies and Air compressor set up.

Day 1 was employment.