2025 Week #4 Weekly Goal Sharing! (Monday 01/20/25 - Sunday 01/26/25)
I welcome anyone to commit to a goal here today.
But importantly, talk about getting it done..... or why it didn't happen yet.
To praise each other for our efforts and wins.
While supporting each other through trials and setbacks.
And to continue trying and not give up.
Every Goal should be considered "Worthy".
Never belittle your achievements and be proud of yourself for your daily accomplishments!
Whether they be Complex or Simple.
Getting out of bed is a good day..... Good job I say!
Share your goals today, for support and encouragement.
Do Your Best and Get Your rest.
Things are usually much harder then we think. Do your best. Be kind to yourself and Be kind to others.
@Kait @Apeatrice @decisiveBranch2794 @IchooseLife79 @cloudySummer @mytwistedsoul @KristenHR @Tinywhisper11 @CyclingThroughLife @Psalm139 @Enthenia @anonyTortoise3336 @spicyavocado3788 @neatBlueberry5213 @AmyK1234 @ivoryLakeuk @MusokeHere @seashell145
And Any Others. If you want to be added/removed to/from the tag list, let me know. 😃
@IsayUncle I actually felt guilty for falling asleep twice over the weekend. Think I'm still having trouble with the diet. Probably shouldn't have done the tarts (those were the culprits I think). There are so many things that I've cut out that it gets frustrating.
Anyways, I didn't get as much cleaning done over the weekend as I had planned to and now I have to figure out how to afford a new floor lamp because my current one got hit with some static electricity and killed it. Never happened before so I wasn't prepared for it.
Still have to resubmit my last assignment (reused a paper for the formatting and forgot to change a heading) and I need to do an executive summary for the next assignment but right now I'm writing the reports for the accounts that showed up on my last monthly report. Have four to do and then I suppose I should get caught up on the daily assignments again.
You probably needed the rest, so no guilt please. 😁
Sorry to hear about your lamp. every little expense is a big expense when money is short. 😔
Hang in there with the assignments, you're doing well. 😀
@IsayUncle still need to work on it. Got bogged down with work again. Was having problems with Word. Every time I saved a change in the document, I had to close and open it to see the text. And I had assorted annoyances.
It turned out to be a typical Monday.
Happy Monday.....Because I barely get in here to contribute anymore....I've decided to post a Monday Motivation for you all.....Hang in there, stay strong, keep your mind set on the end result...... and remember....we are all here to listen and support.....you are not alone....
This week is off with a bang. Snow to clean up. Had to fix an outside faucet because it rust through and broke. Had a 10 ft geyser of water 😅 It's currently 9 degrees with a wind chill of -7 It's freaking cold out! Think warm thoughts folks! Have a good week!
That's terrible.... i'm sorry to hear it. 🙁
@IsayUncle Ikr? I'm ready for spring 😐 Totally over the winter experience
This harsh winter, out of the gate, he's really messing me up pretty bad too. We have already exceeded our yearly average for snowfall. And then these hard freezes afterwards is just messing everything up. Both my steep driveways are exactly that, steep. A ton of extra work just to function for the week. Not that I need to very much because it has shut me down work wise.
So yeah, I am with you 100%. Ready for spring!
This is the perfect situation, to embrace the wisdom of, " this too shall pass"
@IsayUncle I hear you on the steepness and snow. My lane is like that too. It sucks that your work has been put on hold because of the cold though. I know you had a couple of jobs in the works. The cold is hard on equipment too. 😕 I should take advantage of the cold and get things done in the house. My organization skills border on "there appears to have been a struggle" 😅
Resubmitted the assignment with the correct course on the title page! Now trying to get caught up with the daily reports that I didn't get to yesterday because of other technical annoyances.
Also thought I had a dentist appointment this week and scheduled a doctor's visit the same day only to get a message from the dentist saying it was next week. Then they called wanting to reschedule because my regular dentist is taking extra leave for health reasons and wanted to work me in with the other dentist. Those phone calls came when I was dealing with annoyances at work and then the phone wouldn't work and it was getting close for me to leave for the day and I wanted to go to the restroom because I hadn't been in a few hours....
I was able to get the appointment rescheduled to February using the receptionist's phone in the front office and I was able to get to the restroom but it was everything happening at once which is usually the way of things.