What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?
I'll start, I'm grateful for late-night cold bowls of cereal and my childhood collection of science fiction novels.
fanfiction, hot chocolate, songwriting, and novels.
Anime. I started watching more anime last year and now it is one of my major hobbies.
I am forever grateful for the privilege of being a mother. My children have helped shape me into the person I am today. 🥰
@NormalizeTherapyToday i am thankful for youtube
Grateful when its cold and rainy outside and i lie inside in my warm bed looking out at it, especially after watching some documentaries about homeless people
I am grateful for my warm duvets during winter time!
Hope everyone is well and warm!
I'm greatful for my bed , it's the only place i have to myself.. it's warm and it brings me comfort ❣️
The lighting in my office is nice. Its like this perfect mix of natural from an overcast day and crapy celing fan light, where its orange but not overly orange were headaches can be born.
I am thankful for my cats and good friends.
I’m grateful for the late night microwaveable noodles I have for supper some nights!