What is the smallest thing for which you are grateful?
I'll start, I'm grateful for late-night cold bowls of cereal and my childhood collection of science fiction novels.
Grateful for waking up everyday and breathe
getting up every morning! when my alarm rings, i don't procrastinate on getting up. it took me a while, but i'm very grateful that i have the energy and will to get out of bed
It's weird but I'm grateful for the movie Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. It's such a fun movie to watch and always gets me in a good mood when I'm down
I'm grateful for my wonderful childhood
I’m grateful for being able to move my body in a way that makes me feel beautiful and powerful (aka dance!)
I’m greatful for the warm bed and having 2 dogs of mine.
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grateful for many things but recently been grateful for the ability to heal and grow as a person. I am grateful for the beauty of life and the beauty that surrounds us @NormalizeTherapyToday