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What are your favorite lgbtqia+ movies or shows or book?!

User Profile: Jowita
Jowita October 11th, 2022

Drop them below and you can say why you love them as well!

User Profile: exuberantLand6895
exuberantLand6895 October 11th, 2022

My favorite lgbtqia+ movie is “Crazy”, it’s French Canadian movie about a gay guy in the 70’s. I like it because it makes me realize how lucky I am to have an open minded and accepting family. (It’s also a really great movie and I like many actors in it) Where I’m from it’s a very well know and popular movie.

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP October 15th, 2022


oohh i am from Canada too haven't heard of it before but will watch this weekend sure!

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User Profile: exuberantLand6895
exuberantLand6895 October 15th, 2022

It’s from Quebec, so I’m not sure if it was translated to English, though, you’ll probably be able to find it with subtitles.

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP October 15th, 2022


ooohh that might be the reason makes sense. thankuu

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User Profile: blitheSun94
blitheSun94 October 15th, 2022


Matthew Shepard is a Friend of Mine makes me cry every time. ❤️

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP October 18th, 2022

@blitheSun94i have been recommended this before! maybe its my sign it finally watch it . thankyou for sharing!

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User Profile: blitheSun94
blitheSun94 November 20th, 2022


You're most welcome! ❤️

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User Profile: Aayla
Aayla October 16th, 2022


- Pose is the most significant representation of the LGBT community I've ever seen. It fllows the lives on marginalized people in New York's lgbt community in the late 80ies. It's on Netflix.

- Sense8 is a sci-fi show that follows the lives of 8 individuals across the globe who have a psychic connection, two of them are LGBT and their stories are really meaningful and well portrayed. Overall it's a show about love and empathy. This one's also on Netflix.


- The house on the Cerulean sea by TJ Klune, a very emotional "found family" story with two gay characters that eventually become a couple. It's a fantasy books. Similar vibes can be found in Under the whispering door by the same author.

- This is how you lose the time war by Amal El-Mothar and Max Gladstone is a sci-fi novella with a unique writing style. It tells the story of two women that fight for opposite sides of the "Time war" and slowly fall in love.

- If you like novels about Greek mythology, The song of Achilles by Madeline Miller tells the story of Achilles and Patroclus, the oldest M/M relationship ever portrayed in Western literature.

- If you like "classical" fantasy books, The Nightrunner series is a fantasy saga written by Lynn Flewelling in the 90ies, with great worldbuilding, a compelling story and two awesome bisexual men who eventually become a couple as main characters.

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP October 16th, 2022

@Aaylapleased to say i have read 3 out if those 4 books with songs of Achilles as my fav! the ithers sound great will give them a try!

User Profile: Mashedpotato364
Mashedpotato364 March 13th, 2023


I love love love under the whispering door

The slow burn and the way they fell in love without being able to touch each other

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User Profile: blitheSun94
blitheSun94 October 16th, 2022


The L Word of course.

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP October 16th, 2022


oooh i will check it out thankyou for sharing! 💕

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User Profile: EzraYourLocalTrans
EzraYourLocalTrans October 17th, 2022


This is more of a kids show but its made a huge impact on my life because there are so mang lgbtq+ charecters and the 2 main charecters are a lesbian couple

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP October 18th, 2022


oooh! what's the name of the show if i may know?

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User Profile: EzraYourLocalTrans
EzraYourLocalTrans October 19th, 2022


Sorry I thought I said that :p

i get distracted alot

its called The Owl House

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP October 20th, 2022


omg no need to say sorry its absolutely ok. thankyou for the recommendation!

User Profile: DepressedCookie5
DepressedCookie5 April 5th, 2023


I love The Owl House

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User Profile: LonleyCheese
LonleyCheese October 23rd, 2022

Show on netflix called dead end, and the main characters are barney, a trans gay or bi? dude and a lesbian or maybe bi? autistic gal named norma and it's a fun show but also talks openly about the challenges these characters have and my siblings started watching it, not me, which was crazy, and my unaccepting dad kinda just went along with it.. it's really good would reccomend

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User Profile: EzraYourLocalTrans
EzraYourLocalTrans October 27th, 2022



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User Profile: LonleyCheese
LonleyCheese October 28th, 2022


I know right!! It's so cool when a show isn't trying to hide the real life problems that actual people have too. Funny thing, I was jjust watching it at the beginning and I was like, getting vibes but thught nothing of it because every character in every show.. "hmm trans? nah couldn't be" And then... It happened! So cool.

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User Profile: EzraYourLocalTrans
EzraYourLocalTrans May 1st, 2023


Sorry ik it took me so long to see this but YA!!! I relate to both Norma and Barney bc Barney is FTM Trans and so am I and Norma is autistic...SO AM I!!! I love relatable shows :)

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User Profile: LonleyCheese
LonleyCheese May 2nd, 2023

I definently agree, and I also love how it's not their entire personality like some shows might make it out to be, and it's pretty well displayed as a legitimate thing that some people deal with. I am also both of those things (probably, not sure about the autism but several friends have told me it's likley and half or more of my siblings are so...?) and I really liked it! plus fantasy shows are just neato

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User Profile: EzraYourLocalTrans
EzraYourLocalTrans May 2nd, 2023


Totally agree! And with the autism thing, (assuming your older than 3 years old) your probably have something similar but not exactly that because yes autism can be diagnosed at any point in life but doctors tend to catch it at no higher than age three and will put you on the spectrum no older than age three. So if you are not on the spectrum you probably do not have it. I hope you find out whats going on! Remeber whatever it is you are valid no matter what <3

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User Profile: BlueSkies1021
BlueSkies1021 November 13th, 2022


Loveless by Alice Oseman --- really opens people's eyes to the often-neglected ace community

Heartstopper by Alice Oseman --- one of the cutest, purest romances I've ever read and it's literally so gay haha

I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston --- so fun to read and the characters were really dramatic and awesome

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User Profile: LonleyCheese
LonleyCheese November 14th, 2022

Oh my gosh I love heartstopper! The first two books are at my school's library, and they are so amazing!

User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP November 20th, 2022

@BlueSkies1021 OMG the way i have read and seen everyone of them!! heartstopper was a pure delight indeed

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User Profile: LovelyFrog8934
LovelyFrog8934 December 4th, 2022

I'm so excited about seeing the new movie Spoiler Alert that came out recently I really like Jim Parsons he's so good in Big Bang Theory.

If its anything like Fault in our Stars I'll be bawling my eyes out so heavily. Love movies and shows like that. ❤❤❤❤

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User Profile: Jowita
Jowita OP December 4th, 2022

@Leanna3333faults in our stars had me crying too! that was one heck of a rollercoaster

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User Profile: VictoriaLove7
VictoriaLove7 December 4th, 2022


Imagine me and you 😊

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User Profile: VictoriaLove7
VictoriaLove7 December 4th, 2022


The movie title: 'Imagine me and you' 😊

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