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Last one to post in this thread wins!!!

AlexFox800 January 24th, 2020

You see the title. Anything goes in the comments, just try to be the last one standing!

Dino12 December 15th, 2020


lupea867 December 15th, 2020



Dino12 December 15th, 2020

@lupea867 hey there, how are you

lupea867 December 15th, 2020

@Dinoprincess12 I am currently procrastinating homework :o

Dino12 December 15th, 2020

@lupea867 Oh no, hope you get around to it soon :P I'm going to grab a donut 🍩

lupea867 December 15th, 2020


ooh donuts! Enjoy them, I'll keep working.... and getting distracted lol.

Dino12 December 15th, 2020

@lupea867 Thanks, good luck!

AlphaPheonix4720 December 15th, 2020

I'm on top!

Dino12 December 15th, 2020


lupea867 December 15th, 2020

No. I will never leave this place

Dino12 December 15th, 2020

Not even to do homework? laugh

lupea867 December 16th, 2020


no. *determination intensifies*

Dino12 December 16th, 2020

@lupea867 ooh boy, gotta get your multitasking game on πŸ’ͺ

AlphaPheonix4720 December 16th, 2020

@Dinoprincess12 I don't even have to multitask. I put all my jobs in a blender and they tunr into one task.

Dino12 December 16th, 2020


Task blender, sounds innovative

lovelyWhisper66 December 16th, 2020

Hey hey

angelic1 December 16th, 2020

Wining ...*grabs crown & runs*

angelic1 December 16th, 2020

Not Wining.. WINNING... *grabs crown and runs* It's not a spellin' contest, is it? :P

justashybi97 December 16th, 2020

last time I checked, no.

lupea867 December 16th, 2020

*returns to winnnnn*

ACertainDevil1 December 16th, 2020

Nonono I'm still here

windSpirit December 16th, 2020

I am here!!!

SweetPearCrumble December 16th, 2020

What do we win and when is the emd coming?

Is the end near?

mytwistedsoul December 16th, 2020

I could have swore there was mention of cookies at one point but Idk. I have seen mention of a crown though lol

Dino12 December 16th, 2020

You win both, or whichever you prefer. If you want cookies, cookies it is

AlphaPheonix4720 December 16th, 2020

But here's the thing...What do you do, when you win? It's not a victory March, it's not a thing to rejoice...If you're the last one, that're the last one. Everyone else has gone. Died, forgotten, left. It means you're the only one left. You're alone. There's no party and no-one to party with. No great victory celebration and nobody to parade with you. The adventure's over, but no-one's there to see it. It's an empty victory, a hollow win. It means nothing, except that you were too stubborn, and everybody else is gone because of it. It's a cold place, the winner's stand. The crown of thorns rests heavy upon your head as you look upon your former kingdom and weep. This hunger games of friends, will end someday, and who will be left to congratulate the winner, to welcome the hero home? No-one. You're alone. There's no gold, no crown to be set upon your head, except that of a victor of a competition long lost in time. You halls stand empty as you weep for your fallen comrades, each one braver than the last, yet none could last long enough. Eventually, you win. Because they're gone. You lost them, and for what? You've won, but at what cost? In this game, winning means losing, losing everything. It's better not to.

angelic1 December 16th, 2020

We're all winners! Everyone gets a crown and cookies! And winners can add other winnings they like, too, and share with all.

lazyKatz December 16th, 2020

What a lovely idea

lovelyWhisper66 December 17th, 2020

Love it!

Jenna December 17th, 2020


Dino12 December 17th, 2020





a person or thing that wins something. Aka, me πŸ‘‘

lovelyWhisper66 December 17th, 2020

Nice try

December 17th, 2020

What a day I am now super tired

lupea867 December 17th, 2020

I-I want ccokiessss

ACertainDevil1 December 17th, 2020

@lupea867 you really want to win this don't youπŸ˜‚

lupea867 December 17th, 2020

@ACertainDevil1 No I am just bored and lonely *cries*

Dino12 December 17th, 2020

Maybe we can have cookies even without winning *mind blown* πŸͺπŸͺ

angelic1 December 17th, 2020

Practicing Queen's wave to the crowd .. as I wave to the next winner to pass me ... *waves*

Dino12 December 17th, 2020

*waves back*

goonundo December 17th, 2020

Did i win?