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PL 101: Understanding Your Gifts and Strengths from the MBTI (Discussion 2)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.
Hello Leadership Crew!

I have just gone through the introduction thread and read about all of you. If you havent yet introduced yourself, then please stop by and share a little about yourself so we can get to know you. Im encouraged by all the great people that have joined. This should be a fun and enriching program!

Let me first zoom back and talk more broadly about your career and how we can help. When you become a leader on 7 Cups, we want you to find the work fulfilling. Fulfilling work means that it is:

a) work you are good at;
b) work that is interesting to you; and
c) work that solves an important problem or meets an important goal (Thiel, 2015).

The sweet spot is that blue area in the middle below.

Work Alignment Diagram

If you do work that you are good at, but not interested in, then you wont do a great job. If you do work that you are interested in, but not particularly good at, then it wont be great work. If you do work that you are good at and interested in, but it isnt helping to solve an important problem, then we wont be a good fit for you. We need alignment on all 3 things. We work very hard at the beginning of your work with us to match your inherent strengths and interests with needs we have so that we can work together to solve problems that we all care about.

You have strengths â things that you are just really good at when compared with others. Operating out of your strengths feels good, is personally fulfilling, and enables you to hit flow states. As a result, you are much more effective and productive. Operating out of weaknesses is a drain. If you have to do work that you are not good at, then you wont be as effective. Doubling down on your strengths enables you to level up much faster and it helps 7 Cups make much more progress. Â

The next step becomes helping you find ways to identify your strengths, gifts or natural talents. You can learn some of this through self-observation - what do you seem especially good at? Are there things that just come natural to you that are more challenging for others? My wife, for example, is really good at writing; it just comes natural to her. Im pretty good at public speaking, whereas others find it more challenging.

Another way is to ask people you trust. You can say: What do you think Im good at? Or: what do you think are my top 1-3 strengths? Things that stand out to you about me? Note: only ask people you trust because sometimes people can give you feedback in a harmful rather than helpful way especially if they are not trustworthy.

For the purposes of this course, we are going to use personality tests to help you identify your strengths. Some of these are better than others; they are more reliable and have more research behind them. Broadly, we are using them here to help you begin to map out your strengths and to help you find ways where you can naturally excel here on 7 Cups, in your personal life, and in whatever career your are in or choose further down the road.

To start:

Go to this site here and take the test:

Next, in the thread below, answer the following questions:

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Last, when people interact with one another, it makes the course more enriching and it allows us to learn more about one another. In addition to posting in the thread, please also be sure to respond in a helpful and positive way to at least 3 other comments in this thread.

You can also ask any questions in this thread and well respond to them as well.

Very excited to kick this off with all of you!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

caringHope1976 September 5th, 2021

Wow. So lovely.

Crystaldancer September 10th, 2021
@ caringHope1976

🙈🙈🙈 oh, thanks for your comment
caringHope1976 September 5th, 2021

My personality type is INFJ-T (ADVOCATE)
The main thing I learned about myself is that the personality type to which I belong is the rarest one and I strive to do what is right and step in when I see someone facing hardship or injustice.
Top 3 strengths:

  1. Creative- I am highly creative and imaginative.
  2. Altruistic- I stand up for those who are being treated unfairly and love to help others
  3. Insightful- I understand people’s feelings, motivations, and needs by using my insight.
September 7th, 2021


Those are great qualities! Being creative, altruistic, and insightful are great traits to aquire, and I know they will allow you to succeed in any leadership roles you get!

JoyfulMovement September 9th, 2021

Hi @caringHope1976!

Fellow advocate over here, I hope you're as excited as I am to bring our strengths to the leadership role :)

Crystaldancer September 10th, 2021
@ caringHope1976

September 13th, 2021


Those are great qualities! Being creative, altruistic, and insightful are great traits to acquire, and I know they will allow you to succeed in any leadership roles you get!

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 5th, 2021


Based on this personality test, I learned that I am a Campaigner with an ENFP personality type. I learned that some of my main qualities include being outgoing, open-minded, and openhearted. Something valuable I learned by taking the tests is that for me, having a good time is not neccesarily fulfilling. It's the deep connections and meaningful purposes with other people that I actually value. My strengths are that I am good-natured and a good communicator but some of my weaknesses include that I am disorganized and sometimes overly accomodating!

TheGoodHeartedBuddy September 5th, 2021

i found out I am a Campaigner which means some of my strengths are that I am enthusiastic, an excellent communicator, and curious. I often want to try out new things and am a very motivated person. Due to these qualities, i also communicate welll with others, because campaginers are known to be caring listeners.

September 7th, 2021


That's great! Those are all amazing qualities, and effective communication skills are important for taking on leadership positions!

September 13th, 2021


That's great! Those are all amazing qualities, and effective communication skills are important for taking on leadership positions!

September 7th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â
My personality type is ENFJ-A, or a protagonist.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I have learned many things about myself from this test. The three main things that I learned were that I speak up for what's right, I am ready to help those that I most care about, and I am a natural-born leader.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.
According to this test, my top three strengths are that I am altruistic, reliable, and passionate. This means that I have a deep desire for positive change (altruistic), I can be counted on to keep promises and responsibilites (reliable), and I take pleasure in my hobbies (passionate).

LavenderFlower September 11th, 2021

Hi Nerdtastic! It's good to see you post again. We have the same MBTI! I think this personality has a lot of potential for leadership in an altruistic environment like 7 Cups. I think being reliable is a really good strength to have as a leader since so many people will depend on you. I'm sure you will be able to offer great care in your role

Izzy274 September 13th, 2021

Your personality type sounds so cool!
It's great you learned so much from doing the personality test and it sounds like you really gained lots of insight into yourself :).
Your strengths of reliability, altruism, and passion sound so important for being a leader, and I'm sure you'll be amazing in any roles you're doing/ will do in the future.
Thank you for sharing that with us all!

JoyfulMovement September 8th, 2021


Hi there, I have taken this test before and it seems that my result has changed!

I am now INFJ-A

I know that the MBTI results are subject to change over time and when you are in different circumstances, but this time it has really showed me how personal growth and personal development can impact all areas of your life. It demonstrates that the hard work I have been putting in the last 16 weeks or so in therapy have actually started to change the way that I brain works - healing itself and shifting me from perceiving to judging and from turbulent to assertive.

The three strengths that resonate with me are Creative, Altruistic and Insightful.

LavenderFlower September 11th, 2021

Hi Joy!
I think It's so great that your MBTI has changed so positively after therapy, especially since you have become more assertive. I definitely see how altruism, creativity, and insight can help you to become a strong leader. Also, your positive experiences can really help others to be more confident in helping themselves and making changes to their life. Thanks for sharing!

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


Right.. altruism, creativity, and insight can help you to become a strong leader

Izzy274 September 13th, 2021


Yay Joy we're both Advocates :o
But that's so cool you've been able to change your thoughts and feelings to more how you want to be as a person, and it's amazing to hear you're making so much progress in therapy :)
It sounds like you have all the skills to be a great leader and thank you for sharing a bit of your story with us!

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


Personal growth and personal development truly impact all areas of your life

MindReader798 October 6th, 2021


I am also an introvert person and I know how hard it is to open yourself and get things off chest. I am here to listen and help you all as much as I can.

Main thing I learned about myself is I can carry a good conversation with strangers and can be friends with any age group easily. I have a unique combination of personality which makes me quote versatile.

My top three strengths are:

I am sincere and open minded

I listen to every member attentively and respectfully.

I distract people in a good way

lyricalSea85 October 14th, 2021


Haha. Believe me, i've taken this test 3 times in a period of 3 years and each time the results were different.

The way I see it, we're simply adapting to all the changes around us and making the best of what we have. It's quite fascinating how much of personal growth is impacted as we grow up and things change around us.

LavenderFlower September 10th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please
I took this test a long time ago, but my personality type has shifted to ENFJ

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
- That my passion and charisma allow me to inspire others
- That my ability to pick up on other people's motivations and beliefs can lead me to have stronger persuasion and inspiration over others
- That my mundane actions are influenced by my strong altruism
To be quite honest, though these things aren't really hidden about me, I never really have the time to think about it. After getting the time to think about these 3 things, I feel like the outset of my beliefs is so much clearer. I often do things to help and inspire others without even knowing. I spent time dedicating energy into support on 7Cups since 2016. I just knew it was the type of thing I wanted to do. With the 3 aforementioned qualities, the reason is so much clearer as to why I wanted to stay and help, as well as pushing myself to take up leadership positions. I just want people to discover their strengths, improve their life, as well as lead and be the strong pillar that may be necessary.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Receptive - Good at allowing others space to voice their truth
Passionate - Find strong interest in many things, rarely at a loss of what to do
Altruistic - Deep desire for positive change
I can see many ways to utilise these strengths and qualities to maximise my impact on 7Cups.
Izzy274 September 13th, 2021

Hi Lav!
It's so cool that your personality has changed over time, and it sounds like your personality is really matched to being a great leader!
Being receptive, passionate, and altruistic are all amazing qualities of a leader, and I'm sure you'll do/ are doing amazing in the leadership positions you have.
It's great you've found such deep insights into yourself from the test and confirmed things you already knew about yourself but never thought through, thank you for sharing it all!

WonderfulSpring December 23rd, 2021

You have identified 3 really positive strengths in your personality. I particularly like altruistic which is an amazing strength when going through life

Izzy274 September 13th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please

Like quite a few people, my personality type has changed! I’m now an advocate – INFJ-T.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

The main thing I learned is that it’s possible for my personality to evolve and grow, which I’m really happy about. Before I was an architect ( INTJ-T), so I think now I’m more in tune with myself and others’ feelings, which is something I see as a great improvement. I think a lot of that is also down to the impact 7 Cups has had on me by listening to other people and developing my skills as a listener, it’s definitely taught me a lot about myself.

Apparently many people with my personality type aspire to fix society’s deeper problems, which I definitely notice within myself, my main goal currently is to become a psychiatrist, which I guess is a very caring career, and I also already volunteer a lot and do things to help others.

I was quite surprised to see that apparently advocates communicate in a warm and sensitive way. I’m definitely an introverted person and I would say I’m not the best communicator (it’s something I’m always working on), so It was nice to see my personality type thinks I have the potential to communicate in such a positive way :)

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Insightful – advocates try to read into things and get to the heart of things and understand people’s needs and feelings.

Altruistic – Advocates often work for the greater good and want to make a difference. They behave in a way to act for the greater good of others and act in a way that considers the effect on others.

Passionate – Advocates rarely settle for good enough and want to be the best they can be in order to improve the world around them. They will work really hard to achieve their goals and ideals.

yourfriend5 September 28th, 2021


Even my personality type is INFJ-T.

jersey123456 October 7th, 2021


These are really good strengths!

September 13th, 2021

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please
My personality type is ENFJ-A, or a protagonist.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?
I have learned many things about myself from this test. The three main things that I learned were that I speak up for what's right, I am ready to help those that I most care about, and I am a natural-born leader.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.
According to this test, my top three strengths are that I am altruistic, reliable, and passionate. This means that I have a deep desire for positive change (altruistic), I can be counted on to keep promises and responsibilities (reliable), and I take pleasure in my hobbies (passionate).

kindFish9215 September 22nd, 2021


Hi there! It's cool to read that you're an ENFJ-A (protagonist). There's so many famous people that I look up to who have your personality type. This includes Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King Jr., Rupaul, and Harry Styles. I really admire people with this personality type.

courageousheart96 September 27th, 2021


Reliability is essential for any personal and professional role. You are indeed a natural-born leader, good luck with your listening journey

AzraelAlpha404 September 20th, 2021


1. INFP-T Meditator.

2. I learned that even though I may seem quiet and boring on the outside, in my mind I am creative and imaginative. I would prefer to work on my own because my brain thinks better when it doesn’t have other people’s distraction.

3. Creative. I love to write poems, songs, and stories and art is my main way to cope. Open-minded. I try not to judge other peoples beliefs, lifestyles, or descisions. Passionate. When I get an idea l, the idea immediately goes into plan. I want to put my whole heart into it even if it’s not a big deal.

have a great day!

kindFish9215 September 22nd, 2021


Hi there! Though I'm not an INFP-T myself, I can relate to how my mind is full of creativity and imagination (even if I may appear quiet on the outside). It's good to hear that you write poems, songs and stories. That's so cool! And I'm glad to hear that you try not to be judgemental of other people. Being a listener here on 7 cups, it's very important that you try to be as non-judgemental as possible.

kindFish9215 September 22nd, 2021


  1. I am a Defender (Turbulent): ISFJ-T

  2. The main things I learned about myself are that I am sensitive, yet equipped with great analyzing skills, reserved, but have great interpersonal skills. I am also open-minded to change and new ideas. I am also quite the perfectionist at times, which can be an issue for me since I tend to procrastinate with assignments.

  3. According to this test, I am supportive, reliable and patient, imaginative, observant, enthusiastic, loyal, and hard-working. You can see my being supportive and patient while I’m here volunteering as a listener, since I often have to be patient and supportive while listening to others. I am very hard-working in school, and my friends call me reliable, imaginative, enthusiastic, and loyal.

courageousheart96 September 27th, 2021


I can see that your strengths open you up to help and support others around you. You are willing to learn, grow and adapt.

Mindcushion19 September 24th, 2021


1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please .

Before i had other personality type now I'm ENFJ.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

That our opinions change once we learn about ourselves and don't think about others opinions. We need to first prioritise our own opinions and then think about others.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Tolerance, Natural leader and altruistic. I have a good tolerance nature and a natural leader who can guide others without much difficulty. I help others without thinking about myself which makes me feel more better.

courageousheart96 September 27th, 2021


Sounds like you have the strengths of being a natural leader. Tolerance and Altruistic qualities are much needed in this world. I am glad that you are part of this community ❤️

wonderfulMermaid5801 September 27th, 2021


1. My personality type is INFJ-T

2. I can be creative, passionate about things I love, and fun to be around

3. My top 3 strengths according to this test are: creativity, altruism, good communicative skills

courageousheart96 September 27th, 2021


that's great, it is always a good quality to want to help others and create positive changes. Being an exceptional communicator can help you in your private and professional journey.

courageousheart96 September 27th, 2021


Hello everyone 👋

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters, please.

My personality type is Advocate (INFJ).

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I have always known that I am an introvert, passionate about life and my goals, contemplative and imaginative.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

My top three strengths are Insightful, Altruistic, and Principled!

Advocate personalities enjoy finding the perfect solution for the people they care about.

I tend to be very empathetic and compassionate to people. I have always wanted to help others and make the world a better place.

To understand people’s true motivations, feelings, and needs.

I always felt like I was perceptive and intuitive to other peoples emotions and struggles.

Strong conviction often shines through when they speak or write about subjects.

I am very passionate and can be quite stubborn to follow through with the chosen cause.

jersey123456 October 7th, 2021


Empathy and conviction , and your strengths are really good. I hope you succeed in making the world a better place !