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PL 101: Understanding Your Gifts and Strengths from the MBTI (Discussion 2)

GlenM June 29th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 1, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.
Hello Leadership Crew!

I have just gone through the introduction thread and read about all of you. If you havent yet introduced yourself, then please stop by and share a little about yourself so we can get to know you. Im encouraged by all the great people that have joined. This should be a fun and enriching program!

Let me first zoom back and talk more broadly about your career and how we can help. When you become a leader on 7 Cups, we want you to find the work fulfilling. Fulfilling work means that it is:

a) work you are good at;
b) work that is interesting to you; and
c) work that solves an important problem or meets an important goal (Thiel, 2015).

The sweet spot is that blue area in the middle below.

Work Alignment Diagram

If you do work that you are good at, but not interested in, then you wont do a great job. If you do work that you are interested in, but not particularly good at, then it wont be great work. If you do work that you are good at and interested in, but it isnt helping to solve an important problem, then we wont be a good fit for you. We need alignment on all 3 things. We work very hard at the beginning of your work with us to match your inherent strengths and interests with needs we have so that we can work together to solve problems that we all care about.

You have strengths â things that you are just really good at when compared with others. Operating out of your strengths feels good, is personally fulfilling, and enables you to hit flow states. As a result, you are much more effective and productive. Operating out of weaknesses is a drain. If you have to do work that you are not good at, then you wont be as effective. Doubling down on your strengths enables you to level up much faster and it helps 7 Cups make much more progress. Â

The next step becomes helping you find ways to identify your strengths, gifts or natural talents. You can learn some of this through self-observation - what do you seem especially good at? Are there things that just come natural to you that are more challenging for others? My wife, for example, is really good at writing; it just comes natural to her. Im pretty good at public speaking, whereas others find it more challenging.

Another way is to ask people you trust. You can say: What do you think Im good at? Or: what do you think are my top 1-3 strengths? Things that stand out to you about me? Note: only ask people you trust because sometimes people can give you feedback in a harmful rather than helpful way especially if they are not trustworthy.

For the purposes of this course, we are going to use personality tests to help you identify your strengths. Some of these are better than others; they are more reliable and have more research behind them. Broadly, we are using them here to help you begin to map out your strengths and to help you find ways where you can naturally excel here on 7 Cups, in your personal life, and in whatever career your are in or choose further down the road.

To start:

Go to this site here and take the test:

Next, in the thread below, answer the following questions:

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Last, when people interact with one another, it makes the course more enriching and it allows us to learn more about one another. In addition to posting in the thread, please also be sure to respond in a helpful and positive way to at least 3 other comments in this thread.

You can also ask any questions in this thread and well respond to them as well.

Very excited to kick this off with all of you!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

Gozzil November 5th, 2020

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

Defender - ISFJ

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learnt that I'm kind and will always try to protect other people, but I may repress my own feelings and need to take care to look after those too. I'm also likely to overburden myself by taking on too many responsibilities and a sense of perfectionism.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Supportive - willing to share time, energy and other resources with whoever needs them and likely to practise empathy.

Reliable and patient - able to make consistent progress towards goals, often going above and beyond to achieve a desired outcome.

Imaginative and observant - a combination of an active imagination and practical qualities allow ISFJs to see things from others' perspectives.

bestBraveheart57 November 6th, 2020

@Gozzil that's good qualities within you smiley

Would be such a blessing to have someone who caring and ignite protective side for them like you do.

Kind of the next level of support that most people craving to.

emily2803 November 9th, 2020

@Gozzil I find that being supportive isn't always easy, which makes it super impressive that it's one of your strengths. The 7 Cups community welcomes people like you who are also reliable and patient. Patience is really important when listening to people and interacting with those who are in need of help. I believe that you're an amazing person and you should continue to emphasize your skills!

bestBraveheart57 November 6th, 2020

What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please

Advocate Personality INFJ

What were the main things you learned about yourself?

Last year, my personality type test result is ENFP and feel deeply related. I surprised now i am INFJ. Time goes by, i realized get rapid progress internally and it seems shifting my personality. Dramatic change as i questioning life and role i play in. Currently i focusing effort to more 'doer' and 'fixing' the mess, building the hope to reality. I feel more stable inside, above my emotion. I have sense of mission, using my strength to make valuable thing for others, as i try to manage myself as well.

What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Creative - Advocate personalities enjoy finding the perfect solution for the people they care about. To do this, they draw on their vivid imagination and their strong sense of compassion. This can make them excellent counselors and advisors.

Insightful - Advocates typically strive to move past appearances and get to the heart of things. This can give them an almost uncanny ability to understand people's true motivations, feelings, and needs.

Principled - People with the Advocate personality type tend to have deeply held beliefs, and their conviction often shines through when they speak or write about subjects that matter to them. Advocates can be compelling and inspiring communicators, with their idealism persuading even the hardest of skeptics.

FrenchToast November 11th, 2020

@bestBraveheart57 The fact that you feel this way: I feel more stable inside, above my emotion - is incredible. The way you have described the change in your personality is great. It's so good to see you focus on the better part of the change. smiley

Fergie12299 January 25th, 2021


That is really inspiring that you are taking the feedback from the test on board and putting it into practice, GO YOU!

usefulSummer3139 November 6th, 2020

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters, please!

My personality type is Virtuoso (ISTP-T).

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

First off, I learnt that I have a pretty rare personality type! I think most of the traits describe me accurately. I am currently exploring the science field and looking into a few engineering courses. I did find that written in my profile, so, I was pleasantly surprised!

"This combination of curiosity and hands-on vigour make people with the Virtuoso personality type excellent mechanics, engineers, graphic designers, and forensic scientists."

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

According to the test, the top three strengths I possess are-

1) Knowing how to prioritize- I'd say this is kind of true. I do procrastinate and sometimes not submit my work on time, but I do know the limit. This line is the one which accurately describes my personality:

"Virtuoso personalities are able to store their spontaneity for a rainy day, releasing their energy just when it’s needed most."

2) Being optimistic- At first, I was a little apprehensive about this being a personality trait of mine. It's not that I wouldn't want to be optimistic, it's just that I know that I'm not always optimistic. But, it does mention that Virtuoso personalities can be stubborn as well, so, I think it balances out.

3) Being great in a crisis- Another quote from the article:

"People with this personality type usually enjoy a little physical risk, and they aren’t afraid to get their hands dirty when the situation calls for it."

Yes, I'd say I would go with this!

emily2803 November 9th, 2020

@usefulSummer3139 I find it really cool how one of your strengths allows you to know your priorities. That is something that I still struggle with to this day. It proves to be a challenge to me and I'm glad that you have the ability to navigate through your own tasks in a way that gives you the opportunity to get work done effectively, even if you are a procrastinator!

usefulSummer3139 November 9th, 2020


Thank you for taking the time to respond! I think anyone can learn how to prioritize by just practising. :)

hopebeyondpain November 11th, 2020


That sounds awesome, Summer! It's really interesting that you didn't quite agree with everything that was written about your personality type, but it somehow still nailed your passions and career interests! Perhaps you don't match the descriptions perfectly, or you lean more into some than others, but I would say this is an incredibly good opportunity to learn more about the parts of yourself that you might not have thought about previously!

usefulSummer3139 November 11th, 2020


Thank you for taking the time to respond! That is true- I don't think the test got every single part of my personality right, but it did get the gist of it which is quite interesting!

lucywormie February 11th, 2021

hey! it's cool to see another ISTP about! I love how u view what it says about you

emily2803 November 9th, 2020

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please.

My personality type is ENFJ-T.

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

The three main things that I learned about myself is that a strength of mine is being altruistic. I did not know that there was a word to describe my willingness to do good, even if it came at risk to my own wellbeing. This is really enlightening for me and I believe that this realization will allow me to think more deeply prior to making a decision that does not directly benefit me. Another thing that I learned about myself is that I am too idealistic which can be harmful when it comes to people who don't necessarily share the same morals or beliefs. The last thing that I learned is that I have the potential to be a natural leader. This came as a bit of a shock but I can understand that this may be true if I put in some effort.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Tolerant -> I am a team player who listens to the thoughts of everyone, regardless of whether or not they are like or unlike my own.

Reliable -> I am reliable and I do not like letting people down. Others can always count on me.

Charismatic -> I have a charm that helps me communicate with others in a way that allows people to converse with me easily.

usefulSummer3139 November 9th, 2020


I loved reading your answers, especially to the second question. They contain a gamut of qualities that I appreciate and aspire to inculcate in my daily life!

usefulSummer3139 November 9th, 2020


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FrenchToast November 11th, 2020

@emily2803 I love the way altruistic was an eye-opener for you. I got something similar and it's always good to label something that you have been doing for the betterment of others. That's honestly such a great trait to have. As is being charismatic! I have never been able to charm people with my communication skills so I am always amused by those who do. Thanks for sharing this smiley

hopebeyondpain November 11th, 2020


Yes Emily, I definitely felt that your traits put you in a very good place to be a leader, given some effort and learning. Leadership often feels so elusive, especially when some seem to be do it so effortlessly. I really look forward to seeing how you learn to tap into this side of yourself, and become a thoughtful and encouraging leader!

Destiny00 November 21st, 2020


I loved the personality traits you possess!

FrenchToast November 11th, 2020

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters, please.

I am a Defender! ISFJ-A (Very intriguing!)

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

The fact that I usually underplay my achievements and it's hard to go noticed! And how hard it is for me to say no - which is something that I have always known back of my mind but to see it put in the words is fascinating!

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

- Supportive: I am a universal helper! I choose empathy over judgment whenever possible. Sharing everything I know or learn with those close to me.

-Reliable and Patient: I am meticulous and careful! I try to ensure things are done and can go well beyond what is required!

-Loyal and Hard-working: I form an emotional attachment to my own ideas and organizations that I have dedicated myself to.

hopebeyondpain November 11th, 2020


Wow, Toast! You seem to be a very helpful and thoughtful person, the kind that would make an awesome project agent *wink wonk* :-P. Yes, I often find myself downplaying my own achievements too, it can be so difficult to find a balance between humility and putting yourself down. I'm glad this test helped bring this to your attention!

usefulSummer3139 November 11th, 2020


Hey, Toast! I loved the answer to the second question- I've dealt with that too, and I didn't think that other people went through it as well. Also, I love how you are supportive! I think that's definitely an important quality to possess. :)

TaranWanderer November 23rd, 2020

@anotherfrenchtoastmafiaa I'm thinking this one relates to me as well even though I had a different result, since I'm also underplaying my achievements and can find it hard to say no! But it also sounds like you have some great strengths that can help balance those things out :)

ouiCherie December 28th, 2020


uh-huh... already sounds very much like a leader in the making since the start 😋

hopebeyondpain November 11th, 2020

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please


2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I am an advocate (not that surprising), and that I value deep authentic relationships with others. I was surprised when the website pointed out that I frequently sacrifice my own needs to focus on my ideals. It's definitely true, although I usually ignore it and assume I'm just a little worn out, or that I haven't gotten used to the grind of life. I'll definitely need to keep that in mind.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Creative: This surprised me at first. I never thought of myself as creative, but simply as someone who could understand and appreciate the creative things in life. However, it soon made sense when I read closer about the type of creativity they were referencing: enjoying finding the perfect solution for the people they care about, by drawing on their vivid imagination and their strong sense of compassion. This describes me perfectly, because I am first and foremost a problem solver.

Insightful: This strength refers to the ability to read between the lines when interacting with people, and understand their true feelings and needs. I never thought of insightfulness in this manner, so this definitely helped me understand the way I understand the people around me.

Principled: This refers to having deeply held beliefs that often shine through when speaking or writing about things that matter to them. I never made the connection between my morals and the way I communicate with others either, this was deeply thoughtful and insightful to learn about.

usefulSummer3139 November 11th, 2020


Hey, Hope! I loved going through your answers- they were quite intriguing! I loved the way you described being creative; I had never thought of that. Usually when we use the word 'creative,' a different portrayal comes to mind. Reading this meaning of 'creative' was interesting!

hopebeyondpain November 12th, 2020


Hey Summer, thank you so much, and I absolutely agree! I found it hilariously ironic that even our definition of the word "creativity" is far less creative than what it really is :-P

She13 November 12th, 2020

1. What is your personality type? Include your 4 letters please Â

Defender - ISFJ angel

2. What were the main things you learned about yourself?

I learned that I'm kind and will always try to protect other people, but I may repress my own feelings and need to take care to look after those too. I'm also likely to overburden myself by taking on too many responsibilities and a sense of perfectionism.

3. What are your top 3 strengths or gifts according to this test? Please describe them.

Supportive - willing to share time, energy, and other resources with whoever needs them and likely to practice empathy.

Reliable and patient - able to make consistent progress towards goals, often going above and beyond to achieve the desired outcome.

Imaginative and observant - a combination of active imagination and practical qualities allow ISFJs to see things from others' perspectives.

Chevy81 November 19th, 2020

nice to meet you, fellow Defender. the perfectionism can be really hard to ignore, right?

wanjiku November 12th, 2020


hi, my personality type is ADVOCATE IFNJ-A .

thats one of the rarest personality types. i have a deep sense of idealism and integrity and will not stand for any injustice towards anyone.

Chevy81 November 19th, 2020

hello @wanjiku
those are really great traits. idealism and integrity combined with the sense to eliminate injustice does sound great :)

Dinohorus November 12th, 2020

I love this test, it feels so specific!

1. My personality type is INTJ-T.

2. I learned a lot about my weaknesses, particularly that it can be a struggle for me to open myself up to them, that I sometimes appear cold and uncaring-- while I absolutely am not!

3. According to this test, my top three strengths/gifts are:

Independence: Being self-motivated and driven to develop creative solutions to issues.

Curiosity: Being open to new interpretations and perspectives.

Determination: Being ambitious and goal-oriented-- possessing a lot of dedication.

Skyy0 November 16th, 2020


Thank you for sharing Dino, and welcome to the leader community! It's necessary we need leaders with determination, and I can relate deeply with appearing cold to others while I'm not at all. Independent people are just stronger independent 👊 my top trait is also curious. Maybe because of the Feeling trait we share.

Skyy0 November 16th, 2020


actually all we have in common is Intuitive. But that's very important for us curious souls.

Containedchaos December 2nd, 2020


My friend often gets mistaken for not being unkind and cold and just like you, she is not, the absolute opposite. I love your strengths, being independent, and determined are great qualities, and being curious you are more able to understand more than what is on the surface.heart

kdsyahirah November 13th, 2020

I've done the test a couple times and I am sure this is my personalitytype out of 16 of them. It's INFJ-T which stands for introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging. I found so many interesting things about myself.

I learned that I strive to do what's right that could make the world a better place. I'm really prone to connect with others without any verbal communications. Critics and conflicts may stress me out the most since I'm absobed to anything around me. It tells me to remeber to take care of myself too.

- My Strength-

1) creative- I learned that I've such a rich inner life and a vivid imagination.

2) insightful- I have the ability to understand people's true motivation, feelings and needs

3) principled- i'm the one who stand by my stands. I have principles in my life and it's not easily shaked off by others.

Chevy81 November 19th, 2020

Hi @kdsyahirah

Syah, right? Nice to know you. This personality test is interesting. And I'm happy to know that the test reminded you to take care of yourself while you're doing what's right making the world a better place. And I hope you can have less stressful matters, or manage those better by kindly looking after yourself <3

TheGoodFairy November 16th, 2020

Advocate (INFJ-T)

Well, I already knew all of this to be honest. It was really interesting to see my personality affirmed though, and I'd love to look into how the test does it so well!.

Top Traits:

Creative – Advocate personalities enjoy finding the perfect solution for the people they care about. To do this, they draw on their vivid imagination and their strong sense of compassion. This can make them excellent counselors and advisors.

Insightful – Advocates typically strive to move past appearances and get to the heart of things. This can give them an almost uncanny ability to understand people’s true motivations, feelings, and needs.

Principled – People with the Advocate personality type tend to have deeply held beliefs, and their conviction often shines through when they speak or write about subjects that matter to them. Advocates can be compelling and inspiring communicators, with their idealism persuading even the hardest of skeptics.

Chevy81 November 19th, 2020

@TheGoodFairy Agree. This is an interesting test. Made me wondering how they created such a test. I can only imagine its complexity. But somehow it feels good to have a confirmation about our personality, yes?

TaranWanderer November 23rd, 2020

@TheGoodFairy I had the same feeling, I've actually taken this test for other reasons before and it's interesting to be getting the same result each time years apart! I can relate to most of the things listed, although reading through other posts it sounds like I can relate to certain aspects of other personalities too 🧐 but it is cool to see many parts of yourself all laid out together

Skyy0 November 16th, 2020


2. I agreed with much of what the personality type of the Campaigner revealed. I now understand why I feel like I can flow in many directions; I am an empath and can listen to one's ideas and understand with them just as I can listen to another's ideas whose are opposing, and still understand and relate to them. It causes conflict and confusion into my own ideals, but that's exactly why I love going to gatherings so I can learn more and expose myself more to ideas. I learned I'm compassionate because I look at the bigger picture and want to understand things deeply, so being a counselor or journalist would be ideal career paths. I learned that many Campaigners also struggle with going the straight forward logical path and it's instinctive to overthink since we are so emotional and go off intuition. Even more interesting and relatable is the Strategy and Role which I fall under: Social Engager and Diplomat. 95% of Social Engagers say that helping others boosts their self-confidence, and only 8% of Diplomats would like to spend most of their time alone. Now, I can see why I dislike being alone; it's because I feel valued when I find somewhere to belong in a community and also when I'm alone I have no one to help and no one to tell me how amazing I am; it is repetitive how often the site calls Campaigners charismatic.

3. Curious because I am imaginative and am willing to step out of my comfort zone to explore new ideas. Observant because I don't let one behavior change, when talking to someone, go unnoticed. Enthusiastic because when I'm excited about my findings, I'll share them and the one's who listen will benefit from a new source of information and experience, and I benefit from feeling heard.