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Skyy0 profile picture
Sometimes sorry is enough. We must move forward.
Depression Support / by Skyy0
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May 16th, 2021
...See more Battling with depression, and possibly ADHD leaves me wanting to close in and just make everything STOP. Recently, I had yet another incident of me not showing up and doing my duty. I told someone, yes, I can help write your paper. From scratch. They gave me 5 day notice for a 10 page English paper (and yes they offered money). Day by day passed. I had notes of what I wanted it to be about. I had all the tabs open on the different articles, on the last day of writing. But I just felt so much like an imposter, and didn't think I could write. Writing few words at a time...I felt actual pain and didn't believe in myself. I have eczema too and just scratching my hands over and over gave me something to keep my mind on instead of how "important" this paper is. I got out of my chair, doing some walking, and it's just my mind was unable to focus on doing the writing, step by step. Hours passed and it was finally nearing deadline. I went ahead and sent it (with gaps in paragraphs, being unfinished) to the "client" and got no word from him yet. Actually the person is just a mutual friend and I don't have their email so I sent it to my closer my email I said I'm sorry, I am a mentally disabled person. It was my mistake to say yes. Sooo, what are your thoughts on my explanation? Of a paper that was half the length of minimum requirement. Should I have just tried harder, maybe picture myself in his shoes and just feel ridden with guilt and never move forward? What am I supposed to feel, is my question now. If I move forward I still don't know what my boundary is and ill always just say no. I'm worried I'll always be less than, and never finish projects.
Skyy0 profile picture
Stop seeing things through rose colored glasses
Relationship Stress / by Skyy0
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April 1st, 2021
...See more Hi, I'm new to this forum not sure if this is spoken alot around here, but I am so in the honeymoon phase of our dating. Been talking to someone on tinder for 4 days. Super frequently. Met once. I just feel that when people are in a relationship we get that dopamine rush and don't see red flags. I'm so scared of not catching them. Yet again. Because I was ghosted by the last guy after things seemingly went so so well. I want him to stay. I kind of care about astrology, and both of us are Cancer signs. Its adorable how we can just keep saying, I feel that, the same thing happened to me, I also don't know how to say no , etc, and we talked so easily about family dynamics and lost friendships. So yeah...I'm just so scared of relying too much on him and me simply not catching that he doesn't like me...? What ways do you just ignore the dopamine rush, in a way, so that you can see that he is in fact avoiding your questions. Like..I asked...I'm not swiping on others anymore, are you? And he won't answer clearly.
Skyy0 profile picture
Structure and guidance
Bipolar, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Support / by Skyy0
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April 1st, 2021
...See more I have no idea how to move forward. I keep ruminating and my depression is lasting very long. I want to throw away the idea of setting plans for the day. Anyone can relate? I have a therapist, had her with me since Decemeber 2020, but I feel NO guidance. I feel so stupid after my chats like she doesn't get my problem, and she focuses on the practicality of things while I'm continuously asking why? Why? Why? Structure is NEEDED. All I feel is loose and untethered. What makes you motivated to keep a daily plan and have any care at all for the world? When NOTHING matters!
Skyy0 profile picture
My diary 2020
Journals & Diaries / by Skyy0
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November 1st, 2021
...See more Hi all. I'm okay with this being public. I feel like stress and sadness is just in my DNA. I'm in early 20s and going to an interview on friday. Entry level sales. I dont know what my fate is, my path. I want to be religious...I want to be spiritual. But it's like no one in my circle is very open to trying it with me, or supporting at all. They are just quiet. All are selfish; and I rationalize that no one should care about me. So I dont really have strong strong interests. I dont remember my childhood. But I dont want to be a robot. I want to juggle interests, and have a different thing to look forward to everyday. I really really need to clean. I want to be held accountable that today, in 6 hours, I would have had the main table cleared, as well as my room table. I want to put on my Himalayan salt lamp because I haven't opened it yet. I want reading to be an evening habit, and then journaling. And then before I sleep put my outfit out for work. I'm already imagining I work at the place. It should be fun. That's how we manifest what we want, right? So who else is on journey of finding career they want, and of manifesting and believing in higher power. What can I do as a "beginner" to have faith and hope when I can't remember my past, and the future is so daunting, where I feel I'm incapable.
Skyy0 profile picture
Healthy Living / by Skyy0
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September 24th, 2020
...See more Hi all! We all have challenges, none any more invalid than the next...but know this, WE have the control to move past it. Know that we are more powerful than we think. Let's form some goals here to GET where you want to be. I'm Mimi and my challenge is waking up and exercising right away, instead of being on my phone first thing. So my goal is to keep my phone off the internet when I go to bed, and once I wake up, say a positive affirmation like "Today is great! I am powerful and just so beautiful today!", and then pull put my yoga mat, and sneakers and do a routine. I will be doing this everyday. I'll check back in on sunday and tell you all that I crossed out this Goal every day! Tell me your goals for the week.
Skyy0 profile picture
Climbing the road up
Depression Support / by Skyy0
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May 11th, 2020
...See more Hi all! I want to thank you for opening up my thread, and reading. That's pretty cool!! Dealing with depression is hard...I think we all know that. But what IS hard to know and be reminded of, is that no matter how many times you fall, you WILL get back up. You will get back up this mountain again, or try a new approach, a new hill that is cleaner, and gives beautiful promise to a beautiful life. I want to have a light hearted thread on what we see on the top of the mountain. Figuring out how to get back up, starts with WHAT we're reaching for, and WHY. I imagine a bright sun atop the mountain. No matter how long it takes to climb it, the sun will always be there and not set. I imagine a farm of animals up there; gorgeous horses, maybe even a flying horse, what are they called? So that I can fly to another place, another hill to explore. I imagine people. Smiling people proud of my progress; sometimes it's hard to remind yourself that you don't need to be limited to the people you know right now. I'm hoping to make new friends and see these new friends up there to support me. I will find someone to go up this mountain with me. What are three things you WANT. I'd love I you could come back daily and write out something different once in a while so we get to 100 things we want to see at the top of the mountain, waiting for us.
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