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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #7) How to Provide Feedback

Heather225 August 27th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Now that we've learned about how to receive feedback, let's talk about how to provide feedback!

Please watch this video.

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

January 21st, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Micro yes
2. Data point

3. Show impact
4. End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

It would be a data point because, I realized I often use blur words which can lead to a wrong idea because of the difference of perspective in both sides.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback culture in really important for our growth both as an individual and as a community. Because of regularly receiving feedback we can better understand the areas where we need to improve ourselves also, good feedback can encourage us and help us realize that we are making progress and doing a good job.

BellatheHappyHelper January 26th, 2021

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The micro-yes

2. Data point

3. Show Impact

4. End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

4. End on a question, I think that I should do better at asking questions to see what the other person thinks or feels.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it is very important to cultivate a feedback culture on 7 Cups so that we can improve as a community, and continue to grow personally and professionaly

IceCream4IceCream January 28th, 2021


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The micro-yes
2. Data point
3.Show impact
4. End on a question

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why”?

Actually initiating the process of providing feedback with step 1. I struggle to provide feedback because I don’t want to hurt someones’ feelings but these steps will give me a framework to get started.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

1. So we continue to advance towards our goal of supporting more individuals.
2. To tap into peoples’ full potential as members of this community.
3. To enhance productivity.

becca2002 February 3rd, 2021

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-yes, data points, impact, question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I guess all of them! I had no idea about this technique until now! Will be using it going foward!

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback creates an honest reflection.. We need to know what we have done right and wrong..... Otherwise theres no room to grow, learn and adapt.

Fergie12299 February 5th, 2021

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1 The micro-yes,2 Data point, 3 Show impact, 4 End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

To end on a question is a great bit of advice. Doing this shows that you are making it a conversation as opposed to just a one way conversation which also shows that you are interested in what the person is saying

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think that it is important because we are all here because we all want to help one another. We are not perfect and we all need work. We should be continually trying learn and grow stronger and cultivate feedback is one way to help us do this.

thisisirene March 31st, 2021

@Fergie12299 awesome answer!

wonderfulRainbow817 July 14th, 2021

@Fergie12299, I agree 100% that ending on a question truly does show you are paying attention to them and are invested!

sunlightspirit February 6th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. The micro yes questions

2. Be specific

3. Impact Statement

4. Show Impact

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

I think that I will have to work on being specific.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback allows us to learn from our errors and improve our own abilities so that we can be the best at what we do. Feedback also helps an organization maintain consistency amongst a diverse community. You want everyone to abide by rules and guidelines of the organization which is where the feedback can help support that stability

warmLove3625 February 11th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?
(1)The micro-yes, (2)Data point, (3)Show impact, and (4) End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?
I think I could improve on the micro-yes portion. I feel like soemtimes I ask too difficult or too intense questions as my openers and I think going about the micro-yes in a softer and more direct (yes v no) questions would help. I feel I have strengths in the specifcity aspect, but maybe combining my strength and weakness could allow me to grow as a listener and leader.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?
I think it's important to cultivate a feedback culture so we can all continue to imporve and refine our skills as listeners and leaders. It also helps us develop as humans and people as a whole. Without feedback, we could not evolve as individuals or as a community.

thisisirene March 31st, 2021

@warmLove3625 great answer!

goldenFriend9335 February 14th, 2021


The four step formula consists of The "micro-yes", which is to let the person know feedback is coming, the data point, Work on a specific point, cut out anything non-objective, the Impact statement, how it affected you specifically, and lastly, end on a question!

I think I could work on the second step, data points. I struggle to make my message clear and concise. In another sense, I use "blur words".

It is important to cultivate feeddback culture on 7 cups so that we can improv ourselves and help others find ways to improve themselves

wonderfulRainbow817 July 14th, 2021

I think that is admirable that you are showing where your weaknesses are. I personally feel like sometimes depending on the topic or how well the conversation has gone it makes it very easy to use blur words. Being concise is very important and something we could all work on probably.

considerateParadise6717 February 16th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro yes - Ask a shor but important question.

Data point - say specifically what you saw or heard

Show impact - name how the data point impacted you

End on a question - Ask something like "How do you see it?"

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

This has been really useful, I don't do any of this so I could improve on everything. If I would focus on something then it would be the data point, this is because I think that it is important for them to know what I see from my point of view.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it is important so that we can make eachother better as there are always ways to improve, This will then help 7cups to grow and become better.

generousBreeze169 February 20th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message?

The Micro-yes

Data Point

Show Impact

End on a question

- Which one of those parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I would say all are extremely important but I would like to work more on "Show Impact" because I realized that I give data point but without specifying the exact reason in a good way

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 cups?

Here on 7 cups, we all learn and grow through feedbacks. We aren't perfect at all and we shouldn't expect perfection but we need to see ourselves from different scopes and this is what a feedback provides. We aren't always aware of all our mistakes so it's great when someone points it out so we could work hard on it and give better support for our members as well as work better with our teammates

Jili February 28th, 2021

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well? Micro yes, Data points, Show impact, and End with a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself? End with a question.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups? I think it's important because feedback is an important part of growing as a leader. Without it, we may not be able to pinpoint the areas that need improvement.

windSpirit March 3rd, 2021

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?
Asking if person would like to tell about.
Telling about exact situation without subjective things.
Showing other person how the situation influenced what the speaker is doing.
Asking about other person's thoughts about it.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?
Micro-yes and data points, micro-yes would show I am not going to put pressure on a person, and data points would show them I had a concrete "problem" which is exactly real.
("Problem" because it does influence me or other people)

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?
It is important to know what is going good and what is needed to be improved. And because it helps 7cups to better perform on its mission.

Kieran000 March 8th, 2021


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Four part formula = The Micro-Yes, Specific, Impact and question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think I could work on improving the micro yes part, sometimes I just jump into giving feedback without giving any obvious warning, not many times though, I think the micro yes question would prepare people for it.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Its important because it's a opportunity to grow in which you wouldn't have been able to find by yourself.

gigantCloud92 March 8th, 2021


What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The Micro-yes Questions, Data Point, Show Impact, and End On a Question.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

The Micro-yes, because I usually head straight to the data point part.

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

To promote collective, as well as individual, growth, and to help others improve to ensure quality work as a community.

Sunisshiningandsoareyou March 9th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro Yes, Data Point , Show Impact and Ending with a question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I would say I can continue improving in all of these, but I believe ,I'd like to give more emphasis on the Ending with a question part.

Because I feel ,it will provide the person recieving the feedback a chance to give their insights too.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It's certainly important to cultivate a feedback culture on cups, because none of us perfect, we all have room to grow and improve better, and it most definitely is an ever going journey, we all can together provide constructive feedback to each other and motivate to do better .

Feedback doesn't always necessarily have to be something wrong or reprimanding someone for doing something wrong, but simply telling them how they they can do it even better . A good feedback also includes the positive points that are so very needed too, in order to boost our moral and strive to do better in areas that may need improvement.

KristinHelps March 15th, 2021


The four point formula is Micro-Yes, Data Point, Show Impact, & End on a Question.

I believe I could benefit and improve on Showing Impact.

I think it’s important to cultivate feedback because we are all learning and growing, no matter what pace it takes us. There is always room to improve. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses, we just learn how to manage and improve along the way. We are a community helping one another and this is why the community is strong.

Chloe563 March 15th, 2021

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

Micro-Yes, Data Point, Impact and End on a Question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think I could improve on ending in a question. This can provide a great source of feedback and for reflection.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it is so important to cultivate a feedback culture on 7 Cups because it helps us to improve. We are human, therefore, we don't just have strengths, we have weaknesses too. If we weren't to gain feedback we wouldn't know if we did good and what areas we could improve on. It's like a math test, if you were to do a math test and you got told that you did a good job but have room for more improvement but then left, you might feel confused because, yes, you know you need to improve but you wouldn't know what area to focus on improving.

AdylynS March 20th, 2021


Can someone please help me again? I cannot watch the video?

optimisticDay8079 March 21st, 2021

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?

Data point

Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It's hard to be perfect and we all need to learn as we go :)

thisisirene March 31st, 2021

@optimisticDay8079 great answer!

wonderfulRainbow817 July 14th, 2021

@optimisticDay8079, I absolutely agree! None of us are perfect and while we may exceed in some areas we may not in other areas and that is where we can focus on!

thisisirene March 31st, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

micro-yes, Data point, Show impact, and End on a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself?


- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Because it's a way for all of us to keep learning! it's awesome to have someone appreciate our work and give us tips to do better

shiningSky3745 March 31st, 2021

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

•The micro-yes


•Show impact

•End with a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I'd say the show impact one as I want even small words to have big positive effect on the member in this art

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It's important as no one is perfect and we all have some scope of improvement so feedbacks help us know where we need to improve and we can be better

marvelloustree1111 March 31st, 2021


1. What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any message well?

The four-part formula is the micro yes, data point, show impact and end with a question.

2. What is the one part that you think you can improve upon and why?

The one part would be data point because I should uplift my ability to be specific to the person I am giving feedback to.

3. Why do you think it is important to cultivate a feedback culture on 7 cups?

Feedbacks are integral to the improvement of a community. It tells us where we need to work more, where our abilities are lacking and what we are doing correctly or incorrectly. As 7 cups is a supportive community, feedback becomes even more important so that we can maintain and better this environment.

UnicornsCottonCandy April 2nd, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The four-part formula is "The Micro-Yes", "Data Point", "Show Impact", and "End on a Question".

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

"The Micro-Yes" is the part which I think I need to improve the most. This is because usually when I give feedback, I start directly to the point. I never reliazed that this kind of approach can make the other person nervous.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

It is important to cultivate feedback culture on 7 Cups because we are a community that strives to be better and better, connecting to our idea of having "high expectations". We need to continuously improve ourselves so we can provide improved support to people who visit our community.

pamharley003 April 4th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

to listen, show impact in what is going on, know what i want to relay and end the question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

showing impact

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

We are from all different cultures what is done or said in one may not be the same in my culture

herealways27 April 6th, 2021

- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The Micro-yes, data point, show impact, and ask a question.

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I think I can improve on showing impact because usually I try to avoid saying how impacts me because it might guilt-trip them. I think I didn't want to make them feel bad about it.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

I think it's important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups because if done properly, this would be the main way to help us thrive and improve on our existing work. This would also allow members of the community to express their thoughts and ideas on different projects and progress made.

kindLemonade April 7th, 2021


- What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

1. Micro-yes: As a small question first to trigger the brain to "receiving feedbacks" mode

2. Data point: be specific, with clear example

3. Show impact: name how that data point exactly impact you

4. End on a question: wrap the feedback with a question

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I would like to work on "data point". Sometimes my sentences can be ambiguous instead of being clear and specific.

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Feedback culture will help everyone grows since they can see from other's viewpoints, it can also help everyone to feel more comfortable to speak their mind truthfully.

cuteeeezombieeee April 11th, 2021

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

The Micro-yes, data point, show impact, and end on a question.

Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

I particularly think the "show impact" part is something I have to work on to better myself. I always feel like giving feedback makes the other person feel like I'm blaming them which is not my intention!

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

Cultivating a feedback culture on 7Cups will create an environment where everyone can help each other out to better themselves. Giving feedback is extremely important, as it will guide the other person on the right path. Besides that, positively receiving feedback is important too as one has to be able to accept constructive criticism and work on it in the right way.

Readylistener April 15th, 2021


Formula- micro yes, data point, show impact and end on a question

I think I generally don’t end the feedback with a question, and tend to ramble on. Doing so will help create a situation where both of us are tackling the problem together. I think it’s important to create a feedback culture at 7Cups since that allows us to grow and thrive as a community and learn from each other.

loveagape April 16th, 2021

What is the four-part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well?

A: 1. the micro-yes. 2. data point. 3. show impact. 4. end on a question

- Why do you think it's so important to cultivate a feedback culture here on 7 Cups?

A: according to the book: helping skills, there are three parts to the counseling stages. The first one includes explore, focus on listening, reaction emotion, explore thoughts, restate, opening q, closed q, affirm, encourage, summary, self-disclosure, and empathy. The second stage includes challenge, exploration, and immediate. the third stage include message offering and direct guidance. So, all of counseling stages surround on feedback, so that is why it is important here on 7 cups!

loveagape April 16th, 2021

- Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself "and why"?

A: I need to work on data point and show impact. I need to work on these because I am lazy to show data point to my current boss. And I am lazy to show impact to my parents.

MarleyR April 19th, 2021

@loveagape I relate to the laziness of showing data to family.

peacefulIris56 May 21st, 2021


That's why it's good to have an open, receptive, motivating and encouraging boss. We need incentive.

SweetDreamer69 April 17th, 2021

What is the four part formula that you can use to say any difficult message well? Micro yes, data point, showing impact and end on a question. Which one of these parts do you think you could improve on and do better for yourself and "why"? I think I need to improve myself in all these parts. I didn't know about this four part formula. I just used to directly jump on giving a feedback. But now that I know, I'll make sure that I follow this four part formula. Why do you think it's so important to cultivate aa feedback culture here on 7 Cups? Listening is an art that takes time to master. Hence, there is always a room for improvement. A genuine feedback would be really helpful as the listener could learn where the improvement needs to be made and can serve the community in a better way.

MarleyR April 19th, 2021

@SweetDreamer69 Serving the community better because of feedback is a great point.