Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #6) How to Accept Feedback
Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.
Accepting feedback is a crucial part of being a good leader.
Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and feel that way? What would you do differently after having watched the video?
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Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react?
I was happy.
How did you feel?
I felt satisfied about myself.
Why do you think you reacted and feel that way?
Because the feedback was positive.
What would you do differently after having watched the video?
I will be accepting the positive and negative feedbacks and work on myself to use the negative ones in order to make myself better.
Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react?
I was happy
How did you feel?
I felt positive
Why do you think you reacted and feel that way?
Because feedback was positive.
What would you do differently after having watched the video?
I will accept negative feedback and use them to work on myself more
Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and feel that way? What would you do differently after having watched the video?
I am usually very perceptive to feedback. I often ask members if they are comfortable with the way I reply or if there are any other ways I can be supportive to them. The last time this happened was when a member mistook me for a mental health professional. I had to tell them I am unable to provide that for them as I am a volunteer listener. Without any specifics about the chat/member, I asked for feedback from a fellow listener. The fellow listener recommended that I might start off the chat letting members know I am not a professional but I am willing to help them! I was receptive and let them know I appreciate their advice. I needed guidance, and I felt listened to when they responded to me, and it gave me a path to improvement as a listener! After this video, in the future if I run into another area of improvement, I won't forget to follow up with the feedback giver so that I can discuss with them how the issue is going so far.
I've been receiving fairly positive feedbacks recently. But there were times when the feedbacks were quite harsh, especially this one particular time when the person was quite rude and of course it kind of affected me. I felt super bad. I felt really bad and demotivated because I thought I gave my best. If I had the chance, I wish I wouldn't have let a feedback affect me that much, and ask questions as to what makes them say that and how I can so my work better since there is always some room for improvements.
The recent feedback I got was to listen more. I have always want d to grow personally as well as professionally.
Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and feel that way? What would you do differently after having watched the video?
I haven't received any recent feedback, but when I receive feedback, I react by feeling disappointed but in the long run I think how can I improve, how can I get better, as can always get better. I think that the video will help by trying to know that instead of being disappointed to start with but to try and be positive. To try and ask advice from the feedback that was given.
- Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and felt that way? What would you do differently after having watched the video?
= So I usually let my defense mechanism react instead of reacting logically, but also that is when I don’t get constructive feedback, some people just make unnecessary for no reason, and reacting to that was not mentioned in the video. I personally think learning how to react to these kinds of comments is as important as learning how to react to constructive feedback.
Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react?
The most recent feedback I received was very positive and I reacted in a positive and engaging manner.
How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and feel that way?
I felt really good about myself after receiving the positive feedback. I think I reacted and felt that way because it was positive, and affirming of all the work I've been doing!
What would you do differently after having watched the video?
Remembering that feedback is helpful - constructive feedback should be valued.
@Heather225 Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react?
I blamed myself harshly for not doing it right in the first place.
How did you feel?
I felt overwhelmed and sensitive to the feedback. I felt like I should be more aware of my surroundings. I wondered why I repeated the same mistakes and made a mental note that I should not repeat this.
Why do you think you reacted and feel that way?
I often expect myself to do everything perfectly but, I am a human, and I make errors. I know it well though it's hard for me to accept sometimes.
What would you do differently after having watched the video?
I learned that the feedback is about my work, not about me. Hereafter, I will try not to take it personally. Instead of getting defensive, I will learn to make the best use of the feedback. I will ask for advice without hesitation. I will give myself permission to make errors and learn from them.
Think about the most recent feedback you received: How did you react? How did you feel? Why do you think you reacted and feel that way? What would you do differently after having watched the video?
i had feedback at work that "i didnt to fair assignment to them and favored some people" in it. I react this accusations as "it was a hard job to assigning tasks and i try to did my best to do it." I listen and told them to "consider their comments in the next assigment".
i dont know if there will be different aproach to them after the video. I can be more emphatetic and listen to their advices on the issue.
@dudewithaplan i want to add as how i feel part is missing here.
-I was shocked about asking my integrity and i feel forced to defend myself about it.
Why do you think you reacted and feel that way?
- i tried to be fair many situtations in work and personal life so when i am accused of favoring someone i didnt expect that reaction.