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Course 2: Becoming a 7 Cups Leader - (Discussion #1) Welcome to Course 2!

Heather225 August 6th, 2020

Please note: In order to successfully complete Course 2, you must respond to this post. Your comment/response should answer the questions/shows that you completed the given activity (if any). Read the post carefully and follow the instructions given. Save your responses to a document that you can later refer to. You will need to copy/paste your response in the course evaluation form at the end of each course to show that you have done the work and to refresh your memory.

Congrats! You made it the second course in the LDP! In this course, we focus on the specific interpersonal skills needed to be a strong leader on 7 Cups, including mastery of communication skills, time management, conflict resolution, stress management and empowering new leaders.

I know if you are here, you have read our values and culture guide. I would like to start off by further emphasizing one value that's required for a leader to be successful here, and that is balancing High Expectations & High Warmth.

Work environments with high expectations and minimal warmth tend to result in companies that are very driven, rule-oriented and risk-averse. The people do not tend to grow as much personally or professionally. On the other hand, workplaces that are high in warmth, but have minimal expectations, tend to struggle. Everyone is happy and feels loved, but not a lot of effective or focused work gets done.

7 Cups is high expectations AND high warmth. We expect a lot from you. You might feel like we think you are more capable than other people have suggested or maybe even more capable than how you see yourself. That is okay. Every person on the team has outperformed and done better than they expected. This is largely because warmth, patience, and trust help people make much more progress than they have in other environments. We have high expectations, but we will provide plenty of encouragement and guidance to help you get there.


Question: What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of expectations and warmth? How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

Activity: Please reply to 3 of your peers in this thread with encouraging or supportive words!

After fulfilling the requirements of this post, please check out the next post here! You must take part in the brainstorming/activities given in all of these posts to successfully complete the program.

This post is brought to you by the Leadership Development Program Team, find out more information about the program here.

cocoakrispies121 August 19th, 2020

I think if you have an inbalence of:

High expectations, low warmth:

1.) This would impact the community by showing them that you can put out what you need ot, but you may not be super empathetic, or friendly to others. You may be somebody who can put out xyz, but can't give out the compassion you could if you had high expectations as well.

2.) This would make other leaders think of you as reliable, able to reach milestones, and somebody who can get their work done, when it is needed. They may also find it hard to build a realtionship with you, as you may not be the most approachable person.

Low expectations, high warmth:

1.) This would impact the community by showing them little support. This is becuase the effort you are putting in won't be as helpful to members because the things you are putting into the community are not the best they could be. (Becuase you have low expectations.) They may find your work supportive/kind, but not super helpful.

2.) This would impact your work with fellow leaders by making it hard for them to rely on you. Without high expectations, you don't believe anything is needed of you so you are unreliable, and what you do may not be of good quality, or on time. However, people find you easilty approachable, and easy to communicate/build connections with.

smilingsnapples August 20th, 2020

@cocoakrispies121 I appreciate how you described both scenarios (high expectations & low warmth and vice versa)! :)

blissart August 23rd, 2020


well explained spies. also any imbalance is sure to be harmful for the community

AliveandAlive January 23rd, 2022


Very well described!

smilingsnapples August 20th, 2020

Question: What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of these? How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

As a 7 Cups leader, an imbalance of high expectations and high warmth can yield low leadership performances.

Low expectations can impact the community by having a low standard for how listeners and members act and react towards each other. Lowe expectations can impact my work with fellow leaders by discouraging holding fellow leaders accountable for the roles and expectations that they are expected to follow.

Low warmth can impact the community by discouraging a safe space for listeners and members to support one another. Low warmth can impact my work with my fellow leaders by making myself less approachable and thus more difficult to work with.

Listeningsarinn August 27th, 2020


i could really relate to what you said about low warmth effecting the community as making it less of a safe space to give and recieve support... *-*

warmth in enviroment "is" really a big factor in a safe place &-&

SynSavory September 2nd, 2020


Yes, having a high standard is very important. :)

InvaderStitch September 14th, 2020


I agree with your post 100% of the way. It is important to have the balance so that progress is made. So there is accountability, and so that there is a safe place for everyone to come to us as leaders!

AliveandAlive January 23rd, 2022


Totally with you!

Asruu August 22nd, 2020


What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of these? How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

If i as a 7cups leader have an imbalance in those areas i believe that it will affect alot of listeners who are under my leadership.

Having too low of expectations or too little warmth will affect the support system in the community entirely since alot will depend on your leadership and guidance.

It will affect how i work with others through not providing enough support and not developing the right direction for the group.

blissart August 23rd, 2020


u r rt asru any imbalance will lead to poor performance of the team

Beaconx September 3rd, 2020


This is the fact. I like it...

JaimieF September 8th, 2020

Agreed @Asruu ! Also, I look forward toworking with your more. <3

Asruu September 9th, 2020


Looking forward to working with you more too Jaimie! You are a great co-host heart

CompassionateDreamer8522 September 10th, 2020

@Asruu I thought you did a great job actually focusing on how it would effect you, yourself, as a leader. Fantastic work!

Asruu September 11th, 2020


Thank you very muchheart

ahealingEndoftherainbow22 September 29th, 2020


Great answer!

WelcomeToChat September 29th, 2020


Wise words.

100% agree !

generousDiamond35 October 13th, 2020


A very simple and amazing way of putting together your response to the question! Amazing reply!

SofiaT2000 October 28th, 2020

@Asruu That's true! It's not only leaders that would be affected but the whole system. I agree with you!

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021

You're correct, fantastic answers!

DancingHeart4982 December 18th, 2021

Nicely written. Great answer!

blissart August 23rd, 2020

Question: What do you think happens if you, a 7 Cups leader, have an imbalance of these? How do you think having too low of expectations, or too little warmth, will impact 1.) the community, and 2.) impact how you work with your fellow leaders?

If i have an imbalance of these , i wont be able to perform to my potential nor will be able to develop my potential

1) having too little warmth or expectations will result in a weak community which will neither develop itself nor the members. Too low expectations will put all in a comfort zone and none will be able to grow and develop their potential and too little warmth will instill a n insecurity in team and all will fear to fail and hence wont bring any new thought to the work

2) in such situation, team will neither respect their leader in longterm nor have that faith in them

blissart August 23rd, 2020

and neither can i develop faith , trust in my team to follow me and have faith in me to take steps to develop themselves and contribute efficiently for betterment of the community

Helpingsoul98 September 3rd, 2020


thats absolutely correct!

Moonlemon48 October 20th, 2021

definitely, good answers!

August 24th, 2020


I agree with what you have mentioend. Balance is the key to work efficiently and effectively.

Helpingsoul98 September 3rd, 2020


definitely. There should be a balance in everything!

Endure777 September 14th, 2020


Nice job!

InvaderStitch September 14th, 2020


I definitely agree that having a balance is important if we want to see growth in the community. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

amiablePeace77 September 29th, 2020


You mentioned an important point "faith". It's essential to make a group work well.

soulsings November 4th, 2020

@blissart I agree. A balance is really important.

shiningSky3745 March 22nd, 2021


I totally agree it makes perfect sense

Readylistener April 8th, 2021

@blissart This makes so much sense, especially the bit about maintaining a proper balance. Take care <3

kindFish9215 October 4th, 2021


I totally agree with everything that you said!!

AliveandAlive January 23rd, 2022


Absolutely! And rightly put - balance is key!

azuladragon34 August 25th, 2020


As a 7Cups Leader, if I have low expectations, it will lead to insufficiency and a bad credibility as a leader where the reliability and work efficiency is concerned. If I have low warmth it will be difficult to work in the community as well as a low chance of making friends and getting along with other leaders.

August 25th, 2020


Exepctance and productivity are indeed related.

Beaconx September 3rd, 2020


Well said.

Sandson September 4th, 2020


That's a great answer. How do you think it will impact the leaders in your team if you have high expectations but low warmth, and low expectations but high warmth?